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周密  郭佳宏  朱俊丰 《改革》2021,(1):92-108
融合劳动价值论和新熊彼特增长理论,考虑需求结构升级、企业家劳动异质、经济增长导向三大假设,构建多部门新熊彼特增长模型,并运用31个省份1993—2018年的面板数据进行实证分析,发现“脱实向虚”对经济增长的影响机理是:“脱实向虚”引致企业家创新性劳动减少,生产率参数受阻,经济增长率下降。这使得新古典框架下“从资本向全要素生产率升级的创新性劳动偏向型道路”可能转向“从资本向投机演变的投机性交易劳动偏向型道路”,出现供给侧结构性失衡。只有优先解决“脱实向虚”带来的供给侧结构性失衡,才能回归供给侧的正常资源配置结构,因此,中国供给侧结构性改革的路径不能简单仿效西方进行管制放松或自由化,而应先运用政府之手,构建现代化经济体系,将投机性交易劳动关进“笼子”;进而运用市场之手,优化资源配置,释放创新性劳动的活力。  相似文献   

The speed and magnitude of ongoing demographic aging in Japan are unprecedented. A rapid decline in the labor force and a rising fiscal burden to finance social security expenditures could hamper growth over a prolonged period. We build a dynamic general equilibrium model populated by overlapping generations of males and females who differ in participation rate, employment type and labor productivity as well as life expectancy. We study how changes in the labor market over the coming decades will affect the transition path of the economy and fiscal situation of Japan. We find that a rise in the labor supply of females and the elderly of both genders in an extensive margin and in labor productivity can significantly mitigate effects of demographic aging on the macroeconomy and reduce fiscal pressures, despite their negative effects on equilibrium wages during the transition. The study suggests that a combination of policies that remove obstacles hindering labor supply and that enhance a more efficient allocation of male and female workers of all age groups will be critical to keeping government deficit under control and raising income across the nation.  相似文献   

王麒麟 《南方经济》2012,30(5):3-15
本文在Zou (1996)的框架基础上,通过内生政府支出,并且将生产性支出设定为存量,求解一个含有私人消费、公共消费、私人资本存量和公共资本存量的动态系统。结论表明,存在一个最优资本产权结构,使得经济能够登上平衡增长道路。与Barro(1990)等不同的是,本文的模型将转型与经济增长紧密联系起来,用资本产权结构的动态变化来表征经济的转型过程,进一步地,财政政策的动态学也有了市场基础。  相似文献   

本文提出一个信贷市场不完美情况下产业升级的宏观经济模型,其中信用受限的经济主体可以选择不同类型的产业进行投资,产业类型的异质性体现在投资项目的生产效率、投资规模和信用担保程度。经济主体储蓄量的变化会改变信贷在不同生产效率的产业类型之间的分配,而资本在不同产业类型的组合效应造成不同的经济增长模式,包括从事低效产业的落后经济、从事高效产业的先进经济、从事多种产业的混合经济等。  相似文献   

An economy in which entrepreneurs and financiers interact with each other through an imperfect financial market is investigated by applying a dynamic general equilibrium theory. In each period, there is a certain probability of each entrepreneur's life ending, and a certain number of entrepreneurs are newly born. Although entrepreneurs are potential capital producers, they receive an idiosyncratic productivity shock in each period. Therefore, entrepreneurs who draw higher productivity become capital producers and those who draw lower productivity become lenders. Financiers do not have an entrepreneurial talent for capital production, and thus they lend their assets in the financial market to acquire an interest income. In equilibrium, deterministic endogenous business cycles can occur at the intermediate level of financial constraints.  相似文献   

This paper develops a theoretical framework to shed lights on the relations between the segmented financial market and the housing bubble in China. In our framework, capital misallocation across firms plays a central role. The segmented financial market causes discrimination against private enterprises and favoritism to state-owned firms. This biased financial system not only gives rise to capital misallocation across firms but also significantly pushes down the equilibrium interest rate in the formal financial market. The overly low interest rate in the formal financial market causes a rational bubble in a dynamically efficient economy. More importantly, the bubble improves capital allocation across firms by crowding out inefficient investment in the state-owned sector. Despite the role of improving capital allocation, bubbles may still reduce welfare by crowding out aggregate capital.  相似文献   

China’s economy has grown at an unprecedented pace since 1978, which has resulted in a sustained improvement in the average living standard in China. A theoretical model is developed in the present study to analyze the role of interest rate control in China’s economic growth, where investment is primarily determined by interest rates available to firms and entrepreneurs. When the central bank regulates the interest rates and makes them below the equilibrium rate, high-level investment activities boost economic growth and introduce new technologies into the economy, which in turn promotes growth in labour productivity. As the current marginal product of capital is much higher than the interest rate, the output growth is much faster than consumption growth and exports become an important part of the economy. To maintain competitiveness of exports over a longer period, it is necessary to keep exchange rates low, which results in large foreign exchange reserves. When the export sector is losing its competitiveness edge due to increased labour costs and exports cannot digest the difference between output growth and consumption plus investment growth, interest rate control may lose its positive impact on economic growth.  相似文献   

This article uses a dynamic computable general equilibrium model to explain the persistence in the high levels of unemployment in the South African economy in spite of modest to relatively strong output growth. We make use of a historical simulation for the period 2006–13 and find that the capital–labour ratio increased despite a relative increase in the rental price of capital. Classical economic theory suggests that changes in industry preferences toward capital and labour lead to adjusted capital–labour ratios. We quantify the changes in industry factor preferences during this period and highlight their impact in explaining observed labour market outcomes. Other changes in the economy over this period are also quantified.  相似文献   

The objective of this paper is to provide, theoretically and empirically, an interpretation of comovement between the scale of an economy and its growth rate. I paid special attention to human capital accumulation and international trade environment and emphasized their spillover effects on growth and convergence among countries. 1 employed a technique using a cross-sectional and time series panel. The estimations in my empirical models were done using the nonlinear least-squares method in which I applied a dynamic procedure for an economy along its balanced growth path. I arrived at mixed results. The empirical results show that international spillover effects of human capital accumulation and intermediate goods production have positive and significant effects on the growth process of a nation. The national level of human capital, however, has negative and insignificant effects on this process.  相似文献   

This article investigates the macroeconomic effects of unionization in a Schumpeterian growth model with an endogenous product market structure and a unionized labor market. The endogeneity of the market structure and the trade unionism of the labor market interact and jointly determine the equilibrium unemployment, firm size, number of firms, economic growth, and distribution of income between workers and firms. We show that unionization governs the distribution of income between workers and firms and the unemployment rate, but it does not give rise to any growth effect on the economy. In addition, unionization discourages potential entrants and hence decreases the equilibrium number of firms. These results echo the empirical observation in the sense that unionization raises unemployment and alters the distribution of income between workers and firms, but it does not give rise to a significant, real impact on the firms’ investment and the economy‐wide growth.  相似文献   

During the initial phase of transformation to a market economy many of the Eastern European and Baltic countries experienced an initial decline of output. This paper explains, both theoretically and empirically, why they experienced negative growth initially, and how some of them started to get over and recorded positive growth recently. As a vehicle to transfer technology and managerial skills to the transition economies, as well as to increase capital work, foreign direct investment (FDI) is regarded important. Production function with a low elasticity of substitution between two inputs is employed to capture the dynamic short-run movement of these economies. Cross-sectional and panel data, are utilized to analyze the short-run dynamic movement of equilibrium paths of transformation to a market economy. The findings confirm that total factor productivity and GDP in the region grew together with the inflow of FDI, and the marginal contribution of FDI to growth is greater than that of domestic investment. JEL no. O50, P39, F21 This project is financially supproted by the ARC Small Grant, Department Research Grant, Department of Economics, UWA and Division Research Grant, Commerce, Division, Lincoln University.  相似文献   

Empirical evidence suggests that positive productivity shocks diffuse slowly in the economy. In particular, aggregate output reaches its peak nearly eight quarters after a shock. I construct a micro-founded monetary search model to explain the aforementioned empirical fact by focusing on a household’s endogenous decision in forming long-term trading relationships in addition to engaging in random matching in a frictional goods market. I show that a positive productivity shock induces households to immediately break marginal trading relationships, but that goods market frictions prolong the transition of the economy to the new steady state. Calibrating with U.S. data, the model matches the empirical evidence well and predicts that there is a slight decrease in aggregate output shortly after a positive productivity shock in some parameter region after which, it converges towards the new steady state with a higher level of aggregate output.  相似文献   

我国农业经济发展水平及其影响因素实证研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
农业经济发展与农业生产自然制约条件、农业人力资本投入、农业生产资本投入、农业生产技术、农业经济的市场作用、农业生产条件制约因素等密切相关.本文选取反映农业经济增长的13个指标,对其1980-2012年的时间序列运用主成分回归分析与其误差修正模型,研究我国农业经济发展全要素生产率及影响我国农业长期经济发展与短期经济发展的因素.结果表明,影响我国农业长期与短期经济发展的主要因素按影响力大小依次为农业生产条件、市场作用、自然制约条件、农业生产资本、农业生产技术、人力资源.  相似文献   

The paper reviews the macroeconomic data describing the British economy from 1760 to 1913 and shows that it passed through a two stage evolution of inequality. In the first half of the 19th century, the real wage stagnated while output per worker expanded. The profit rate doubled and the share of profits in national income expanded at the expense of labour and land. After the middle of the 19th century, real wages began to grow in line with productivity, and the profit rate and factor shares stabilized. An integrated model of growth and distribution is developed to explain these trends. The model includes an aggregate production function that explains the distribution of income, while a savings function in which savings depended on property income governs accumulation. Simulations with the model show that technical progress was the prime mover behind the industrial revolution. Capital accumulation was a necessary complement. The surge in inequality was intrinsic to the growth process: technical change increased the demand for capital and raised the profit rate and capital’s share. The rise in profits, in turn, sustained the industrial revolution by financing the necessary capital accumulation. After the middle of the 19th century, accumulation had caught up with the requirements of technology and wages rose in line with productivity.  相似文献   

This paper presents a quantitative estimate of the cost of financial repression in developing countries. Here, financial repression is interpreted as the technique of holding institutional interest rates (particularly deposit rates of interest) below their market equilibrium levels. For a sample of developing countries, saving is found to be affected positively by the real deposit rate of interest, as is real money demand, where money is defined broadly to include savings and time deposits. Under disequilibrium interest rate conditions, higher saving which raises real money demand increases pari passu the real supply of credit. Credit availability is an important determinant not only of new investment but also of capacity utilization of the entire capital stock. Hence, the growth rate is itself affected positively by the real deposit rate of interest through two channels – first, the volume of saving and investment and, second, capacity utilization of the entire capital stock, i.e. the measured incremental capital/output ratio. Estimates of saving and growth functions lead to the conclusion that the cost of financial repression appears to be around half a percetage point in economic growth foregone for every one percentage point by which the real deposit rate of interest is set below its market equilibrium rate.  相似文献   

This paper shows how international capital flows originate boom‐bust and sunspot episodes in a neoclassical growth model of a small, open economy. A limit is imposed on how much the economy can borrow from foreign creditors and it is made endogenous by assuming that the debt‐to‐GDP ratio is procyclical. The steady state is locally indeterminate when the credit multiplier is larger than some threshold level, whereas saddle‐point stability prevails when the credit multiplier is low enough. As a consequence, high levels of the credit multiplier lead to both booms followed by busts and sunspot‐driven volatility near the steady state, while, in contrast, low levels ensure monotonic convergence. Compared with saddle‐path equilibria, boom‐bust and sunspot equilibria are associated with both lower welfare and debt overhang, that is, a crowding‐out effect of credit: when the economy is highly leveraged, it uses savings to cut down foreign debt, at the expense of both human and physical investment. Numerical examples show that indeterminacy arises for debt‐to‐GDP ratios that fall within the range of available estimates. Finally, the effects of shocks to the world interest rate on output and consumption are amplified and persistent in the debt overhang regime.  相似文献   

We consider an economy with three cities producing different outputs. Two cities produce intermediate goods, a type 1 city producing an intermediate “agricultural” good with capital and labor only, and a type 2 city producing an intermediate “industrial” good with capital, labor, and human capital. A type 3 city produces the final good which is obtained from the two intermediate goods and labor. The asymmetric introduction of human capital allows us to prove that the three cities experience, at equilibrium, heterogeneous endogenous growth rates which are proportional to the growth rate of human capital. We show that the “industrial” type 2 city is characterized by the larger growth rate while the “agricultural” type 1 city experiences the lower growth rate, and thus the type 3 city is characterized by a growth rate which is a convex combination of the two former growth rates. This implies that the relative size in terms of output of the “agricultural” city decreases over time. This property allows us to recover the empirical fact that most non‐agricultural production occurs in growing metropolitan areas. But, simultaneously, as we prove that total labor employed in each city is proportional to the total population, the relative population size distribution of cities is constant over time, as shown in empirical studies.  相似文献   

The stylized facts that motivate this article include the diversity in growth patterns that are observed across countries during the process of economic development and the divergence over time in income distributions both within and across countries. We construct a dynamic general equilibrium model in which technology adoption is costly and agents are heterogeneous in their initial holdings of resources. We interpret the adoption cost as the resources expended in acquiring skills associated with new technologies. Endogenous growth occurs in our model largely as a result of human capital deepening. The analytical results of the model characterize three growth outcomes associated with the technology adoption process depending on productivity differences between the technologies. These outcomes are labeled ‘poverty trap,’ ‘dual economy,’ and ‘balanced growth.’ The model is then capable of explaining the observed diversity in growth patterns in addition to the divergence of incomes over time and across countries.  相似文献   

This paper re-examines the effects of devaluation and a rise in the rate of devaluation on capital formation and the current account in an optimizing monetary model of a small open economy with endogenous labor, investment with adjustment costs, and perfect capital mobility. It is shown that devaluation leads to capital accumulation and a current-account deficit in the long run and during the adjustment process, whereas a rise in the rate of devaluation has an ambiguous impact on capital formation and the current account depending on the relationship between consumption and real balances in the utility function. If consumption and real balances are separable or complements, then a rise in the rate of devaluation produces capital decumulation and a current-account surplus in the long run as well as on the transition path. These results stand in sharp contrast with Calvo (1981). JEL Classification Numbers: F41  相似文献   

It has been established under perfect competition and constant returns‐to‐scale that a one‐sector growth model may exhibit multiple stationary equilibria and local indeterminacy when income tax rates are endogenously determined by a balanced‐budget rule while government expenditures are fixed. The present paper shows that determinacy of the equilibrium trajectory is, however, generically preserved for a non‐empty range of initial values of the capital stock.  相似文献   

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