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鲍烨童 《中关村》2014,(11):90-92
"高校正能量,公益我先行!"这不仅仅是句口号,更是海淀大学生青春热情的传递。 2013年年底,北京邮电大学在读博士生张佳鑫动员何邵森、赵旸、赵泽臣、王方圆,在全国范围内发起了高校正能量联盟。  相似文献   

消息:我国将对未就业的高校毕业生进行失业登记我国将把高校毕业生就业工作纳入社会就业总体规划,对毕业半年仍未就业的高校毕业生,组织进行失业登记。这是劳动和社会保障部部长郑斯林在向十届全国人大常委会第五次会议报告就业和再就业工作情况时作此表示的。  相似文献   

1教育部规定:高招预留计划需向社会公开凡有预留计划的高校,须将预留计划数报其主管部门审核,汇总后报教育部备案。同时,高校须将预留计划数及其使用原则等向社会公开。这是教育部日前发布的《教育部关于做好2013年普通高校招生工作的通知》中规定的。  相似文献   

孙西军 《中关村》2011,(10):83-83
不管是在名额投放上有意无意轻农村重城市,还是招生制度让高校无从选择.客观上各佼中城市学生数量远大于农村学生应该是无可争议的现实。这也折射出教育资源分配的严重不公平、不均等。  相似文献   

程桔华 《中关村》2006,(10):30-31
“中关村之所以能成为高科技园区,其基础是高校和科研院所,就像没有斯坦福、加州理工等高校,就不可能有硅谷一样。”一位中央领导人在对中关村高新技术园区发展规划批示时,曾经这样说。高校和科研院所是中关村得天独厚的资源。科技教育资源如何转换为产业资源和创新资源,大学科技园是一个很好的范例,通过大学科技园,科技和教育资源能够得到充分地利用,实现产学研的良性循环。中关村科技园区管委会盖城说,产学研实现良性互动,必须依赖良好的创新精神,要在全社会形成良好的创业意识和创业文化,中关村的大学科技园在这方面做出了探索。在新的历…  相似文献   

据《扬子晚报》报道,南大、东大、南师等省内九所高校将陆续迎来110华诞。官居显位、身份显赫的校友,自然成了各家高校邀请的重头戏。不过,南大官方表示:南大今年校庆接待校友只问长幼不论官位!南京大学110周年校庆办负责人证实:不看官衔大小,以长幼排序,这是他们今年校庆接待校友的重要原则。  相似文献   

叶明芳 《中关村》2023,(7):116-117
<正>一、前言现代医学飞速发展,并在延长人类寿命、克服细菌病毒等方面发挥了十分重要的作用。高等医学院校是培养现代医学专业人才的重要场所,近年来,随着全球化进程的发展,教育部开始提升高校实验室的建设与发展力度,这极大提升了众多医学类院校的实验教学与科研水平。经历了十余年的发展,大多数高校的医学实验室的设备质量已经基本能够支撑医学类的基本实验需求。但是从实际应用的角度来看,大多数高校医学实验室的运营方式与管理方式依旧存在比较落后的现象,导致实验室设备使用效率低下、  相似文献   

龙一欣 《中关村》2024,(2):122-123
<正>引言在高校民族民间舞蹈教学中,教师们往往都使用传统的教学模式,关注当地民族民间舞蹈的元素较少,这对于高校舞蹈教学来说是有失偏颇的,这样单一的教学模式不利于地方民族民间舞蹈的发展,且当地优秀的传统文化没有得到更好地传承与弘扬。目前看来部分高校虽然都比较重视地方民族民间舞蹈的传承和发展,但没有做到真正地去引导学生认识和学习地方民族民间舞蹈,在教学设置中也存在不少问题,这些皆需要引起学校和教师的重视,转变教学理念,将地方民族民间舞蹈融入课程当中,以实现民族民间舞蹈的更好发展。  相似文献   

许纹珊 《中关村》2024,(2):108-109
<正>高校财务管理是高校管理的重要组成部分,对于保障高校的可持续发展和教育教学质量的提升具有至关重要的作用。随着高校规模的不断扩大和资金来源的多样化,高校财务管理面临着越来越多的挑战和问题。为了应对这些挑战,高校财务管理需要进行改革和创新,以适应新形势下的需求。高校需要更多的资金来支持各项事业的发展,而资金的来源也日益多样化,包括政府拨款、学费收入、科研经费、社会捐赠等。这些变化对高校财务管理提出了新的要求和挑战,需要财务管理人员具备更高的专业素养和更全面的能力。  相似文献   

吴炜  高强 《中关村》2012,(4):23-25
这是车库咖啡里常见的一景。来自不同公司、不同行业的人在这里相互碰撞,开阔眼界。有的还达成了合作。车库咖啡的前世今生创新、创业是中关村的“主旋律”。而中关村西区,更是一块风水宝地,新浪、微软、创新工场、木瓜移动等等科技创新型公司走集聚于此。它和清华、北大等知名高校也就是半小时的路程。  相似文献   

毕舸 《中关村》2011,(4):86-86
"大学没办好就得倒闭"本应是一种常识,无论国有民办都应符合办学规律才能获得生存乃至发展,否则早晚会被学生家长们用脚投票淘汰出教育市场,这在世界多国早有先例。  相似文献   

熊丙奇 《中关村》2013,(8):98-98
假如大学能以科学、负责的态度,认真反思高考录取标准,给出独立的报告,只对事实负责,而不是顾惜与政府部门的脸面,和考虑自身与政府部门的关系,我国的大学就迈出了重新赢得公众信任的重要一步。近日,清华大学拒绝承认四川二级运动员加分,闹得沸沸扬扬。从表面上看,这是大学对运动员加分造假的不满,而从深层次意义上分析,这可以视  相似文献   

This study examines the gap between the competencies that companies expect of university students and those that university students believe companies are seeking. We find that a gap exists between companies’ and students’ evaluations of the competencies required in the workplace. Surprisingly, companies’ and students’ priorities related to competencies are different. Our results show that both companies and students highly value versatile personal competencies as essential skills for employees. Teamwork skills are not a top priority for companies although students value them highest of the various attributes. Gaps also exist between the two groups regarding their evaluation of personality traits. These findings contribute to the development of appropriate curricula for universities and career education.  相似文献   

The authors propose the effectiveness of Facebook functions in the promotion of career education. In recent years, career education in Japanese universities has differed slightly from that in other countries. Japanese students are trained to be competitive in the job-hunting process; they need to obtain the technical skills and knowledge necessary to pass a company entrance examination or a university oral interview. This practice is in stark contrast with the intrinsic meaning of vocational/career education, which is the process by which students acquire the abilities and independence required by a certain industry. This meaning is manifested in the purpose of the career education program of Hokkai-Gakuen University’s Faculty of Business Administration. The program’s purpose is to foster independence in its students rather than the acquisition of skills for the job-hunting process. The professional independence of every student is important to their career development after graduating from the university. On the other hand, it is known that e-portfolios generally encourage students to record and assess their activities. To promote the activities that students tackle in the program, we introduced an e-portfolio using Facebook. This study shows the characteristics and achievements of our e-portfolio.  相似文献   

程桔华 《中关村》2011,(6):78-80
在金融与安全产业、移动互联网产业方面,大唐电信将在现有基础上,取得行业领先地位,并在细分领域成为主流供应商;在物联网和三网融合产业方面,大唐电信的业务将遍地开花,用"大终端+大服务"的整体解决方案全面迎接智慧城市、智能商业中心等各种大规模行业应用时代的到来。  相似文献   

In the first stage of creating technological improvements for a democratic society, the leaders of the Society of Socionetwork Strategies have conducted statistical research on the effect of information and communication technology on the global economy. In the second stage, younger professors, based on their Positive Studies, have leapt into a multi-agent simulation of Grid Computing. In the third stage, a terra-bite scale of social data-collecting and the mining of large-scale data in our real world will be next. The next generation of scientists will share knowledge and intellectual inquiry in the fields of statistics, mathematics, and the social sciences with the help of computers connecting such scholars from all over the world.  相似文献   

This paper provides an analysis of firms’ optimal prices when individual utility exhibits both material and other consumer effects. We construct a model and conduct an analysis in the following four steps: (1) By using a conjoint analysis of data, we set up a hierarchical Bayesian model and estimate its parameters, which are composed of individual utility functions. (2) We calculate the number of sales in each time period and derive the total sales throughout the given period. (3) We estimate the demand functions in the presence and absence of consumption externalities. (4) Finally, we calculate the profit functions and derive the optimal prices taking into account various product attributes. By applying our analysis to the book market of Japan, we find that the optimal price is lower when an externality is present than when absent. The intuition behind this result is that pricing low and selling a large number of books from an early stage increases the externality effect, yielding a higher profit for firms.  相似文献   

When a large-scale disaster hits a community, especially a water-related disaster, there is a scarcity of automobiles and a sudden increase in the demand for used cars in the damaged areas. This paper conducts a case study of a recent massive natural disaster, the Great East Japan Earthquake and Tsunami of 2011 to understand those car scarcities and demand in the aftermath of the catastrophe. We analyze the reasons for the increase in demand for used cars and how social media can predict people’s demand for used automobiles. In other words, this paper explores whether social media data can be used as a sensor of socio-economic recovery status in damaged areas during large-scale water-related disaster-recovery phases. For this purpose, we use social media communication as a proxy for estimating indicators of people’s activities in the real world. This study conducts both qualitative analysis and quantitative analysis. For the qualitative research, we carry out semi-structured interviews with used-car dealers in the tsunami-stricken area and unveil why people in the area demanded used cars. For the quantitative analysis, we collected Facebook page communication data and used-car market data before and after the Great East Japan Earthquake and Tsunami of 2011. By combining and analyzing these two types of data, we find that social media communication correlates with people’s activities in the real world. Furthermore, this study suggests that different types of communication on social media have different types of correlations with people’s activities. More precisely, we find that social media communication related to people’s activities for rebuilding and for emotional support is positively correlated with the demand for used cars after the Great East Japan Earthquake and Tsunami. On the other hand, communication about anxiety and information seeking correlates negatively with the demand for used cars.  相似文献   

This paper examines statistical correlations between workers?? income levels or wages, and Information and Communication Technology (ICT). The analyzed data set is micro data collected through the Web in 2008 and 2010 by the Research Institute for Socionetwork Strategies. This micro data estimates the rank correlation of income classes with respect to three types of ICT labor service. Next, multiple linear regression functions are estimated for the wage levels with respect to age, sex, years of continuous employment, and three types of ICT labor service over all industries and in the manufacturing industry or service industry. Finally, a multiple regression analysis is conducted for individual utility levels with respect to income, leisure, and three types of ICT labor service. The results show that, first, the coefficients of rank correlation for all pooled data are positive and statistically significant. Second, individual ICT labor services have positive effects on workers?? wage levels, and the partial regression coefficients are statistically significant. Third, the partial regression coefficient of personal computer operation time decreased but the partial regression coefficient of mobile computer operation time related to work increased drastically from 2008 to 2010. Fourth, the use of the personal and mobile computer shifts the utility function upward with respect to income and leisure.  相似文献   

This paper analyzes the communication strategies used by Greek local governments through the utilization of Web 2.0 technologies, specifically Facebook, and the effectiveness of these strategies in relation to citizens’ online engagement. More specifically, it examines Facebook communication strategies and levels of citizens’ engagement. For this purpose, we conducted a content analysis on the active and official Facebook pages of local municipalities in Greece from January 2017 until the end of September 2017. Our results suggest a rise in the percentage of active Facebook pages maintained by local governments in comparison to our 2014 study. Our results also show that local governments in Greece are using Facebook in a predominantly top-down manner to promote events organized by the municipality and to push one-way information to citizens about their services and actions. Local authorities have, however, made significant progress in relation to posts that support transparency and accountability and that enhance or mobilize citizens’ participation. Our evaluation of local government Facebook strategies indicates that marketing the municipality to external public, such as tourists, and providing information about services are effective strategies that drive citizens’ online attitude expression (liking), engagement (commenting), and advocacy behavior (sharing). According to our analysis, local governments in Greece prefer the strategies that we found to be the least engaging. In addition, our study provides interesting details of how specific characteristics and modes of Facebook messages (photos, videos, URLs, hashtags, and mentions) impact on citizens’ engagement. Finally, our results provide valuable insights for social media managers in local government who aim to increase the impact of their municipal Facebook pages.  相似文献   

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