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本文在Ottaviano(2005)的税收竞争模型的框架下,分析了在经济一体化条件下公司所得税竞争对资本流动的影响,并利用实证研究论证了欧盟内新欧盟成员国与老欧盟成员国之间的公司所得税竞争对FDI流动的影响。分析表明,欧洲市场一体化程度的加深是导致税收竞争加剧的最主要原因。东道国降低名义公司所得税率对资本流动没有影响,只有相对于母国实际税率的降低才是影响资本流动的关键因素。  相似文献   

随着欧盟第五轮东扩的完成,受高工资、高福利以及更好生活环境的吸引,来自于中东欧地区新入盟国家的移民潮开始席卷老欧盟国家。一方面是大批劳动力的西移,另一方面是原欧盟国家从本国利益出发迟迟不愿开放劳动力市场,使得欧盟"劳动力市场一体化"的目标遭遇阻碍。本文主要从制度角度探讨欧盟东扩后劳动力西移与欧盟的就业市场一体化计划之间冲突发生的原因,并认为欧盟劳动力市场的制度性分割和与就业市场一体化的冲突是能够通过制度的改善来缓解和消除的。  相似文献   

欧盟劳动力市场明年向罗保两国开放英法德叫苦据《明镜周刊》报道,2014年罗马尼亚和保加利亚公民将获准在欧盟劳动力市场自由流动,英国、法国和德国政治家全都敲响警钟,担心发生移民潮。罗马尼亚和保加利亚2007年正式加入欧盟,但根据加入条件,两国公民要在七年的过渡期届满后才能在劳动力市场自由流动。  相似文献   

劳动力跨区域转移就业过程中,社会保障和福利待遇问题不可回避。欧盟基于“欧盟公民资格制度”,选择“多元”加“协调”的做法,建立了针对成员国之间自由流动劳动力的社会保障多边合作机制。借鉴欧盟的政策设计思路和经验做法,近期我国应该加强法律法规建设,在解决流动劳动力享有合理公民权利和福利待遇、以及权益累计和社会保险关系接续等方面应有所作为。  相似文献   

无论是一体化采取的形式,还是包含的成员国数量,欧盟都是目前世界上一体化程度最高的地区。欧盟还与其他国家建立了多种形式的经济和贸易合作安排。未来,欧盟一体化将在继续消除内部市场要素流动障碍、扩大外部影响、增加新成员和进一步开放服务部门等方面得以深化。  相似文献   

陆铭 《南方经济》2011,29(6):23-37
中国的农村劳动力在城乡和地区间的流动是在全球市场一体化和国内市场分割的背景下出现的。规模日益庞大的流动劳动力以流向东南沿海城市的制造业和服务业为主,但由于户籍、土地等制度的制约,劳动力流动短期特征明显,但趋势又是长期化,因此,形成了城市内部的“新二元结构”。早期的实证研究注重从个人特征、家庭特征和政策环境的角度来研究劳动力流动,较新的研究从人力资本外部性和规模经济的角度研究劳动力流动的方向,为劳动力流动的动因提供了新的见解。但是,如果要解释中国劳动力流动中的一些特殊现象,就需要在制度约束和信息不充分的条件下研究社会互动对于劳动力流动的影响。基于这些研究,有效推进劳动力流动和城市化进程的政策应该包括以提高教育为主的经济政策、以促进信息交流为主的社会政策,以及推进城乡融合为主的制度变革。  相似文献   

希腊于1981年加入欧共体,西班牙和葡萄牙于1986年加入欧共体,三国是欧盟成员国中加入时间较晚、发展水平相对落后的成员(Less Prosperous Member State)。三国利用加入欧洲一体化和市场开放的机遇,通过调整政策、吸纳欧盟基金、吸引外资和提高竞争力等措施,成功地缩小了与发达成员的发展差距,其经验教训在我国考虑区域一体化战略时值得借鉴和参考。  相似文献   

陈蒙蒙  宋耀  李宁 《开发研究》2005,(2):32-34,40
本文试从对已有文献评述的角度,分析欧盟东扩可能造成欧洲内部劳动力市场的变化前景。通过文献综述并对一些比较有代表性的观点进行归纳和小结,让国内学者了解当前国际上对中东欧国家加入欧盟前后,有关劳动力领域研究的最新进展,并以此分析欧盟东扩后中东欧国家与欧盟原有成员国之间劳动力流动的现状与发展前景  相似文献   

王光玲 《山东经济》2004,20(4):32-34
劳动力流动是人口流动的主导成分,劳动力流动也是市场经济发展的必然,促进劳动力自由、快速、合理的流动,必将带来城乡结构的急剧变化:城市化加速推进,城乡一体化趋势增强,城市圈、城市群、大都市连绵区形成,这对于劳动力自身发展和社会进步的贡献都将是巨大的。  相似文献   

社会保障一体化是欧洲一体化的重要内容,是欧洲建立统一劳动力市场和实现劳动力跨国自由流动的重要条件,而养老保障是社会保障的重要组成部分。欧盟各国在历史上形成了以现收现付制和给付确定制为特征、具体操作上又具有显著国别差异的养老保障制度。在人口老龄化日益加剧、欧洲一体化进程不断深入的今天,欧盟国家养老保障制度面临着财务可持续性和跨国便携性两大挑战。在这样的背景下,欧盟国家进行了一系列养老保障制度改革的具体实践,取得了一定成效。  相似文献   

文章从出口增加值测算角度,对1995-2011年中国出口中的制造和服务含量进行分析。结果表明:(1)中国服务出口总值基本赶上甚至一度超越了制造出口总值,中国同样也是"服务大国",其中由制造业间接出口的服务含量超过了由服务业直接出口的服务含量;(2)中国服务出口的国内增值能力弱于制造出口,日本、韩国、美国、中国台湾、德国等发达国家或地区是中国出口价值的主要外部来源地,中国本土的制造和服务在全球化分工中需要实现自我提升;(3)中国产品在主要进口市场所占份额整体上呈现出上升趋势,相比国际服务市场,中国产品在国际制造市场上拥有更大的覆盖面和影响力。文章的研究为制造和服务产业融合发展提供了新的理论和数据支撑。  相似文献   

The success of the integration process of the new EU Member States is reflected by the convergence performance. Sustainable convergence assumes that potential growth rates of the less developed countries continuously exceed the dynamics of the potential output of the developed countries. However, the financial and economic crisis of 2008 has resulted in a fundamentally new situation as regards these issues. This paper considers real convergence, catch-up processes and in terms of these the main economic growth trends. The study focuses mainly on the potential growth trends. The recession has, however, affected the individual countries to different degrees. The study classified the Member States into four groups based on the initial circumstances and the vulnerability originating from them; these are ‘Developed’ countries and ‘Convergence’ countries, three groups of the latter are ‘Mediterranean’ countries, ‘Catch-up’ countries and ‘Vulnerable’ countries. Potential growth and the contribution of the individual growth factors might follow significantly different paths in these country groups. The convergence countries might face especially great challenges. Potential growth rate of the ‘Convergence’ countries—according to simulations—is expected to recover less in the mid-term, than that of the ‘Developed’ countries, i.e. convergence slows down, it might come to a halt or even divergence might occur in certain countries. It might result in a ‘Convergence Crisis’ particularly in certain ‘Mediterranean’ and ‘Vulnerable’ new Member States. Also, longer term simulations indicate that the European convergence processes might slow down and stop in certain countries. These trends may have significant effects on economic policies facilitating potential growth. We apply extensive quantitative analysis, production function and growth accounting approaches in the study.  相似文献   

Are the rural poor excluded from supermarket channels in developing countries? We analyzed the farm-level impact of supermarket growth on Kenya’s horticulture sector, which is dominated by smallholders. The analysis reveals a threshold capital vector for entrance in the supermarket channel, which hinders small, rainfed farms. Most of the growers participating as direct suppliers to that channel are a new group of medium-sized, fast-growing commercial farms managed by well-educated farmers and focused on the domestic supermarket market. Their heavy reliance on hired workers benefits small farmers via the labor market.  相似文献   

International equality of stock market returns   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
Real returns, excess returns, and nominal returns from stock markets in 11 developed countries are compared for the difference in their means and variances by using a new procedure to test their equality and to determine if one stock market dominates another. The sample period from January 1973 to September 1989 is divided into three subperiods. Results show that stock markets in the United States and Germany dominate those in the other countries in early sub-periods, but not in a recent sub-period, to indicate an increasing capital market integration. Integration with Germany has increased more than with the United States, due possibly to the European Monetary System.  相似文献   

刘婕  姚博 《南方经济》2021,40(7):16-33
基于构建国内大循环为主体、国内国际双循环相互促进新发展格局的启示,文章通过采用商品价格信息数据和微观企业数据,全面系统考察了国内市场一体化与企业出口附加值所反映的双循环机制关系。研究表明:国内市场一体化有利于促进企业出口附加值提升,工业品部门的国内市场一体化对企业出口附加值提升影响更大,工业投入品的国内市场一体化所产生的效果最为突出。国内市场一体化对营商环境较好地区企业和一般贸易企业的出口附加值提升效果更加明显。研究意味着构建双循环新发展格局是后疫情时代应对全球经济衰退的重要战略选择,未来一段时期,推动形成以全国市场一体化为基础的国内经济循环体系,可以作为中国企业提升出口附加值促进国际循环的重要途径。  相似文献   

长三角城市群在分步扩容的过程中所带来的资源错配效应究竟如何?当前是"稳步吸收新成员,在扩展中谋发展",还是"停止吸纳新成员,在发展中求进步"?文章以2010年长三角城市群扩容为准自然实验,以合成控制法为评估工具,检验并比较区域一体化对整体城市、原位城市和新进城市劳动力错配的影响,进一步讨论评估结果的稳健性,并探索区域一体化影响劳动力错配的内在机制。结果显示:2010年长三角扩容有助于改善城市群内部地区劳动力错配,且影响效果呈现"新进城市 > 整体城市 > 原位城市"的关系;通过一系列检验证实了评估结果的有效性和稳健性;长三角扩容通过加快劳动力流动和提升最低工资标准两种途径矫正劳动力市场扭曲,改善了劳动力错配,中介变量机制效应存在差异。文章研究结论对推动城市群经济一体化建设和优化资源配置效率具有重要启示。  相似文献   

This article analyses coal market integration in Europe over the long nineteenth century. The market integration of coal, a key commodity associated with the industrial revolution, is an aspect of European economic history that has received little attention. The literature on the evolution of markets has concentrated on agricultural products, mostly cereals. This article examines intra- and international market integration in the principal coal-producing countries, Britain, Germany, France, and Belgium; and adds three main consuming southern European countries to the analysis of the international market. It provides new evidence on prices, as well as trade, and uses a straightforward approach to address coal price behaviour. Despite shocks, clear trends toward integration in both domestic and international markets can be observed, even if by one of our measures the latter started at a later date. Processes of market integration, however, seemed to slow from the end of the nineteenth century. Explanations are offered as to the causes of the extent and timing of integrations: reductions, mainly, in transportation costs, but also in information costs, and, in the international market, protectionism. The influence of cartels, on the other hand, may have been limited, particularly in the international market.  相似文献   

In this paper we analyze a country's optimal trade policy when its labor market is unionized and firms are footloose. We show that an important objective for governments to use import protection is to prevent their domestic multinationals to go to a non-unionized location abroad and to serve their country from a distance. A domestic government will set a positive tariff to dissuade its multinational from engaging in outward FDI when the additional profits it repatriates, do not compensate for the loss of domestic union rent. To put it differently, we show that when the domestic labor market is unionized, trade liberalisation between countries with similar wage levels is likely to result in domestic welfare losses as a result of outward FDI. Only when wage differences between countries are large enough, can outward FDI improve domestic welfare and optimal tariffs will be zero. JEL Classification Numbers: L13, F23  相似文献   

百年变局叠加世纪疫情,我国经济发展面临"需求收缩、供给冲击、预期转弱"三重压力,建设全国统一大市场是构建国内国际双循环新发展格局的基础支撑和内在要求。文章利用相对价格方差均值方法测度了全国商品市场、劳动力市场、资本市场的一体化程度,发现商品市场一体化程度在逐渐上升,但劳动力市场、资本市场并未呈同样上升趋势。地方竞争导致的地方保护和分割负面现象、要素市场流动管制行政色彩较重、基础设施缺乏互联互通、疫情冲击是造成我国现在市场分割的直接原因。强化市场在资源配置中起决定性作用,是建设全国统一大市场的政策内涵。当前,建设全国统一大市场要以供给侧结构性改革为主线,为市场提供统一的基础性制度供给,统筹好安全和发展、全国和地方、市场和政府之间的关系,充分发挥单一超大规模市场的优势,形成以国内大循环为主体、国内国际双循环相互促进的新发展格局。  相似文献   

Remittances from labor migrants abroad have become the largest component of financial flows to developing countries. While they are an important source of foreign currency for low-income countries, the impact of outmigration and remittances on the economic development of the sending country is ambiguous. To narrow this knowledge gap, this paper examines their impact on the domestic labor market, using the case of Tajikistan – a labor migrant contributor and remittance dependent country in Central Asia. Specifically, we estimate the impact of international migration and receipt of remittances on the labor supply decisions and employment of the family members left behind. To ensure rigorous inferences, we apply a control function approach using unique high-frequency household panel data. Our method enables us to correctly address the simultaneity of migration/remittance and labor supply decisions of the left-behind members. Our main estimates are that sending migrants reduces the labor supply of the left-behind members by 5.4 percentage points, and that receiving remittances reduces it by 10.2 percentage points, respectively. These findings suggest that the reservation wage effect of having a migrant member and receiving remittances is large and surpasses other positive effects they might have.  相似文献   

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