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This paper provides evidence of the existence of diversification benefits in international stock markets when oil producing countries are included in a global portfolio. Moreover, it examines whether recent oil shocks and financial events have significant impact on the conditional correlations and diversification benefits. Using stock returns from developed, emerging, GCC countries and a global portfolio, the empirical findings show that while developed and emerging stock markets have experienced increased correlations over relatively long periods of time, the correlation in GCC stock markets remained low and constant offering high diversification benefits. Interestingly, the paper also finds that, during 2012–2014, the rising conditional correlation levels have reversed trends in developed and emerging markets alike offering more potential for international diversification. Our results are robust to model selection, data frequency, and innovations distribution.  相似文献   

This study examines the non-linear relationship between stock markets in GCC countries and their country risk ratings as well as with major macroeconomic factors. Based on a dynamic panel threshold model with two and four regimes, the results provide evidence of short-term asymmetry between first-lagged GCC stock returns and the performance of GCC stock markets. In addition, only the financial risk (FR) rating has a significant positive effect on the performance of GCC stock markets according to the prevailing regimes for the GCC lagged returns and the Brent oil market. Among the macroeconomic factors, improvements in the global stock markets, the MSCI Global Islamic Index, and the oil price increased the performance of GCC stock markets, whereas increases in the gold price, the 3-month U.S. Treasury bill rate, and the U.S. Treasury bond rate reduced the performance of the GCC stock markets. These results have important implications for investors, policymakers, and portfolio managers.  相似文献   

This article investigates the weak-form informational efficient hypothesis for three major Islamic stock markets (world, emerging and developed). Unlike previous studies, we applied different parametric and nonparametric tests to investigate efficiency in the short and long horizons. Using recent data over the period May 2002–June 2012, we developed a time-series analysis of Islamic stock price dynamics in the context of the recent global financial crisis (2008–2009). Our analysis offers two interesting results. First, emerging Islamic stock markets seem to be less efficient than developed Islamic markets, suggesting interesting investment opportunities and diversification benefits from this region in both the short run and the long run. Second, nonrejection of the cointegration hypothesis for developed Islamic markets and the global conventional stock market point to efficiency for the former in the long term, even if it is inefficient in the short term. This finding has at least two economic and political implications: (i) investors who seek moderate risk would do well to opt for Islamic funds in developed countries, particularly as they share the same tendency and provide similar expected returns in the long term as conventional funds, (ii) Islamic financial systems can offer a useful model that can help to reform and remodel conventional financial institutions.  相似文献   

This paper examines the short‐ and long‐run linkages in pre and post global financial crisis among Middle East and North Africa (MENA) stock markets, between MENA and Chinese stock markets and also between MENA and developed (United States and United Kingdom) stock markets. Results indicate that both long‐run co‐integration relationships and short‐run causal linkages among MENA stock markets increased in post‐crisis than that in pre‐crisis sub‐period. The degree of integration between MENA and Chinese stock markets increased in post‐crisis than pre‐crisis. We also find that the degree of integration between MENA and developed (United States and United Kingdom) stock markets increased in post‐crisis than that in pre‐crisis. The presence of increased linkages among MENA markets, and between MENA and Chinese stock markets and also between MENA and developed (United States and United Kingdom) markets has important implications for portfolio investors and policy makers.  相似文献   

The paper explores the empirical evidence of the volatility interactions among the Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) stock markets and world oil price over the weekly period spanning from June 24, 2005 to March 25, 2011. The study is conducted based on the BEKK-GARCH process developed by Kroner and Ng (1998) and outlining the asymmetry in the conditional variances of the stock and oil markets. The findings show evidence of shock and volatility linkages among GCC stock and oil markets, and reveal that the spillover effects are more apparent for volatility patterns. They also indicate that the stock and oil markets exhibit asymmetry in the conditional variances. From the perspective of portfolio strategies, the results display certain sensitivity to the GCC stock prices, allowing thus better understanding of the relationship between each stock market and oil price. Our findings are crucial for practitioners, policy makers and investors who seek to make earnings by diversifying their portfolios.  相似文献   

Using a time-varying GJR copula approach, we determine the conditional dependence of the GCC stock indices on oil price between 2007 and 2016. We show how to improve the forecasting accuracy of the co-movement of energy and stock prices in an equally weighted portfolio. Contrary to prior findings, we demonstrate that due to the different co-movements across the GCC stock indices, portfolios of oil assets and several GCC stocks are less likely to be affected by systemic risk. The different co-movements across several stock indices over time provide different entry and exit points for stock investors. This approach is in line with the ‘buy low/sell high’ adage.  相似文献   

This paper investigates the return links and volatility transmission between oil and stock markets in the Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) countries over the period 2005-2010. We employ a recent generalized VAR-GARCH approach which allows for transmissions in return and volatility. In addition, we analyze the optimal weights and hedge ratios for oil-stock portfolio holdings. On the whole, our results point to the existence of substantial return and volatility spillovers between world oil prices and GCC stock markets, and appear to be crucial for international portfolio management in the presence of oil price risk.  相似文献   

This study examines evidence of cross-asset contagion among REIT, money, stock, bond, and currency markets in the US from 2006 to 2012, which covers the subprime and European sovereign debt crisis. We apply the Granger causality test and a vector auto-regression to examine the change of causality structure. Our results show that contagion exists from medium-term bond markets to equity markets; REIT, money markets and short-term bond markets show little evidence of cross-asset contagion with other markets; and the currency market shows high co-movement and contagion with equity markets. Our findings provide more rewarding asset reallocating strategies for the investors who invest in both bond and equity markets before a crisis to consider reallocating their portfolio into REIT and money markets to benefit from diversification during a crisis period.  相似文献   

This paper develops scenario optimization algorithms for the assessment of investable financial portfolios under crisis market outlooks. To this end, this research study examines from portfolio managers' standpoint the performance of optimum and investable portfolios subject to applying meaningful financial and operational constraints as a result of a financial turmoil. Specifically, the paper tests a number of alternative scenarios considering both long-only and long and short-sales positions subject to minimizing the Liquidity-Adjusted Value-at-Risk (LVaR) and various financial and operational constraints such as target expected return, portfolio trading volume, close-out periods and portfolio weights. Robust optimization algorithms to set coherent asset allocations for investment management industries in emerging markets and particularly in Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) financial markets are developed. The results show that the obtained investable portfolios lie off the efficient frontier, but that long-only portfolios appear to lie much closer to the frontier than portfolios including both long and short-sales positions. The proposed optimization algorithms can be useful in developing enterprise-wide portfolio management models in light of the aftermaths of the most-recent financial crisis. The developed methodology and risk optimization algorithms can aid in advancing portfolio management practices in emerging markets and predominantly in the wake of the latest credit crunch.  相似文献   

This paper explores possible co-movement between oil price and automobile stock return in a joint time-frequency domain. Daily price series from August 01, 1996 to June 20, 2017 is used in this analysis. The results indicate that the co-movement between oil price and automobile stock return is strong during November, 2000–December, 2002 and March, 2006–December, 2009. The co-movement is found to be more pronounced in the long-term and stock return is sensitive to the higher oil price emanating from the demand shock. This contravenes the conventional wisdom that crude oil is always counter-cyclical to the automobile stocks. For investor, this weakens the probable gain from including oil asset in a portfolio of automobile stocks as crude oil does not offer cushion against bearish automobile stock markets during the crisis period.  相似文献   

A higher degree of co-movement and spillover effects among different asset classes undermine portfolio diversification benefits. In this regard, the present study attempts to capture dynamic co-movement and return-volatility spillover effects among the most promising emerging equity markets, i.e. Brazil, Russia, India and China in a multivariate framework by employing VAR-ABEKK and VAR-DCC-AGARCH (1,1) models. To further comprehend the behaviour of the correlation coefficients during the global financial crisis period (2007–2009), heat map and Markov regime switching model (two regimes with a switch at ‘mean’ level only) have been used. The results report that the BRIC equity markets do not share a common stochastic trend in the long run. There is strong evidence of market shocks to volatility, volatility to volatility and negative shocks to volatility spillover effects among the BRIC markets. Overall, the BRIC markets are partially integrated with each other, thereby making them stronger investment candidates.  相似文献   

The purpose of this article is to test for the Random Walk Hypothesis (RWH) for seven stock markets in Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) countries, and to determine the effect of the correction for thin trading. Three new multiple variance ratio tests are applied to both observed returns and returns corrected for thin trading. It is found overall that the RWH does not hold for the GCC stock markets at both daily and weekly frequencies. This evidence is particularly strong when daily returns are used, where the RWH is soundly rejected for both observed and corrected returns.  相似文献   

The Grand Anse Declaration of 1989 recognised the need for financial integration within the emerging economies that comprise the CARICOM region, as a way of furthering the wider process of economic integration and, indeed, economic development in that region. Using co-movement as a measure of financial integration, this paper investigates the co-movement in stock prices among the Barbados, the Jamaica and the Trinidad and Tobago Stock Exchanges, the three major exchanges within the CARICOM region. It also examines how integrated these exchanges are with the New York Stock Exchange. The GARCH-Copula methodology and, to a lesser extent, estimated correlation coefficients, are used to attain this objective. There appears to be co-movement in stock prices and returns within the CARICOM stock markets and significant dependence structures between the returns of the three CARICOM stock markets. However, there is considerably less evidence of integration between the CARICOM markets and the New York Stock Exchange.  相似文献   

Unlike previous studies, this paper uses the Multi-Chain Markov Switching model (MCMS) to examine portfolio management strategies based on volatility transmission between six domestic stock markets of Gulf Arab states (GCC) and global markets (i.e., the U.S. S&P 500 index and oil prices) and compares the results with those of the VAR model. Our volatility approach is range-based and not return-based which is traditionally used in estimating the optimal hedge ratios and portfolio weights. The results demonstrate the relative hedging effectiveness of the MCMS model compared to the VAR. We also highlight the time and regime dependency of the optimal hedge ratios and the portfolio weights for each selected pair of the considered markets conditional on the regime of the same market and the regimes of the other market. Policy implications on portfolio strategies under different states are also discussed.  相似文献   

Countries are becoming economically integrated and it is contended that this will also lead to their financial markets becoming integrated. This contention is important since international financial market integration diminishes portfolio diversification benefits and creates contagion risk. We test this contention in this article in the context of the Australasian region. Australia and Asia have experienced very significant economic integration through a rapid growth in their bilateral trade. We utilize a battery of econometric techniques – cointegration, asymmetric generalized dynamic conditional correlations and panel regression models. As expected, we find that trade intensity significantly drives the interdependence between their stock markets in both the short run and the long run. Thus, given the ever increasing economic integration in this region, this finding implies that their stock markets face the risk of contagion, and that investors in these markets would also be confronted with the prospect of lower diversification benefits.  相似文献   

郑德珵  孙路  陈哲 《产经评论》2013,(6):128-139
在梳理国际主要股票市场间联动性研究成果的基础上,本文采用1991-2011年数据,通过对各个时间区间的分析尤其是次贷危机引发的全球金融危机的前后比照,按照由表及里、由特征属性到变化趋势与影响机制的系统与动态分析的思想方法,对国内A股与美国、英国、德国、日本、香港股市之间的联动性进行了实证检验。结论表明:(1)2000年特别是2007年次贷危机以来,境内外主要股市联动性显著增强;(2)境内外股市相互冲击效果不断增大,传导速度加快;(3)在股市资金联动性不断加强的同时,波动幅度也随之扩大;(4)这种市场联动性内在机制是宏观经济(宏观)、资本市场政策和机制(中观)、行为金融情绪(微观)三位一体的互动。本文最后提出了相关政策建议和投资策略建议。  相似文献   

This paper investigates the informational efficiency hypothesis in the short and long term for four major commodity markets (oil, gas, electricity, and coal) from January 1997 to January 2016. Unlike previous studies, we provide a more concise comparative analysis by focusing on different classes of commodities for a large sample, including 5 developed and 3 emerging regions and covering 46 countries. We apply different parametric and non-parametric econometric tests. Our study provides two interesting findings. First, we show that commodity markets are informationally inefficient in the short term. Our portfolio simulations highlight that commodities might provide “good” investment opportunities, but those opportunities vary according to commodity class and regions. Second, we show that most commodity markets become informationally efficient in the long term, thereby reducing investors' interest for the duration. Thus, commodity markets might be used to hedge investor’s portfolios, particularly for speculators and chartists in the short term, while these investments might not be appealing in these markets in the long term.  相似文献   

In this paper, we contribute to the literature on the international stock market co-movements and contagion, especially during the recent subprime crisis, by researching the interconnections between international stock markets in time-frequency domain.Our innovative approach consists on carrying out a wavelet decomposition of return time series before investigating the correlation dynamics across stock markets during the recent financial crisis. It thus enables us to show how the contagion dynamics between international stock market returns are changing across time scales corresponding to investors with heterogeneous time horizons. Moreover, our results reveal that the contagion dynamics depends on the bull or bear periods of stock markets, on stock markets maturity, and on regional aspects. Therefore, all these finding should be considered from an international portfolio diversification perspective.  相似文献   

The main purpose of this article is to analyse the co-movement in both time and frequency between financial sector CDS indexes and between these indexes and their main economic and financial control variables for the period 2004–2014. Empirically, we implement the wavelet-squared coherence methodology to analyse the co-movement through time, frequency and power. Our results unveil that the co-movement between the three financial sectors’ CDSs changes through time and investment horizons, stressing the importance of hedging portfolios in real time. Also, we uncover that the changes in co-movement to relatively higher frequencies coincide with the inception of the recent global financial crisis. This result is collaborated with the co-movement between each CDS index and other global risk factors, including crude oil prices, interest rates and equity market volatility. Finally, we compare the wavelet coherence results with those of the DCC-FIAPARCH model and find that the two different approaches provide quite similar conditional correlations over time. Our results are important for investors, debtors, creditors and other decision-makers which are interested in CDS spread co-movements at different frequencies or investment horizons. It would be useful for all market participants to resort to an appropriate frequency domain to have better understanding of the sector CDS interrelationship behaviour in this domain.  相似文献   

We examine the co-movement in daily returns of USD–INR, EUR–INR, GBP–INR, and JPY–INR currency pair futures contracts traded on the National Stock Exchange of India (NSE) using the wavelet cohesion approach. This study contributes to the literature by examining the scantly studied area of co-movement in exchange rates and using the wavelet approach, which allows us to analyse time–frequency-wise co-movement of the time series. The empirical results indicate that the currency futures markets are nearly perfectly integrated in the long run (monthly, quarterly and biannual scales) offering little potential gains from international portfolio diversification. The discrepancies between currency futures markets are small and almost fade away within 3–6 months. Moreover, international currency diversification might offer relatively higher potential gains at intraweek, weekly, and fortnightly time horizons owing to lower correlations among the currencies under consideration. Finally, our multiple-wavelet correlation and cross-correlation analysis shows that GBP acts as a potential leader/follower across scales. The results of our analysis indicate the dynamic pattern of co-movement among the major currency futures contracts, which provides several implications for portfolio managers and international investors participating in the Indian market.  相似文献   

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