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区域旅游线路的复杂网络特征——以福建省为例   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
区域旅游线路呈现出的空间几何特征及其地理拓扑关系可以运用复杂网络工具进行剖析。该研究在国内外相关研究的基础上,以福建省为例,分别对省内出发和省外出发两种不同空间尺度的旅游线路进行定量分析,利用从出发地到各个旅游目的地形成的地理拓扑关系建构区域旅游网络,在此基础上从空间平均距离、形态指数、点度分布、中间性、匹配性、鲁棒性等统计量来分析旅游线路的空间网络结构。研究表明,多重区域旅游线路组合形成的网络整体上呈现出无标度网络特征,知名旅游目的地在网络中占据着核心位置;区域旅游线路的空间网络结构反映出福建省各旅游目的地的跨区合作已初见端倪,但仍需要深化推行产业集群区的跨区域合作经营;从点度的分布方面,省内旅游市场中的旅游线路在空间尺度上对旅游目的地的覆盖范围更加广泛,且各目的地的点度分布较为均衡,而省外旅游市场则仍需要继续与区域旅游的非核心目的地进行深度整合。  相似文献   

旅游开发对语言文化景观的影响效应研究--以西安为例   总被引:9,自引:1,他引:8  
潘秋玲 《旅游学刊》2005,20(6):19-25
语言变化是衡量社会文化变迁与旅游开发之间关系的一个重要指标。本文在国内外相关研究进展综述的基础上,以西安为例,从文化地理学的角度,就旅游开发对目的地语言文化景观的影响效应进行了综合分析,并探讨了产生这些效应的原因和空间特征。研究发现。旅游开发导致了目的地当地方言的淡化,外来方言的渗入以及外语产生的影响,具体表现在:①土语景观萎缩,普通话景观扩张,形成新语言占据土语空间和两者并存的现象;②目的地语言景观曼趋多元化,空间上形成了以旅游区为主体的粤方言渗透区;③外语作为一种异质文化,与方言相互交融。形成中外语言景观并存,交互并用的格局。文章最后指出,经济上的巨大落差。构成了文化能量的累积差异。从而产生西方文化、粤文化等经济发达地区文化向旅游目的地的传播和影响。同时,旅游开发对目的地语言文化景观的影响表现出其独特的影响方向和空间特征。  相似文献   

旅游线路受供需双方旅行成本、旅游者体验感和目的地交通的影响。传统旅游线路设计主要采用基于目的地之间空间距离的蚁群算法。本研究结合帕累托最优模型,综合考虑旅游目的地之间的空间距离、天气状况和交通状况等多种因素,提出改进型蚁群算法的多目标最优旅游线路规划设计方法。通过MATLAB软件进行仿真实验进行检验,固定旅行时长,从空间距离、交通体验指数和游览体验指数(基于天气状况)角度对改进后的方法进行综合评价。结果表明:在以多个旅游城市(景点)为对象的试验中,传统蚁群算法为了获得最短距离,大量牺牲了其他两项指数的优化;改进后的蚁群算法虽然增加了线路距离,但使旅游者获得了多项旅游体验,验证了帕累托最优模型下多目标最优旅游线路规划设计的有效性。  相似文献   

旅游地居民环境行为研究是旅游情境下环境行为研究不可或缺的环节。本文从研究进展、研究内容和研究方法3个方面出发,对旅游地居民环境行为的国内外研究进行梳理和分析。研究发现:(1)旅游地居民环境行为研究起步较晚,大致经历了萌芽(2002—2004年)、起步(2005—2013年)和发展(2014—2020年)3个阶段,国内外研究成果均较少,国外研究成果领先于国内;(2)旅游地居民地环境行为的概念界定尚未统一,测量量表的开发也较为薄弱;影响因素探究是旅游地居民环境行为的研究热点,但形成机制探讨相对匮乏,并缺少旅游地居民环境行为的预测研究;(3)旅游地居民环境行为研究方法较为单一,数据搜集方法以问卷调查为主,半结构式访谈为辅,数据分析方法以结构方程模型为主。基于此,分别从研究视角、研究内容和研究方法上剖析现有研究不足,指出旅游地居民环境行为未来研究方向,以期为旅游目的地环境管理提供有益指导。  相似文献   

基于实验人文地理学的旅游目的地选择行为研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
文章基于实验经济学和计算机实验人文地理学的方法思想,以旅游目的地选择行为研究为案例。首先设定研究目标,进而提出了实验的前提假设。采用地理信息科学和网络服务技术,构建旅游目的地选择行为实验平台,展开实例研究,研究结果表明:(1)进行大尺度旅游目的地选择时,被试者表现出不断追求旅游效益最大化这一目标,且与旅游目的地的资源类型无关。(2)被试者经过一定实验学习后,总体上呈现出不断追求个人收益最大化的趋势。然而,有些情况下,也可能出现决策失误。案例研究的成功进一步表明,实验人文地理学思想方法和研究手段对于典型人文地理学问题进行研究是可行的。文章为正在发展的实验人文地理学发展提供了案例指导。  相似文献   

旅游形象研究对资源相似型旅游目的地发展具有现实意义。在已有研究基础上将政府宣传形象纳入资源相似型旅游目的地旅游形象研究范畴,并选取资源禀赋高度近似的西双版纳州和德宏州为案例,实现游客感知与政府宣传旅游形象对比,选择两地游客网络游记与政府宣传网络文本为研究样本,运用内容分析法和IPA模型对两地游客感知与政府宣传旅游形象进行对比研究。研究结果表明:旅游吸引物形象维度在资源相似型目的地旅游形象中具有“非敏感性”;资源相似型旅游目的地游客感知与政府宣传旅游形象呈现出“差异—趋同”特征;资源相似型旅游目的地在“认同—错位”和“差异—趋同”效应的叠加作用下,具有各自的优势旅游形象维度。  相似文献   

Some researchers have argued that resilience is a useful concept for understanding impacts on social-ecological systems, such as tourist destinations. This paper presents the development of a resilience framework for tourist destinations with a particular focus on climatic disturbances or stress, and their impacts on tourism activity sub-systems. Building on the model of a ‘stability landscape’, this research uses primary data from the Queenstown-Wanaka destination in New Zealand to evaluate the concept of resilience and to formulate surrogates that describe the factors that shape resilience. Challenges for future research, including the proactive building of resilience, are outlined. This research represents a good example of an interdisciplinary approach that transcends existing epistemologies in tourism.  相似文献   

琼达  赵宏杰 《旅游学刊》2016,(10):108-115
旅游目的地选择模型建构的研究多数以微观经济学、认知心理学与市场营销学等为基础理论,较少从个体与地方感情连结的视角探讨游客旅游目的地选择决策行为。文章以旅游目的地选择为研究主轴概念,结合地方情感概念中的旅游目的地意象和地方依恋,根据研究文献梳理结果、基础理论界定模型建构的路径变量与逻辑框架,进而提出基于地方情感的旅游目的地选择模型及模型过程步骤。文章建构模型表明,游客旅游目的地选择始于旅游目的地意象的形成,随着整体认知意象的深化,游客对旅游目的地将产生地方认同感,再通过选择决策行为选择意向的旅游目的地从事旅游活动,通过对旅游目的地旅游体验的功能满足产生依赖感,最终形成对旅游目的地的地方依恋感。研究成果对于旅游目的地选择具有交叉研究的创新价值,对于旅游目的地市场战略规划实践活动而言具有参照价值。  相似文献   

In densely populated areas of Central Europe, many successful tourist destinations face the problem of approaching the limit of their growth potential. Solutions to this problem commonly refer to the idea of “smart growth” based on increasing efficiency in the use of nature for economic production (eco-efficiency). In this paper, we show how eco-efficiency can be used to evaluate tourism strategies on local scale based on an augmented regional input–output model that delivers information on economic performance, land use (as indicator for environmental pressure), and employment. We illustrate this approach via a case study of the tourist destination of Davos in the Swiss Alps. The model predicts that the key drivers of land-use efficiency are: (i) the economic impact of tourists, (ii) occupancy intensity, and (iii) the density of beds per area covered by residential buildings and hotels. The economic impact of increasing bed capacity is highly dependent on the tourist category triggering the development; this can also be used to attract new tourist categories at the expense of tourist categories that make inefficient use of available land. As the impact of an increased density of beds per ground floor area is as high as an improved occupancy rate over during the year, spatial planning, building design, and facility management also play a major role in improving land efficiency in the tourism sector.  相似文献   

Understanding market responses to climate change impacts has important implications for the sustainability of Australia's winter tourism destinations. Utilising a framework incorporating push–pull tourist motivations and the theory of leisure substitutability, this study sought to explore how winter tourists in Australia will adapt to changes in snow cover in Australia's alpine regions under future climate change scenarios. The results of a questionnaire completed by 231 respondents indicated that tourist motivations were related to behavioural adaptation, and that there is a general preference among the current winter market for spatial substitution in the event of poor snow. Those motivated by recreation specialisation or snow-related attributes were likely to opt for spatial substitution, while tourists motivated by self-expression and après ski activities displayed resilience to poor snow conditions. The results demonstrate a clear division between leisure-driven tourists who valued participation in sport, and experience-driven tourists, who displayed higher resilience to reduced snow under projected climate change scenarios. These results have practical implications for winter tourism destinations, both in terms of targeting experience-driven tourists in the case of reduced snow as well as the longer term sustainability and viability of winter tourism destinations.  相似文献   

Water resources and tourism need to be thought of in an integrated way, in order to provide urban planners and tourism managers with tools to promote water security and water equity. The objective of this paper was to apply an index capable of identify problems at the water-tourism interface, based on a spatial approach in GIS, meant to support the management of groundwater quality in tourist destinations. This index was applied to a tourist destination in northeastern Brazil, which uses groundwater to maintain its tourism infrastructure. The geographic phenomenon analyzed showed a spatial pattern between water use and tourism, with probable influences in hydrochemistry of groundwater. We suggest that the use of the propose index associated to GIS may be part of strategic planning efforts contemplating the interaction between tourism, urban management and water security, thus guaranteeing the infrastructure essential to strengthening the economy of a tourist destination.  相似文献   

世界旅游强国离不开良好交通的支持,而作为交通中非常重要的高速铁路的快速发展,必将有力地促进区域旅游的发展。文章探讨了2020年全国高铁网络影响下旅游景点可达性空间格局及其变化,分析旅游目的地与客源地市场空间格局变化特征,在全国尺度下定量分析高速铁路建设对旅游客源地与目的地可达性的影响。测度2020年规划高铁通车前后旅游可达性空间格局与变化。结果显示:高铁开通后,高铁沿线城市可达景点数量显著增加;尤其是"日"字形高铁沿线城市与景点的增加值最高,将成为我国重要旅游经济带,高铁沿线城市与景点是高铁网络效应的主要受益者,高铁服务带来了时空压缩效应,即高铁的开通不仅缩短旅游客源地和目的地之间的时间距离、加强了两地之间的联系,也实现了旅游者跨区域的快速外部交通,而这种快捷效应的延续同样离不开城市内部交通网络的优化,缩短中心城市到旅游景区的时间,将会进一步增强景区的吸引力。  相似文献   

Data provided by tourists always benefit tourism managers and help them offer customized services, products and destinations to future travelers. This research investigates the effect of interests on Iranian outbound tourists, especially their selection of a destination and then, using text and data mining algorithms, it introduces a model to predict tourists' destinations based on their interests and travel backgrounds. In the current study, a dataset of 244,980 travels, consisting of 6661 people, was extracted from social media to discover the relationship between tourists' interests and travel destinations. Hence, it represents a model that is created using data and text mining from travel agencies to design their marketing plans by offering and advertising destinations to travelers with specific interest categories. The model has also shown promising accuracy and interesting results for the future tourist destination data and text analysis.  相似文献   

Satisfaction is an excellent predictor of tourist behavior, often used in marketing and destination management. This paper analyzes the extent to which tourist satisfaction influences tourism expenditure at the destination using a gamma regression model, based on the information obtained from 2967 surveys conducted in 14 emerging urban cultural destinations in Andalusia, Spain. The results obtained show that there is indeed a correlation between tourist satisfaction and tourism expenditure at the destination, and guide the implementation of specific policies by stakeholders in these destinations, in order to increase the economic impact generated by this activity.  相似文献   

The advancement of mobile technology provides an opportunity to obtain the real-time information of travelers, such as their spatial and temporal behaviors, during their visits to a destination. This study analyzes a large scale mobile phone dataset that captures the cellphone trace of international travelers who visited South Korea. We apply a trajectory data mining approach to understand the spatial structures of tourist activities within three different destinations. Through spatial clustering analysis and sequential pattern mining, the study reveals multiple “hot spots” (or popular areas) in travel destinations and spatial interactions across these places. As a result, this paper provides important tourism implications integrating spatial models with destination planning, which is the foundation of tourism design.  相似文献   

旅游接待地社会文化保护问题新论   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
对旅游接待地的社会文化保护一直是中外旅游发展中备受关注但始终未能妥善解决的问题。本文针对这一问题分析了旅游接待地所扮演的文化角色,分析了旅游业的过度发展对旅游接待地社会文化造成的6个方面的冲击,在此基础上提出对旅游接待地实施社会文化保护和文化提升的战略思考。笔者认为,我们对保护一词首先应有正确的理解,应采用旅游学术研究最新成果,制定文化保护和文化提升战略,制定和颁布相关法律和政策,建立相关的执行和协调机构,应充分发挥社区居民在旅游接待地社会文化保护和文化提升方面的作用,应重视在旅游接待地社会文化保护和提升方面的国际合作。  相似文献   

随着Web2.0技术和社会化媒体的快速发展,媒体数据在旅游学术研究中得到了广泛应用。本文以Web of Science核心合集数据库中应用媒体数据开展旅游学术研究的外文文献为对象,评估媒体数据在西方旅游学研究中的应用情况。分析发现:媒体数据在旅游学研究中的应用经历了起始探索到快速发展两个阶段;媒体数据来源以网络社交媒体为主,以传统大众媒体为辅;媒体数据应用领域主要集中在旅游目的地形象与品牌特性、媒体在危机事件中扮演的角色、旅游行为足迹与旅游流、旅游需求/动机/偏好、游客体验与情绪分析等5个方面。已有研究在媒体数据应用上存在结论的普适性、媒体数据来源的代表性、媒体数据的真实有效性等局限,建议从旅游学相关数据库、旅游媒体大数据分析方法等方面不断建设与完善。  相似文献   

This article demonstrates how large-scale tourist mobility data can be linked with network science approaches to better understand tourism destinations and their interactions. By analyzing a mobile positioning dataset that captures the nationality and movement patterns of foreign tourists to South Korea, we employ a few metrics to quantify the network properties of tourism destinations, aiming to reveal the collective dynamics of tourist movements and key differences across nationalities. According to the results, the number of inbound tourists to destinations follows a log-normal distribution, which indicates a notable heterogeneity of destination attractiveness. Although this finding holds across different nationalities, we find that tourists from different countries tended to visit different places in South Korea. A community detection algorithm partitions South Korea into several tourism regions, each covering a set of destinations that are closely connected by tourist flows. The implications for transportation development and regional tourism planning are discussed.  相似文献   

京沪高铁对主要站点旅游流时空分布影响   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
交通是影响旅游流时空分布的最主要因素之一。文章以京沪高铁线为例,运用旅游场理论和社会网络分析方法,比较京沪高铁开通前后9个主要高铁站点的旅游流时空分布变化特征。研究表明:高铁开通强化了北京、上海和南京等重要旅游客源地和目的地的领先地位,呈现出高铁旅游流的"马太效应";高铁促使靠近重要旅游目的地的竞争处于劣势的旅游地旅游流呈现"过道效应";高铁促使空间距离临近的两个城市的旅游流呈现"同城效应";高铁提升原本缺乏区位优势的旅游资源型站点的可进入性,同时对区域核心城市的交通依赖程度明显下降;高铁的时空压缩效应缩短旅途时间,可实现小长假的远程旅游,双休日的中程旅游,一定程度上避免了中远程旅游对黄金周的依赖,从而缓解出游时间的集中性,提高了旅游质量。  相似文献   

流域是相对封闭、自成体系的地理空间,流域旅游是流域可持续开发的重要组成部分。从流域生态系统服务出发分析流域一体化进程中旅游地的可持续发展,以全流域功能和结构转型视角探究旅游地绿色发展的优化策略与调控路径,是适应国内流域经济带建设、提升流域社会福利和发展公平性,促进流域生态安全屏障建设的重要探索。本文分析了流域一体化进程中旅游地发展研究面临的关键问题,结合现有研究基础阐释重点研究主题并构建研究框架。研究认为,流域内旅游地研究正在从点状分析走向网络和面域协同发展,旅游地发展在流域生态补偿、流域产业融合等方面产生的效应越来越明显;外部环境变迁、多要素交互作用下,中国流域一体化进程中的旅游地可持续发展面临的形势迫切,流域内旅游地的供需结构、均衡发展、协同治理均面临挑战;未来应重点关注旅游地时空演化特征、外部环境因素、演化更新机制、时空情境模拟、优化调控路径5个方面,为正确认识流域内旅游地要素交互作用的趋势规律、实现流域内旅游地可持续发展提供科学依据。  相似文献   

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