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《Telecommunications Policy》2014,38(11):1095-1116
Using data from the Spanish survey on equipment and use of ICTs in households for the period 2007–2011, we study the decision of Spanish jobseekers to search for a job online, and explore potential differences between unemployed and employed workers. Since only those jobseekers that have accessed the Internet can perform an online job search, we use bivariate probit selection models to correct for potential selection bias. Our results show that Internet Spanish jobseekers tend to be younger, better educated, more Internet-savvy, and live in urban areas compared to those that only use traditional search channels. However, we find that employment-to-employment and unemployment-to-employment transitions differ by gender, nationality, household income, and time aggregate factors. We find evidence of a digital divide in adoption and usage by age and educational attainment. These findings suggest that policy makers and human resources managers should take into account these disparities in Internet usage to guide their public programs and recruiting strategies.  相似文献   

This paper takes an empirical starting point in a claim that Biacore, a pioneering Swedish producer of affinity biosensors, was “in the enviable position of creating its own market” (Abelin, 1997). An in-depth case study traces how Biacore undertook segmentation activities while shaping the market for its new product technology, affinity biosensors. This involved stabilising the modes of exchange with customers, the product and the identity of the company. The efforts of Biacore highlight a constructive dimension of market segmentation that hitherto has received little attention. Rather than a process of describing, deciding and taking action, Biacore engaged in the gradual construction of market segments through an interactive and iterative process involving close collaboration with early users. Simultaneously, the market for the new technology gained shaped. Thus, the paper reports a ‘markets from networks’ story illustrating how the practice of segmenting a market may have consequences for that market.  相似文献   

Our paper scrutinizes how corporate value derives from redeployability of firms' resources to new product markets. We focus on the underexplored determinant of redeployability, inducements, defined as advantages in returns in new over existing markets. We assemble separate dimensions of inducements from research on corporate diversification and real options and consider inducements in their entirety. A simulation model casts redeployability as a real option to switch the use of resources across markets and explicates important interdependences among the dimensions of inducements. The model also demonstrates that inducements modify the effect of relatedness on corporate value. Our theoretical arguments amend existing theory and have important implications for corporate diversification research. Copyright © 2014 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

In this paper, I consider the compatibility decision as a signaling device of the quality of a newly introduced technology of which users are not informed. Provided that firms are located sufficiently far apart in Hotelling’s [0,1] interval, I find separating equilibria where low compatibility signals high quality. This possible separation is due to the fact that low compatibility is more advantageous to the high-quality entrant than to the low-quality entrant, since it can prevent users of the established technology from enjoying network benefits from the new technology very much.  相似文献   

文章对法律顾问工作阶段进行了分类,并探讨影响分类的因素以及法律顾问工作的重点和应注意的事项。  相似文献   

This article is an in-depth case study examining a foreign firm deploying Cross-border E-commerce as an entry mode to the Chinese market, integrating services provided by a major technology provider and a leading marketplace platform. Selecting which foreign market entry mode is an important internationalization strategic decision of firms and could have a considerable impact on the firm's performance. The CBEC mode emerges as a plausible choice: e-commerce has grown rapidly in many markets, particularly in China. Additionally, foreign firms face high transaction costs due to unfamiliar consumer behavior and institutional barriers. It is especially difficult for SMEs.This study deploys transaction cost theory as the underpinning framework to explain the motivations for selecting a CBEC entry mode. The findings suggest that CBEC could reduce uncertainties and opportunistic behaviors, while increasing trust. Foreign firms could lower their asset investment in physical shops, staff requirements and training, logistics and warehousing: these supports are provided by marketplace platforms. This new entry mode also takes advantage of the involvement and the dependency of intermediaries. In addition to providing market knowledge, technology providers help to build trust and reduce risks and thereby transaction costs, despite the high transaction frequency of e-commerce.  相似文献   

Studies of share price responses to public announcements have assumed that there is no serious thinness in trading. This paper reports the findings of a study of price responses of thinly-traded shares in the Singapore equity market. With appropriate methodological refinements for thinness in trading, the announcement effects of earnings, dividends and capitalisation changes are studied. The results suggest that there are statistically significant abnormal returns during the months up to and including the month of announcement. With some minor exceptions, there appears to be no significant abnormal returns during the months after the announcements: semi-strong form efficiency is thus observed. These results are consistent with prior findings in the developed capital markets.The authors wish to thank the anonymous reviewers for their useful suggestions. This paper has benefitted from financial assistance of the Department of Commerce of the University of Queensland.  相似文献   

Using customer information in the decision making of R&D and production is vital for industrial firms to survive and prosper in an increasingly competitive marketplace. Previous studies show that cross-functional cooperation may have both negative and positive effects on information use. The authors hypothesize that internal structural change positively moderates the relationship between cross-functional cooperation and information use. However, structural change also decreases the quality of cross-functional cooperation. Cross-functional knowledge increases both cross-functional cooperation and customer information use. These hypotheses are tested and supported using a data set consisting of 221 manufacturing and R&D managers in large industrial firms. The findings imply that although internal structural change increases the benefits of cooperative, cross-functional relationships in terms of customer information use, managers in volatile organizations should continue to strengthen cooperative relationships by maintaining and improving sales and marketing contact people's knowledge of manufacturing and R&D.  相似文献   

纸蜂窝在我国经过十多年的潜心研究、开发和不断改进、完善、提高,至今,纸蜂窝的技术水平和市场开发,已有了突破性的进展.其间经历了风风雨雨,笔者颇有感慨.  相似文献   

HOWARD WIAL 《劳资关系》1991,30(3):396-416
This study examines the process by which men in three ethnic neighborhoods of Boston move from secondary to primary employment in a segmented labor market. Workers who successfully make this transition belong to neighborhood-based social groups that have customary linkages to particular primary jobs. Members of such groups costlessly learn how to perceive and act in the labor market in ways that faciliate their entry into the primary sector. Workers' labor market perceptions reflect objective characteristics of the primary jobs to which their social groups are linked.  相似文献   

We investigate the effect of divestitures on prices and welfare following the Carlsberg–Pripps merger in the Swedish beer market. Both difference-in-difference estimation and simulations using a random coefficients logit model suggest that divestitures are important for dampening price increases. Prices of divested brands fall by around 3% and the predicted price increase for Carlsberg falls from 3 to 1.6% as a result of the divestitures. To guide practice on divestitures, we investigate the role of the recipient and the number and characteristics of the divested products by simulating post-merger outcomes for all relevant cases. We find that in this setting with large multiproduct firms, the competition authority's most effective means to dampen adverse post-merger outcomes are to aim for a small recipient firm and attain a large number of divested products. Enforcing larger divestitures in terms of market share and raising the average cross-price elasticity between the merging parties' divested and retained products strengthen the dampening effect further.  相似文献   

Brian Shaw 《R&D Management》1996,26(3):255-265
This paper examines and explains the nature of networking in the Russian aerospace industry under the centrally administered innovation system and the impact on the network of the changes that have arisen post-perestroika. The context, pre-August 1991, was a centrally administered innovation system with the dominance of the military in resource allocation in a 'shortage' economy.
The network was made up of the ministry of defence, design bureaux, manufacturing plants, research institutes, specialist universities and testing centres and the Aircraft Certification Authority. The focal actor was the aircraft design bureaux.
The role and relationships between the actors concerned with aircraft design, development, manufacturing and marketing are determined by the activities that they perform in the seven stage innovation process, the resources available and the strategies that they adopt.
Post-perestroika the need for new customers, international certification, western collaboration, and the presence of supply chain disruption and the funding crisis are reshaping the network. The new actors, post-perestroika, include new customers, financiers, the Department of Aviation Industry, International Certification Authorities, the ICAO and 'nearest and furthest abroad' subcontractors. A major change has been the linking together of the design bureaux, aircraft manufacturing, engine and avionics plants, subcontractors, financial institutions and aircraft export agencies into joint stock Complexes, or Financial Industrial Groups (FIGS).  相似文献   

A country's e-readiness is essentially a measure of its business environment, a collection of factors that indicate how amenable a market is to Internet-based opportunities. An e-readiness assessment is based on several quantitative criteria, and among them the ICT market development indicators are considered as the most influential. Studies in the past have shown that the well-known indicators used for assessing the level of ICT market development in countries with emerging economy are not directly applicable. This paper provides another insight into the level of ICT market development in an emerging economy by analysing the adoption of web-hosting services in the country's business sector. The potential of such assessment to be as an indicator of the level of ICT development in a country is analysed. The underlying study of the web-hosting development was carried out as part of the European project WEBHOSTS. The approach applied and the findings were intended to be used as a decision support in locating and managing some of the risks in e-business development and potential investment by new entrants in a region that is accessing the developed part of Europe.  相似文献   

We show that if firms locate on a circle according to a uniform distribution, their market shares will be beta distributed. The result implies that concentration ratios will be skewed. We apply the result to the market for auditing services in the US and show the beta distribution outperforms other relevant distributions.  相似文献   

生产经营与资本经营相结合是21世纪中国企业经营方式发展的大趋势永城煤电集团公司在生产经营形势迅速好转的同时,强化资本运营,引进战略投资者,做强做大煤炭主业,使企业走上了快速健康发展之路。  相似文献   

Imperfect competition, imperfect information, disequilibrium, and rationing all induce vertical integration in relatively straightforward ways. But can vertical integration arise when firms are competitive and markets clear rapidly? This paper demonstrates that a vertical equilibrium can be generated when the intermediate market is subject to external fluctuations and when there are economies of coordination for firms which avoid the market via integration. The vertical equilibrium is one in which some firms will be integrated while some will not, despite the fact that all firms are identical. Thus, one need not conclude that differential degrees of integration within industries are the result of differing circumstances among firms.  相似文献   

In many two-sided markets we observe that there is a common distributor on one side of the market. One example is the TV industry, where TV channels choose advertising prices to maximize own profit and typically delegate determination of viewer prices to independent distributors. We show that in such a market structure the stronger the competition between the TV channels, the greater will joint profits in the TV industry be. We also show that joint profits may be higher if the wholesale contract between each TV channel and the distributor consists of a simple fixed fee rather than a two-part tariff.  相似文献   

In recent years, customer value has become a major focus among strategy researchers and practitioners as an essential element of a firm's competitive strategy. Many firms have been interested in Customer Value Analysis (CVA) which involves a structural analysis of the antecedent factors of perceived value (i.e., perceived quality and perceived price) to assess their relative importance in the perceptions of their buyers. We develop a statistical approach for performing CVA utilizing a recursive simultaneous equation model that is formulated to accommodate buyer heterogeneity. In particular, the proposed finite‐mixture methodology allows one to estimate the relative effects and integration rules of perceived value drivers at the market segment level, as well as to simultaneously determine the (unknown) segments themselves. We demonstrate the utility of the proposed methodology via an actual commercial application involving a large electric utility company. Finally, we discuss the contributions of our research from the perspective of firm strategy and how it may be extended in the future. Copyright © 2001 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

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