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本文基于我国2008—2015年65家商业银行的面板数据,从银行效率的独特视角对银行存款人市场约束的有效性进行经验研究.研究结果表明﹕ 存款价格约束和个人定期存款数量约束能够促进银行成本效率的提高;公司存款没有发挥有效的市场约束效应;未保险存款对银行效率有一定影响,但没有发挥正向积极约束效应;隐性存款保险制度不利于存款人市场约束效应的发挥;信息披露有助于存款人市场约束作用的发挥;银行成本效率存在显著的规模经济效应.  相似文献   

钱朴  李双 《经济师》2007,(8):255-256
目前储蓄存款提前支取的现象愈演愈烈,使我国商业银行面临存款人逃逸风险。文章引入经典的L—C模型,分析存款人逃逸给银行带来的风险,并根据我国现状得出这种风险转正在逐渐加大。认为降低这种风险的有效办法在于:改变存款形式单一的模式,根据人们的不同需求创设不同的存款类型,并加大对客户单方面"机会主义"行为的约束力度。  相似文献   

本文通过对影响我国货币政策传导效应宏观微观因素进行分析,提出了加强中央银行的独立性。促进货币市场与资本市场的协调发展,深化国有商业银行改革,建立现代企业制度,完善金融宏观调控的微观主体,有效约束地方政府对金融的干预等对策。  相似文献   

上市公司审计意见购买影响独立审计的健康运行,不利于资本市场和经济高质量发展。以2009—2021年沪深A股公司为研究样本,文章运用审计意见购买模型研究上市公司融资约束是否会影响其审计意见购买以及税收征管的调节作用。结果表明,融资约束程度越大,公司越倾向于进行审计意见购买。较强的税收征管力度会加剧融资约束程度,公司更有动机进行审计意见购买。异质性分析发现,当审计师任期较长、企业信息透明度较高时,融资约束与审计意见购买的正相关关系会显著削弱。本研究提供了融资约束影响审计意见购买的经验证据,丰富了审计意见购买影响因素和融资约束经济后果的文献;以及为审计意见购买的治理和规范资本市场的发展提供一定启发。  相似文献   

本文实证研究我国特殊制度背景下审计行业的外部风险约束因素,包括法律约束和政府管制,对提高审计市场效率的有效性及差异性。首先结合我国特殊制度环境的分析,构建决定审计师最优努力和审慎程度的审计成本模型,然后选取2007-2012年被提起法律诉讼或受到政府管制主体处罚的审计师作为研究样本,从可操纵性应计利润和会计稳健性的视角检验法律约束程度和政府管制力度的提高是否显著改善审计师执业质量。分析和检验结果表明,我国审计市场外部风险约束主要由政府管制主导,法律约束机制并未发挥有效作用。进一步研究发现,财政部和中注协责令整改要求、行业内通报批评的管制措施并未显著加强审计师执业质量,但"多头监管"显著加强了证监会行政处罚对问题审计师的管制效果。本文研究结论对于进一步改善我国审计市场外部风险约束环境,从而提高审计市场效率具有借鉴和参考意义。  相似文献   

基于社会利润最大化的视角,本文研究了银行监管中的最优市场约束问题.研究发现:在银行监管中实施最优的市场约束不仅可以提高银行监管帕累托效率,而且可以给社会带来最大的利润;最优市场约束水平受到银行"额外价值",无市场约束时贷款失败的概率、贷款成功的收益、市场约束的成本弹性等因素的影响,且与这些因素呈正相关;最优市场约束水平对银行"额外价值"、贷款成功的收益这两个因素的变化敏感性较强,对无市场约束时贷款失败的概率的变化敏感性较弱,对市场约束的成本弹性的敏感性呈现出由强变弱的趋势.  相似文献   

郭自华 《经济论坛》2006,(18):96-97
存款保险制度起源于美国。美国在1929~1933年的大危机中,倒闭银行达数千家,存款人利益受到严重损害,人们对银行失去信心,在此背景下,1933年美国成立了联邦存款保险公司(FDIC),建立了存款保险制度。实践证明美国存款保险制度在稳定银行体系,保护存款人利益方面显示了巨大作用。自存款保险制度问世70多年以来,经济环境发生了很大变化,存款保险制度的功能已由单纯的保护存款人利益向多重功能转变。我国随着市场经济体制的建立和金融体制改革的推进,迫切需要建立适合中国国情的存款保险制度,以发挥保护存款人利益,稳定金融业,强化市场约束,创…  相似文献   

隐性保险体制下城市商业银行的市场约束行为   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
许友传  何佳 《财经研究》2008,34(5):40-51
文章分别从价格约束、数量约束、外部环境对市场约束的影响等角度,研究了基于隐性保险体制下的我国城市商业银行的市场约束行为。研究发现:(1)我国地方城市商业银行的储蓄市场不存在显著的价格约束效应,但没有证据表明一定不存在数量约束效应。(2)政府隐性保险对银行债权人的价格决策和数量决策均有显著影响,且价格决策比数量决策、短期储蓄比长期储蓄受到政府隐性保险更大的影响。(3)省会城市城商行的市场约束力度要弱于非省会城市的城商行。  相似文献   

中国产品质量监管的声誉模型分析   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
当前中国商品市场上假冒伪劣现象严重,损害消费者权益的事件层出不穷.在两阶段声誉模型中,消费者运用贝叶斯法则推断企业诚信状况并决定下期的购买行为,此时声誉力量可以约束企业的投机主义倾向,将造假企业驱逐出市场.而对重点行业加强监管、加大处罚力度、鼓励消费者投诉,可以促进市场净化,加快诚信社会的建设步伐.  相似文献   

资本市场发展影响货币需求的实证研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
从理论上分析,资本市场发展对货币需求存在正向影响的财富效应和负向影响的替代效应,但对中国的资本市场发展及货币需求数据进行实证分析发现,资本市场发展提高了经济体的货币需求;股票成交金额的变动有助于我们对于狭义货币供应量的预测,不过在统计上无助于我们对于广义货币供应量的预测。考虑到资本市场发展因素,货币政策从紧的力度应该比单纯考虑实体经济货币需求的从紧力度略松。  相似文献   

Market discipline is a regulatory mechanism which has as its main task the punishment of bad risk management by financial institutions. Subordinated debt holders are considered by the literature as the most propitious private agent to discipline the financial institutions. The key to prove the existence of market discipline is to show the relationship between banks’ asset prices and its respective risks. The main objective of this article is an empirical analysis of the relation between credit risk (ratings and accounting information) and debentures return for the Brazilian case. The results denote a weak presence of market discipline in Brazil.  相似文献   

In this paper a model of depository firm behavior is developed in which the depository institution acts as a multiple product producer. The multi-product model is an application of the general theory of value to the particular case of depository firms. It generalizes the theory of bank behavior to include production and cost aspects of banking activity as well as its financial aspects and reconciles the rivaling intermediary and firm-theoretic views on depository institutions. By so doing, it bridges the gap between models which treat depository firms as mere portfolio holders and those which analyze the check clearance function in isolation. Risk aversion, production function constraint, jointness, and multiple sources of uncertainty are simultaneously introduced. The model is used to analyze the effects of interest payment on transaction balances, interest payment on reserves of depository institutions by the Central bank, and the Central bank policy swings.  相似文献   

This paper presents an appraisal of the studies of the deposit insurance system submitted to Congress by the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation and the Federal Home Loan Bank Board in compliance with the Garn-St. German legislation of 1982. The purpose of these studies was to assess the current structure of the deposit insurance system in light of the changes in the regulation of depository institutions mandated in recent legislation
Many observers of the financial system believe that, as a result of recent regulatory changes, the deposit insurance agencies do not have sufficient power to control risk-taking of insured institutions. These two reports present an assessment of mechanism which could be used to limit the risk of the deposit insurance agencies
The emphasis in both reports is on ways in which the amount of market discipline applied to insured institutions could be increased. Both reports identify essentially three ways in which this might be accomplished. First, risk-adjusted deposit insurance prices might be employed. Second, the volume of uninsured creditors might be increased, either through changes in limits of insurance coverage or through imposition of requirements for use of subordinated debt. Third, the current public deposit insurance system might be partially supplanted by one that is private. This paper evaluates the merits of each of these proposals and compares the positions taken by the FHLBB and the FDIC on the issues  相似文献   

股权分置的解决方案研究   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
中国资本市场的股权分置问题制约着股市的良性发展,破解这个难题的核心是流通方式,关键是定价机制。本文讨论了股权分置对中国资本市场发展的影响,并在此基础上提出以送股方式对流通股股东进行补偿,以市场定价为全流通定价方案的股权分置解决方案。  相似文献   

The empirical findings on bank runs and market discipline are at odds with the theoretical predictions from the literature, at least in emerging markets. Using unique survey data from the Netherlands, we explore two possible explanations: deposit holders may have limited knowledge of deposit insurance (DI)-schemes or they may not fully trust these schemes to be executed faithfully. We find that knowledge on the eligibility for DI is limited, particularly when it concerns minor banks. Nevertheless, households with more deposits have better knowledge of the DI-scheme and show higher levels of trust. In addition, deposit holders generally expect an associated payback time that well exceeds the time it has taken to pay back depositors in the past. Moreover, consumers believe repayment is more likely and faster for large, systemic banks. These results confirm that both households’ awareness of the coverage and trust in the operations of the DI-scheme are suboptimal.  相似文献   

Market discipline and corporate efficiency: evidence from Bulgaria   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
In this paper we investigate the impact of an increase in market discipline on total factor productivity (TFP) growth at the level of the firm in Bulgaria during 1991–95, focusing in particular on the effect of trade liberalization, corporatization and rationalization of conglomerates, and hard budget constraints. The data support the predicted relationship between increases in market discipline and subsequent productivity growth. Our results demonstrate the need to distinguish between exporting and non-exporting enterprises in assessing the impact of trade liberalization and the importance of taking into account other relevant policy changes. JEL Classification: F14, D24  相似文献   

Interest rate risk is an important consideration in both the management and regulation of depository financial institutions. Although the market value of equity is the most often used target of gap management, the conventional tools employed in the literature ignore a crucial characteristic of equity, viz., limited liability. In this article, we compare conventional techniques used to measure the duration gap for depository institutions with the limited liability techniques recently developed in the literature. Our results show that conventional models may over-estimate banks' interest rate risk exposures, especially during times when interest rate volatility and credit risk are at above average levels. This over-estimation may lead banks to make errors in their gap management.  相似文献   

The purpose of this paper is to provide a theoretical analysis of the implications of increased competition among depository financial institutions for the optimal conduct of monetary policy with respect to the ultimate goals of price and output stability. In the context of a general equilibrium model which includes rational expectations and a market for bank deposits, it is shown that a rise in bank rivalry for deposits produces a more steeply sloped LM schedule. Under a system of lagged required reserve accounting, this fact has no effect on the optimal conduct of monetary policy, which requires an operating procesure designed to target a market interest rate. However, under a system of contemporaneous reserve accounting, this fact implies that less emphasis should be placed on a market interest rate as a variable upon which the Fed's setting of reserves should be conditioned.  相似文献   

This paper examines factors determining airport charges. Using data for 100 large airports in Europe, we find that they charge higher prices when they move more passengers. Additionally, competition from other transport modes and nearby airports imposes some discipline on the pricing behavior of airports. Low-cost carriers and airlines with a high market share seem to have a stronger countervailing power. We also find that private airports not regulated charge higher prices than public or regulated airports. Finally, the regulation mechanism does not seem to influence substantially the level of airport charges.  相似文献   

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