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金融舆情理论国内外研究综述   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过"中国知网"数据库检索发现,截至2014年4月25日,篇名中包含"舆情"的各类文献有5 352篇,其中期刊文献有3 728篇;但是,包含"金融舆情"的各类文献仅有5篇。金融舆情研究的相关理论基础不仅限于舆情或金融舆情领域,与金融舆情研究主题相关的现有研究可以分为三类:第一类是舆情与舆情演化理论研究;第二类是金融舆情相关理论研究;第三类是社会舆论及其对投资市场的影响。  相似文献   

We propose a game-theoretic model to study various effects of scale in an insurance market. After reviewing a simple static model of insurer solvency (in which all customers have inelastic demand), we present a one-period game in which both the buyers and sellers of insurance make strategic bids to determine market price and quantity. For the case in which both buyers and sellers are characterized by constant absolute risk aversion, we show that a unique market equilibrium exists under certain conditions. For the special case of risk-neutral insurers, we then consider how both the price and quantity of insurance, as well as other quantities of interest to public-policy decision makers, are affected by the number of insurance firms, the number of customers, and the total amount of capital provided by investors.  相似文献   

In this article, we empirically analyze the impact of central and subnational government spending on human development in a sample of 57 developed and developing countries over the period 2000–18. Specifically, we focus on the effects of health and education public expenditure on the Human Development Index (HDI) and its dimensions (life expectancy, education, and income). Applying data panel analysis, our empirical evidence shows the importance of central and subnational government health expenditure positively impacting on HDI and each of its components, while in the case of the education expenditure, this positive effect is only confirmed on the educational dimension of HDI. Our study shows how governments can stimulate human development, improving the well-being of citizens, by allocating more resources to healthcare through the different administrative levels.  相似文献   

解析与构建公共支出绩效评价指标体系   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
公共支出绩效评价作为新公共支出管理的重要组成部分,其推行的难点在于如何用一套指标来科学度量公共支出的绩效,因为绩效的科学度量是保证公共支出绩效评价目标实现的重要前提。因此,如何选择度量绩效的指标也就成为公共支出绩效评价工作的核心和难点所在。根据公共支出绩效评价的特殊性,能全面有效度量一般公共支出绩效的指标体系应分两层:第一层次就是四类初始指标,即投入类指标、过程类指标、产出类指标和结果类指标;由于初始指标无法直接度量公共支出绩效,所以在这些初始指标的基础上又应构建第二层次的指标,也称终极指标,即效益性指标、效率性指标和有效性指标或称效力性指标。  相似文献   

公共支出政策作为一种能推动经济长期增长的重要因素,其发挥作用的机理是解决市场经济中的公共产品配置问题,为微观经济主体创造一个加速和提高资本积累的大环境,矫正市场失灵使微观经济主体活动的正外部性得以补偿,促使经济增长最优化。  相似文献   

An important literature shows that inflation targeting (IT) adoption improves fiscal discipline. Our impact assessment analysis performed in a large sample of 89 developing countries over three decades shows that this favorable impact covers a composition effect: IT adoption is found to reduce more current expenditure compared with public investment in IT countries relative to non-IT countries. This finding is robust to various alternative specification, related to the structure of the sample, the measurement of the IT regime, or the estimation method. Consequently, aside from its acknowledged benefits for monetary policy goals, IT appears as an efficient tool to strengthen fiscal policy in developing countries towards lower and more productive public expenditure.  相似文献   

在DEA-Tobit两阶段分析框架下,使用2000~2009年广东21个地级市的面板数据,研究了广东地方政府公共文化支出效率。通过数据包络分析方法(DEA)评价各地方政府公共文化支出的综合效率、纯技术效率和规模技术效率,利用受限因变量Tobit模型对效率评价结果与其影响因素之间的关系进行了实证研究。研究结果表明,广东地方政府的公共文化支出效率存在显著的差异,而造成这种效率差异的重要原因主要包括财政分权和文化政策等政策变量、人均GDP、人口密度和居民受教育水平等经济及社会因素。  相似文献   

This paper contributes to a growing body of work within ‘fiscal policy studies,’ investigating the recent role of fiscal policy on the Italian economy. Using annual data collected on a regional basis, this study estimates and compares the (impact and cumulative) fiscal multipliers across the North and the South—the less developed area—of Italy. With recourse to a simultaneous equation model for the two macro-areas of Italy, it estimates the overall impact of the measures of budget consolidation policies during the period 2011–2013. Our analysis reveals that tax increases and, with a greater impact, spending cuts, hit the South harder compared to the North.  相似文献   

政府财政支出与经济增长存在一定的相关关系,但孰为因果莫衷一是。通过对1956-2008年日本政府财政支出与经济增长的协整分析和格兰杰因果关系检验,发现日本政府财政投资性支出与财政消费性支出均与经济增长长期内存在稳定的正向协整关系及单向因果关系,经济增长是财政支出增长的格兰杰因,而财政支出无论是投资性还是消费性支出都不是经济增长的格兰杰因。从这一结论出发,我国应吸取日本的经验教训,在实施积极的财政政策时,要控制规模、优化结构、确保质量、提高效益。  相似文献   

In this paper, we modify the Djajić [Djajić, S., 1987. “Government Spending and the Optimal Rates of Consumption and Capital Accumulation,” Canadian Journal of Economics 20, 544–554.] model in such a way that government consumption expenditure provides utility to households via the total stock of government services rather than the government consumption flow alone. By using such a framework, we show that the optimality condition for the public service capital stock is the marginal rate of substitution between public service capital and consumption that equals the intertemporal marginal rate of transformation between the two goods. In addition, we show that the relationship between private consumption and public service capital in a household's utility plays an important role in determining the transitional behavior of relevant variables. We also examine the second-best government consumption expenditure policy. By contrast, in the standard flow specification, e.g., Turnovsky and Brock [Turnovsky, S.J. and Brock, W.A., 1980. “Time Consistency and Optimal Government Policies in Perfect Foresight Equilibrium,” Journal of Public Economics 13, 183–212.], Ihori [Ihori, T., 1990. “Government Spending and Private Consumption,” Canadian Journal of Economics 23, 60–69.], and Turnovsky and Fisher [Turnovsky, S.J. and Fisher, W.H., 1995. “The Composition of Government Expenditure and its Consequences for Macroeconomic Performance,” Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control 19, 747–786.], the second-best government consumption expenditure is decided on the basis that the marginal utility of consumption is equal to the discounted sum of the marginal utility of the government's flow spending.  相似文献   

We investigate whether corruption distorts the positive effect of public health expenditure and taxation on growth through panel data analysis of 75 developing countries for the period from 1995 to 2014. The findings indicate that, although both public health expenditure and taxation can increase economic growth, in countries with more corrupt governments this effect is reduced.  相似文献   

We analyze the impact of EU funds on the outcomes of Polish mayoral elections in 2010 and 2014. We employ an instrumental variable approach to account for the endogeneity of EU funds. Our instruments approximate the availability of EU funds. The first instrument builds on the alignment of the local electorate with the regional donor government. The second instrument uses the funds spent in municipalities in the same sub-region dropped from the sample because the mayors do not run again. We do not find convincing empirical evidence in favor of the notion that EU funds increase the vote shares of mayors. We go on to test whether the electoral effect of EU funds is conditional on the attitude towards the donor institution among the population in the recipient population. This conditional factor is under-researched and politically virulent – given citizens’ skepticism towards the EU that Krastev (2017) describes for Central and Eastern European EU members. Our results are affirmative. EU funds increase the vote shares of mayors in municipalities where Krastev (2017) predicts the degree of EU skepticism to be low while they are not found to do so in municipalities where EU skepticism is predicted to be widespread. These results suggest that citizens’ attitudes towards the donor of vertical grants determine the political gains of recipients from using them.  相似文献   

We utilize the Michigan Surveys of Consumers data to first investigate the dynamic relationship between consumers’ assessment of current and future economic conditions (Index of Current Economic Conditions (ICC) and Index of Consumer Expectations (ICE)), and then examine how these assessments are influenced by deterioration/improvement in consumers’ appraisal of economic policies of the government (GP). We further assess how deterioration/improvement in ICC and ICE influences GP. For 1978–2015, our findings first indicate that ICC and ICE are cointegrated and both respond to disequilibrium to restore the long-run equilibrium relationship. Second, deterioration in GP results in deterioration in both ICC and ICE. Improvement in GP, however, results in improvement in ICE with no impact on ICC. Third, deterioration in both ICC and ICE results in deterioration in GP. Improvement in ICE results in improvement in GP, but improvement in ICC has no impact on GP. The observed asymmetries are in line with ‘negativity bias’, whereby people tend to give more weight to negative events than to positive ones.  相似文献   

Our article aims at understanding the determinants of households’ selective waste-sorting behaviours, based on data from an original survey of 694 individuals in the French Provence–Alpes–Côte d’Azur region. The applied literature focuses mainly on countries with high recycling rates. We focus on a region with the lowest recycling rate in France, a country that recycles less than the European country average. We first apply polychoric principal components analysis to reduce the number of explanatory variables to a set of six factors. In a second step, we use a probit model to estimate the probability of waste sorting as a function of these factors. This model tests several hypotheses emerging from the recent literature on behavioural economics applied to households’ selective sorting. This literature pays particular attention to the social influence on recycling behaviour, which has been studied mostly by sociologists and psychologists. The results of our empirical analysis confirm some of the findings in the literature. However, they also highlight some unique features, such as social influences having a negative impact on recycling. This finding contrasts with most of the literature, which finds a positive relationship of social influence on pro-environmental behaviour.  相似文献   

We use a panel of 21 OECD countries from 1970 to 2009 to investigate the effects of different fiscal adjustment strategies on long-term interest rates – a key fiscal indicator reflecting the costs of government debt service. As Europe’s sovereign debt crisis has shown, governments confronted with high deficits and rising debt may be forced to enact fiscal adjustments in order to avoid increasing market pressure and solvency problems. Over the last four decades, such measures taken by governments in OECD countries have varied in duration, size, composition and in their success to re-establish fiscal sustainability. We find that large and expenditure-based adjustments lead to substantially lower long-term interest rates. Small and revenue-based measures do not have an effect on interest rates. Financial markets thus only seem to value strict and decisive measures – a clear sign that the government’s pledge to cut the deficit is credible.  相似文献   

郑烨  吴昊  孟凡蓉 《技术经济》2023,42(4):12-23
政府支持企业创新发展的注意力变化及其分配对我国企业的创新发展具有重要的意义,而当前学界缺乏对此问题的深入探索。本文主要采用ROST CM 6.0软件对1983—2019年中央科技政策文本进行分析,总结提炼了此时期内中央政府支持企业创新发展的注意力强度与指向变化。结果表明:(1)中央政府支持企业创新发展的注意力强度经历了从“波动上升”到“相对稳定”的变化过程;(2)中央政府支持企业创新发展的施政重心经历了从“增强企业活力”到“创新驱动发展”的变化历程,不同时期中央政府对支持企业创新发展的认知以及需求存在差异,中央对支持企业创新发展的总体认知也在不断深化。(3)中央政府支持企业创新发展的注意力指向发生了明显转移,技术发展实现了从“重引进学习”到“创新驱动发展”的战略转型,制度建设则朝着从“重管理”到“重服务”的方向转变,体现了政府在“瘦身”的同时,为企业创新发展“放水养鱼”。  相似文献   

We present a dynamic model of the indigenous natural gas industry in the UK. The model has been built using a system dynamics approach. Using the model several scenarios have been analyzed. We found that management of the supply-side policy alone cannot substantially postpone the discovery, production and consumption peak. We also found that the dynamics of the main variables, namely, exploration, production and consumption, are sensitive to initial demand conditions. Postponing the onset of gas price increases can therefore be achieved more effectively through efforts to reduce demand growth. One might expect that a low taxation policy would encourage more exploration and production of gas and thereby stimulate higher consumption rates. Instead, there was no overall net effect on production and consumption in the long term. The depletion effect on cost of exploration acts as counterbalance to low taxation policy. Depletion effect causes cost and thus price to rise further which depress consumption rate. The advances in exploration and production technology can delay the peak of exploration, production and consumption. Technological improvements mean lower cost of exploration and production which pressure down the long-term pattern of price dynamics.  相似文献   

Many countries need to stimulate pension participation and contribution to ensure their citizens are prepared adequately for retirement. Identifying at-risk groups with tendencies of not joining pension plans will help governments target strategies to improve pension awareness and participation. This study investigates the role of personality traits in pension decision making using data from the UK Household Longitudinal Study. Our results demonstrate that Extraversion significantly correlates with non-participation in private pensions, including both employer run and personal pensions. Individuals who are high in Conscientiousness are more likely to participate and pay more into personal pensions. Openness to experience is negatively correlated with saving via personal pensions. Agreeableness and Extraversion correlate inversely with the amount contributed to personal plans. This paper discusses our findings in detail and offers policy implications which may help promote pension participation and ease the problem of old age poverty.  相似文献   

Many economists are becoming supportive of ‘soft’ paternalistic interventions that help people to avoid common decision errors without curtailing individual autonomy. To identify when such interventions could be beneficial, and to assess their success, requires a welfare criterion. However, traditional preference or choice-based criteria cannot serve this function because they assume that whatever people choose makes them better off. An alternative criterion that bases welfare on happiness rather than choice avoids this problem but has several of its own drawbacks. Most notably, people often adapt to serious chronic health conditions, and exhibit high levels of happiness, even though both those with and those without the condition agree that it is much preferable to be healthy. After reviewing different lines of research that shed light on the pros and cons of these alternative welfare criteria, we argue that no simple criterion based on either concept can surmount these problems. Instead, evaluations of welfare will inevitably have to be informed by a combination of both approaches, patched together in a fashion that depends on the specific context.  相似文献   

This paper analyses how the functional components of public expenditure and spending‐driven consolidations affect the economic growth, unemployment, and income inequality. A dynamic panel data least squares dummy variable estimator estimator is employed over a sample of 15 European Union countries during the period 1990–2012. The empirical results show that real GDP growth decreases when fiscal austerity measures are implemented, especially if they are spending‐driven. Cuts in public expenditure undermine economic growth, namely if they slash spending on public order, recreation, and education. Spending cuts on education, in particular, affect the investment in human capital, harming not only growth but also economic, social, and human development. The unemployment rate also proved to be significantly boosted when austerity measures restrict spending on education, whereas income inequality rises when social protection expenditures are cut.  相似文献   

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