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In the development of agricultural intellectual property in Shanxi Province, obvious "advantages" including significant resources and a good foundation are accompanied by beneficial "opportunities", i.e., Shan,xi regards the development of distinctive agriculture and dominant agricultural products as an important direction for economic restructuring in agriculture, with unprecedented support. But, at the same time, "weaknesses" and "threats" thereof will be "fatal simultaneous bottlenecks". Shanxi provincial governments at all levels should "pave the way" for a positive policy and regulatory platform, exert the three effects of agricultural products in innovation, brand and the leading position, and constantly promote the development of agricultural intellectual property rights.  相似文献   

本文首先对高校校办企业改制的必要性作了分析,通过引入"博弈论",以产权为主线,对校方与企方这对委托代理关系作了深入研究。以"经营产权"为思路和"财务"为分析视角,从"监督与激励"两个方面提出了对策。  相似文献   

This article incorporates foreign direct investment (FDI) and product differentiation in a general equilibrium trade model. The analysis shows that freer trade and FDI will upgrade China's technology, improve its skills of labor, and increase the competitiveness of local firms in the international market. At the same time, the relative wage of skilled labor to unskilled labor will rise. The size of this rise will be affected by the degree of protection for intellectual property rights. These theoretical results are consistent with empirical evidence. The analysis provides insights in coordinating policies on FDI, labor market reform, and intellectual property rights protection.  相似文献   

This paper aims at overcoming several shortcomings of previous empirical studies on the relationship between IPR protection and FDI. First of all, we use sectorally disaggregated FDI data for a large sample of host countries. Second, we address the proposition that stronger IPR protection raises not only the quantity but also the quality of FDI. Third, we check to which extent the relationship between IPR protection and FDI is affected by applying alternative measures of IPR protection. Our empirical findings support the hypothesis that the threat of an unauthorized use of intellectual-property-related assets and, thus, FDI depends on industry as well as host-country characteristics. Furthermore, stronger IPR protection may help induce high-quality FDI. JEL no. F21, F23  相似文献   

This paper aims at overcoming several shortcomings of previous empirical studies on the relationship between IPR protection and FDI. First of all, we use sectorally disaggregated FDI data for a large sample of host countries. Second, we address the proposition that stronger IPR protection raises not only the quantity but also the quality of FDI. Third, we check to which extent the relationship between IPR protection and FDI is affected by applying alternative measures of IPR protection. Our empirical findings support the hypothesis that the threat of an unauthorized use of intellectual-property-related assets and, thus, FDI depends on industry as well as host-country characteristics. Furthermore, stronger IPR protection may help induce high-quality FDI. JEL no. F21, F23  相似文献   

以产权主体多元化为突破口深化国有制改革   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
本文根据十六大精神提出了内部产权主体多元化的国有制改革思路;对改革中如何进行产权的初始界定、运用市场机制对国有资产进行有效配置和正确处理财政收入与国有资产经营与转让收入的关系提出了建议。  相似文献   

In a series of recent studies, several economic historians (most prominently Richard Sylla) argue that successful economies experience “financial revolutions” before undergoing rapid growth. In the U.S., they suggest Hamilton masterminded the financial revolution by putting the public finance in order and facilitating private banks. Might Matsukata, they continue, have done the same in Japan? Japan did indeed experience a financial revolution in the late 19th century. Matsukata, however, did not mastermind the revolution in advance of private-sector demand. Instead, private investors created much of the financial infrastructure in response to demand from industrial firms. What is more, most firms (at least in the pivotal silk industry) raised the funds they needed through trade credit rather than securities markets or banks.  相似文献   


Mr. Niels Steensgaard, in his ‘Consuls and Nations in the Levant from 1570 to 1650’1 referred in note 4, p. 14, to my article on the beginning of Anglo-Turkish relations, and stated: ‘Apparently Horniker is not aware of the existence of the French capitulations of 1569’. There is no point in arguing whether or not I am aware of them, but later on I will give my reasons for omitting reference to them in my article. The implication of Steensgaard's statement, however, is that they were new capitulations, which, of course, they were not. They were a renewal, in the form of a grant,2 by Sultan Selim II of the treaty concluded between his predecessor Suleiman I Kanuni and Francis I in 1536.3 Revised capitulations were granted to France in 158l.4 These, and the treaty of 1536, gave the French certain exclusive privileges in the Ottoman Empire. And until 1593, when Elizabeth I of England obtained capitulations which gave her subjects the same privileges as those enjoyed by the French, France was the paramount capitulatory nation in the Levant.  相似文献   

胡军 《特区经济》2010,(3):228-230
优先权规则是为解决权利冲突而设定的。在现代动产担保交易法中,优先权规则旨在通过鼓励贷款来促进商业发展。在现代经济融资中,只有明确的优先权规则才能鼓励贷款来促进商业的发展。我国应该确立一套完备的优先权规则,而不是将优先权规则分散地规定在其他法律、规章之中。只有这样才能方便担保权人明确其信贷风险,促进经济发展。  相似文献   

农信社改革的目的是要使它成为社区性地方金融机构,更好地为"三农"服务;农信社改革任务的重中之重在于产权制度改革.鉴于我国农村经济和社会发展极为不平衡的状况,农信社要因地制宜实行产权形式多样化和股权结构多元化.在较为发达的地区可以组建股份制的农村商业银行,在较为落后的地区可以进行合作制或者股份合作制的农信社产权制度改革.解决历史包袱问题是农信社产权制度改革顺利进行的必要条件.  相似文献   

The value of intellectual property rights to firms and society   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Economists view intellectual property rights (IPRs) as policytools for encouraging innovation, but they recognize that theycan also inhibit competition. There are many types of IPRs andinstitutions concerned with their administration. We begin byoutlining how these complex and varied rights are supposed towork and how they interact with other characteristics of firmsand markets. We then survey the available literature on patents,trade marks, and copyright to assess the value of these IPRsto firms and the costs to firms of acquiring and defending theirrights. The paper concludes with suggestions for topics requiringfurther research to inform public policy better.  相似文献   

Despite the recent interest of historians in retailing and distribution, little attention has been paid to fairs. It has often been assumed that by 1800 they were mainly occasions for entertainment. Using a range of sources and focusing mainly on the north midlands, this article argues that many fairs remained significant during the eighteenth century for agricultural marketing, some business and financial transactions, and retailing. By the early nineteenth century, rapidly changing economic conditions, coupled with changed attitudes, threatened these traditional roles and fairs had to adapt or face inevitable decline.  相似文献   

郝智伟 《改革与战略》2014,(1):57-59,104
文章基于对山东省嘉祥县3个乡镇(卧龙山镇、大张楼镇、马村镇)小额信贷情况的农户调查数据,从需求视角出发,分析得出小额信贷需求的影响因素和贫困农户需求不足的原因。发现以扶贫为设计初衷的农村小额信贷项目实际参与对象已从中、低收入贫困户转向进行非农生产性经营的中等偏上收入户和高收入农户,并且生产性小额信贷资金多被农户用于消费性支出。最后,文章尝试提出了一些公益性小额信贷的新思路和新模式。  相似文献   

Wild berries became a valuable export article in Sweden and Finland at the end of the nineteenth century. At the time, property rights over wild berries were not explicitly defined, and in both countries, proposals were made to subject the berries to the landowner. The proposals did not pass and wild berry-picking on another's land continued, as seen from today's perspective, to be available to everyone. This paper looks at the socioeconomic context of wild berry-picking, and asks whether the principle of allemansrätt – a Nordic tradition of public access to nature – played a role in why wild berries did not become private property. By focusing on the Finnish penal code debate of 1888 and the process of stabilising the property rights, the paper rejects the idea of continuity. It argues that (1) the traditional allemansrätt is debatable as a historical concept and shows how (2) the contingent political process created the conditions, and economic imagination the impetus, that wild berries were not privatised but turned into an open resource.  相似文献   

文章从信贷配给理论的视角,分析说明了波兰促进农业发展的信贷政策是一种以推行农业优惠贷款利息补贴为主要方式、农业项目工程为载体、银行机构监督约束为主体、政府信用担保为补充的信贷配额制。借鉴波兰的经验,我国应采取对金融市场信贷配给进行适度干预、建立和完善农业信贷政策体系、注重政府与商韭银行双重信贷的配合使用和加强农业信贷信用担保体系建设等措施,积极引导银行资金向农业倾斜,以改变农业发展相对滞后的不利局面。  相似文献   

中国信用制度建设的现状和模式选择   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
信用在一国经济发展中起着极其重要的作用,而现在我国社会信用体系发育程度低和普遍的信用失衡问题突显了出来,成为制约经济持续健康发展和完善社会主义市场经济体制的突出问题之一。所以,在借鉴国外信用建设的基础上,结合中国的实际,寻找出适合经济发展特点的信用建设模式,是  相似文献   

论科教兴国与金融支持   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
知识产权是权利对智力成果的专有权 ,权利的专有性是知识产权的专有性之一。同时 ,知识产权又有无形性和专有性。此外 ,知识产权在进入销售领域后 ,具有其专有性一次用尽的限定性 ,被称作为权利一次用尽或权利一次穷竭。这种限定的目的在于防止技术推广、商标使用和思想传播的  相似文献   

Property rights are widely thought to have considerable direct and indirect effects on urban poverty. However, few studies have been conducted and the evidence supporting these claims is scarce, especially in Southern Africa. This article examines effects of property rights in South Africa through a case study of subsidised housing for poor people in Khayelitsha, Cape Town. A difference-in-differences estimation strategy is employed. Results show that housing subsidies are associated with better physical health and (counter-intuitively) more teenage pregnancies. Improvement in health is attributed to better housing quality and environment while increase in teenage pregnancies is attributed to increased privacy. Effects of titling extend to social effects, which have been understudied in the literature. Since titling showed no effect by most measures, it is likely that poverty is driven so strongly by factors such as unemployment and poor location of housing projects that property rights make little overall difference to poverty.  相似文献   

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