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We identify the effects of greening vacant lots on nearby housing prices and show how neighborhood attributes matter to these outcomes. Using data from a longstanding program in Philadelphia, we find that prices for houses within 1,000 feet of a greened vacant lot rise by about 4%, consistent with the literature, with the effect size increasing over time. Using the extensive data available in Philadelphia, we show how these effects vary by the attributes of the neighborhood in which they occur, with larger effects in areas with a high share of vacant land and higher-than-average median household incomes, with peak responses estimated at 19% and 15%, respectively. We demonstrate the importance of sample selection bias adjustment for identification of the effect of vacant lot greening.  相似文献   

Increasing access to public transportation (including metro rail) can help alleviate traffic congestion and address climate and environmental priorities. Living close to a metro line may be especially important in terms of providing improved commuting options. However, proximity to metro lines can also be associated with negative externalities, such as noise and crime, that may make living near a station less desirable. One way to assess the net value that residents place on metro rail access is to examine how proximity to metro lines is capitalized into house prices. Using a hedonic spatial difference-in-differences model, we analyze the impact of proximity to the stations on the Gold and Expo Lines in Los Angeles, California, on nearby house prices. Our findings suggest that the capitalization effect is heterogeneous. Some residents value living near new metro stations, while others do not. Overall, our results provide evidence that the value residents place on metro rail access varies based on their income levels and other demographics.  相似文献   

This paper advances the risk management perspective that superior social performance enhances firm value by serving as an ex ante valuable insurance mechanism. We posit that good social performance is more valuable as an insurance mechanism for firms with higher litigation risks. Moreover, value generation of corporate social performance (CSP) depends on whether a firm has gained pragmatic legitimacy (i.e., a firm's financial health) and moral legitimacy (i.e., whether or not a firm operates in a socially contested industry) among its stakeholders. We find that the value of CSP as insurance against litigation risk is practically significant, adding 2 to 4 percent to firm value. But CSP is less likely to create value if the firm is in financial distress or is operating in socially contested industries. Copyright © 2013 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

城市群是未来中国产业发展的主要空间载体与重要地理单元。本文在机器学习Wasserstein距离算法思想的基础上,运用矩阵扩张Sinkhorn算法和熵正则化约束法改进Wasserstein距离算法及其求解方式,通过假设检验与蒙特卡洛模拟构建产业共聚指数,测算中国城市群的产业共聚水平。测度结果发现,中国城市群同二位数行业内产业间的共聚水平大于跨二位数行业产业间共聚水平;经济相对落后的城市群表现出明显的产业共聚特征,同时技术密集型产业在上述城市群内部偏向共聚;2007—2013年间中国城市群产业空间共聚水平总体呈下降态势,不同城市群的演化模式存在差异。本文还利用产业共聚指数的方向性,分析了不同城市群产业空间核心产业的差异,绘制出城市群产业空间结构。对产业共聚影响因素的实证研究发现,投入产出关联、技术关联与规模差距对产业间共聚的影响显著为正,行业内部竞争水平从共聚和被共聚两个方向抑制产业间共聚趋势;城市群层面诸如政府规模等区域特征均与产业间共聚水平负相关。据此,本文提出了实施城市群产业空间治理的相应政策建议。  相似文献   

本文侧重于对梁斌绘画作品中所蕴含的意境和文化深意的解读,透过视觉语言所传达的意象探寻他的艺术思想和审美理想。  相似文献   

对工程量清单计价模式的再认识   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
工程量清单计价是我国工程造价计价方法改革中行之有效的一种模式,中简要阐述了工程量清单计价的概念、常用计价方法及其特点、优点、主要工作程序及注意事项等,只有充分地认识这一计价模式并且在招标投标活动中加以应用,我国的建设工程计价才能更快地与国际惯例接轨,才能建立起完全适应社会主义市场经济发展的以市场形成价格为主的工程计价模式。  相似文献   

促进高新技术企业创业成长是欠发达地区实现经济发展方式转变和跨越式发展的重要途径。发现欠发达地区高新技术企业培育机制与政策方面存在的薄弱环节并加以改进,对促进该地区高新技术企业的创立、成长与发展是极其必要的。本文以问卷调查和深度访谈的方法,从融资机制、财税政策、技术政策与机制、人才政策与机制、企业孵化政策与机制等方面对吉林省的高新技术企业培育问题进行全面分析,从而发现上述政策、机制的完善程度、执行到位情况,以及欠发达地区高新技术企业对于这些政策机制的需求程度。  相似文献   

男西装发展至今,款式造型和结构设计都达到极其完美的程度。现今世界各地,时装流行变化无穷,但西装始终保持着它的基本造型。男西装从产生起始就顺应了男性物质、精神、审美活动的需要,是艺术与技术完美结合的典范。男西装领和门襟处于西装视觉的中心,它的美观与否起着关键的作用。  相似文献   

In this article, we provide novel evidence on the additional costs associated with smoking. While it may not be surprising that smokers pay a rent premium, we are the first to quantify the size of this premium. Our approach is innovative in that we use text mining methods that extract implicit information on landlords’ attitudes to smoking directly from Zoopla UK rental listings. Applying hedonic, matching, and machine-learning methods to the text-mined data, we find a positive smoking rent premium of around 6%. This translates into £14.40 of indirect costs, in addition to £40 of weekly spending on cigarettes estimated for an average smoker in the United Kingdom.  相似文献   

Mobile communication failure can occur when mobile traffic exceeds the manageable level. This depends on frequency bandwidth. Mobile communication failure causes inconveniences in a user's daily life that lead to social and economic damage. To address this issue, mobile telecommunications companies deploy additional bandwidths and develop new technologies, but these are costly strategies. This study applies a spike model based on a contingent valuation method (CVM) to measure the inconvenience cost resulting from mobile communication failure. The mean monthly willingness-to-pay (WTP) to avoid communication failure per user is estimated to be KRW 898.14 (USD 0.80) over a period of five years in our study. The inconvenience cost borne by the population is estimated to be KRW 2.97 trillion (USD 2.61 billion). Users experiencing greater frequency of communication failure are found to be willing to pay more to avoid the inconvenience. When excluding respondents citing zero-WTP, the mean WTP per user was calculated to be KRW 3426.41 (USD 3.01). Data traffic usage and frequency at which communication failure is experienced are variables that exhibit statistically significant effects on WTP to avoid mobile communication failure. Overall, estimation results show that a price discrimination based on data traffic usage or quality can be considered by mobile telecommunications companies and regulators to address the issue of data traffic inducing mobile communication failure.  相似文献   

Qualitative research provides rich insights into many marketing problems and, with appropriate interpretation, will provide detailed solutions. This article describes the benefits of conducting qualitative research and cites its appropriateness to specific marketing questions. Examples of qualitative research and its application to marketing and business decisions are provided.  相似文献   

The authors explain how although fresh cassava is important in rural nutrition, its importance in urban areas is limited and declining. In Colombia, the third most important cassava-producing country in Latin America, both the structure of the marketing channel and consumer preferences are considered in explaining this difference. The principal factor limiting urban market volume and demand is identified as the rapid root post-harvest deterioration which necessitates high margins to cover marketing risks. Appropriate storage techniques which overcome this problem are evaluated and their possible positive impact, through reduction of marketing margins, on retail and farmgate prices and on urban consumption is estimated. A strategy for storage technology adoption is discussed.  相似文献   

开放经济条件下财政政策与货币政策的协调配合   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
开放经济条件下,国际经济波动存在显著的溢出效应.从次贷危机到债务危机,世界主要经济体都受到了不同程度的波及.为了减轻这种影响,我们只有更好的将财政政策和货币政策协调配合起来.2008年以来的经济危机在一定程度上降低了我国高速增长的贸易和资本“双顺差”,在此我们可以通过政策间的双向协调、利率市场化、国债买卖和一揽子汇率制度等政策的变化来调控宏观经济,进而达到稳定增长经济的目标.  相似文献   

色彩的色相、明度、饱和度的差异,反应到人的大脑中,将会产生温度、面积、空间、轻重以及情绪等方面的错觉。将这些视错觉因素合理地组合、运用,可以达到产生特殊效果或改善某种缺陷、突出某些优势的目的。若将之运用于艺术造型,特别是将其巧妙地运用于服装领域,能够对人体的塑型和美化产生很好的效果。  相似文献   

本文讨论了不同距离下灰函数权限的一致性,并给出不同距离下的极限转化定理。  相似文献   

城乡矛盾一直是我国经济发展过程中的重要矛盾之一,统筹城乡发展对转变经济发展方式、构建新的产业体系有重大战略意义,也是我国落实科学发展观,构建和谐社会的必经之路。文章从理论上阐述了统筹城乡发展的实质内涵,指出我国统筹城乡发展不仅需要消除制度障碍,提供政策保障,还需建立乡村内部动力机制。  相似文献   

We explore how openness in terms of external linkages generates learning effects, which enable firms to generate more innovation outputs from any given breadth of external linkages. Openness to external knowledge sources, whether through search activity or linkages to external partners in new product development, involves a process of interaction and information processing. Such activities are likely to be subject to a learning process, as firms learn which knowledge sources and collaborative linkages are most useful to their particular needs, and which partnerships are most effective in delivering innovation performance. Using panel data from Irish manufacturing plants, we find evidence of such learning effects: establishments with substantial experience of external collaborations in previous periods derive more innovation output from openness in the current period. © 2013 The Authors. Strategic Management Journal published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd.  相似文献   

This paper focuses on the emergence and growth of sustainable industries, specifically analyzing the rise of the wind energy industry in California. Based on a favorable institutional environment and the presence of abundant natural capital, the wind energy industry took root and flourished in California during the last two decades. This paper analyzes this phenomenon by exploring the determinants of where and when wind energy projects would be established. Findings suggest that in locations where natural, social, and economic influences converged, greater wind energy activity followed. The paper advances a simple framework that uses natural capital, site specificity, and institutional environments to predict which sustainable industries will enjoy growth in coming decades. Copyright © 2002 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

利用VB中的通讯控作MSCOMM实现系统机和前端单片机群之间的串行通讯,探讨了上位机和下位机数据传输格式的统一问题,并以一化工厂液位测控系统上、下位机之间串行通讯为例给出了相关程序。  相似文献   

This paper explores value processes, their effects, and their management in business relationships. Over time, scholars progressively moved their interest from the value of the objects exchanged to the value of business relationships. However, how value is related to interactive processes that characterize business relationships still remained unclear. With this scope, the paper brings to the fore recent studies on the role of actors' perceptions of value and the interactive features of the business context. The empirical research involves 77 interviews carried out over two years with actors internal and external to the Mikron Tool's business network, a Swiss leader in manufacturing high-precision tools. The study shows that four key value processes – value creation, value communication, value measurement, and value appropriation – determine specific consequences that must be managed to achieve effective business relationships. Moreover, empirical evidences highlight the relevance of value representation in affecting the four value processes. The study contributes to an improved understanding of value management in interactive and interdependent business contexts. Also, it draws attention to the need for a better integration between the traditional economic view of value and recent insights from the fields of organizational psychology and sociology.  相似文献   

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