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This article analyses the importance of technology and non-technology shocks in the business cycles of European Union post-transition countries. Different assumptions of New Keynesian and Real Business Cycle theory are tested. The results demonstrate that a non-technology shock is more important in explaining business cycles in post-transition countries, although a technology shock is not trivial. The technology shock cannot replicate basic business cycle facts observed in the data: it produces a low or negative correlation between employment and GDP, and a strong negative correlation between labour productivity and employment. Technology and non-technology GDP components are analysed in the transition and post-transition period. The results show a non-technology shock was the dominant source of business cycles both during and after the transition period.  相似文献   

A recent literature explores the macroeconomic implications of organizational capital (OC) and especially its ability to resolve discrepancies between existing models and data. This paper contributes to the OC literature by studying the effect of OC on international investment flows in the context of a two-country real business cycle model. The presence of OC introduces novel considerations into agents’ investment decisions since current investment and future productivity levels are positively linked. These new considerations help bring the model closer to the data. In response to a productivity shock in one country, investment increases in both countries, producing positive international co-movement in investment, a feature of the data that several IRBC models fail to produce.  相似文献   

研究了组织中员工的积极情绪和消极情绪在支持环境下相互作用,共同影响组织主动遗忘的过程。在综合前人研究成果的基础上提出以下假设:当主管提供了支持组织主动遗忘的环境以及组织中积极情绪较高时,组织中的消极情绪与组织主动遗忘有强正相关性;当组织提供支持性环境以及组织内积极、消极情绪都很高时,组织主动遗忘水平最高。并提出了提供启发性反馈、互动性公平、为下属所信赖3种支持主动遗忘的组织环境。  相似文献   

Empirical evidence suggests that women are discriminated against in the labor market. We analyze the effects of taste-based and statistical gender discrimination on business cycle and inflation dynamics by including unpaid household production, two-agent households, and discriminatory firm behavior in a tractable New Keynesian model. After a negative demand shock, we find that the economic downturn is more severe in comparison to a non-discriminatory environment, as the shock implies an increase in the inefficient utilization of female and male productivity. Furthermore, the working time allocation between women and men becomes more inefficient. Moreover, we show that discrimination implies a lower transmission of expansionary monetary policy shocks on inflation. Overall, taste-based discrimination leads to larger macroeconomic distortions, while statistical discrimination implies higher intra-household inefficiencies.  相似文献   

This paper develops a method for analysing the dynamics of large cross-sections based on a factor analytic model. We use "law of large numbers" arguments to show that the number of common factors can be determined by a principal components method, the economy-wide shocks can be identified by means of simple structural VAR techniques and that the parameters of the unobserved factor model can be estimated consistently by applying OLS equation by equation. We distinguish between a technological and a non-technological shock. Identification is obtained by minimizing the negative realizations of the technology shock. Empirical results on 4-digit industrial output and productivity for the U.S. economy from 1958 to 1986 show that: (1) at least two economy-wide shocks, both having a long-run effect on sectoral output, are needed to explain the common dynamics; (2) although the technological shock accounts for at least 50 per cent of the aggregate dynamics of output, it cannot by itself explain dynamics at business cycle frequencies; (3) sector-specific shocks explain the main bulk of total variance but generate mainly high frequency dynamics; (4) both the technological and the non-technological component of output show a peak for positive sectoral comovements of output at business cycle frequencies; (5) technological shocks are strongly correlated with the growth rates of the investment in machinery and equipment sectors and their inputs.  相似文献   

The paper analyses whether business cycle fluctuations affectlong-run growth. This hypothesis is tested using quarterly timeseries for the G7-countries. A vector-autoregressive model containingtotal factor productivity and a survey-based direct measureof the business cycle is estimated. In this vector-autoregression,technology and business cycle shocks are identified based onthe assumption that productivity-improving measures need sometime and, thus, there is no contemporaneous response of productivityto a business cycle innovation. The results suggest that positivebusiness cycles shocks have a small negative impact on long-runproductivity. However, the results appear to be not robust againstchanges in the empirical model.(JEL E32, O41)  相似文献   

基于社会网络和组织行为理论,以高新技术企业高管为调查对象,实证分析了企业网络能力与前摄式商业模式创新的关系,以及主动组织遗忘的中介作用与环境动态性的调节作用。结果发现:①网络关系管理能力和网络配置能力都对前摄式商业模式创新具有显著正向作用;②主动组织遗忘在网络关系管理能力与前摄式商业模式创新间具有完全中介作用,而在网络配置能力与前摄式商业模式创新中具有部分中介作用;③环境动态性正向调节网络关系管理能力与前摄式商业模式创新的关系,而在网络配置能力与前摄式商业模式创新间不存在调节作用。  相似文献   

原始性创新是企业获得核心竞争力的关键,但当前对企业如何获得原始性创新的研究严重不足。为此,以我国环渤海经济带179家高技术企业为样本,从组织遗忘和即兴角度研究原始性创新形成问题,并进一步分析环境动态性在组织遗忘和原始性创新间的作用。结果发现:组织遗忘和组织即兴对原始性创新具有积极效应;组织即兴在组织遗忘和原始性创新间发挥着部分中介作用;环境动态性对组织遗忘和原始性创新的关系具有正向调节效应。  相似文献   

This paper analyses second-best optimal environmental policy responses to real and financial shocks in a two-period partial equilibrium model with heterogeneous firms, an environmental externality, and credit constraints. We show that, to alleviate credit constraints and encourage investment, the second-best optimal emission tax falls short of marginal emission damages. The optimal response to shocks depends on how the shock affects the size of the environmental and credit market failures and the effectiveness of the tax in alleviating these market failures. Under mildly restrictive assumptions on functional forms, the optimal response to a (persistent) negative productivity shock or a tightening of credit is to reduce the emission tax. Our results are informative for how climate change policy should optimally change with the business cycle.  相似文献   

本文探索性地构建了以双元学习(包括利用式学习和探索式学习)为中介变量,冗余资源为调节变量的组织遗忘对跨界创新影响的概念模型,运用结构方程模型、Bootstrap分析和多元回归分析模型对其验证,结果表明:组织遗忘对跨界创新具有显著正向影响;利用式学习和探索式学习在组织遗忘与跨界创新之间具有各别和连续中介作用;冗余资源在组织遗忘与跨界创新之间起正向调节作用.  相似文献   

Growth-business cycle interaction: A look at the OECD   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This paper examines the relationship between long-run growth and business cycles in the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD). The model in the paper specifically assumes that the business cycle influences growth through total factor productivity. Using unconditional volatility to measure the business cycle, this paper finds a negative relationship between the business cycle and long-run growth even after controlling for endogeneity. The result is robust to the inclusion of either period or country dummy variables, but not both. Therefore, the result is somewhat fragile. Finally, the assumption of constant returns to scale is consistent with the data.  相似文献   

This paper studies the impact of bank capital regulation on business cycle fluctuations. In particular, we study the procyclical nature of Basel II claimed in the literature. To do so, we adopt the Bernanke et al. (1999) “financial accelerator” model (BGG), to which we augment a banking sector. We first study the impact of a negative shock to entrepreneurs' net worth and a positive monetary policy shock on business cycle fluctuations. We then look at the impact of a negative net worth shock on business cycle fluctuations when the minimum capital requirement increases from 8 percent to 12 percent. Our comparison studies between the augmented BGG model with Basel I bank regulation and the one with Basel II bank regulation suggest that, in the presence of credit market frictions and bank capital regulation, the liquidity premium effect further amplifies the financial accelerator effect through the external finance premium channel, which, in turn, contributes to the amplification of Basel II procyclicality. Moreover, under Basel II bank regulation, in response to a negative net worth shock, the liquidity premium and the external finance premium rise much more if the minimum bank capital requirement increases, which, in turn, amplify the response of real variables. Finally, small adjustments in monetary policy can result in stronger response in the real economy, in the presence of Basel II bank regulation in particular, which is undesirable.  相似文献   

International Risk Sharing and the Transmission of Productivity Shocks   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
This paper shows that standard international business cycle models can be reconciled with the empirical evidence on the lack of consumption risk sharing. First, we show analytically that with incomplete asset markets productivity disturbances can have large uninsurable effects on wealth, depending on the value of the trade elasticity and shock persistence. Second, we investigate these findings quantitatively in a model calibrated to the U.S. economy. With the low trade elasticity estimated via a method of moments procedure, the consumption risk of productivity shocks is magnified by high terms of trade and real exchange rate (RER) volatility. Strong wealth effects in response to shocks raise the demand for domestic goods above supply, crowding out external demand and appreciating the terms of trade and the RER. Building upon the literature on incomplete markets, we then show that similar results are obtained when productivity shocks are nearly permanent, provided the trade elasticity is set equal to the high values consistent with micro-estimates. Under both approaches the model accounts for the low and negative correlation between the RER and relative (domestic to foreign) consumption in the data—the "Backus–Smith puzzle".  相似文献   


Real business cycle models purport to explain the business cycle as the result of technological change. This paper shows that the commonly used measure of technological change, the Solow residual, does not capture changes in the technology of the production function. The model used in this paper is within the framework of models described in Hansen & Sargent (1990, 1991). Technological change is modeled as a change in the value of one of the 'deep' technology parameters in the production function. The Solow residual is incapable of capturing the effects of this sort of technological change. There is no consistent relationship between the direction and size of a technological change and the sign and size of the Solow residual. The Solow residual often moves in the wrong direction, e.g. a negative technological shock causes a positive residual. Even when the Solow residual has the right sign, its size is not consistent with the size of the technological shock, e.g. a larger positive change in technology does not necessarily cause a larger positive Solow residual.  相似文献   

We identify measures of shocks to total factor productivity and preferences from two real business cycle models and subject them to Granger causality tests to see whether they can be considered exogenous to other plausible sources of the German business cycle. For West German data from 1960.i to 1989.iv we conclude that our measures of shocks are indeed exogenous. This contrasts with similar studies for other countries that question the exogeneity of either productivity or preference shocks. For the period 70.i to 01.iv we find that M3 Granger causes all of our shock measures. We attribute this to the breaks in our time series associated with the German reunification in 1990 and the European Monetary Union in 1999.Earlier versions of this paper circulate as University of Augsburg economics discussion paper no. 213 and Kiel Institute for World Economics working paper no. 1158, respectively.  相似文献   

Using ideas from the endogenous growth literature, we present a model of the endogenous determination of productivity growth based on individual worker decisions about human capital investment. We calibrate a version of the model to match long run growth facts from the US and study the business cycle properties of this model. This approach offers improvements along several dimensions over standard exogenous growth methodologies. Most importantly, our stochastic endogenous growth model generates much greater serial correlation in output growth and labor supply volatility relative to its real business cycle counterpart. We conclude that using the extra discipline of reproducing the trend productivity growth features of the data endogenously constitutes an important missing component from the real business cycle approach.  相似文献   

We introduce temperature shocks and preferences for environmental quality in a real business cycle model with natural resources. Temperature anomalies are transmitted to the business cycles via their negative effects on output and agents’ utility. Our findings suggest that permanent and temporary weather shocks propagation and their welfare implications depend crucially on whether agents value environmental quality. A permanent increase in temperature reduces output with damages reaching up to 1.61% of GDP. Agents who value environmental quality experience a higher temporary welfare gain when facing a negative weather shock, but welfare drops faster as the economy returns to equilibrium. Temperature anomalies amplify the (negative) effect of climate change on natural resources use and welfare.  相似文献   

How do growth and cycles interact? Endogenous growth and business cycle theories are integrated to explain business cycles over different frequencies, especially at lower frequencies, on the balanced growth path. A new variable-R&;D time period-broadens the concept of intertemporal substitution and determines the durations of the medium and long cycles. As a result, the evolution of technology is separated from short-run shocks. A more promising new invention shrinks the R&;D period since waiting is costly, which pushes up the level of economic activity and causes a boom, while a less promising new invention does the opposite. The level of economic activity in turn affects the near-term growth rate. Thus, a recession is not caused by a negative shock as in the standard real business cycle models, but can be associated with a positive, though lower, growth rate of technology. The results capture the major features of U.S. data in both time and frequency domains.  相似文献   

We use a 12‐dimensional VAR to examine the aggregate effects of two structural technology shocks and two policy shocks. For each shock, we examine the dynamic effects on the labor market, the importance of the shock for labor market volatility, and the comovement between labor market variables and other key aggregate variables in response to the shock. We document that labor market indicators display “hump‐shaped” responses to the identified shocks. Technology shocks and monetary policy shocks are important for labor market volatility but the ranking of their importance is sensitive to the VAR specification. The conditional correlations at business cycle frequencies are similar in response to the four shocks, apart from the correlations between hours worked, labor productivity and real wages. To account for the unconditional correlations between these variables, a mixture of shocks is required.  相似文献   

This paper investigates the link between a firm's process innovation (PI) and its segment productivity at different life cycles. The results show that business diversification is negatively associated with a firm's productivity, and further reveal that a firm's PI moderates the above relationship. In addition, the corporate life cycle literature builds blocks for this study to explain that the involvement of administrative costs varies across life cycles when diversified firms get mature and bigger. Our empirical evidence indicates that the potential costs of a complex organisational structure contingent on business diversification at a firm's mature life cycle could be alleviated by the conduct of process innovation. As process innovation at different life cycles may alter managerial incentive that leads to different firm performance, the managerial implication is that diversified firms should appropriately engage in process innovation to prevent unfavourable liability from the development of their businesses.  相似文献   

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