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《Transport Policy》2003,10(2):85-94
This research investigates the impact of the construction of a new subway line (Line 5) in Seoul on nearby residential property values. A hedonic pricing model shows that distance from a Line 5 subway station had a statistically significant effect on residential prices only prior to the line's opening. This is consistent with the anticipatory effect observed in other studies. Moreover, accessibility to transit had, in general, less of an impact on house prices than other variables such as the size of the unit, the quality of the school district, proximity to the high-status Kangnam subcenter, and possibly accessibility to recreational resources.  相似文献   

Market effects of regional high-speed trains on the Svealand line   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
When the Svealand line in Sweden opened in 1997, it replaced an older railway line between Eskilstuna and Stockholm (a distance of 115 km). Service on the Svealand line is operated with regional high-speed trains. In a case study of the effects of regional high-speed train services, changes in knowledge, valuations and travel behaviour have been analysed. The Svealand line has sparked an increase in regional rail travel of up to seven times compared to the old railway between Eskilstuna and Stockholm. Additionally, the market share has risen from 6% to 30%. Travelling times are valued highly and motorists, particularly, place great value on the high-speed train mode of transport.A general conclusion is that regional high-speed train services have had a major impact on the travel market and on travel behaviour. The improved accessibility to Stockholm, in particular, is especially noticeable among residents living close to the railway stations.  相似文献   

The daily trip to work is ubiquitous, yet its characteristics differ widely from person to person and place to place. This is manifested in statistics on mode and distance of travel, which vary depending on a range of factors that operate at different scales. This heterogeneity is problematic for decision makers tasked with encouraging more sustainable commuter patterns. Numerical models, based on real commuting data, have great potential to aid the decision making process. However, we contend that new approaches are needed to advance knowledge about the social and geographical factors that relate to the diversity of commuter patterns, if policies targeted to specific individuals or places are to be effective. To this end, the paper presents a spatial microsimulation approach, which combines individual-level survey data with geographically aggregated census results to tackle the problem. This method overcomes the limitations imposed by the lack of available geocoded micro-data. Further, it allows a range of scales of analysis to be pursued in parallel and provides insights into both the types of area and individual that would benefit most from specific interventions.  相似文献   

Regional jets, normally defined as jet aircraft introduced since 1993 with less than 100 seats, have been thought to have significant impacts on air services at airports, for example, in improving service frequency, allowing airlines to exploit niche markets and to feed hubs. Previous studies have focused on regional jet deployment strategy and the overall situation and they suggest that deployment was generally to larger cities first and, in addition, to locations east of the Mississippi. It has also been suggested that smaller airports might lose service when regional jets replace turboprops and that carrier competition would increase, to the benefit of the consumer.This paper aims to throw more light on these issues from the individual airports' point of view. Data on changes in schedules from the Official Airline Guide (OAG) at a series of case study airports from 1994 to 2002 is used to examine, the impacts on new route development, market dynamics, carrier competition and concentration and deployment status. In particular, the impact on smaller airports is examined.It is concluded, subject to the usual caveats on sample size, that there is little evidence of a uniform impact on routes or airports. The aggregate picture often described by the industry and government is shown to be a combination of highly dissimilar cases. A spectrum of effects is identified across different types of airports and routes but some of the anticipated trends, such as hub bypassing, are not observed. Some airports reaped significant benefits in terms of improved frequency and services to new destinations, whilst others gained little.  相似文献   

With the Republic of Korea facing many challenges in urban housing development, the Korean government has implemented various public housing policies to stabilise the residential life of low-income households. While the government has established different housing policies for each household income class, there is a lack of research on rational accessibility models that consider the characteristics of each income class. Therefore, this study constructed an accessibility calculation model that reflects the transportation characteristics of various household income classes and used it to calculate the accessibility of each area and the household location of each income class. The results demonstrated limited difference in accessibility between income classes in Seoul; however, in Incheon and Gyeonggi Province, high-income accessibility was lower than low-income accessibility. It was also confirmed that the low-income households were more likely to be located in areas of low accessibility, while middle and high-income households were more likely to be located in areas of high accessibility. The main contributions of this study are as follows. First, it systematically derives the traffic characteristics by income class and uses these to calculate accessibility. Second, it presents a more reasonable model for calculating accessibility than the nominal model used in government policy decisions. Finally, it evaluates household location by income class based on the accessibility calculated in this study.  相似文献   

Light rail, metro and other urban rail transit systems can play a significant role in improving the attractiveness and quality of urban public transport. They can influence the attractiveness of locations near the stations and improve accessibility for these locations. Furthermore urban rail can improve a location’s attractiveness by its image effect: it makes a station appear modern and dynamic, and thus raises the status of this location.This paper summarises findings on the land-use and economic impacts of the urban rail system of the city of Naples over time and space. It examines changes in residential and non-residential (offices and retail) property prices around the newly built stations between 2001 and 2008 as well as the changes in the number of residents for the same station catchment areas. Ad hoc station control areas have been specified in order to compare the results of these changes. Results show that values in station control areas are lower than those of those of the stations catchment areas.  相似文献   

任民 《铁道经济研究》2010,(1):37-39,43
根据有关客运专线运量预测方法,预测北京到上海2012年的客运基线运量,京沪高速铁路建成运营后的转移运量、诱发运量。预测分析表明,京沪高速铁路通车运营后将会产生69.68%的转移运量和30.32%的诱发运量,理论上有可能转移京沪间民航85.77%的趋势客运量。  相似文献   

Using a panel of 13 tourism-intensive economies for the period 1995–2012, this paper shows that rising growth in tourism which is proxied by tourism receipts to GDP ratio has an impact on poverty conditional on the poverty measure used. Using a panel Vector Autoregression method, there is little evidence to suggest that growth in tourism reduces headcount poverty. However, the poverty gap measure shows that the amount of money needed to help the poor out of poverty is significantly reduced. Based on different types of Gini coefficient, the results fail to find an improvement in income inequality resulting from tourism growth. Alternative measures such as relative poverty and poverty gap may be considered to better assess the impact of tourism on the poor.  相似文献   

《Transport Policy》2000,7(2):139-148
One potential solution to reducing peak hour congestion has been to identify a role for the employer in reducing car-based travel to work and promoting more sustainable alternatives through comprehensive ‘employee travel plans’ (Rye, T., 1995. Employee Transport Plans—An Easy Means to Cut Congestion? The 23rd European Transport Forum, Proceedings of Seminar B, Planning for Sustainability, PTRC, pp. 229–241). In the UK such plans have seen a steady increase in interest since the early 1990s culminating in their recognition in the Department of the Environment, Transport and the Regions DETR, 1998 (DETR, 1998. A New Deal for Transport: Better for Everyone, The Government's White Paper on the Future of Transport, HMSO, London) Transport White Paper as a policy tool for reducing car-based travel. Despite their inclusion as a policy tool little information exists on the views of employers towards such plans (Rye, T., 1995. Employee Transport Plans—An Easy Means to Cut Congestion? The 23rd European Transport Forum, Proceedings of Seminar B, Planning for Sustainability, PTRC, pp. 229–241; Rye, T., MacLeod, M., 1998. An Investigation of Employer Attitudes to Employer Transport Plans, AET European Transport Conference 1998, Policy Planning and Sustainability Seminar (Seminar C), vol. 2, PTRC). This is of considerable concern given that employers by default are the key implementers. Studies to date on employers’ attitudes have concentrated on the views of the large employer (over 100 employees). The Transport White Paper however suggests that there is also a role for the small employer. This paper therefore investigates the attitudes and policy of the small employer (under 100 employees) towards staff travel and green commuter plans. The paper is based on the analysis of data collected in 1998 from 352 small Oxfordshire employers. The research was funded under the DETR's Seedcorn Research Programme. The paper outlines selected findings of this research, and concludes by suggesting that while ultimately there should be a role for the small employer in developing green commuter plans it is the large firms that are more likely to implement green commuter plans in the short term. In policy terms, the continuing focus of green commuter plans on large employers is therefore the best way forward. In the long term however consideration needs to be given to the role that the small employer can play in reducing employee travel.  相似文献   

This study reveals the economic impact of seaports on regions in Korea. Econometrics analysis employing an augmented Solow model is conducted based on the panel data covering all the regions of Korea over the period 2000–2013. The econometrics analysis shows that cargo ports without sufficient throughput obstruct regional economic growth, whilst cargo ports contribute to regional economic growth only when they have sufficient throughput. Furthermore, the result indicates that container port activities positively affect regional economic growth, whilst port investment indirectly leads to economic growth. This study contributes to the better understanding of the role of ports in Korean economies.  相似文献   

Commuters in a medium size city may change how they travel from day to day during the week. A structural equations model is developed to examine commuter’s planning decisions about activities and modes during a work day. The model is applied to the problem of selecting commuter rail in the Piedmont Triad region of North Carolina. On a typical weekday, a commuter’s mode choice is affected by activities at the destination. However, when the commuter is faced with a mix of travel modes over time, the mode choice becomes a significant predictor of non-work/school activities.  相似文献   

In an era when the transport sector is increasingly contributing to environmental damage there is a need to better understand the behavioural response of consumers. Theories such as the Theory of Planned Behaviour and the Norm-Activation Model have had some success in explaining pro-environmental behaviours; this paper examines the application of these to air travel. It utilises insights from previous attitude behaviour research to develop a more detailed understanding of how normative influences, individual values and other psychological factors are affected by individual attitudes to air travel attitudes and how these influence behaviour. This informs recommendations for a policy response, which emphasises the need to bring air travel behaviour in line with other energy saving household behaviours.  相似文献   

This study analyzes the positive and negative relationships between housing prices and proximity to light rail and highways in Phoenix, Arizona. We hypothesize that the accessibility benefits of light rail transit (LRT) and highways accrue at nodes (stations and highway exits specifically), while disamenities emanate from rail and highway links as well as from nodes. Distance decay of amenities and disamenities is captured using multiple distance bands, and hypotheses are tested using a spatial hedonic model using generalized spatial two-stage least-squares estimation. Results show that proximity to transport nodes was associated significantly and positively with single-family detached home values. As a function of distance from highway exits and LRT stations, the distance-band coefficients form an inverted-U pattern consistent with a positive longer-range distance–decay accessibility effect minus a smaller and shorter-range distance–decay disamenity effect. The positive accessibility effect for highway exits extends farther than for LRT stations. Coefficients for the distance from highway and LRT links, however, were not significant. We also test the effect of highway design on home values and find that below-grade highways have relatively positive impacts on nearby houses compared to those at ground level or above.  相似文献   

The environmental impact of food transportation is site and product specific and depends on the direct relation between origin-to-destination distance and logistic efficiency, as pointed out by the relevant literature. This paper analyses a very specific case, comparing the impacts of transportation generated by the logistics of two brands of Italian canned tomato purchased in Sassari (Sardinia, Italy), one extending over the whole continental Italian territory, the other mainly located in the island of Sardinia. Different sale (supermarket chain vs. independent retailers) and shopping (foot vs. car) modalities are also considered. The contributions to global warming, local pollution and traffic congestion are considered.The case study shows that the logistics of the national brand is much more polluting than the regional, not only because of the longer distance between origin and destination, but also because the additional distance that is needed to reach logistic hubs is not compensated by higher load factors. Instead, the logistics of the regional brand is based on a very efficient point-to-point organization. This result is generalizable to all regional supply chains featuring high volumes of product. Results of the case study also depend on: a) the high impact of packaging transportation, because of the very low weight/volume ratio of empty cans; b) the high CO2 emission coefficient of lorries and trailers transportation by ferry (Ro–Ro). The case study also stresses the very high impact of shopping by car.  相似文献   

This study investigates the redistributive effects of Seoul's bus rapid transit (BRT) system on development patterns and property values using an urban simulation model. The Seoul Metropolitan Integrated Urban Model (SMIUM) combines the Seoul metropolitan input-output model with random utility-based location choice models and endogenous real estate markets.The major findings of this study can be highlighted as follows. First, Seoul's BRT contributes to increased development density in urban centers, acting as a centripetal force to attract firms from the suburbs into urban cores and supporting arguments for Smart Growth proponents. Second, unlike its redistributive effects on nonresidential activities, the BRT has a limited effect on the redistribution of residential activities, implying that residential locations are less sensitive to accessibility improvements made by the BRT than are nonresidential locations. Third, reflecting the transferred space demands from the suburbs to the urban cores, the CBD reaps the highest property value gains, while all of the outer ring zones suffer from reduced property values.  相似文献   

Since its opening in 1994 the Channel Tunnel has become a key element in the transport infrastructure linking Britain and continental Europe. But, as well as forming part of the Trans-European Rail Network, the Channel Tunnel was also seen as a potential stimulus to trans-frontier collaboration and as a possible catalyst for regional economic development. The aim of the paper is to evaluate the regional impacts of the Tunnel within the Anglo-French frontier zone on both sides of the English Channel. Although millions of passengers travel through the Tunnel every year, numbers have failed to reach the forecast levels and the overall benefits are fewer than had been anticipated. The English Channel still represents a psychological barrier (partly due to language differences) and the frontier zone has failed to develop as an integrated labour market. Moreover, the findings suggest that the Channel Tunnel has only had a limited impact on the spatial economy of the trans-frontier zone in Kent and Nord-Pas-de-Calais. While Ashford has undoubtedly gained from its high-speed rail connection, the greatest impacts have occurred in metropolitan regions further from the Tunnel, including Lille and East London.  相似文献   

《Transport Policy》2009,16(5):251-258
There has been recent growth of professional education where academic institutions increasingly offer postgraduate programmes on subjects traditionally emphasizing on apprentice-style/practical learning approach. The motivations behind such growth and the added values of these programmes to students, however, have remained under-researched. Hence, by investigating the maritime industry, this paper attempts to address such deficiency. Through a Likert-style questionnaire survey, it is found that the changing requirements within the maritime industry serve as the core factor in aspiring practitioners to pursue postgraduate maritime degrees, while such programmes are pivotal in human capital management through preparing and re-training maritime professionals to ensure ongoing excellence and provisions of effective services within the ever-changing maritime industry.  相似文献   

《Transport Policy》2006,13(4):295-306
This paper reports on key findings from a collaborative study whose objective was to produce an up-to-date guidance manual on the factors affecting the demand for public transport for use by public transport operators and planning authorities, and for academics and other researchers. Whilst a wide range of factors was examined in the study, the paper concentrates on the findings regarding the influence of fares, quality of service and income and car ownership. The results are a distillation and synthesis of identified published and unpublished information on the factors affecting public transport demand. The context is principally that of urban surface transport in Great Britain, but extensive use was made in the study of international sources and examples.  相似文献   

The arrival of high-speed trains (HSTs) leads to unprecedented time-space effects, potentially assisting face-to-face contacts in knowledge-generating process, yet its wider spatial-economic impacts are still open to debate. This research attempts to fill in this gap with empirical evidence by studying the inter-regional impacts of upgraded British InterCity 125/225 on British economic geography over 30 years. The six study routes of London-outbound trains serving major railways stations in 26 local authorities were selected as units of analysis, with the observation of differential effects both between HSTs and non-HSTs towns and among each group of towns, to understand time-space effects of InterCity 125/225 whose potential impacts on local economic strength and knowledge intensive development. The key findings suggest that the differential HST effects on British economic geography could be classified into three influential zones, namely 1-h, 2-h, and over-2-h towns. HST has had substantial and demonstrable effects in aiding this transition within a 2-h travel limit of London, thus helping to generate renewed economic growth, but that the effects have not been automatic or universal. Regarding future British HST policy, the implications arising from this study is that cities connected to a new HST could seize opportunities which non-HST cities will not be able to do so, but this is not a zero-sum situation. Instead, it involves a national strategy to develop a hierarchical network with HST between London and key regional hubs, well integrated at these hubs with intra-regional transport systems. This indicates a strong case for a finer-grained and deeper probing analysis at an intra-regional level of the potential for rail improvement as an agent of change in city-region development. We hope to report further on this in a subsequent paper.  相似文献   

This study provides new insights on regional context that culminate in a proposed model of the elements determining the development stage of regional cultural tourism. In-depth interviews were conducted with 25 regional participants, collecting data on tourist arrivals, investors, and residents' attitudes in the Sanyi region, Taiwan. Responses, especially those who are not economically dependent on the tourism industry, had negative attitudes toward the increase in tourists. Even so, most responses support cultural tourism development and are willing to participate in tourist festivals. Overall, investment responses preferred preserving traditional culture and less commercial activities. Results expressed the sense that developing tourism can also help preserve and allow more visitors a chance to experience the traditional culture. It is shown that Sanyi is in the third stage, advanced commodification, of the process of creative destruction, with signs that it is moving into the fourth stage, early destruction. The model emphasizes that the increasing number of tourists and positive attitudes of the residents can stimulate the introduction of investors and the development stage of regional cultural tourism. Managerial implications are provided for cultural tourism driven economic development and planning.  相似文献   

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