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Transit-oriented development (TOD), which is regarded as an efficient planning strategy for urban sustainability, has surged in use across the globe in the recent past. While the lessons learned from case studies of individual cities can provide valuable references, they also result in a gap between existing theoretical principles and actual planning practices. The comparative analysis of TOD typologies among cities affords unique strengths for addressing such a challenge. By extending the classic ‘node–place’ model with a third dimension, this paper first constructs a ‘node–functionality–place’ model in the form of a magic cube as the theoretical basis for classifying TOD typologies. Then, the model is applied to five typical Chinese megacities, namely, Beijing, Shanghai, Shenzhen, Wuhan and Hangzhou. After establishing an indicator system, the analytic hierarchy process (AHP) is used to determine the TOD degree, and a two-step cluster is employed to classify TOD typologies. The results show that the TOD degree, although it varies with cities, presents a similar spatial pattern, with a general tendency to decline from the central core to the outskirts. In total, six TOD types are distinguished and present notable variations within and across the five megacities. The identified TOD typologies thus equip urban planners and policymakers with a useful tool for designing more targeted strategies. The discoveries made in the comparative context differ from those made in the individual context in prior studies. This paper is thus believed to make a new contribution to the existing TOD literature.  相似文献   

Although many studies investigate the association between land use and station ridership, few examine their nonlinear and moderating relationships. Using metro smartcard data in Shenzhen, we develop a gradient boosting decision trees model to estimate the relative importance of land use variables and their threshold and moderating effects on ridership. We found that station betweenness centrality has the largest predictive power, followed by employment density and commercial floor area ratio (FAR). Results suggest that employment density, commercial FAR, and aggregate residential density should be set at 40,000 jobs/km2, 2, and 77,000 persons/km2, respectively, for maximizing ridership. The moderating effects show that population densification is more effective at terminal stations, whereas the policies intensifying nonresidential use work better at middle stations. These findings help planners prioritize land use strategies, identify effective ranges of land use metrics, and propose land use guidelines adaptive to the network position of stations.  相似文献   

This study examines how metro stations can expand their service coverage for passengers by implementing a public bicycle sharing system (PBSS) in the vicinity. We design a stated preference method questionnaire to determine the choice behavior intention of metro passengers toward PBSS and calibrate the survey data using the mixed logit model. We also use a geographic information system to display this expansion in metro station service coverage following the incorporation of PBSS. We then conduct a cost-benefit analysis of PBSS incorporation into the metro system to determine its cost-effectiveness. The decision criteria for PBSS station allocation strategies as derived in this study can act as useful references for urban planners and PBSS operation agencies when initiating low-carbon and sustainable policies.  相似文献   

This paper tests further a cultural tourism typology based on the interface between centrality of cultural tourism as a trip motive and the depth of experience. Five types of cultural tourist are identified that represent five benefit‐based segments. The segments are tested against a variety of trip, demographic, motivational, preferred activity, awareness, cultural distance and activity variables. Significant differences are noted between the groups, suggesting that the model presented may be effective in segmenting the cultural tourism market. Moreover, although the segmentation process is predicated on two variables, these variables are reflective of underlying trip motivation, activity preference and cultural distance factors noted between the different types of cultural tourist. Copyright © 2003 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

We introduce a methodology to develop a geo-typology (geotype) that categorizes each location in the United States in terms of their main drivers of transportation demand and supply. We develop the first comprehensive set of geotypes for both urban and rural areas across the entire United States. This typology is designed to facilitate national level modeling of multi-modal transportation system's response to alternative investment strategies differentiated across different types of locations. We develop a two-stage clustering procedure to systematically and quantitatively characterize the ways in which locations across the nation are similar or different with respect to their potential response to investment strategies of interest. First, we cluster all 73,057 census tracts, using factor analysis and the CLARA clustering algorithm into “microtypes” based on their street network and economic characteristics. Then we cluster regions (core-basic statistical areas and counties) into “geotypes” using PAM clustering according to their commute configurations, polycentricity and density. The resulting set captures both local and regional variation. These microtypes and geotypes are comparable across all locations, enabling a national level perspective, while maintaining sufficient heterogeneity to support a variety of transportation analyses capturing critical geographic variation.  相似文献   

通过对国外铁路市郊运输及北京铁路枢纽现状的总结,分析北京发展铁路市郊运输存在的问题及面临的发展机遇.在此基础上,提出开行公交化列车、提高市郊列车服务质量、开行旅游品牌列车、实现各种交通方式合理分工合作等推进北京发展铁路市郊运输的对策.  相似文献   

利用北京铁路枢纽发展城市交通   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过对北京市城市交通发展状况的分析,探讨铁路参与北京城市交通市场竞争的可行性,提出了利用北京铁路枢纽发展城市交通的线路方案,同时对如何经营城市列车提出了具体的设想。  相似文献   

Collaboratories have been defined as virtual places where collaborative research can be undertaken. As part of the Aboriginal Tourism Network (ABORINET), a geocollaboratory was developed to support Indigenous tourism research. Indigenous communities are culturally distinct and remotely located and this presents geographic and sociocultural constraints when conducting research on issues affecting these communities. ABORINET's development focused on the specific goal of enabling collaboration between researchers and Indigenous peoples on issues related to Indigenous tourism planning and management, and the general issue of enabling the sharing of differing knowledge and management approaches among research and Indigenous communities. The purpose was to develop a multi-scale and multi-method data collection and analysis protocol for better understanding Indigenous tourism in a way that supports multi-site and longitudinal comparisons, for connecting Indigenous communities across the world, and for sharing the results in ways that are meaningful to stakeholders within and beyond Indigenous communities. This paper outlines the development of the geocollaboratory and describes the lessons learned with specific attention afforded the geographical nature of the collaboratory. Recommendations for mitigating challenges are proposed and future research opportunities are identified.  相似文献   

调查分析了国内外及北京铁路局发展现代物流的现状、特点 ,针对北京铁路局发展现代物流的主要制约因素和基本条件 ,结合下属各分局具体情况 ,分析了全铁路局拓展现代物流服务的重点领域 ,并提出了处理与铁路运输和社会资源的关系、加强物流企业规划和信息化建设、延伸现有物流服务业务等具体的对策建议。  相似文献   

面对激烈的运输市场竞争,铁路急需探索新的经营方式。铁路货运站发展物流业务,能有效提高社会经济活动的总体效益。结合北京东站的货源结构和发展情况,分析其建设物流中心的可行性,提出了在北京东站建立辅助性物流配送中心的建议方案。  相似文献   

Synergies between shopping and public transit have long been noted, with main streets emerging along tram lines and shopping malls attached to train stations. The shopping-transit synergy is also at the core of transit-oriented development (TOD), a widespread planning approach to urban sustainability. However, there is a lack of morphological research investigating how shopping clusters around transit stations at a fine-geographic scale. This paper explores the shopping morphologies of three central-city subway station areas in Toronto, San Francisco, and Melbourne, mapping and measuring the extent of public and quasi-public shopfronts relative to the station. The morphological analysis of 200, 300, 400, and 500 m walking catchments shows that as the distance from the station increases, the proportion of shopfronts in the total catchment declines. Quasi-public shopping space can enhance the walkable catchment and permeability of a station area and may contribute to urbanity as long as it adds to diversity of access options. The findings highlight the role walkable shopping environments can play within urban transit station areas and show the importance of nuanced consideration being given to morphologies in the analysis and planning of TODs.  相似文献   

在对国内外研究现状分析的基础上,立足于北京丰台站交通现状分析与评价,针对现状问题和路网约束条件,进行交通策略设计,提出交通改善方案和措施,并运用交通仿真软件对方案进行仿真评价和敏感性分析,给出推荐方案。同时提出相应的交通管理和组织措施。  相似文献   

Distribution centres are becoming more and more relevant for spatial planning, due to their rapidly increasing size and number. There is little literature, however, that provides a generalized analysis of the size and functional attributes of distribution centres, and none that discusses the relationships between these attributes. Our aim is to fill this gap by providing new evidence and analysis to understand this relationship. We make use of an extensive database of 2888 DCs in the Netherlands to develop a new typology of DCs based on the geographical location of DCs, their functional attributes and client sector characteristics. The analysis shows that the context in which medium sized DCs are operating is more heterogeneous than in the case of very large and small size DCs. This study is a first attempt to analyse this relationship between facility size and functions based on a rich and extensive dataset of large population of DCs. The results can serve as input for further quantitative statistical analysis and international comparison.  相似文献   

Logistics activities are concentrated around cities, for the purpose of accessing and serving these important markets. However, at a more refined level, because of land prices, availability and modern logistics schemes, suburban locations are preferred. This trend, the so-called logistics sprawl, creates land consumption, longer supply chains and jobs shifts. This article analyses the geography of logistics in the Brussels metropolitan area and highlights this suburbanization, notwithstanding the fact that some particularities appear, due to the Brussels, Belgian and European contexts. In a second step, we construct a spatial typology to understand the fine evolution of the Brussels metropolitan logistics space. These results reinforce our knowledge of logistics geography and add a frequently neglected institutional dimension to the extant literature on the subject – wholesale trade activities.  相似文献   

目前北京市交通拥堵日益严峻,对于国铁资源的利用方面,北京已经开行了3条市郊铁路,然而北京的国铁系统仍然没有为大规模的都市圈通勤需求提供应有的服务,存在空间和时间格局上的失配问题。通过北京与东京都市圈的城市交通特征和交通成本的比较分析,在借鉴东京国铁“五方面作战”的经验基础上,从顶层设计、“1+7”线路改造战略布局和运营管理等方面,提出北京市利用国铁资源发展都市圈市郊铁路构想,为北京市利用国铁资源发展都市圈市郊铁路提供参考依据。  相似文献   

This paper proposes a new strategic planning model for high-speed rail ventures. It is a mixed-integer optimization model that applies to a given line and focuses on two key strategic decisions: station location and fleet composition. Our purpose is to improve on previous station location models by including fleet composition decisions. In the new model, we additionally take into account in an approximate fashion the interrelationships between strategic and subsequent tactical decisions, regarding line planning, train scheduling and fleet assignment issues. The usefulness of the model is demonstrated for a case study involving a planned Lisbon-Oporto high-speed rail line.  相似文献   

Jeju Island is a major domestic tourism destination in South Korea and is an increasingly significant international tourism destination, especially for the Japanese and Chinese markets. The Jeju provincial government strongly supports the tourism industry and has, along with the Korean central government, invested heavily in the construction of tourism infrastructure and tourism promotion. There is an abundance of printed literature available to tourists, in the form of brochures and guidebooks, during their stay in Jeju Island. In this study, the types of photographic representations found in that media is identified using a previously developed typology of four ‘spaces’ and four ‘subjects’. Content analysis of a proportional sample of 4115 pages in 225 tourist guidebooks and brochures determined the frequencies of certain ‘types’ of photographs. Further interpretive analysis probes the intentions behind the imagery, if any exist, towards the representational construction of this island's destination image as it appears to the tourist reader. Theoretical issues related to destination image and its representations are explored in light of the findings and implications for tourism policy and management are discussed. Copyright © 2010 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Stakeholder participation in tourism policy-making is usually perceived as providing a means of empowerment. However, participatory processes drawing upon stakeholders from traditionally empowered backgrounds may provide the means of removing empowerment from stakeholders. Such an outcome would be in contradiction to the claims that participatory processes improve both inclusivity and sustainability. In order to form an understanding of the sources through which empowerment may be removed, an analytical perspective has been developed deriving from Lukes' views of power dating from 1974. This perspective considers the concept of depotentia as the removal of ‘power to’ without speculating upon the underlying intent, and also provides for the multidimensionality of power to be examined within a single study. The application of this analytical perspective has been tested upon findings of the government-commissioned report of the Countryside and Community Research Unit in 2005. The survey and report investigated the progress of Local Access Forums in England created in response to the Countryside and Rights of Way Act 2000. Consideration of the data from this perspective permits the classification of individual sources of depotentia which can each be addressed and potentially enable stakeholder groups to reverse loss of empowerment where it has occurred.  相似文献   

Whilst Geographical Information Systems (GIS) are now used more commonly in transport research and modelling, GIS techniques were used in this study to select similar sample areas (in terms of geography and census attributes) for data collection. For this purpose, a GIS mapping system for Tyne and Wear, UK, was built. The system included topographic maps of the area, boundary maps of Lower Super Output Areas (LSOA), and aggregated census statistics datasets for LSOAs. Criteria relating to census attributes and the nature of transport were employed to identify ‘hotspots’ by GIS enquiry to provide suitably matching areas, which then formed the basis of the sampling frame.The research project was concerned with commuters’ travel choices and so the study needed to identify commuters. In this case-study context, it is not possible to select fully homogeneous areas, so the GIS ‘hotspots’ approach allowed the identification of areas where there were a high concentration of commuters with multiple alternatives for travel to work. A pilot study showed that the GIS origin-based approach was good in collecting a balanced sample, as compared to an employment-based destination survey. This paper explores the benefits and costs of these origin- and destination-based approaches. In the origin-based home sample, households with paper-based surveys were targeted after identification by GIS. This origin approach requires more data preparation compared to the alternative of an employer-based, destination-based sample that could use online survey methodologies.The paper concludes by identifying GIS as an important tool in selecting a sample area for data collection using multiple criteria, but argues that plans for data collection need to be flexibly constructed to overcome unexpected challenges. Although this paper focuses on a transport research case study, the methodology presented can be applied to survey design and selection of sample areas in other disciplines.  相似文献   

Like most developing cities, Beijing's public transport is unable to meet demand, but it also faces growing bicycle use. Alternative public transport improvements in a congested corridor of the city — busway, light rail and elevated rail — were modelled and compared in a simple cost-benefit analysis. Complications arose in attempting bus-bicycle modal split modelling and in making due allowance for crowding in a developing country setting. Only the busway showed a positive net present value, but whether the implied withdrawal of roadspace and consequent restraint on the growing number of motorized vehicles is a virtue or not will depend on wider policy considerations.  相似文献   

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