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社区共管与自然保护区可持续发展   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
自然保护区社区共管是20世纪90年代以来国际上兴起的一种新型的自然资源管理模式,本文阐释了自然保护区社区共管的概念,并从自然保护区可持续发展的角度分析了社区共管中存在的种种矛盾与冲突,提出了提高社区居民参与性、合理利用资源、健全相关法律法规体系、完善社区共管激励机制、完善野生动物破坏补偿机制、加大资金投入力度、完善共管效果评估机制体系等解决或缓解社区共管中各种冲突与矛盾的途径与措施.  相似文献   

本文引入一个社区主导型草地共管案例,在概括说明其主要特点的基础上,利用比较分析方法分析了当地实施这一模式所取得的成效,并试图从社会资本的视角分析影响其内在机制的因素。研究结果表明,草地共管是一种有效的草地资源可持续管理模式,它促进了牧民增收、草地资源的保护和社区治理的改善,提高了牧民的生态意识。在草地共管的机制形成和成功实践中,社会资本发挥着关键性作用。包括传统文化、社区制度、社区组织、社区信任、民间规范和社区联系等在内的社会资本有利于草地共管的认同机制、制度安排机制、运行机制和监管机制的形成。  相似文献   

介绍了白水江社区共管的产生及过程安排,对白水江森林资源社区共管初始、计划、审批实施3个阶段的分权问题、信息问题、持续性问题进行了分析,提出解决白水江社区共管问题的相关建议:健全管理体系、完善社区管理数据库、创造可持续投入的共管资源。  相似文献   

阐述了云南自然保护区及社区共管的概况;描述了云南社区共管的演变过程;评价了社区共管的实施成效;指出存在管理概念模糊和管理目标冲突、管理体制权责不清且难以统一、运用参与式方法产生的问题、管理机构的作用发挥不当等问题及冲突;提出制定符合当地实际和科学的共管运行机制、完善云南林业产权制度并实现责权利的统一、坚持社区共管的有限主体并充分发挥参与式作用、积极协调好自然保护区管理机构的职能与社区经济发展的关系等完善社区共管的对策建议。  相似文献   

云南自然保护区社区共管内涵的演变   总被引:8,自引:1,他引:7  
社区共管不断被应用于云南自然保护区的管理实践,在扩大自然保护区影响、增强环境保护意识、缓和社区与保护区矛盾等方面取得明显成效。随着社区共管实践的深入,其内涵在从国外引入时的基础上不断演变和发展。从概念、目标、主体、对象及机制等方面,分析了社区共管内涵演变的过程及原因,揭示其在云南自然保护区管理中的变化规律和发展趋势,以促进云南自然保护区管理水平和生物多样性保护成效的提高。  相似文献   

基于实地调研,首先从林场和周边村落两方面深入分析了林场与周边村落的共管利益,然后对旺业甸林场通过与林业专业公司合作共建、与芳香食用菌专业合作社共建、与周边村落开展综合共管实践、林场与社区合作用工、林场与社区合作林下种养殖以及其他形式与周边村落进行的一系列共管实践活动进行全面分析,最后提出树立正确的"社区共管"认识观、持续改善林场与周边居民的共管关系、建立和完善长期有效的共管机制等促进林场与周边村落共管工作有效开展的建议。  相似文献   

实践证明社区共管是一项效果不错的资源管理制度,其先进的理念与手法,以民生为本的人文关怀激励着林缘社区居民,社区的稳定性和资源管理的有数性增加是不争的事实,但社区共管至今没有相应的法律地位,也未在更大的范围内推广,笔者就此进行了较为深入的研究,给出了森林资源社区共管是否可能的基本判断及如何可能的对策与建议.  相似文献   

社区共管传入中国近二十年,业已取得的成效表明值得进一步推广。随着社区共管的发展,无论是从理论上,还是从实践上,都要求在社区共管中实行农民合作。在社区共管中倡导农民合作是必要的,虽然会遭遇农民合作的各种困境,但社区共管区域中的农民合作有其他农村地区农民合作不可比拟的优势,具有更大可能性。只是农民合作实践的动态性使得社区共管中的农民合作表现出多元化的现实性,呈现出复杂的图景,还需要在实践中去发展完善。  相似文献   

唐远雄  李江 《农村经济》2011,(11):53-57
社区共管传入中国近二十年,业已取得的成效表明值得进一步推广。随着社区共管的发展,无论是从理论上,还是从实践上,都要求在社区共管中实行农民合作。在社区共管中倡导农民合作是必要的,虽然会遭遇农民合作的各种困境,但社区共管区域中的农民合作有其他农村地区农民合作不可比拟的优势,具有更大可能性。只是农民合作实践的动态性使得社区共管中的农民合作表现出多元化的现实性,呈现出复杂的图景,还需要在实践中去发展完善。  相似文献   

社区共管下保护区发展战略探讨   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
从松花江三湖保护区及其周边社区现状入手,深入分析了保护区与社区之间的矛盾,即林经矛盾、林牧矛盾、林农矛盾、林企矛盾、林旅矛盾以及社区对水体污染的矛盾,从而引入了社区共管的参与式保护区管理方式。探讨了社区共管下的保护区发展战略措施,并对其成效进行了分析。  相似文献   

Many natural resource management researchers have focused either on institutional design and evaluation or on livelihood outcomes per se without explicitly acknowledging and rigorously examining linkages between the two. Thus, a major gap in the current literature on co-management institutional arrangements is the extent to which co-management has strengthened the livelihoods of poor forest-dependent communities. This gap is addressed in this paper by developing and testing an argument that well-designed co-management arrangements have strengthened the livelihood outcomes of poor forest-dependent communities in a Kenyan case study. The hybrid analytical framework developed for this analysis situates Ostrom's (1990) design criteria for co-management institutions in the broader context of the Sustainable Livelihood Framework. It then uses this analytical framework to evaluate the Arabuko-Sokoke Forest Reserve (ASFR) co-management initiative in Kenya, based on a three-step process. First, the paper provides an overview of current institutional arrangements for governance of the ASFR co-management regime. Second, it evaluates the extent to which these governance arrangements can be characterized as devolved collaborative governance, informed by Ostrom's (1990) design principles and; third, it evaluates the extent to which the livelihood outcomes of forest dependent communities that are participants in the co-management project have had their livelihoods strengthened as a result of the ASFR co-management governance arrangements. The paper demonstrates that the institutional arrangements for ASFR co-management are relatively nascent and emerging because the governance arrangements for the ASFR co-management project cannot be characterized as fully devolved de jure collaborative governance. Notwithstanding this, the findings reveal that participant forest-dependent communities in the co-management project had improved livelihoods compared to forest-dependent communities outside the co-management scheme. It is suggested that this is due to the de facto co-management arrangements.  相似文献   

目前国际上普遍认为,实施社区参与共管是一种能够积极解决自然保护区保护与发展之间突出矛盾的管理模式,是实现有效管理的途径。本文结合金光寺自然保护区的实际情况,探讨通过社区群众参与资源保护,发展社区经济,减轻对保护区的资源压力,从而促进保护区的管理工作的社区群众参与管理机制。  相似文献   

Successful land claims on protected areas by previously disenfranchised communities often result in co-management agreements between claimant communities and state conservation agencies. South Africa, in particular, has pursued co-management as the desired outcome of land claims on its protected areas. We review four cases of co-management on protected areas in South Africa, and reflect on the appropriateness of the pursuit of co-management as the preferred outcome of land claims. Despite promises of pro-poor, democratically informed management, the practical experience of co-management has seen the continuation of the status quo in terms of conservation, with very few material benefits for claimant communities and limited sharing of responsibilities and decision-making functions. The findings underscore two deep challenges facing co-management in cases of land claims worldwide. First, during land claims negotiations in cases involving protected areas, the state cannot be expected to represent the best interests of its citizens (the land claimants), while simultaneously seeking to meet national and international obligations for protected area coverage. Second, the concept of democratic co-management may sit uncomfortably beside the realities of managing loss-making protected areas with ever-shrinking conservation budgets. Where co-management agreements have already been signed, ensuring that new landowners do indeed have a say in management should form the driving focus for co-management practice going forward.  相似文献   

共同管理在我国自然资源管理领域应用日益广泛。当我们还在研究考虑是不是要引入共同管理方案时,我们的管理过程已经或多或少具有了共同管理的特点。作为一种有效的保护区管理模式和促进生物多样性保护的策略,共同管理在我国越来越为人们所重视,并从林业管理逐步扩展到农村扶贫、资源管护、流域管理等相关领域中。至今,共同管理工作已陆续在30个以上的自然保护区推广展开,并取得了一定成效。目前,我国社区共管实践遇到的较为突出问题是可持续性问题、政策环境问题和资金问题。踏实做好包括宣传教育在内的每一步工作,以当地的利益相关者代表和地方资源管理者为主推进共同管理实践,将有助于社区共管工作的持续进行。能不能将权力下放可能是对政府管理者的最大挑战。  相似文献   

There is a recognized need for the participation of local communities in designing and implementing agricultural interventions for the sustainable intensification in smallholder systems. This study examines the perspectives of local community leaders towards the widely promoted, but not widely adopted, practice of Conservation Agriculture (CA) in African smallholder systems. Perceptions from 47 community leaders (both from traditional local authorities and farmer organizations) across six African countries are documented regarding how CA matches the wants, needs and capabilities of farmers in their communities. While community leaders generally perceived CA as potentially beneficial, they also indicated that CA is not currently perceived as feasible within their communities and hence has limited relevance. Three key themes were identified that limit both CA use and sustainable intensification more generally: [1] a perceived reluctance of farmers to engage with the community platform as part of a higher input, market-oriented production system; [2] informational constraints due to non-functional exchange mechanisms; and [3] a lack of local adaptation of CA underscored by the persistence of top-down, linear research and extension approaches. Through greater understanding of local perspectives, a clearer picture emerges of the need for greater participatory engagement and local adaptation if sustainable intensification of African smallholder agricultural systems is to be achieved.  相似文献   

Extant research on guerilla gardening, defined as the unauthorized cultivation of land belonging to another, has hitherto focused on public space in urban areas, neglecting those that occur in rural settings. This rural land policy study examines a form of guerilla gardening in the countryside in Hong Kong, carried out by specific walker communities who routinely do early morning walks. Most of the gardens they have cultivated have become part of country park protected areas. This study identifies five phases of land use status evolution undergone by these morning walkers’ gardens (MWG), from the time the phenomenon of guerilla gardening in the countryside began in the 1960s to recent times, illustrating the role of land use change in enabling squatters with a degree of property rights by way of informal land resource co-management. Through the three case studies presented in this article, it is argued that MWGs can represent the emergence of incipient forms of natural resource co-management in Hong Kong. This study emphasizes the important role of resource user leadership in enhancing the land use value of land in itself and for the wider community. Some recommendations are provided to enhance resource user participation in land resource management.  相似文献   

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