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随着科技的发展,我国民航事业迎来了新的发展时期,业务量迅速增加,在交通领域发挥的作用越来越大。考虑到空中交通正常运行受很多因素影响,加强空中交通管制显得尤为重要。为确保飞行安全,民航部门应重视交通管制技术与方法的研究,积极协调人机之间的关系。本文探讨空中交通管制自动化系统相关知识,分析交通管制自动化系统与人之间的关系,以期为营造良好的空中交通环境提供参考。  相似文献   

科学技术不断进步使得自动化的运行模式得到了极大的推广,电气自动化控制系统正在被广泛运用于建筑工程中,使得整体的自动传广控制及管理质量得到了很大的改进,帮助建筑单位获得了理想的经济效益。但由于建筑设备电气自动化系统的掌握难度较大,针对这一点,本文研究分析了建筑设备电气自动化系统设计的相关问题。  相似文献   

飞行环境虚拟仿真技术,是在利用相关软件的基础上,实现了逼真的模拟飞机飞行的环境,而且,在虚拟的环境里,能够完成飞机一系列的飞行操控。本文就是在OpenGL的基础上,对飞行环境虚拟仿真技术进行研究。首先,对OpenGL和飞行仿真技术进行了介绍,然后,分析了飞行环境虚拟仿真系统中的关键技术,最后分析了OpenGL在飞行环境虚拟仿真系统中的实现。对OPENGL的飞行环境虚拟仿真技术分析研究具有一定指导意义和借鉴价值。  相似文献   

科技水平的推动极大的改善了以往收油系统不能妥当处理问题的局面,近些年来,我们对于收油系统的研究作了新的探讨和研究,并且将理论成果在实际操作中进行了应用取得了一定的效应。研究自动化收油系统的的设计应用,对于自动化牧油系统的改进有着积极的指导作用。本文主要从自动化收油系统的设计应该注意的事项出发,分析它带来的经济效益,井对于它的前案作出了新的展望。  相似文献   

企业科研单位科研项目管理信息化建设研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
文章从企业科研单位科研项目生命周期结构入手,对科研项目管理流程与规范进行研究,规范信息系统的操作界面及体现人性化菜单,实现了科研项目管理信息化。同时在梳理科研管理相关业务流程的基础上,通过完善功能模块、优化系统界面,实现科研管理业务规范化、流程自动化和任务可视化,从而提高科研管理效率。  相似文献   

之前发生的汶川大地震不仅为人民带来身体和精神上的巨大创伤,同时也提醒全国人民关注空管应急系统,保证紧急状态下空管系统的正常运行,在面对突发事件时能够顺利的完成飞行指挥和飞行管理工作。同时,本文管窥了空管自动化的各种功能功用,对自动化的结构系统和工作原理进行浅析,对维护工作中的常见故障和相应的解决方法作出了简要的阐述,以加强空管系统的自动化设计.  相似文献   

农村变电站综合自动化系统是农村变电站无人值班(或少人值守)系统的重要组成部分,是实现农村水电现代化管理的技术基础之一。农村变电站综合自动化系统主要包括继电保护和监控系统。微机型综合自动化系统建设的远期目标,是为了能逐步建成农村水电企业的现代化信息网络,及时为中低压电网的规范管理提供信息和决策依据,提高供电可靠性,保证供电质量,最终实现中低压电网的调度自动化、管理科学化。近期目标是为变电站的无人值班(或少人值守)提供一种能达到减人增效的基础技术装备。变电站的综合自动化是一项涉及面广的系统工程,必须自上而下统一规划进行,其设计方案必须服从地区电网自动化规划的需要,应围绕它在规划中承担的任务来进行。本文从农村变电站综合自动化系统的基本结构及配置、系统应实现的主要功能和信息的组织与管理三方面进行阐述。  相似文献   

利用计算机仿真技术进行自动化物流系统总体设计可以有效地帮助物流产业相关主体加强物流项目规划的科学性和提高物流系统的运作效能,同时也是我国物流自动化系统向国际先进物流工艺水平迈进的重要手段和途径。本文首先概述了计算机仿真技术及物流系统仿真基本内涵和框架,接着对计算机仿真技术在企业生产物流、港口物流和自动化立体仓储中自动化物流系统设计中的应用进行了具体模式和方案的介绍分析和研究,这些领域的物流自动化系统代表着计算机仿真技术应用的主要成果和前沿,最后分析和研究了基于计算机仿真技术自动化物流系统的建模方法和仿真软件应用。  相似文献   

2007年以来.全球金融危机给造船和航运造成极大冲击.船舶融资也被视为高风险。造船界在实践中已经采取了风险防范措施,但对于船舶融资中的诸多惯例和创新.缺乏系统而深人的理论分析。因此。多数人对船舶融资的相关措施是知其然而不知其所以然。中国是造船和航运大国,船舶融资近年来逐渐受到重视。中国要借鉴国际经验拓展船舶融资业务.也必须切合本国实际,因此,认知船舶融资相关举措的理论意义,对于中国发展并创新自己的船舶融资产品是很有必要的。  相似文献   

随着社会自动化程度的不断提高,传感器技术已经成为重要的现代科学技术.本文分析传传感器的研究现状,探讨传感器在机电系统中的应用,最后展望了传感器技术发展前景,希望能给从事相关研究的人以参考.  相似文献   

The purpose of this research was to investigate the effects that user task load level has on the relationship between an individual's trust in and subsequent use of a system's automation. Military decision-makers trust and use information system automation to make many tactical judgments and decisions. In situations of information uncertainty (information warfare environments), decision-makers must remain aware of information reliability issues and temperate their use of system automation if necessary. An individual's task load may have an effect on his use of a system's automation in environments of information uncertainty.It was hypothesized that user task load will have a moderating effect on the positive relationship between system automation trust and use of system automation. Specifically, in situations of information uncertainty (low trust), high task load will have a negative effect on the relationship. To test this hypothesis, an experiment in a simulated command and control micro-world was conducted in which system automation trust and individual task load were manipulated. The findings from the experiment support the positive relationship between automation trust and automation use found in previous research and suggest that task load does have a negative effect on the positive relationship between automation trust and automation use. Experiment participant who incurred a higher task load exhibited an over-reliance on their automated information systems to assist them in their decision-making activities. Such an over-reliance can lead to vulnerabilities of deception and suggests the need for automated deception detection capabilities.  相似文献   

The ongoing economic criticism of the German Renewable Energy Act (EEG) recently started focusing on distributional effects, too. A team of authors at the Cologne Institute for Economic Research is worried about high costs for electricity consumers. They argue since electric power consumption is only slightly correlated with income, the fi nancial burden of the EEG is substantially higher for low-income households than for high-income households. This regressive effect is even increased since particularly high-income households have installed photovoltaic systems and thereby gain from green power subsidies. In contrast, other authors argue that this debate on distributional effects, while desirable, often scandalizes rather common issues of everyday economic events while ignoring the real EEG-induced redistribution effects, that is to say the EEG reallocation charge privilege for energy-intensive industries. These authors advise against drawing on partial analysis when discussing distribution-related issues of the EEG. A team of authors at the ZEW are concerned about the cost-effi ciency of the EEG which is the underlying reason for the recent discussions on distributional effects. The energy transition will entail large additional cost which will have to be carried. Increasing the effi ciency of governmental energy and climate policies will increase acceptance and attenuate distributional effects.  相似文献   

The results from the authors's applied research studies of communications-effect and electroencephalographic (EEG) recording, which took place over the last ten years, employing thousands of respondents, are integrated in this paper. Application of EEG methodology to ad research, rather than theory, is stressed. Brain Wave Analysis
  • 1 Brain Wave Analysis is a service mark of NeuroCommunication Research Laboratories, Inc., for its brand of EEG service.
  • , an EEG technique, is described. A positive relationship determined between Brain Wave Analysis and sales is discussed, as well as various applications such as “brain typing” the target market. The application of Brain Wave Analysis in determining effective advertising frequency is discussed as it relates to Krugman's three exposure theory. The continuing development of EEG analysis is briefly discussed.  相似文献   

    随着中国入世,国外自动化企业将加快抢滩中国市场的步伐,自动化行业将进一步面临市场的分割、融合、变迁和深化等变化,同时,由于技术和相关产业的高速发展,市场竞争日趋激烈,自动化产品价格呈大幅降低趋势,这无疑也是摆在自动化企业面前的巨大挑战。在巨大机遇与挑战并存面前,多数企业将面临一个重新认识环境和自我重新定位的过程。文章分析了我国电气自动化行业的改革与发展。  相似文献   

    In the context of value and customer orientation there are various requirements concerning the process – especially in insurance companies: processes are meant to be standardized, automated, and flexible. It is in question whether a fast and cheap automated processing is preferred to manual handling. For which claims and which process steps is it of economic value to have the flexibility and the competence and ability to solve problems of human operators at your disposal? Various combinations, representing different degrees of automation, are possible. The different degrees of automation for the processing of an insurance claims are compared and resulting cash flows are determined. It is essential to include all consequences that can be attributed to a single process and to consider customer reactions and restrictions to the capacity of processing. Instead of using heuristic rules to decide on automation in practice, here the decision is flexible and depends on the given situation. Viewing an aggregated number of insurance claims it is possible to deduce information about the performance of the process. The model is exemplarily illustrated with help of a part of the process for handling own damage glass claims.  相似文献   


    Salespeople are in a unique position of being in very close proximity to customers and thus have the ability to create and maintain long-term relationships with them. Sales force automation systems (SFA) have the ability to help or hinder this relationship building process. This article looks at SFA and its impact on sales force productivity. Much of the current research in the area of SFA seems to focus on efficiency issues within the firm, with particular attention being paid to technology implementation and reasons for high SFA failure rates. The authors review past literature and identify potential areas for future research by creating and presenting a research agenda. Many of the future research areas lie in the realm of effectiveness of SFA rather than the efficiency side of SFA. Although efficiency is still of great importance to SFA researchers and practitioners, the customer or relationship focus of SFA effectiveness is also needed.  相似文献   

    In recent years, a host of companies have tried to bridge the technology gap between home automation systems. This collective effort has led to the development of technologies that have triggered the beginning of device interoperability. A seamless ecosystem is being created that aims to improve comfort for dwellers, improve efficiency of homes, and, as an additional result, will create a massive market for home automation devices. Our research revealed that the home automation market has been growing at an enormous pace and additional integration of technologies would continue to stimulate demand even more, further diminishing costs and thereby reducing the exclusivity of the market by bringing them to the masses. © 2016 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

    From Decision Support to Decision Automation: A 2020 Vision   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
    The authors discuss the long-run future of decision support systems in marketing. They argue that a growing proportion of marketing decisions can not only be supported but may also be automated. From a standpoint of both efficiency (e.g., management productivity) and effectiveness (e.g., resource allocation decisions), such automation is highly desirable. The authors describe how model-based automated decision-making is likely to penetrate various marketing decision-making environments and how such models can incorporate competitive dynamics. For example, the authors foresee that close to full automation can ultimately take place for many decisions about existing products in stable markets. Partial automation could characterize decision making for new products in stable markets and existing products in unstable markets.  相似文献   

    经济全球化的趋势日益增加,信息技术的发展极为迅速,市场环境发生了根本性的变化。轧钢企业也面临着信息需求,其特点有:多品种小批量生产趋势迫切要求加强信息沟通;加强成本管理和综合调度是钢铁行业生存发展的必然要求;提高经营管理的决策效率是企业腾飞的必要手段;基础自动化和过程自动化基础良好;过程自动化与管理信息系统之间存在数字鸿沟;企业越来越重视管理信息化的建设。  相似文献   

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