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大宗商品电子交易市场的支付手段   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
大宗商品电子交易市场特指专业从事电子买卖交易套保的大宗类商品批发市场。作为B2B电子商务第三方交易市场的一种重要交易模式,其实质依然是信息流、资金流、物流服务的综合。其中,作为交易中最重要的环节支付的实现、资金流的解决显得尤为重要。  相似文献   

大宗商品电子交易市场将电子交易模式引入商品现货市场,有利于解决传统商品市场交易效率不高的问题,因而电子交易市场进一步完善了现货市场的价格形成功能。然而国内大宗商品电子交易市场存在的问题制约了市场功能的发挥。本文通过建立VECM模型,对焦炭现货、期货和电子交易市场的价格相关性进行实证分析,发现电子交易市场的价格与现货价格相互作用,并且对期货价格有单向引导作用,电子交易市场的价格引导作用显著。  相似文献   

2016年李克强总理在政府工作报告中强调落实好中国"互联网+"行动计划,这恰恰揭示了"互联网+"在其元年即2015年的发展中存在风险激增、服务模式同质化等诸多问题。基于"互联网+"视角下,研究中国大宗商品电子交易市场发展的过程中发现其近年来存在的主要趋势包括交易平台化、大数据驱动、运用新技术。结合趋势研究,面对如今产生的诸多问题,中国大宗商品电子交易市场可以从完善大宗商品电子交易市场法律法规、强化市场监管以规范市场主体行为等方面来推进大宗商品电子交易市场建设。  相似文献   

近年来,全国各地大宗商品中远期交易市场发展迅速,已成为商业流通体系中不可忽视的一支力量。但由于市场本身问题以及监管主体与监管政策的缺失,导致市场混乱无序,由市场违规操作问题引发的矛盾和纠纷屡见不鲜,并严重侵害了投资者合法权益。为维护市场秩序、保护投资者合法权益,本文对中远期市场展开调研,以揭示对中远期市场与期货市场认识上的误区,阐述中远期市场存在的问题,并且据此提出了完善期货市场体系建设、强化期货市场监管等方面的建议。  相似文献   

近年来,境内商业银行金融市场业务发展迅猛,尤以企业客户出于风险管理目的进行的套期保值交易增长更为突出。这既是境内企业对外经济活动在质和量上增加的结果,也反映了中国金融市场的改革、人民币利率和汇率制度的演进以及外汇管理政策的放松,促进了企业和机构客户释放对冲市场风险的实际需求。同汇率、利率套期保值交易相比,大宗商品衍生品交易在国内开展的历史比较短,但它契合了企业实际业务需要,意义重大。在大宗商品产业链上,国际市场的商品价格在各类商品定价中一直占有主导地位,国际期货市场是商品价格发现的基础来源。帮助国内企业对冲国际大宗商品市场价格波动的风险,是摆在银行面前的一个重要的业务机会。本文从银行角度对如何在境内帮助企业客户对冲国际市场商品价格的风险进行了分析。  相似文献   

对大宗农产品电子交易市场到底是变相现货,还是变相期货的多方质疑,凸现出对这种远期交易商业模式的现实及理论的困惑,以生猪电子盘为例,参照现货交易、期货交易,从市场结构、市场功能、市场合约、市场监管、市场目标五个方面对这种商业模式进行了定位分析,得出结论:大宗农产品电子交易是以现货交易为基础、以远期交易为主体、以期货交易为机制的一种B2B的电子商务平台;并提出相应的政策建议。  相似文献   

将企业、银行、期货业务机构等方面结合起来,利用标准仓单,企业可以用银行资金实现杠杆交易以及对采购或销售价格的锁定。  相似文献   

我国大宗商品交易市场无法像国外成熟市场那样经历一个完整的较长时间的制度变迁和市场演化,而是经历了无序发展、清理整顿、规范发展的发展历程。近年来,我国大宗商品交易市场在逐步走向良性发展的同时,却不得不面临发展定位、盈利模式、可持续发展等诸多难题。鉴于大宗商品交易市场在国际产业链竞争和产业可持续发展中具有举足轻重的作用,本文建议我国需要从政策和制度层面做好产业规划,发挥国家"有形之手"和市场"无形之手"作用,从自上而下和自下而上两个方向推动产业链的全面升级,优化大宗商品市场配置资源能力,提高大宗商品市场国际竞争力。  相似文献   

长期以来,法律规范的缺位放大了大宗商品电子交易的制度风险,琼胶事件和华夏事件是其典型案例。尽管如此,必须承认大宗商品电子交易是多层次交易市场不可缺少的组成部分,与期货交易在本质属性、交易主体、交易客体、交易目的、交易场所、交易方式等方面有着经济和法律意义上的明显区别。除非涉及市场的本质性特征,否则任何具体的交易技术和手段都没有必要也不应该对大宗商品电子交易禁用。应该在多层次商品交易市场的认识框架下,针对大宗商品电子交易建立以行政法规药先导的强制性法律规范,明确监管主体,为其长远发展提供规范而广阔的制度空间。  相似文献   

大宗商品贸易涉及金额较大,交易双方都有可能在发货之前出现流动资金紧张的情况,如供货商在备货环节采购资金紧缺,采购商预付货款时面临资金瓶颈等。这些都是企业在采购环节上发生的融资需求。因此,近年来在货物发运前向供货商或采购商提供的发货前融资越来越多地运用在大宗商品采购领域。  相似文献   

电子商务市场在我国发展过程中出现的频繁网络交易诈骗等问题,严重影响了电子商务市场交易规则程序和诚信力。考察我国目前电子商务市场的运行机制,必须健全相关法律体系,以促进电子商务市场交易秩序不断规范、保障交易手段安全,让电子商务经济市场健康持续发展,确保电子商务市场参与者、政府监管者之关系正常化。  相似文献   

We assemble the announcement and actual introduction dates of electronic trading by the leading exchanges of 120 countries to examine the impact of automation, controlling for risk factors and economic conditions. Dividend growth models and international CAPM suggest a significant decline in the equity premium, especially in emerging markets. Consistent with this reduction in the equity premium in the long run, there is a positive short‐term price reaction to the switch. Further analysis of trading turnover supports the notion that electronic trading enhances the liquidity and informativeness of stock markets, leading to a reduction in the cost of capital.  相似文献   

We study intraday market intermediation in an electronic market before and during a period of large and temporary selling pressure. On May 6, 2010, U.S. financial markets experienced a systemic intraday event—the Flash Crash—where a large automated selling program was rapidly executed in the E‐mini S&P 500 stock index futures market. Using audit trail transaction‐level data for the E‐mini on May 6 and the previous three days, we find that the trading pattern of the most active nondesignated intraday intermediaries (classified as High‐Frequency Traders) did not change when prices fell during the Flash Crash.  相似文献   

Abstract:  This study examines trading activities before and after the transfer of the FTSE 100 index futures contract from open outcry to electronic trading. Daily order imbalance exhibits strong serial persistence in the electronic limit order market, but not in open-outcry trading. Both excess buying and selling reduce liquidity. In the electronic venue, prior market movements barely affect investors' buying or selling decisions. Excess buy orders do not generate any price impact, but sell orders do. Positive imbalances are more strongly autocorrelated than negative imbalances. No trading elements, such as order imbalance, volume, or open interest, are associated with volatility. Moreover, excess buying decreases volatility. Such evidence suggests that the development and growth of electronic trading has changed the dynamics of trading activities in many important ways.  相似文献   

大宗商品市场与股市、债市的互动关系初探   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
股票、债券与大宗商品市场之间存在着一定的互动次序:债券领先于股票,股票领先于商品,这样的顺序得益于金融市场本身的经济晴雨表功能。本文通过协整、向量误差修正模型和格兰杰因果等时间序列方法,找出其中的互动脉络,探讨如何运用这种关系进行资产配置。  相似文献   

This paper explores the competition between two trading venues, Electronic Communication Networks (ECNs) and Nasdaq market makers. ECNs offer the advantages of anonymity and speed of execution, which attract informed traders. Thus, trades are more likely to occur on ECNs when information asymmetry is greater and when trading volume and stock‐return volatility are high. ECN trades have greater permanent price impacts and more private information is revealed through ECN trades than though market‐maker trades. However, ECN trades have higher ex ante trading costs because market makers can preference or internalize the less informed trades and offer them better executions.  相似文献   

I present a simple model of informed trading in which asset values are derived from imperfectly competitive product markets and private information events occur at individual firms. The model predicts that informed traders may have incentives to make information‐based trades in the stocks of competitors, especially when events occur at firms with large market shares. In the context of 759 earnings announcements, I use intraday transactions data to test the hypothesis that net order flow and returns in the stocks of nonannouncing competitors have information content for announcing firms.  相似文献   

This paper investigates the market reactions to regulator-initiated (mandatory) suspension and issuer-initiated (voluntary) suspension on the Stock Exchange of Hong Kong. It is found that there is substantial devaluation of the stocks during either suspension, and both the variance and trading volume are higher in the post-suspension period than in the pre-suspension period. However, the changes in value and variance are sensitive to the reason for the suspension. The evidence shows that mandatory suspensions are more effective than voluntary suspensions in disseminating information, although both suspensions may not effectively ease unusual volatility immediately.  相似文献   

In this study, we investigate ordering patterns of different types of market participants in Tokyo Stock Exchange (TSE) by examining order records of the listed stocks. Firstly, we categorize the virtual servers in the trading system of TSE, each of which is linked to a single trading participant, by the ratio of cancellation and execution in the order placement as well as the number of executions at the opening of the afternoon session. Then, we analyze ordering patterns of the servers in the categories in short intervals for the top 10 highest trading volume stocks. By classifying the intervals into four cases by returns, we observe how different types of market participants submit or execute orders in the market situations. Moreover, we investigate the shares of the executed volumes for the different types of servers in the swings and roundabouts of the Nikkei 225 index, which were observed in September in 2015. The main findings of this study are as follows: Server type A, which supposedly includes non-market making proprietary traders with high-speed algorithmic strategies, executes and places orders along with the direction of the market. The shares of the execution and order volumes along with the market direction increase when the stock price moves sharply. Server type B, which presumably includes servers employing a market making strategy with high cancellation and low execution ratio, shifts its market making price ranges in the rapid price movements. We observe that passive servers in Server type B have a large share and buy at low levels in the price falls. Also, Server type B, as well as Server type A, makes profit in the price falling days and particularly, the aggressive servers in the server type make most of the profit. Server type C, which is assumed to include servers receiving orders from small investors, constantly has a large share of execution and order volume.  相似文献   

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