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The importance of sovereign credit ratings and Eurobonds issued by governments have come to the fore in Africa in the last decade. We examine whether changes in sovereign credit ratings impact Eurobond yields in 8 countries over the period of 2014–2019. Our approach reviews rating changes impact on Eurobond yields utilising the event study methodology. Our findings reflect that, on average, close to a third of rating actions directly impact bond yields in African countries. The statistically significant events include the downgrades of South Africa and Namibia to non-investment grade in 2017 reflecting critical transitions and bond investors’ reactions. Overall, the low percentage of a third, relative to previous international studies, suggests that largely rating changes are anticipated, do not have much new information and perhaps the perceived power of credit rating agencies may be overstated. In our view, the results reflect that pre-announcements of rating review dates since 2014 makes rating actions predictable and less impactful to bond yields. In addition, they reflect that bond investors adjust in real time as new information come in, resulting in less reliance on the opinions of CRAs and using their own assessments.  相似文献   

自2013年6月以来,利率的上行趋势已从货币市场利率扩散到中长端国债收益率,并蔓延到短端收益率。回归分析结果表明,经济基本面和资金面仅可部分解释国债收益率的上涨。文章进一步分析指出,货币政策维持中性偏紧趋向、金融机构调整资产配置结构削减债券投资额度、银行筹资方式多元化推高资金成本这三大因素,也是引起本轮利率接力上行的显著外力。中长期看,债券市场收益率中枢将随之抬升。在中性偏紧的货币政策基调没有改变前,债券市场将只有阶段性回嗳而无趋势性好转的行情。  相似文献   

文章通过对于央票招标日各期限央票、国债、金融债二级市场收益率变动特点的描述性统计,以及央票发行量对债券收益率影响的计量分析,实证考察了央票发行对债券市场收益率的影响效应。结果显示,央票招标日债券市场收益率波动性小于日常水平,且二级市场收益率与央票发行利率差值保持在合理波动范围内,体现了货币政策稳定利率的意图。  相似文献   

国外市政债券银行的运作及启示   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
市政债券是国外市政建设融资的重要方式。市政债券的参与可以增强债券信用等级、扩大发行规模,从而降低隔资成本。随着我国经济的发展、资本市场的深化、产业结构的调整,培育和发展我国的市政债券市场已经势在必行。  相似文献   

The use of credit ratings in financial and other legal documents — both in the USA and Europe —, has led to a situation in which the major rating agencies have become (largely unwilling) participants in the legislative process. This situation has become partly formalized in the US (and is being repeated elsewhere in the European Union, Eastern Europe and Latin America) through the creation of officially ‘recognized’ agencies whose ratings now carry the imprimatur of the Securities and Exchange Commission. The purpose of this paper is to contribute to the debate on the necessity for formal legal status to be sustained in the market for bond credit ratings. In this context, the criteria for a credible rating agency are examined and evidence is provided on one element of the criteria which is under-researched: namely, the impact of the ratings in the market place. The influence of rating agencies in international capital markets is assessed through an analysis of the impact of ratings on the yields of bonds, represented by a comprehensive sample of actively traded debt. The sample contains analysis of ratings introductions on both new and seasoned debt and also examines the impact of ratings revisions. It is concluded that official recognition has no market-based role and it is argued that ratings are used by regulators because of the success of the major agencies in performing their market function.  相似文献   

This study examines environment, social, governance (ESG) consideration in rating reports published by credit rating agencies. 3,719 Moody's credit rating reports between 2004 and 2015 are examined and the ESG consideration is analyzed using a latent dirichlet allocation (LDA) approach. We further analyze the stock returns and credit default swap (CDS) spread changes to check whether ESG consideration has an effect on the capital market reactions. We find a small but present consideration of ESG in rating decisions. Within ESG, corporate governance plays the most important role. Moreover, the results reveal that ESG consideration is a significant determinant in the stock return and CDS spread around the rating announcement. We find that all ESG criteria are important for equity and debt investors.  相似文献   

Prior research on the determinants of credit ratings has focused on rating agencies’ use of quantitative accounting information, but the there is scant evidence on the impact of textual attributes. This study examines the impact of financial disclosure narrative on bond market outcomes. We find that less readable financial disclosures are associated with less favorable ratings, greater bond rating agency disagreement, and a higher cost of debt. We improve causal identification by exploiting the 1998 Plain English Mandate, which required a subset of firms to exogenously improve the readability of their filings. Using a difference-in-differences design, we find that the firms required to improve the readability of their filings experience more favorable ratings, lower bond rating disagreement, and lower cost of debt. Collectively, our evidence suggests that textual financial disclosure attributes appear to not only influence bond market intermediaries’ opinions but also firms’ cost of debt.  相似文献   

Although there is an extensive literature on the impact of macroeconomic announcements on asset prices, the bond market has received less attention than the foreign exchange and equity markets, even less if we consider the European market. This paper uses high-frequency intra-day data over a three-year period to investigate the impact of regularly scheduled macroeconomic news and monetary policy announcements on the returns of the Italian government bond market, the largest one in the Euro-zone. With respect to the previous papers, we use a much broader set of announcements, 68, and a relatively novel dataset (MTS). We find that 25 news have a significant impact on bond returns and that almost all announcements are incorporated into prices within 20 min from the release.  相似文献   

This paper examines the impact of certain types of qualified auditors' report on bank lending decisions and credit analysts' decisions in the United Kingdom. The research design involved sending a set of financial statements, which contained one of four different types of audit report, to a large sample of bankers and credit analysts. They were asked to state how much they would lend, or how much credit they would give, for each of the hour audit report situations. The mean loan-credit responses for each audit report type were then examined to see if there were any significant differences. It was found that two types of audit qualification, namely going concern problems and asset valuation problems, significantly affected decisions and that firms suffering these types of qualifications had their credit standing significantly impaired.  相似文献   

This paper studies the impact of the subprime crisis on the ratings issued by the rating agencies in evaluating the solvency of banks. After ascertaining a significant worsening of ratings after the crisis, the paper hypothesises the possibility that this worsening is due not exclusively to a deterioration in the banks’ credit quality, but also to a change in the behaviour of the rating agencies. The study designs a methodology to separate the observed change in ratings into two multiplicative components: one associated with the deterioration of the banks’ solvency itself and another associated with the change in the agencies’ valuation criteria. The methodology is applied to the Spanish Banking System during the period 2000–2009. The results obtained show that the observed lowering of ratings (10.88%) is explained (75%) by the deterioration in the solvency of the banks, but also (25%) by the hardening of the valuation criteria adopted by the agencies. This shows the procyclical character of ratings.  相似文献   

This paper evaluates how defense budget instability, consolidation of the defense industry, acquisition reform, war, and cost estimating error are related to cost overruns in major Department of Defense Acquisition projects from 1979 to 2002. Employing a panel model of service specific cost overruns, with fixed effects, we find that funding instability in O&M and R&D budgets had large impacts on procurement costs overruns. We further found that unexpected inflation and armed conflict led to higher levels of Procurement cost overruns. Finally we found that the acquisition reforms of the Nunn-McCurdy Act of 1982, the Packard Commission Recommendations of 1986 and the Federal Acquisition Streamlining Act (FASA) of 1994 resulted in significant reductions in procurement cost overruns.  相似文献   

《Journal of Banking & Finance》2005,29(8-9):1981-2013
We examine how political, institutional, and economic factors are related to a country’s decision to privatize state-owned banks. Using a panel of 101 countries from 1982 to 2000, we find that political factors significantly affect the likelihood of bank privatization only in developing countries. Specifically, in non-OECD countries, bank privatization is more likely the more accountable the government is to its people. In contrast, none of our political variables affects the bank privatization decision in developed countries. Economic factors (such as the quality of the nation’s banking sector) are significant determinants of bank privatization in both OECD and non-OECD nations.  相似文献   

This paper investigates the impact of bond market development on economic growth before and after the global financial crisis in 44 selected countries. A dynamic model based on endogenous growth theory is employed for the study for the period 1990–2017. We find robust evidence that the global financial crisis has distorted the link between bond market development and economic growth: before the global financial crisis, the bond market's impact on economic growth was positive; after the global financial crisis, the evidence is mixed. The main finance–growth channel by which proceeds from the bond market are eventually allocated to the most productive investments appears to be broken.  相似文献   

We examine the effects of different types of sovereign rating announcements on realized stock and currency market volatilities and cross-asset correlations around periods of financial crises. Using intraday market data and sovereign ratings data for nine sample countries in the Asia-Pacific region over 1997–2001, we find that currency and stock markets react somewhat heterogeneously to various rating announcements and that stock markets are more responsive to rating news than currency markets. We find new evidence that ratings events have significant and asymmetric impacts on intraday market data and that national market attributes influence rating impacts during financial crises.  相似文献   

This paper explores the impact of different crises on the informational efficiency of financial assets. The study covers stock markets indices (ASX200, DAX30, EuroStoxx50, S&P500 and Nikkei), commodities (gold and oil) and volatility (VIX). The study analyzes, using a rolling window method, the long memory profile and the multifractality of the time series by means of the DFA and generalized Hurst exponents. This dynamic analysis is important as it uncovers the time-varying behavior of returns characteristics, affecting the investment decisions and trading strategies at different moments of time. The paper extends the current literature on informational efficiency, providing evidence of the distinct impact on the long memory and on the multifractality of the time series, depending on the nature of the crisis and the market. The results could be of interest for investors as well as for academics, regarding the hedging limits of the models during calm or turbulent times.  相似文献   

For many years, Government of Canada bonds with high coupons traded at much higher yields than those with lower coupons. This apparent market inefficiency virtually disappeared over a short period of time during 1993. Several events occurred in 1993 which relate to the narrowing of the spread. This paper shows the earlier yield spread to be consistent with restrictions on the trading of strip bonds. It also finds it difficult to defend the hypothesis that the higher yield spread represented unexploited profit opportunities.  相似文献   

Credit and interest rate risk are the two most important risks faced by commercial banks in their banking book. In this paper we derive a consistent and comprehensive framework to measure the integrated impact of both risks. By taking account of the repricing characteristics of assets, liabilities and off balance sheet items, we assess the integrated impact of credit and interest rate risk on banks’ economic value and capital adequacy. We then stress test a hypothetical but realistic bank using our framework and show that it is fundamental to measure the impact of credit and interest rate risk jointly.  相似文献   

In view of multiple instruments used by many central banks in emerging market economies (EMEs), we derive a composite measure of monetary policy for India and assess its impact on the yield curve. Our results show that while monetary policy has the dominant impact among macroeconomic variables on the entire term structure, it is particularly strong at the shorter end and on credit spreads. Shifts in the level of the government yield curve and credit spreads also lead to changes in monetary policy. In terms of robustness, our measure performs better than a narrative-based measure of monetary policy available in the literature.  相似文献   

本文结合中美信用评级市场发展脉络,从评级机构、收费模式、监管模式等方面分析两国信用评级市场发展过程中的不同特征,认为美国信用评级市场健康发展的原因在于评级机构重视市场声誉以及监管机构注重加强引导与监管。借鉴美国经验,我国的信用评级机构应该注重加强信用评级机构的内部治理,提高信用评级机构的国内外影响力;同时加强外部环境建设和信息披露制度建设,建立科学统一的外部评级机构管理制度。  相似文献   

We use country level data and bank level data from 71 countries and 857 banks to investigate the impact of bank regulations, supervision, market structure, and bank characteristics on individual bank ratings. The results indicate that less cost efficient banks, with higher than average levels of provisions relatively to their income, and lower liquidity tend to have lower ratings. Larger and more profitable banks tend to obtain higher ratings. Higher equity to assets ratio results in higher ratings only when we do not control for bank supervision and regulations. Capital requirements, restrictions on bank activities, official disciplinary power, explicit deposit insurance scheme, higher deposit insurer power, liquidity and diversification guidelines, entry requirements, fraction of entries denied, and economic freedom have a significant impact on ratings in all of our specifications. Disclosure requirements and foreign banks entry have a significant impact on ratings only when we simultaneously control for the regulatory environment and the market structure, while auditing requirements have a significant impact only when we control for the regulatory environment alone. Finally, banks in developed countries are assigned higher ratings. However, this impact disappears when we include the regulatory and supervision variables in the models.  相似文献   

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