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主权信用违约互换的运作及启示   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
欧洲各国主权债务危机的频发,使得主权CDS在全球范围内备受瞩目。本文分析了主权CDS的市场发展状况、运作及定价机制;考察欧洲主权债务危机中主权CDS的行为;提出对我国地方政府债务问题的启示。研究发现:(1)主权CDS息差变化受到了欧元区因素、本国因素、投机和代理对冲的影响;(2)短期主权CDS供不应求;(3)禁止主权CDS的裸卖空交易存在不合理性;(4)西欧主权风险外溢使得东欧及新兴市场国家的主权CDS市场波动加剧。  相似文献   

李明明  秦凤鸣 《金融研究》2016,436(10):16-31
本文采用19个欧元区国家1995至2014年的面板数据考察主权信用评级改变对于本国和其他国家经济增长率的影响以及这种影响在债务危机期间的异质性。实证结果发现,评级机构的主权升级会带来本国经济增长率的提升,主权降级会导致本国经济增长率的下降。在债务危机时期,主权降级对于本国经济增长率的降低作用更小。同时,一国的主权降级会传染到欧元区其他国家,带来其他国家经济增长率的下降,主权升级则没有表现出传染效应。在债务危机时期,主权降级的传染效应变弱。进一步地,对于主权评级水平更低和主权评级变动不频繁的国家而言,债务危机时期主权降级对于本国经济增长率影响力的下降程度更大。本研究对于认识国际评级机构在经济增长中的作用具有重要启示。  相似文献   

本文以美国5年期主权CDS息差2012年9月30日至2016年9月29日的全部日度数据为研究对象。从研究美国5年期主权CDS息差收益率的基本统计特征出发,利用时间序列分析法,构建能够衡量其波动性特征的GARCH(1,1)模型,重点探究美国5年期主权CDS息差收益率的波动特征。实证分析表明,美国5年期主权CDS息差收益率具有异方差性且具有"尖峰厚尾"现象,收益率具有右侧较长尾部。GARCH(1,1)能够很好地拟合序列,适合对主权CDS息差收益率波动性作进一步研究。  相似文献   

主权信用评级问题研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
主权信用评级在金融危机中发挥预警作用的同时,还在一定程度上起到了推波助澜的作用。随着各国政府在国际资本市场上发行主权债券的增多,主权信用评级从商业领域步入政治经济领域,不得不引起世界各国政府的高度关注。评级公司在对主权风险进行评级的过程中存在着很多问题,如道德风险、评级失误等,对主权评级过程、模型进行研究、修正具有十分重要的现实意义。本文对标普公司主权评级模型进行了介绍,对主权评级模型提出建议,并对美国主权信用登记进行了分析。  相似文献   

本文通过使用希腊2005年1月至2014年12月主权信用掉期违约息差(Cds)、信用评级和市场波动数据,运用有限无环图(DAG)技术,并借助结构向量自回归(SVAR)计量方法实证研究了三者之间的同期和跨期动态传导机制。研究结果表明,希腊主权债务违约爆发除了自身宏观经济存在问题外,市场波动和信用评级调整加剧了危机爆发。同期,市场波动冲击对希腊主权Cds波动解释强于信用评级冲击对其波动解释力;但随着预测期延长,信用评级对主权Cds波动解释力逐渐增强,呈持续增强趋势。从中长期来看,市场波动和Cds的冲击部分解释了信用评级的变动。  相似文献   

管辉 《金融纵横》2013,(4):72-77
欧洲主权债务危机爆发以来,三大评级机构频繁下调欧元区国家的主权信用评级,这在某种程度上催化了危机的蔓延。危机期间,三大评级机构频繁下调欧元区国家特别是"欧猪五国"的主权信用评级,引起了金融市场的明显波动。本文对2008年10月31日至2012年1月13日期间"欧猪五国"主权信用评级变化的国内、跨国金融市场溢出效应以及不同评级机构主权信用评级信息的金融市场溢出效应分别进行实证研究,得出了一系列结论。  相似文献   

本文运用1984-2012年70个新兴市场和发展中国家的面板数据,对主权债务危机与经济发展之间的关系进行探究,结果发现,平均来看主权债务危机将会导致经济增长速度下降大约3.8%。当我们考虑预期和违约历史时,经济会由此下降5%左右。将债务违约国分为"主动违约"和"被动违约"之后,发现"被动违约"国家的产出损失要显著高于"主动违约"国家。我们还对主权债务违约的短期修正机制和长期影响效果进行了分析,在短期,主权债务违约将会减低经济增长速度,且存在着修正机制,调整速度为0.693;从长期来看,发生主权债务危机的国家经济发展速度要比其他国家快约1%。  相似文献   

杜军 《时代金融》2012,(18):279-281
在全球金融危机的背景下,各国政府为刺激经济增长而相继采取扩张性的财政政策和宽松的货币政策,欧盟也不例外。希腊的债务困境所引发的欧洲主权债务危机本质上是政府预算赤字规模过大造成的。本文重点分析欧洲主权债务危机的现状并对经济的前景进行展望。  相似文献   

杜军 《云南金融》2012,(6X):279-281
在全球金融危机的背景下,各国政府为刺激经济增长而相继采取扩张性的财政政策和宽松的货币政策,欧盟也不例外。希腊的债务困境所引发的欧洲主权债务危机本质上是政府预算赤字规模过大造成的。本文重点分析欧洲主权债务危机的现状并对经济的前景进行展望。  相似文献   

主权评级作为市场信息传递中介备受质疑。本文考察了目前欧洲债务危机中的主权评级,采用固定效应模型分别研究三大评级机构主权评级观察及评级降级对欧元区国家融资成本的市场影响。结果表明,主权评级对于市场长期影响不是很大,其中独立的降级影响不显著;评级负面观察的市场影响较评级降级的独立影响显著;评级观察及降级变化尽管对高级别国家的影响有限,但对A级以下的国家有明显的冲击影响。评级结果可能加剧了欧洲债务危机的解决难度。  相似文献   

We provide a new measure of sovereign country risk exposure (SCRE) to global sovereign tail risk based on information incorporated in 5-year sovereign CDS spreads. Our panel regressions with quarterly data from 53 countries show that macro risks have strong explanatory power for SCRE. Results show that SCRE increases for countries with less fiscal space, higher interest rates, and financial stability concerns. Exposure sensitivity to public sector leverage is shown to increase non-linearly with public debt and to decrease with central banks’ sovereign debt programs. Our results imply that good forward-looking macro-finance fundamentals, such as high expected GDP growth and low credit-to-GDP ratios protect countries against sovereign risk especially in times of global distress.  相似文献   

We study the variation of sovereign credit default swaps (CDSs) of eurozone countries, their persistence and co-movements, with particular attention given to the impact of the financial crisis. Specifically, using a dual fractional integration model, we test the evidence of long memory for CDSs of ten eurozone countries. Our analysis reveals that price discovery processes satisfy the minimum requirements for a weak form of efficiency for sovereign CDS markets, even during the crisis. In contrast, we document the spreading out of persistent CDS uncertainty among the peripheral economies with its outbreak. We provide evidence that CDS uncertainty has implications for the pricing of sovereign risk including that of core countries in the crisis period. Finally, we present the potential spillover effects utilizing a dynamic conditional correlation model and show that, with the collapse of Lehman, the probability of a contagion increased across all countries and became more explicit for peripheral economies as the sovereign crisis took on a new dimension.  相似文献   

We analyze the market assessment of sovereign credit risk using a reduced-form model to price the credit default swap (CDS) spreads, thus enabling us to derive values for the probability of default (PD) and loss given default (LGD) from the quotes of sovereign CDS contracts. We compare different specifications of the models allowing for both fixed and time-varying LGD, and we use these values to analyze the sovereign credit risk of Polish debt throughout the period of a global financial crisis. Our results suggest the presence of a low LGD and a relatively high PD during a recent financial crisis.  相似文献   

During the last crisis, developed economies' sovereign credit default swap (hereafter CDS) premia have gained in importance as a tool for approximating credit risk. In this paper, we fit a dynamic factor model to decompose the sovereign CDS spreads of ten OECD economies into three components: a common factor, a second factor driven by European peripheral countries and an idiosyncratic component. We use this decomposition to propose a novel methodology based on the real-time estimates of the model to characterize contagion among the ten series. Our procedure allows the country that triggers contagion in each period, which can be any peripheral economy, to be disentangled. According to our findings, since the onset of the sovereign debt crisis, contagion has played a non-negligible role in the European peripheral countries, which confirms the existence of significant financial linkages between these economies.  相似文献   

This study investigates the way a crisis spreads within a country and across borders by testing the investor induced contagion hypothesis through the liquidity channel on stock-bond relationships of the US and five European countries before and during the global banking and European sovereign debt crisis of 2007–2012. We provide evidence consistent with the wealth effect as a source of contagion for the majority of countries. Nevertheless, we uncover evidence of investor induced contagion sourced by the portfolio rebalancing effect for correlations involving Spanish and Italian bonds during the debt crisis. Further, we find that tight (narrow) credit spreads reduce (magnify) the wealth and portfolio rebalancing effects, which are offset by the opposite effects of risk aversion amongst investors, a dynamic that is not restricted to crisis periods.  相似文献   

The paper examines global impact of 2010 German short sale ban on sovereign credit default swap (CDS) spreads, volatility, and liquidity across 54 countries. We find that CDS spreads continue rising after the ban in the debt crisis region, which suggests that the short selling ban is incapable of suppressing soaring borrowing costs in these countries. However, we find that the ban helps stabilize the CDS market by reducing CDS volatility. The reduction in CDS volatility is greater in the eurozone than that in the non‐eurozone. Furthermore, we find that the CDS market liquidity has been impaired during the ban for the PIIGS (Portugal, Ireland, Italy, Greece, and Spain) countries. In contrast, there are no dramatic changes in the market liquidity for non‐PIIGS eurozone and non‐eurozone samples. The findings suggest that the short sale ban is ineffective to reduce sovereign borrowing costs in the debt crisis region if the underlying economy has not been significantly improved.  相似文献   

The channels for the cross-border propagation of sovereign risk in the international sovereign debt market are analysed. Identifying sovereign credit events as extraordinary jumps in CDS spreads, we distinguish between the immediate effects of such events and their longer term spillover effects. To analyse “fast and furious” contagion, we use daily CDS data to conduct event studies around a total of 89 identified credit events in a global country sample. To analyse “slow-burn” spillover effects, we apply a multifactor risk model, distinguishing between global and regional risk factors. We find that “fast and furious” contagion has been primarily a regional phenomenon, whilst “slow-burn” spillover effects can often be global in scope, especially those of the recent European debt crisis. The global risk factors are found to be driven by investor risk appetites and debt levels, whilst the regional factors depend on economic fundamentals of countries within a region.  相似文献   

李政  刘淇  鲁晏辰 《金融研究》2020,483(9):59-77
本文从国家间主权债务风险溢出的持续期角度出发,采用基于广义方差分解谱表示的BK溢出指数方法,首次从频域视角对短期和长期下的主权债务风险跨国溢出效应进行研究。研究发现:第一,短期和长期下的主权债务风险跨国溢出效应均较为显著,并且时域下的总溢出主要由短期的风险溢出主导。第二,14个国家的短期和长期风险输出水平呈线性关系,但对于风险输入,不同类型国家出现分化并形成两个聚类,新兴市场国家的短期风险输入水平远高于长期,其具有较强的"短期脆弱性"。第三,风险输出国的自身风险越大,对他国的长期溢出水平越高,风险输入国的自身风险越大,接收他国的短期溢出水平越高,并且两两国家间的进出口规模、金融市场一体化水平和经济周期协同性与其长期风险溢出水平呈正相关关系,而与其短期风险溢出水平的关系并不显著。第四,短期和长期的主权债务风险溢出网络都呈现明显的区域聚集特征,并且各国在短期溢出网络中主要与同区域以及经济金融环境相似的国家连接,在长期溢出网络中则通过经贸关系将连接范围扩大至不同区域甚至经济金融环境差异较大的国家。  相似文献   

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