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长期股权投资核算的成本法和权益法,在概念、账户的设置、核算内容等方面存在一定的差异,而两在投资成本的确定方面遵循相同的原则。  相似文献   

权益法是指投资方长期股权投资账户的账面价值按其在被投资企业所有者权益中所占有份额核算的一种会计方法,分为简单权益法和复杂权益法。一、复杂权益法的特点1. 母公司按其占子公司的投资份额将子公司实现的净利润(或亏损)确认为投资收益(或损失),同时增加(或减少)母公司长期股权投资的账面价值。2. 子公司宣告或发放的股利不是母公司的投资收益而是母公司对子公司投资的收回,应减少长期股权投资的账面价值。3. 母公司要在账上逐期调整长期股权投资账面价值。调整项目有两项:一是摊销母公司投资成本和子公司净资产账面价值的差…  相似文献   

韩海文 《时代金融》2011,(33):153-154,170
长期股权投资权益法与成本法之间的转换是长期股权投资核算的一个难点,本文采取一个仿真案例,全面剖析持股比例变化导致的权益法与成本法之间的转换,以帮助读者理解、掌握相关的会计处理方法。  相似文献   

张丽 《财会学习》2018,(21):1-2
我国颁布新会计准则以后,对权益法核算中的长期股权投资所得税的会计处理方面进行调整和优化,但是如何理清对这一事项的会计处理,对于会计工作者来说难度较大.因此,本文首先对长期股权投资权益法的财税规定进行简要的概述,然后提出了不同形式的所得税的会计处理方式,并将会计处理对所得税的影响进行分析,使企业在纳税申报时考虑到税法与会计准则之间存在的差异,以及对长期股权投资产生的影响,进行纳税调整.  相似文献   

客户对评估师及评估结果的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
评估师在执业时会因遇到各种因素而使评估结果产生偏差,而来自客户的影响是一个重要的因素.按照评估师的观点,客户的影响主要取决于客户的类型、评估师及评估机构的类型、评估目的以及评估师获取信息的渠道.按照客户的观点,精明的客户经常是采用专业权利和信息权利影响评估师.  相似文献   

长期股权投资业务采取权益法核算时,其会计处理与税法规定存在较大差异。会计核算主要以《企业会计制度》和《企业会计准则——投资准则》为依据,而申报纳税则需遵循《企业所得税暂行条例》及实施细则。因此,企业在申报纳税时,对投资所得、投资转让所得和投资转让成本等项目,必须按照税收政策进行分析调整。本文将着重分析长期股权投资采取权益法核算时会计处理与税法规定存在的差异,并结合实例说明申报纳税时应作出的所得税纳税调整。  相似文献   

长期股权投资核算方法在实际操作时却复杂得多,原因是按照权益法的核算原理,在扣除部分投资存在的股权投资借方差额后,所有长期股权在投资存续和权益法核算的期间内,投资企业长期股权投资的账面价值,与其享有的被投资单位可辨认净资产公允价值份额之间存在恒等式关系。从成本法核算转换为权益法核算后,就必须对原成本法下长期股权投资的核算进行追溯调整,否则这一恒等式关系就无法建立而不符合权益法的基本原理。本文以新准则的规范为依据,分析研究因追加投资导致长期股权投资核算由成本法转换为权益法的会计处理.  相似文献   

2014年3月,财政部发布新修订的《企业会计准则第2号——长期股权投资》对权益法转成本法的核算作了修改。本文介绍了新修改的内容,并举实例探讨了相应的账务处理。  相似文献   

采用权益法核算长期股权投资时,投资企业的股权账面价值与享有被投资单位净资产份额之间,有一个恒等式,因此,被投资单位净资产变动,投资企业的长期股权投资账面价值应随之变动,以体现股权的实际价值。本文从论证权益法下股权价值的恒等式的确立和维系入手,分析被投资单位所有者权益类项目发生非正常调整时,投资企业如何进行相应的会计处理。  相似文献   

伴随着私募基金的飞速扩张,私募基金的股权投资问题相应凸显。股权估值作为基金运作的关键仍存在许多问题,2018年出具的《私募投资基金非上市股权投资估值指引(试行)》旨在引导私募基金估值向着更加规范化和专业化的方向发展。本文从私募基金非上市股权投资估值的角度出发,搭建能用于私募基金估值的框架,并且从估值目的、估值对象、估值条件及估值价值类型对估值方法进行适用性分析。本文通过梳理私募基金投资非上市股权估值的要素、股权投资估值技术的参数,提出适用于私募基金非上市股权投资估值的分阶段评估的框架,框架通过研究企业所处的生命周期划分为初创期、成长期、成熟期。最后,对私募基金投资非上市公司股权估值方法进行总结并提出建议。  相似文献   

目前,交叉持股现象在企业之间越来越普遍,在企业价值评估中,交叉持股由于形成循环而难以确定企业交叉持股股权投资的评估价值,本文作者按照企业会计准则对股权投资的分类,分别就如何确定交叉持股股权投资的评估价值阐述了一些观点,希望同行们互相交流彼此的经验体会,以不断促进企业价值评估水平的提高。  相似文献   

价值投资的前提、基础和核心是估值。在各种估值方法中,公司自由现金流(FCFF)折现法更适合私募股权投资行业在当前国内资本市场环境下的股权估值。通过对"桂林三金"的实证分析,证明FCFF估值模型是有效的。  相似文献   

Economic theory predicts a contemporaneous correlation between equity returns and investment growth that is only weakly present in the data. By modifying the firm's production function to include a lag between investment decisions and expenditures, and after correcting for the temporal aggregation of investment, I find the predicted correlation to be present in the data. I estimate the model for 31 industries and find that investment returns are highly correlated with the industry portfolio equity returns. Further, the portion of investment returns orthogonal to equity returns is associated positively with changes in profitability and negatively with lagged differences between equity and investment returns.  相似文献   

We examine the influence of institutional investors’ investment horizons on a firm's cost of equity. We argue that the cost of equity will decrease in the presence of institutional investors with longer‐term investment horizons due to improved monitoring and information quality. Our empirical results demonstrate that the cost of equity declines in the presence of institutional investors with long‐term investment horizons, all else remaining equal. Our results indicate also that the monitoring role of long‐term institutional investors is more pronounced for firms with higher agency problems (poorly governed firms). Overall, our evidence suggests that when considering the influence of institutional investors, it is critical to account for institutional heterogeneity, which leads to new directions for future research.  相似文献   


In this paper we investigate the valuation of investment guarantees in a multivariate (discrete-time) framework. We present how to build multivariate models in general, and we survey the most important multivariate GARCH models. A direct multivariate application of regime-switching models is also discussed, as is the estimation of these models using maximum likelihood and their comparison in a multivariate setting. The computation of the CTE provision is further presented. We have estimated the models with a multivariate dataset (Canada, United States, United Kingdom, and Japan), and we compared the quality of their fit using multiple criteria and tests. We observe that multivariate GARCH models provide a better overall fit than regime-switching models. However, regime-switching models appropriately represent the fat tails of the returns distribution, which is where most GARCH models fail. This leads to significant differences in the value of the CTE provisions, and, in general, provisions computed with regime-switching models are higher. Thus, the results from this multivariate analysis are in line with what was obtained in the literature of univariate models.  相似文献   

笔者在评估执业过程中,多次遇到交叉持股的情况,发现两家或多家公司的交叉持股会对评估增减值产生一种放大效应。笔者以两家公司的交叉持股为例,对这个放大效应进行了分析,与同行分享。  相似文献   

本文通过采用层次分析法并选择5项二级指标和18项三级指标对科技型中小企业融资能力进行评价,利用Z-score模型为其股权投资决策提供财务风险的合理预警,然后在现有理论的基础上构建模型对科技型中小企业进行估值计算及其合理性评价。结果表明,科技型中小企业股权投资评估体系的建立与完善,能够为国内科技型中小企业在未来发展和资本市场的运作中提供借鉴。  相似文献   

Ratio Analysis and Equity Valuation: From Research to Practice   总被引:18,自引:4,他引:14  
Financial statement analysis has traditionally been seen as part of thefundamental analysis required for equity valuation. But the analysis has typicallybeen ad hoc. Drawing on recent research on accounting-based valuation, this paperoutlines a financial statement analysis for use in equity valuation. Standardprofitability analysis is incorporated, and extended, and is complemented with ananalysis of growth. An analysis of operating activities is distinguished from theanalysis of financing activities. The perspective is one of forecasting payoffs to equities. So financial statement analysis is presented as a matter of pro formaanalysis of the future, with forecasted ratios viewed as building blocks offorecasts of payoffs. The analysis of current financial statements is then seen asa matter of identifying current ratios as predictors of the future ratios thatdetermine equity payoffs. The financial statement analysis is hierarchical, withratios lower in the ordering identified as finer information about those higher up.To provide historical benchmarks for forecasting, typical values for ratios aredocumented for the period 1963–1999, along with their cross-sectionalvariation and correlation. And, again with a view to forecasting, the time seriesbehavior of many of the ratios is also described and their typical long-run,steady-state levels are documented.  相似文献   

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