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文章以上海世博会为例,采用SPSS、AMOS等统计分析软件对全国362家旅行商调查问卷进行统计分析,建构旅行商对重大事件旅游市场感知维度的测量模型,分析不同类型旅行商市场感知的差异性,通过结构方程模型检验市场感知维度对其分销行为的影响。研究表明:①重大事件旅游市场的旅行商感知模型包括事件属性维度、产品属性维度、市场属性维度及市场影响维度等4个测量维度。②国际业务、国内业务旅行商在4个感知维度上均存在显著差异;特许与非特许旅行商在市场属性感知维度上有显著差异,在其他维度上差异不显著;不同地理区域的旅行商在产品属性维度上差异不显著,在其他维度上有显著差异。③旅行商对重大事件旅游市场感知维度中,市场属性维度、市场影响维度对其分销行为存在显著影响,事件属性维度和产品属性维度的影响不显著,市场影响维度是主导其分销行为的主要因素。从旅行商视角研究重大事件旅游市场感知及其分销行为影响,对于重大事件在我国可持续发展及其后续旅游开发具有重要的意义。  相似文献   

基于认知—情感—行为动态变化视角揭示旅游支持行为形成机制是新的研究探索。文章以不同旅游生命周期阶段的民族村寨居民为研究对象,利用结构方程模型探讨了旅游影响感知、地方依恋对旅游支持行为的影响异质性。研究表明:不同旅游发展阶段旅游积极感知对旅游支持行为的正向影响无显著差异,但旅游消极感知对旅游支持行为的影响存在显著差异;不同旅游发展阶段旅游积极感知和消极感知对地方依恋的影响均存在显著差异,地方依恋对旅游支持行为的正向影响也存在显著差异;不同旅游发展阶段的地方依恋在旅游影响感知和旅游支持行为之间的中介作用存在显著差异。  相似文献   

自驾车旅游成为休闲旅游的重要方式。自驾出游半径不同市场需求存在一定差异,根据市场需求差异开发适应市场需求的自驾车旅游产品,对自驾车旅游市场发展具有重要意义。本文通过市场抽样调查方法,分析苏州市出游半径不同的5类自驾车旅游市场特征差异。结果表明,5类自驾车旅游市场在旅游动机、信息渠道、出游方式、出游时间、停留时间和旅游消费等6个方面存在一定差异性,但差异程度不同;研究还发现,影响自驾车旅游市场发展的主要限制性因素是道路标识系统不完善、旅游服务设施建设滞后、自驾车旅游经济成本高以及驾车安全隐患等4个方面;最后针对不同类型自驾车旅游市场特征以及影响其发展的因素,提出科学合理的自驾车旅游市场开发对策。  相似文献   

以在11个外国游客来华热点城市对外国游客做的6441份有效调查问卷一手资料为基础,采用模糊测量评价法、SPSS聚类分析法、感知矩阵从旅游吸引力因素、知名度、游前感知、实地旅游感知、实地—游前感知差异、旅游感知态6个方面,对外国游客对中国旅游城市的旅游感知及其差异进行了实证分析。结果表明:城市形象是吸引外国游客来该城市的仅次于景区景点的第二位吸引力因素;中国旅游城市最主要的特征是安全性,最次要特征是神秘性;外国游客对中国城市的整体感知评价高,其中实地感知评价普遍高于游前感知评价,不同城市的感知差异很大;中国热点旅游城市在外国游客感知中具有集群性。  相似文献   

旅游扶贫的核心焦点是贫困人口,但旅游扶贫带来的效应却是惠及大多数人口的,居民对旅游扶贫的感知和评价是衡量旅游扶贫效益的重要因素。文章在梳理旅游扶贫效应的相关文献基础上,以片马镇全体居民为研究对象,采用问卷调查法和模糊综合评价法对居民旅游扶贫感知进行分析,进而对当地旅游扶贫效应进行较为全面的评价。研究结果显示:片马镇旅游扶贫综合效益良好,但各方面的效应存在一定差异。当地居民对旅游扶贫中政府作为感知的评价最高,其次分别是环境效应感知、社会文化效应感知、经济效应感知、居民参与意愿感知和居民参与能力感知。片马镇应该立足于居民旅游扶贫感知评价结果,以感知差异为依据,对旅游扶贫后续工作进行相应的调整。  相似文献   

中国旅游类上市公司规模报酬研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
旅游企业普遍存在盈利能力较低的问题,旅游类上市公司在资本市场表现也不佳。本文收集了1998~2007年18家旅游类上市公司的混合数据,试图从规模报酬的角度分析这个问题。笔者采用普通最小二乘回归分析和瓦尔德检验,计算旅游类企业的资本产出弹性、劳动力产出弹性和规模报酬,并对酒店、景区和旅行社3个子行业进行比较。研究结果表明:旅游类上市公司的规模报酬递减,劳动力产出弹性显著大于资本产出弹性;3个子行业之间的资本产出弹性和劳动力产出弹性不存在差异,但是3个子行业之间的规模报酬存在差异。  相似文献   

文章针对旅行社经营中失信于游客的问题,以游客知情权为法律基础,提出以信息披露改善旅游市场信息不对称。从包价旅游合同信息、旅行社经营信息和监管信息3个方面,分析目前我国旅行社信息披露实践操作存在的诸多问题,探讨建立完整的旅行社信息披露制度,包括在包价旅游合同中进一步明确服务质量标准,递交统一内容标准的旅行社年度经营信息报告,建立垂直搜索数据库,建立旅游消费者组织,提供旅游服务体验信息,指导游客消费等,并以游客知情权救济做制度补充。关注强化旅行社信息披露义务,推动旅游行政管理部门和旅游消费者组织信息监管能力的发展,以期构建旅游业诚信经营环境。  相似文献   

曾丽  翁时秀  李丽霞 《旅游学刊》2012,27(10):65-72
旅游专业学生在本行业就业率低的问题一直困扰着旅游学术界、教育界和旅游行业,不少学者从不同角度研究并试图解决这一问题,但却很少从学生择业标准的角度去考虑.文章运用并检验里查得森(Richardson)择业影响因素量表,测量旅游专业本科生的择业标准及其对旅行社的就业认知,结果表明:学生认为旅行社不具备其择业时最看重的因素(“融洽的同事关系”、“喜欢的工作”、“良好的晋升机会”);并且学生认为旅行社具备的主要就业因素是其择业时最不看重的(“出国旅行的机会”、“专业对口”、“职业流动性”);学生认为旅行社存在超工作时间、超工作量、晋升机制不合理、起薪不理想等行业不规范现状,但学生也认为旅行社具有锻造高技能、有责任感人才的就业优势.根据学生择业标准与旅行社的就业认知IPA分析结果,文章提出了相应的对策来改善旅游本科生行业就业率低的问题.  相似文献   

旅行社机会主义行为问题长期困扰着我国旅游业的健康发展.该研究依托机会主义行为理论和制度环境理论,从游客感知视角出发,重点探讨了规制性制度环境在旅行社机会主义行为治理方面的作用发挥情况.以保定、天津、北京、济南、杭州、昆明等地556名参加过包价旅游活动的游客作为样本,运用PLS路径建模方法对理论模型进行了检验.研究结果表明,相互依赖不对称与环境不确定性都可能导致游客对旅行社机会主义行为的感知,游客会因为机会主义行为感知而降低对关系质量的评价.总体来看,规制性制度环境能够降低游客对旅行社机会主义行为的感知,但是作用相对有限.而对于游客机会主义行为感知对关系质量的负面影响,规制性制度环境的调节作用并不显著.  相似文献   

关于准入制度与导游管理体制的思考   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
很多研究从不同视角就导游管理问题进行了深入探讨,提出的对策主要是两个方面:严格导游职业准入制度和完善相关管理体制。文章认为,职业准入制度的主要功能对于解决我国导游服务中存在的市场机会主义问题并不具有针对性,对于真正实现导游数量控制、提高导游服务质量作用有限。加强监管的思路是合理的,但如何监管需考虑行业管理制度与企业微观机制的衔接和相互影响,从制度建设方面引导旅行社自身组织结构优化。从市场关系看,导游具有独立性,又对旅行社具有从属性,旅行社才是市场责任主体,其追求利益的方式影响企业组织结构,决定了旅行社与导游之间的关系,进而影响导游的行为和服务质量。旅游行业管理应该建立以旅行社为核心的行业治理模式,明确和强化旅行社的质量责任主体地位,促进导游服务质量提升。  相似文献   

This article addresses the extent to which the opportunity to enter into a sexual relationship with Western female tourists poses a challenge to the vast number of self-employed young men in Indonesian tourism destinations. The areas compared in this article (Lombok and Yogyakarta) differ in terms of Butlers resort area cycle. Whereas Yogyakarta is about to enter the consolidation phase, Lombok has only started to develop tourism. The position in the area life cycle affects the opportunities and restrictions that self-employed young males encounter in their participation in the informal tourism sector and, as a consequence, their expectations regarding relationships with female tourists.  相似文献   

The current literature on volunteering in tourism is very Western-centric, and volunteering in different cultural contexts needs to be further explored. This study is devoted to exploring the local understanding of tourism-related issues in China so as to give critical tourism by engaging local epistemology. Through a qualitative design, this research explores how volunteering is conceptualized in the context of tourism in China. Findings identify that the highlight of voluntary spirit, serving others by giving time/skills/knowledge and mutual help are three dimensions of conceptualization. It indicates that there are different meanings of volunteering in the Chinese context. This research takes a further step and reflects the applicability of the Western conceptualization of volunteering in the Chinese tourism context. This research presents a contribution to the epistemological decolonisation of tourism knowledge production in Chinese context.  相似文献   

This paper explores the phenomenon of conflict in tourism development in rural China. Four cases were selected and analyzed as part of this exploration. The study identified eight major conflict issues: land expropriation, ticket revenue distribution, vending rights, tourism management rights, house demolition, house building, entry restrictions, and village elections. The conflict evolution process indicates that these issues are dynamic and connected rather than static and isolated. Local government was found to be the most important conflicting party for local people due to its authority and economic interests in tourism development. In addition, an often-ignored conflicting party, villagers' committees, was found to have limitations in maintaining local people's interests. The findings of this study shed light on this complicated and sensitive tourism conflict phenomenon in rural China. A couple of practical implications for local authorities and UNESCO are outlined at the end of the paper.  相似文献   

The article examines the case for involvement of government in the tourism sector in developing countries and makes definitional distinctions between passive and active involvement. It is argued that in most developing countries government involvement in tourism is required not only to attain long-term objectives but to compensate for the absence of a strong and tourism-experienced private sector. Five areas of concern for government involvement are discussed, and conclusions relate to the need for government-private sector cooperation for development purposes.  相似文献   

This paper explores the factors influencing community participation in ecotourism and how this affects conservation in the Nature Reserves of Mombacho Volcano and Datanlí-El Diablo in Nicaragua. Information was collected using individual structured and semi-structured interviews and focus groups, with local people, farmers and tour operators, combining quantitative and qualitative techniques. The farmers in the two communities are engaged in the protection of the reserves because of environmental concern and also because their own welfare is at stake. In different ways, the farmers and communities benefit from ecotourism, but not enough. Either they are excluded from the management system, or they lack resources to promote the sites and improve infrastructure. Community participation is to a large extent dependent on the management system, but it is not the only aspect required to make ecotourism successful. A minimum of governmental support to infrastructure and local entrepreneurship is required. In the case presented, there are direct economic benefits from ecotourism, as the records of visitors illustrate. But there are many differences between the two reserves and their communities, illustrating that ecotourism development is complex and demanding, and demonstrating that ecotourism is not a “one size fits all” approach to sustainable development.  相似文献   

This literature review of the research in strategic management in the hospitality industry covers the 2 year period of 2002–2003. Using a contingency model framework for the analysis the research reported in refereed journals in the field of hospitality is reported. Additionally, research that considered the context of the hospitality industry but published in non-hospitality refereed journals was also included. Key issues and needs in the area are provided at the conclusion.  相似文献   

The sporadic development of hotel facilities in a developing West African city like Accra in Ghana, coupled with their consumption of natural resources and generation of waste has implications for environmental sustainability. This article therefore seeks to ascertain hotel managers’ attitude towards environmental management and to examine their commitment to environmental management through the implementation of environmental policies and programs. The study took the form of a survey of managers of 200 hotels, ranging from budget to four-star rated, employing the stratified random sampling procedure. Though a greater number of hotel managers had a positive attitude towards environmental management, it was the upscale and larger hotels that were more committed to environmental management especially in terms of having; a designated officer responsible for environmental management, written environmental policy statement, environmental action plan, a history of implementing environmental programs and ecolabelling or environment related certification. The article proposes interhotel collaboration in environmental management so that smaller hotels could profit from the experiences and resources of larger hotels.  相似文献   

There is limited research published on the significance of volunteer tourism in assisting host communities in the recovery of a tourism destination and its industry after a disaster. Our paper addresses this research gap with reference to a case study of Nepal's tourism recovery after the country's 2015 earthquake. We argue that a clear post disaster volunteer tourism framework could validate volunteer tourism's potential role to ensure that communities do not miss out on any form of assistance that may be of use in re-establishing destination or community lifestyle. Our paper provides an initial exploratory understanding of how post disaster volunteer tourism might be effective; it uses a disaster management framework to conceptualise the phenomenon.  相似文献   

This paper examines the differences between the leisure time activities of members of the minority and majority populations of Estonia. Because people only meet when they undertake similar activities, it is important for social cohesion to identify the kinds of activities that different ethnic groups engage in during their free time. The data for this study were obtained from the Estonian Time Use Surveys of 2000 and 2010. In this paper, we analyse rates of participation in various cultural events, entertainment activities, outdoor recreation and sport. Our analysis reveals important ethnic differences in almost all leisure activities that partly stem from the uneven distribution of minorities over settlement types. Less than half of the differences relate to socio-economic status and individual wealth. The rest of ethnic segmentation in leisure activities can be attributed to preferences, differential residential patterns of ethnic groups over Estonia’s regions and the feeling of being a stranger in leisure time places where other ethnic groups are already over-represented.  相似文献   

The purpose of this research is to investigate the gendered economy of ethnic minority souvenir vending in Thailand’s urban and coastal tourist areas. Increasing numbers of the Akha minority group have migrated towards tourist hotspots to engage in urban souvenir vending. Ethnographic research shows that according to the Akha gender division of labour, souvenir production and distribution are considered women’s work. Peddling on foot, female Akha souvenir vendors are at the bottom of the informal tourism economy. It is shown that urban ethnic tourism primarily reproduces gender asymmetry in the division of work and that contestations of gender roles prove to be difficult. Mobile street vending enables ethnic minority women to become breadwinners of households but simultaneously reinforces gender inequality.  相似文献   

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