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本文主要介绍高端客滚船因为电缆总长达到80多万米,导致模型软件的设计无法满足出图时间节点的要求,从而在前期文件图纸准备初期,就对电缆表册通过EXCEL手工设计,并对全船电力设备的位置优化来减少电缆主干路径的数量,并针对影响电缆表册设计周期不足的要素进行研究,从另外一种设计方法入手,通过将表册的设计工序前移来满足设计周期,从而达到电缆在生产厂家预裁这一目的.  相似文献   

本文阐述了电力电缆类型的选择、电缆附件的选择及其安装工艺、电力电缆过电压及其接地方式,并介绍了电力电缆的常见故障及预防措施.  相似文献   

高邮市电线电缆产业起步于上世纪八十年代初期,“十一五”以来驶入快车道.根据统计,至201 3年,高邮市规模以上电线电缆企业共实现年产值122.6亿元,占规模工业比重16.5%,是该市规模最大、具有支撑的基本产业.面对国家宏观调控,市场需求适度下降的不利形势,今年1-8月份,高邮市电线电缆产业产值仍然保持了一定的增长,充分发挥了基本产业的引领作用,带动了区域经济的发展.那么,让高邮电线电缆“经纬”天下,其底气如何?症结何在?路在何方?  相似文献   

本文从采用成束的电缆捆扎方式、采用分支路径电缆敷设方式、金属管子的敷设工艺、冷藏处电缆敷设工艺、甲板和舱壁处的电缆敷设工艺、自动化电缆敷设技术等方面分析了船舶电缆的敷设工艺,从控制箱的组成结构、机器人本体的组成、机械手臂的特点、机器人控制部分结构特点、送线机器人的电气系统设计等方面分析了送线机器人的体系结构和机械结构设计。  相似文献   

电缆架布置是电装生产设计的主要内容,布置过程必须遵守相关规定.本文就电缆架布置相关内容进行简要介绍.  相似文献   

随着国家经济高速发展,对电力需求日益旺盛,电力供电网络安全运行状况直接影响着经济正常发展。鉴于此国家加大对城乡供电网络的改造投入,在改造中10kV电缆得到普遍应用,因其具有施工简单、维修快捷、运行可靠、维护成本低等优点使城乡供电网络改造成本得到控制。施工中10kV电缆头制作优略直接影响着供电网络的安全运行,本文分析了10kV电缆头制作工艺步骤以及对其试验要求。  相似文献   

随着各种电子计算机应用的日益普及和向社会各部门渗透的日趋深入,作为电子计算机及其网络系统重要配件的电线电缆,已成为线缆行业今后重要的开拓领域。本文较详细地介绍了这些电缆的主要结构、使用的材料、达到的电气及机械性能、应用前景和发展趋势。  相似文献   

随着船舶电气化程度日益提高,船舶电缆长度不断增加,以苏伊士型油船为例,所敷设电缆数量近4000条,长度超过十万米.用传统设计模式生成电缆册时,手动录入与核对信息的速度和准确性都难以保证,电缆敷设方案也需要频繁改动.因此,开发一套针对现代船舶电缆敷设设计的应用,对提高船舶设计效率,减少现场工时浪费,和控制整船建造成本都有较大的工程实际意义.如何实现电缆的自动敷设设计,如何保证电缆的精确裁剪,如何提高电缆的拉放精度,一直以来都是电装生产设计者研究的重点课题.本文提出的基于GSCAD系统的船舶电缆敷设设计方法是一种可行性极高的方案,可自动准确布置电缆路径,精准测量电缆长度,自动生成电缆BOM表和电缆托盘表,可显著减少现场铺线作业工作量,缩短造船周期.  相似文献   

本文对通讯电缆的定义、特征、结构属性分别进行了阐述.笔者认为,通讯电缆的技术功能发挥,主要在于介质、绝缘屏蔽层和连接设备,并就其目前的技术要求进行看重分析论述,对如何延长通讯电缆寿命、避免损坏的新技术进行了略述和展望.  相似文献   

中国飞洲集团有限公司是一家专业生产高低压电力电缆为主营业务的集团化股份公司,主要产品有:高低压电力电缆、控制电缆、计算机用屏蔽电缆、橡套电缆、矿用电缆、全系列民用安装电线等。公司在全国有三个直属分厂、十一家子公司,产品业务涵盖了电力部门、地铁、机场、码头、高速公路、体育场馆、住宅楼宇、城市亮化等领域。我们先后为三峡电站、北京奥运曲棍球场馆、杭州湾跨海大桥、上海金茂大厦、胜利油田等国家大型工程项目提供产品服务,赢得了用户的普遍赞誉和认同。面对机遇与挑战并存的今天,我们秉承铸就驰名品牌、引领行业未来的企业精神,不断提升企业核心竞争力,和客户一起成长,全力打造国内一流的电线电缆制造企业。  相似文献   

The discriminatory incentives to bundle in the cable television industry   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
An influential theoretical literature supports a discriminatory explanation for product bundling: it reduces consumer heterogeneity, extracting surplus in a manner similar to second-degree price discrimination. This paper tests this theory and quantifies its importance in the cable television industry. The results provide qualified support for the theory. While bundling of general-interest cable networks is estimated to have no discriminatory effect, bundling an average top-15 special-interest cable network significantly increases the estimated elasticity of cable demand. Calibrating these results to a simple model of bundle demand with normally distributed tastes suggests that such bundling yields a heterogeneity reduction equal to a 4.7% increase in firm profits (and 4.0% reduction in consumers surplus). The results are robust to alternative explanations for bundling.
Gregory S. CrawfordEmail:

Today telex and cable are two important means usod in communication with customors abroad. In telex,as it is not chargod by the number of words but by the minute,more words can be used to express our idea,so it is less difficult for our students to learn,while in cable we,in order to save money,  相似文献   

本文对国内外通行原油贸易品质检测标准及相关器具的计量检定规程进行了研究整理,对标准进行了分类,介绍了标准之间的关系,对各检测标准的应用进行了简单介绍,同时根据计量检定规程,介绍了量值溯源方式。另外,介绍了标准应用过程需要了解的其他相关标准。在原油贸易中各方可作为参考,最后介绍了今后原油贸易品质检测标准的制修订计划和发展方向。  相似文献   

食品安全是食品贸易中的焦点问题,受到发达国家官方标准和私营标准的共同关注。文章从官方标准和私营标准的内涵出发,阐述了二者的发展趋势及相互关系,分析了用于约束官方标准的SPS协议的主要原则及私营标准与SPS协议的冲突之处。研究发现,发达国家食品安全的官方标准和私营标准均越来越严格,私营标准比官方标准更为广泛和严格,私营标准尚不受SPS协议约束,且在科学依据、透明度、等效性等方面违背了SPS协议的原则。  相似文献   

Product standards can have a dual impact on costs and, thus, on trade. They can impose costs on exporters as it may be necessary to adapt products for specific markets (cost effect). In contrast, standards can reduce exporters’ information costs as they convey information on product characteristics (informational effect). Using a new World Bank database of European standards for electronic products, we examine the net impact of internationally harmonised European standards on European Union imports. We find that European Union standards for electronic products that are harmonised to international standards have a significant and a positive net effect on trade. The results suggest that efforts to promote trade in electronic products could be complemented by steps to promote standards harmonisation. This might include, for example, restarting talks to extend the WTO’s Information Technology Agreement to commitments to harmonise national standards in electronic products.  相似文献   

铁矿石贸易中,品质检验结果是结算的主要依据之一。取制样工作对品质检验的影响至关重要,不同取制样标准之间的差异可能导致检验结果的差异。本文以ISO标准为主,并对比其他相关标准,对铁矿石的取样、制样标准进行了研究,以期发现其中的差异,供标准的使用者参考。  相似文献   

会计准则的国际趋同研究:一个综述   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
张铁铸  周红 《财贸研究》2007,18(3):117-123
本文首先简要回顾了国内外关于会计准则国际趋同的研究,然后从会计准则具有经济后果的角度分析了会计准则国际趋同的问题。在由国家会计准则向国际会计准则趋同的过程中,既要实现规范本身的趋同,又要实现规范指导下的实务趋同。一国会计准则国际化过程中的策略选择,可能直接或间接地对该国的经济利益产生影响。  相似文献   

Over the last decade there has been increasing international pressure on countries to raise ‘social standards’ (i.e. production standards based on environmental and labor conditions). Currently, the World Trade Organization does not allow countries to impose minimum standards on imports based on environmental or labor standards because it is assumed to undermine competition. There is no consensus in the empirical literature, however, to support this claim. In fact, the evidence suggests that while stronger environmental standards hurt competitiveness, stronger labor standards do the opposite. This paper offers one possible explanation for this paradox. In a simple model of incomplete information, externally imposed standards may either increase or decrease the competitiveness of infant firms from developing countries depending on the degree of complementarity between the standard and the production of high-quality goods.  相似文献   

Although unified standards are likely to allow easier access to the multiple markets in the EC, compliance with the standards may not be so easy. Even more complex standards have evolved as a negative consequence of the intensive bargaining between the Member States in the course of developing unified standards.  相似文献   


Federal food standards of identity protect consumers from nutritional and economic fraud by establishing standardized names and characteristics for some products. Standards have been criticized for a variety of reasons, raising the possibility that standards may be harmful to the consumers' interests that they are designed to protect. The authors conducted focus groups to collect information on consumers' attitudes toward food standards and their perceived usefulness. Many participants believed that standards are useful and deemed standards to be more important for some types of products than others. Regulators can use the study findings to guide policy decisions on food standards.  相似文献   

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