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国际避税是各国税收征管工作中面临的一个国际性问题,随着国际经济活动的发展,国际避税与反避税日益成为国际税收关系中一个受到普遍关注的焦点。因此研究国际避税,避税方式以及制定相应的防范国际避税的措施,已引起世界各国税务当局的极大关注,并成为国际税收所要研究的重要课题之一。   一、国际避税的形成原因。   1各国课税的程度和方式及税法有效实施的差别使纳税人有进行避税的必要。例如,绝大多数国家对个人和公司法人都要征收所得税,但对财产转移税而言,有的国家则不征收。同时,有的国家虽然在税法上规定的纳税义…  相似文献   

前言 随着全球经济一体化,特别是中国加入WTO以后,越来越多的中国企业走向世界,满世界淘金.在他们逐渐成为跨国公司的过程中,国际避税成了高级管理人员的必修课.国际避税因为企业的时空的扩大,业务种类的可繁杂化,使得国际避税比国内避税使用的方法更多,效果更明显,其实质就是利益在纳税人与政府之间的重新分配调整.因此,国际避税的问题是关系到纳税人与税收征管理机关的重要事情,征纳双方都有必要刻苦钻研;同时它也关系到多国政府的利益分配,也应是各国政府研究讨论、默契配合的问题.  相似文献   

税收是国家财政收入的重要来源。依法纳税是每个企业和公民应尽的义务。在我国现阶段,纳税人的纳税意识还很不强,他们为了追逐自身经济利益,在不违犯税法的前提下,利用税法意义不明确之处.通过对经营活动和财务活动的安排.尽量减轻税收负担.保护自身既得利益进行避税。由于避税是对税法不完善及固有缺陷的发现和利用,因此.笔者认为,通过认真剖析纳税人避税手段,才能对症下药.  相似文献   

本文剖析了资本弱化避税原理。认为自然人关联方资本弱化避税来自于债务利息的“税收挡板”效应;国内资本弱化避税主要是由于母子公司适用所得税税率不同,以及母公司采取债务投资时所减少的“税收挡板”利益和采取股权投资时获得的“股权增加”利益的比较;国际资本弱化避税产生于税收利益在资本输出国和资本输入国之间的分配差异和避免国际双重征税方法的选择。  相似文献   

本文剖析了资本弱化避税原理,认为自然人关联方资本弱化避税来自于债务利息的"税收挡板"效应;国内资本弱化避税主要是由于母子公司适用所得税税率不同,以及母公司采取债务投资时所减少的"税收挡板"利益和采取股权投资时获得的"股权增加"利益的比较;国际资本弱化避税产生于税收利益在资本输出国和资本输入国之间的分配差异和避免国际双重征税方法的选择。  相似文献   

跨国公司为了谋求整个集团的利益,利用转让定价把利润从税负较高的地区转移到税负较低的地区进行国际避税.这不仅造成了各国涉外税收的大量流失,而且极大地扰乱了各国正常的生产经营秩序。为了避免税收流失,各国税务机关积极地进行着反避税工作。随着经济全球化的不断深入,这种避税与反避税的斗争日益尖锐化和复杂化,市场呼唤一种新税制的出现。预约定价制(简称APA)是近年来国际卜兴起的用以解决跨国关联企业间转让定价税制问题的一项新制度,它的出现适应了现实的需要,是税制发展的必然趋势,是转让定价税制发展的新阶段。  相似文献   

关于避税,一般认为避税行为在一国范围内往往是由于税法结构或法规上存在漏洞、缺陷,而在国际上还与各国税收征管原则的不一致,各国税法上的差别以及避税地的存在等因素有关,使纳税人能够利用税法不完善之处作出有利于税负最优化的安排。在现实中存在的避税现象基本可以分为三类:一是按税法原理应该征税的行为,税法没有规定征税,实践中也没有征税;二是税法应该征税,但实践中难以操作而没有征税:三是税法规定比较模糊,纳税人可以有不同的理解。  相似文献   

近几年来,随着税收制度的不断完善和税收申报、代理、稽查三位一体征管格局的建立,纳税人自觉申报纳税、自我约束的机制正在建立,公民的纳税意识也日趋增强,偷税、漏税、逃税等违纪行为大大减少。但是,随着纳税人的纳税意识的加强,越来越多的精明纳税者,为了维护自身利益,精心研究避税,并进行避税实践,以合法的方式,达到减轻税负的目的,给其带来直接的经济利益和潜在的其他利益,  相似文献   

合法避税是指在尊重税法、依法纳税的前提下,纳税人为了规避或减轻自身税收负担而利用税法漏洞、缺陷或税收征收管理的薄弱环节等所进行的非违法的避税行为,以达到减少纳税上支出的目的。“合法避税”又称“税收筹划”。从司法角度讲,纳税筹划是通过非违法行为少缴税,从而达到个人税负最小化、收入利益最大化的目的。  相似文献   

国际避税是纳税人利用各种避税手段规避或减轻其纳税负担的行为。近些年来,随着经济的发展,国际避税和逃税现象愈演愈烈。国际避税方式与手段呈现多样化、复杂化的趋势。本文试图分析各国在反避税措施方面的研究,为我国反避税工作提供一些建议。  相似文献   

A bstract . During the 1970s Zambia granted tax incentives to transnational mining companies (thereby foregoing some revenue ) in order to achieve expected investment benefits to the economy and government. The Government also acquired ownership interests in the companies via asset acquisition. Global market forces turned against Zambia's interests, and expected benefits were not forthcoming because company profits had become the sole tax base in the mineral sector. Zambia's experience from 1970 to 1978 suggests that it and other mineral export countries should (a) evaluate carefully whether reducing the effective tax rate on company profits actually induces investment , and (b) consider thoroughly whether a tax scheme that includes a proper mix of profit, mineral and export levies is more appropriate than a single tax base.  相似文献   

This paper studies a case when the government levies a payroll tax on the employee (agent) of an enterprise. We use a continuous-time principal-agent framework to analyze the impact of the tax on the employee’s working strategy and derive an incentive compensation scheme. The agent is supposed to be aware of his pre-tax and after-tax salary. Under the theory of behavioral economics, loss caused by taxation is taken into consideration. The Hamilton-Jacobi-Bellman (HJB) equation of principal’s profits is derived. By exploiting the HJB equation, we get several properties of the optimal contract. We also perform comparative statics to show our results. The model suggests that the agent’s utility loss enlarges as the tax rate increases. However, an increase in the tax rate does not always decrease principal’s profits.  相似文献   

Ancillary benefits of greenhouse gas (GHG) mitigation refer to benefits from GHG mitigation in addition to lowered adverse impacts of global climate change. A major ancillary benefit of GHG mitigation is reduced local air toxins, which improves health. The purpose of the study is not to determine whether ancillary benefits of GHG mitigation can or cannot justify GHG mitigation. Rather, we discuss how an important benefit of addressing GHG emission — the local health effects — should and can be incorporated using the approaches put forth. A CGE model is used for simulating a carbon tax policy. A health effects submodel takes the local air emissions output from the CGE model and assesses the implications for ambient air concentration, health, and labor supply. Labor and medical expenditure changes are fed back into the economy. Applying this approach to Thailand, when health feedback is included we find that: (1) negative impact on GDP under a carbon tax drops by 45%, and (2) welfare improves for households and cleaner producers.  相似文献   

郭兵 《价值工程》2010,29(4):8-8
转让定价是跨国公司实施的最主要的转移利润的手法。随着越来越多的跨国公司将在中国设立并发展,对于部分跨国公司通过国际转让定价对我国税基造成的损害,更应该引起重视。从税务当局的角度研究转让定价与反避税问题,成为税收研究和企业管理的一个重要课题。  相似文献   

A bstract . In taxing their mining industries most Less Developed Countries must balance their need for mineral revenues with their requirement for continued private Investment in exploration and development. Papua New Guinea has attempted to achieve such a balance. An ideal system would use a Resource Rent Tax. Papua New Guinea accepted its underlying principle but combined it with royalties, a. flat profits tax, a dividend withholding tax and an additional profits tax. The rates and thresholds keep the tax burden bearable and avoid discouraging investment for exploration and development while ensuring that the government receives a substantial return from profitable projects.  相似文献   

企业经营发展的主要目的是追求最大经济利益和不断降低企业经营成本,进而在激烈的市场竞争中占据有利地位,为此加强企业税收筹划至关重要。企业在对当前执行的会计准则和税收政策熟知情况下,对这些税收政策进行细致分析,并对相应会计准则进行有效运用,可以起到降低企业税负和增加企业利润的作用。基于此,论文对纳税会计基础上的税收筹划进行分析和探讨。  相似文献   

The ‘new view’ of the property tax is reformulated within the context of a model with interjurisdictional competition, endogenous local public services, individuals who are segregated into homogeneous communities according to tastes for local public services, a simple form of land use zoning, and a political or constitutional constraint on the use of head taxes by local governments. Expressions for the ‘profits tax’ and ‘excise tax’ effects of the property tax are derived. The effects of a ‘consumption distortion’ away from government services due to local reluctance to tax mobile capital are also examined.  相似文献   

Renewable energy technologies (RETs) are attractive for sustainable energy supply and CO2 mitigation. In this paper, a CGE model is used to analyze the effects of rapid reduction of costs of solar power generation, an important RET, in India. Alternate scenarios of cost reduction of solar power, hybrid scenarios with a carbon tax and a scenario of only carbon tax are compared with a reference scenario. Simulation results show that under such a scenario, high penetration of solar technology, economic gains, and modest emission reduction are achieved. The analysis shows that compared to accelerated solar technology scenario, a carbon tax achieves superior mitigation. Broad policy implications for developing countries are drawn in the context of global climate change debate.  相似文献   

非货币性资产交换按会计处理原则不同可分为具有商业实质的交换和不具有商业实质的交换。具有商业实质的交挟在税会处理上没有根本性差异,而不具有商业实质的交换在税会处理上存在根本性差异。税会处理差异的原因在于会计和税法的立法立场不同,而且这一差异不可协调。这种差异可以有效防止关联方企业利用非货币性交换调节利润。  相似文献   

赵敏 《价值工程》2013,(29):162-163
随着我国市场经济的蓬勃发展,为使得利润最大化,如何降低成本,合法规避各种税金成为摆在企业面前的一个重要课题。本文在尊重税法、依法纳税的前提下,对合理避税的方法作了简要介绍。  相似文献   

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