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由于我国未建立存款保险制度,资本充足率是抵御金融控股公司风险的最后一道防线,因此在金融控股公司内部财务风险中,资本充足率风险可谓牵一发动全身。本文借鉴《巴塞尔新资本协议》三大监管支柱框架,结合我国金融实践,对我国金融控股公司资本充足率风险的控制问题进行了分析研究。  相似文献   

我国金融控股公司发展模式研究   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
在全球金融混业经营的发展背景下,金融控股公司得到很大发展。本从比较国外金融控股公司模式入手,在分析我国金融控股公司的发展、现状及其存在的诸多问题的基础上,提出了我国金融控股公司的最优发展模式和进一步发展我国金融控股公司的政策建议。  相似文献   

对我国金融控股公司监管的思考   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
中国金融控股公司由两类机构投资形成,目前我国对金融业的监管仍实行分业经营、分业监管,对金融控股公司的监管存在严重的缺位问题。因此,分析研究国外金融控股公司的监管模式,对中国具有重要的借鉴意义。  相似文献   

在世界金融业纷纷抛弃分业体制转而实行综合体制的主流趋势下,尽管我国目前的金融制度和技术条件还不允许我国近期实行综合金融体制,但从发展的观点看,开放的中国不可能在金融制度方面长期游离于国际金融制度之外,加入WTO后,我国的金融业必须要走上混业经营,统一监管的道路。在目前分业经营、分业监管的体制下,我们有必要加强对金融控股公司发展问题的研究。对建立金融控股公司的必要性、途径及对金融控股公司监管等主要问题进行了探讨。  相似文献   

对组建地方金融控股公司的思考   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
本文在介绍了金融控股公司含义基础上,指明了我国出现的三类金融控股公司的雏形,同时分析了金融控股公司产生的原因。并对成立地方性金融控股公司提出了设想。  相似文献   

混业经营已成为全球金融业新世纪发展的重要趋势之一,各种类型的金融控股公司在各国得到迅速发展。但金融控股公司也给金融监管带来了新的问题。因此,探讨我国金融控股公司的监管问题,构建有效的监管框架,保证我国金融体系安全运行,具有重要的现实意义。  相似文献   

金融控股公司在我国的构建及其风险控制   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
随着我国加入WTO,摒弃分业经营、逐步实现混业经营将成为我国金融业发展的必然趋势,本文从两种混业经营模式的可行性比较入手,提出金融控股公司是我国金融业从分业到混业的现实选择,对我国金融控股公司现状进行概述,探索我国组建金融控股公司的理想模式,并在分析我国发展金融控股公司所面临风险的基础上,对金融控股公司的监管提出对策建议。  相似文献   

近年来,伴随我国金融行业由分业经营向综合经营的发展,大型金融控股公司先后成立,全面风险防控成为金融控股公司的首要任务之一,如何构建适用于金融控股公司的审计体系也将成为又一次重要探索。本文对金融控股公司审计体系构建的三种方式进行探讨,进而提出参考建设方向。  相似文献   

金融控股公司因“跨业经营、多层架构”的基本属性,具有诸多单一金融机构不具备或不显著具备的特殊风险,如何对金融控股公司风险进行评估与预警成为一个难题。本文基于地方金融控股公司视角,针对母-子、子-母、子-子公司及外部交易过程中涉及的业务类型、风险类型与特征,分析地方金融控股公司面临的资本风险、关联交易风险、集中度风险及风险传染等特定风险评估与预警的措施、方法及挑战。本文在《金融控股公司监督管理试行办法》指明的金融控股公司基本治理架构与全面风险管理要求的基础上,提出对地方金融控股公司进行风险评估及预警的对策与建议。  相似文献   

中国金融控股公司:有其形无其神   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
刘志宏 《银行家》2005,(12):75-78
理论界对发展国内金融控股公司的呼声不断高涨,中国是否真的已经具备了发展金融控股公司的制度环境?对比发达国家的金融控股公司的要素特征,目前国内出现的一些准金融控股公司只是有些"形似",距离"神似"还相差太远。  相似文献   

本文在<期货交易管理条例>的法律框架内,从两个方面对我国期货公司的业务创新机遇进行分析:一是在现行金融市场和期货监管制度下期货公司的业务创新空间,二是在<期货交易管理条例>规制内,期货业务的制度创新空间.本文认为,在法规允许范嗣内积极开展与银行、信托公司、券商等金融机构的业务合作,是期货业务创新的现实突破口;以制度创新推动期货公司的业务创新,逐步扩大期货公司在境外期货、期货投资咨询与顾问、期货公司受托理财、期货交易顾问与期货基金等业务以及自有资本使用范围等方面的行政许可范围,将能真正打开期货公司业务创新的新天地.  相似文献   

本文通过地方资产管理公司与四大资产管理公司的对比研究发现,地方资产管理公司的设立有助于加快地方金融机构不良资产处置,维护区域金融稳定;但同时也存在与四大资产管理公司业务重合、地方资产管理公司竞争优势不足、监管乏力等问题。对此,本文提出了明确金融属性、完善法律法规、建全监管体系等相关建议。  相似文献   

Derek Matthew 《Abacus》2001,37(3):329-351
Britain has more professionally qualified accountants per capita than any of her leading economic rivals and they play a major role as advisers to British companies and take a disproportionate share of the jobs in top management. Unfortunately for the accountants, business historians, other academics, commentators and even contemporary politicians have almost universally noted this to be a bad thing. This article discusses whether this reputation is justified by assessing the past performance of professional accountants as business advisers and managers. Stereotypical criticisms of accountants in terms of excessive caution, their support for the holding company form, or seeing problems in narrow financial terms are found to be unjustified. The promotion of accountants to the top jobs can be seen as rational profit-maximizing behaviour by British companies and a recent survey has demonstrated the performance of accountants in top management in recent years to be superior to other professions such as engineers.  相似文献   

我国保险业在后危机时代的风险管理   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
王瑭玮 《保险研究》2011,(7):105-108
美国次贷危机引发的华尔街金融风暴席卷全球,危机延伸到保险业导致美国保险巨头美国国际集团AIG由政府接管,金融危机使得人们更深层次地意识到风险管理对于金融业的重大意义。保险作为一种风险管理方式,其行业自身的风险管理尤为重要。本文借鉴国外保险公司的风险管理策略,并结合我国构建风险管理体系的经验与实际情况,提出关于构建我国保...  相似文献   

农村金融市场存在着中间业务的需求,而农村合作金融结构独立开发中间业务存在着人才不足、网络技术落后等诸多能力的障碍与不足。在拥有市场资源优势的基础上,农村合作金融结构可以与大中型银行、保险公司以及基金公司等合作伙伴合作发展中间业务。农村合作金融结构需要把握目标客户的金融需求,熟悉中间业务产品,努力成为农村金融服务专家。  相似文献   

Public companies are struggling to provide detailed and accurate guidance in a turbulent world. Many have dropped guidance altogether, or substantially reduced the precision of their guidance. However, they pay a price for the resulting increase in investor uncertainty in the form of a higher cost of capital and reduced equity valuations. This article provides evidence that improving investors' information can help to reduce the cost of capital of public companies. A look at market data for the years 2007 through 2009 for German DAX 30 companies suggests that investor uncertainty stemming from current financial reporting practices appears to be amplifying the expected association between increases in the beta coefficient and the volatility of fundamentals such as revenues and income, which in turn could be increasing the cost of equity capital. The article explores ways for both individual companies and financial regulators to improve investor information and reduce the cost of capital. For individual companies, the proposed solution is more frequent and voluntary provision of information about actual performance in lieu of more extensive financial guidance. A look at market data for the years 2007 through 2009 for German DAX 30 companies suggests that investor uncertainty stemming from current financial reporting practices appears to be amplifying the expected association between increases in the beta coefficient and the volatility of fundamentals such as revenues and income, which in turn could be increasing the cost of equity capital. Quarterly reporting is a matter of tradition while today's information technology could easily provide investors with real‐time, or close to real‐time, financial information. Internal financial controls, the quality of financial reporting, and the cost of capital might all be improved by mandating faster reporting cycles.  相似文献   

When the Great Recession roiled capital and labor markets in early 2009, up to a third of U.S. public corporations, and nearly 60% of privately owned companies, reported high levels of financial distress resulting from frozen credit markets. And the problems of “debt overhang” and corporate underinvestment were clearly in evidence as the combination of default risk and a relatively new provision of the tax code restricted the ability of distressed companies to deleverage their capital structures. But as described in this article, at least 110 U.S. companies used a little known provision in the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 to defer taxes on the cancellation of debt income (CODI) resulting from exchanges or repurchases of significant amounts of debt. This suspension of tax policy gave many distressed U.S. companies the flexibility to cut costs, shore up balance sheets, and boost liquidity, thereby keeping themselves in business and their workers employed throughout the economic crisis. The 110 companies examined either repurchased or exchanged a total of $32.5 billion of corporate debt. The deleveraging of these companies, which represented more than $2.2 trillion in total assets and $520 billion in market capitalization, helped them to remain solvent throughout the downturn and retain their collective 2.2 million employees. The resulting tax savings are estimated to have saved (or in some cases created) almost 90,000 jobs, while contributing $3.2 billion to total corporate earnings and $10.7 billion of output to the national gross domestic product. Although this approach could be criticized as adding to the federal budget deficit, the deferral of taxes on CODI is viewed as a targeted financial policy tool aimed directly at boosting the productive capacity and employment of corporate enterprises.  相似文献   

保险集团财务管理模式探析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
唐凝 《保险研究》2009,(8):96-99
近几年来我国保险企业集团化快速发展,财务管理如何适应集团化的需要成了一个亟待研究和解决的问题。本文从分析集团企业不同财务管理模式的利弊入手,全面分析了影响保险集团财务管理模式的各种因素,明确了集团财务管理的基本要求,对保险集团不同发展阶段财务管理模式的选择提出了建议。  相似文献   

The aim of this paper is to provide business-to-customer financial services companies with an insight into the relevance of business-to-business segmentation for their companies. The whole area of understanding customers is being turned upside down by rapidly developing new patterns of intermediation, so almost paradoxically there is a much stronger focus today on ‘doing what works’ and ‘doing what is profitable’, rather than trying to optimise. Customers, whether final or intermediary, are simply changing too rapidly to permit the old stable analyses.  相似文献   

本文以发行中期票据的A股上市公司为样本,通过配对样本研究以及Logistic判定分析方法,从企业财务特征视角深入研究影响企业发行中期票据的相关因素。研究结果表明,中期票据已经成为企业代替中期贷款的重要融资形式;同配对样本相比,发行中期票据的上市公司具有较大的规模、较高的财务成本以及较低的财务杠杆和经营风险,即公司规模与财务成本越高,财务杠杆与经营风险越低,则公司发行中期票据的概率越高。  相似文献   

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