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This paper proposes a variance analysis approach that has some advantages with regard to traditional methods. First, the approach links the evaluation and control model with the strategic planning model. It presents, on the one hand, a methodology using linear programming as a model and on the other hand, the post-optimisation analysis as an evaluation tool. Moreover, this approach takes into account the ex-post conditions and identifies the areas departmental and functional responsibility through a model of flexible global budget. So, the resulting evaluation of performance is more detailed, more operational and more complete than that obtained by the traditional methods. Finally, the proposed approach is general enough to be applied to the analysis of performance of both manufacturing and service firms.  相似文献   

L'hypothèse de la distribution normale lors de l'analyse des données, permet entre autres, l'utilisation des tests statistiques classiques, ce que n'autorise pas une distribution asymétrique ou aplatie au centre et allongée awe extrémités. Ce travails'adresseprécisé-ment à la forme de la distribution des résidus quotidiens dans le cas d'évènements simultanés, e'est-d̀-dire ceux affectant un certain nombre d'entreprises au mǐme moment, puisque aucune étude ne s'est préoccuppée, à notre connaissance, de ce phénomène. Nos résultats semblent indiquer que les hypothèses de la distribution normale et de non-aplatissement des résidus quotidiens dans le cas d'événements simultanés sont irréalistes, le sort de l'hypothèse d'asymétrie ne semblepas clair surtout à un intervalle de condiance de 99 pourcent. L'utilité des tests statistiques classiques se trouve, par conséquent, très minimisée. Ces tests auront, en effet, tendance à rejeter l'hypothèse de performance normale mǐme en l'absence de toute performance anormale. Abstract The hypothesis of normal distribution in the analysis of data permits, among other things, the use of classical statistical tests. This is not allowed by a distribution which is asymetric or flat at the center and extended at the extremities. This paper deals specifically with the shape of the distribution of daily remainders in the case of simultaneous events which affect a number of businesses at the same time because, to our knowledge, no study has previously dealt with this phenomenon. Our results seem to indicate that the hypothesis of normal distribution and of the non-flattening of daily remainders in the case of simultaneous events are unrealistic and the outcome of hypothesis of asymetry does not seem clear especially at a 99% confidence interval. As a result, the use of classical statistical tests is minimized. In effect, these tests will generally reject the hypothesis of normal performance even in the absence of any abnormal performance.  相似文献   

This exploratory study concerns a group living a special situation inside the academic teaching profession: the business or management professors. Using a sample (N = 229) of management teachers coming from all Quebec universities, this study outlines the profile of their perceptions with regard to some practices in Human Ressource Management (H.R.M.) affecting them in different steps of their academic career. We are also interested in their perceptions about the relative importance of teaching, research and collectivity services. The results point out some apparently more problematic practices in H.R.M.: reception, control of sabbatical year of training and and finally fairness of wages. It also brings out, that the respondents, while giving teaching the highest score, would wish to be granted a significant reduction of time allowed to this activity in order to be able to concentrate their energy on research, which obtains the second higher score, above the collectivity services score. Nevertheless, the perceptions relative to the balance wanted in research vary significantly (p < 0,01) according to level of diplomes and tenure of the respondents; the implications of these results on the management of teaching resources are discussed.  相似文献   

The effort‐reward imbalance (ERI) model in the workplace (Siegrist, 1996 ) suggests that inequity of rewards contributes to a degradation of mental health through a process of devaluation. The objective of our study is to test this hypothesis empirically. Data were collected from 659 agents in three call centres located in the province of Quebec. A bootstrap mediation test show that perceived inequity with respect to rewards (recognition, promotion, job security) affects the level of psychological distress through the perception of being valued by the organization. Perceived inequity affects mental health because it signals to workers the extent to which they are valued by their organization. Our correlational study provides evidence of the internal validity of the ERI model. Copyright © 2017 ASAC. Published by John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

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