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实施绿色信贷既有利于管理社会和环境风险,也能促进商业银行可持续发展。文章基于12家A股上市商业银行2011—2020年数据,从安全性、流动性、盈利性和规模性四个方面选取7个指标,运用主成分分析的降维方法计算出经营绩效综合得分,再运用面板数据回归模型实证研究绿色信贷对整体银行业、各分样本银行经营绩效的影响。结果显示,绿色信贷对整体商业银行的经营绩效产生显著正向影响,但对地方性商业银行的影响不显著。通过从绿色金融发展角度分析原因,从政府及商业银行两个角度提出相应的建议。  相似文献   

随着“双碳”目标的提出,商业银行纷纷开展绿色信贷来有效引导企业向节能环保方向转型发展。但绿色信贷业务的开展对商业银行经营绩效未必能产生积极影响。鉴于此,选取2016—2020年18家不同规模且具有代表性的商业银行的面板数据作为研究样本,并建立面板回归模型,实证检验了绿色信贷对银行竞争力的影响,结果表明在短期内,银行会因绿色信贷产生成本过高对其竞争力影响明显。从长期看,绿色信贷通过声誉机制和风险机制有利于银行提升自身竞争力。最后,结合实证结果提出3点建议:政府应完善绿色信贷法律法规、银行应丰富绿色信贷产品、企业间应建立绿色信贷信息共享平台。  相似文献   

绿色信贷是当今发展绿色经济的重要举措,商业银行实施绿色信贷业务能否提升盈利能力受到广泛关注。从绿色信贷视角出发,对绿色信贷影响商业银行盈利能力的情况进行了理论分析,基于2013—2021年中国商业银行的面板数据进行了相关实证分析和异质性检验。研究发现,开展绿色信贷业务对商业银行的盈利能力呈现正向影响,且该影响对国有商业银行更明显,而对非国有商业银行不明显。  相似文献   

基于2010—2019年中国省级面板数据,运用DEA-BCC模型测算绿色技术创新效率,进而构建面板回归模型实证研究绿色信贷对绿色技术创新效率的影响作用。整体回归结果表明,绿色信贷对绿色技术创新效率具有显著的正向促进作用;分区域回归结果表明,绿色信贷对东部地区和中西部地区绿色技术创新效率均具有正向促进作用,但对东部和中西部地区的影响存在显著的地区差异。  相似文献   

在社会主义市场经济条件下,企业的经营风险日益加大,银行的贷款风险也日益扩大。当前信贷资产中的风险贷款已占相当高的比例.它不仅严重影响银行、信用社的自身经营效益,而且还制约国民经济的健康发展,更不利于专业银行向商业银行转化。因此,研究如何提高金融信贷资产质量,加强风险贷款防范管理,降低信贷资产风险系数,确保信贷资产的绝对立全,对专业银行向商业银行转化具有重大的现实意义。本文就风险贷款的成因及对策谈一下笔者的认识。风险贷款的成因既有银行外部原因,又有银行内部原因。银行外邮原因:一是企业经营重要钱轻管…  相似文献   

刘阳 《科技和产业》2021,21(11):67-73
近年来在绿色政策的引导扶持下,中国绿色金融实现迅速发展.影响绿色金融体系构建的因素甚多,绿色信贷始终占据至关重要的地位,是实现绿色发展、循环发展、低碳发展等高质量发展的主要推动力.选取2008—2019年31个省区市面板数据进行多元线性回归.实证结果表明,实施绿色信贷对于产业结构优化升级具有正向的推动作用.为促进绿色金融发展,助推产业结构优化,建议绿色政策以政府与银行业金融机构为着力点,对策措施聚焦于增加政府绿色金融支持、不断完善银行绿色信贷体系.  相似文献   

构建并完善宏观审慎评估体系框架在防范系统性风险和维护金融稳定方面起到了核心作用,是中国人民银行重要的金融监管探索与实践。文章借助2017年绿色信贷纳入宏观审慎评估体系(简称“MPA绿色扩容”)这一准自然实验场景,利用2012~2020年163家商业银行年度数据,采用双重差分模型考察了“MPA绿色扩容”政策对商业银行风险承担的影响。研究发现,宏观审慎评估体系在2017年纳入绿色信贷指标后,显著降低了商业银行的风险承担水平,该扩容政策能够发挥出明显的风险稳定效应。机制分析表明,“MPA绿色扩容”政策主要通过降低央行的资本监管压力、增加银行的资本缓冲以及提高社会声誉评价这3个机制影响银行的风险承担;异质性分析发现,该扩容政策的风险稳定效应在全国性经营、系统重要性、低杠杆率的稳健型商业银行中影响更强。文章的研究不仅丰富了宏观审慎政策与绿色信贷领域的相关文献,而且为监管部门完善宏观审慎政策体系和推进绿色信贷可持续发展提供了重要经验证据。  相似文献   

本文通过对国内外金融机构绿色信贷实践现状的简要回顾与分析,指出我国欠发迭地区金融机构与国外金融机构开展绿色信贷的差距以及存在的问题.并提出相应地发展对策:银行方面应建立和完善信息沟通机制,制定体现中国国情的绿色信贷管理指南与指导目录,银行内部构建绿色信贷激励约束机制;政府现阶段应制定政策鼓励企业进行自愿性披露企业经营信息,要将环保指标纳入地方官员的绩效考核体系.  相似文献   

绿色经济是一种可持续发展的经济增长方式,绿色经济绩效是测度绿色经济发展水平的关键指标。文章选用2007年—2019年我国30个省、自治区、直辖市的面板数据,通过构建空间杜宾模型,测度金融集聚对绿色经济绩效的影响。研究表明:金融集聚对提升绿色经济绩效有显著的促进作用,但对绿色经济绩效的影响存在区域异质性,东、西部地区金融集聚对提升绿色经济绩效有显著的正向影响,中部地区有不显著的负向影响。今后,应继续推动金融高质量发展,努力扩大对外开放,探寻产业结构优化的新方向,并采用更合理的环境规制工具;东中西部地区应从实际出发设定差异化绿色可持续发展目标,充分发挥各自优势,实现区域绿色经济协调发展。  相似文献   

利用16家上市银行2009-2015年的面板数据,通过建立面板模型,实证分析上市银行贷款集中度对经营绩效的影响。结果显示:三种性质银行行业集中度都对绩效具有负影响;股份制银行客户集中度和产品类型集中度对绩效有显著负影响;国有银行客户集中度、担保式集中度和产品类型集中度对绩效有显著负影响;城市银行行业集中度对绩效有显著负影响。此外,其他各性质银行其他指标均对绩效无显著影响。  相似文献   

绿色创新是助力经济发展绿色转型的重要战略工具, 绿色金融如何作用于企业绿色创新是学术界备受关注的问题。以2011—2022年全部A股上市公司为研究样本,实证检验地区绿色金融的发展对企业绿色创新绩效的影响,并从风险承担视角出发验证作用机制。研究发现,地区绿色金融的发展能显著提升企业绿色创新绩效,作用机制在于地区绿色金融的发展可以通过提高企业风险承担水平,增强企业创新动机和意愿,进而促进企业开展绿色创新。异质性分析表明,绿色金融对企业绿色创新绩效的正向影响在国有企业和东部地区企业中更为显著。  相似文献   

We study the impact of religiosity on firm performance in China. We find that entrepreneurs with religious beliefs have higher accounting performance. Firms are more likely to obtain bank credit if entrepreneurs have religious beliefs as religiosity stimulate them to invest more in networking, which further enhance the access to bank credit. Religious entrepreneurs have more trust towards external people, which incentivizes them to adopt a shareholding reform and employ external professional CEOs instead of family members, and thus enhances the corporate governance of these firms. In contrast, religious entrepreneurs also prefer family members as shareholders and inheritance of the firm by family members. The preference of inheritance of the firm by family members undermines the enhancing effect of external CEOs on firm performance. Religious entrepreneurs are more likely to spend more on safety insurance for employees, which is driven by the altruism originated from religious doctrines and also the risk aversion channel. The impact of religiosity complements market institutions, and political and social status of the entrepreneurs, which shows the interaction between religion and formal market institutions. We find that it's mainly Buddhism that drives our results, while other religions have limited impact on business activities in the country.  相似文献   

This study examines how credit lines affect corporate cash holdings and capital investment using a hand-collected data on publicly traded Japanese firms from 2006 to 2017. The study compares firms with and without credit lines to investigate the effects of credit lines. The empirical results are as follows: (1) Firms with credit lines hold smaller cash reserves than those without; (2) Firms with credit lines undertake more capital investment than those without; (3) The effects of credit lines are more amplified for financially constrained firms than their counterpart; (4) A close bank–firm relationship plays a positive role in the effect of credit lines on corporate activities.These empirical findings indicate that credit lines can improve firms’ financial flexibility and allow them to use cash holdings held for precautionary reasons to invest. The results also show that credit lines and the attendant implicit bank–firm relationships are complementary to each other. Moreover, having both credit lines and a close bank–firm relationship is important to Japanese firms for their corporate activities. Furthermore, the results imply that the use of credit lines is still relatively undeveloped in Japan, which may be a reason for the country's large corporate savings and lackluster investment.  相似文献   

本文根据1978~2009年我国历年银行信贷量、居民消费价格指数和货币供应量的有关数据,运用协整理论,从短期和长期两方面对改革开放以来我国信贷规模、价格与货币供应量之间的动态关系进行实证研究,结果表明,三者之间存在长期均衡关系。从总体上说,货币供应量、银行信贷的变化对物价均有明显的正效应,且货币供应量的变化较银行信贷对物价有更大的影响。从短期看,银行信贷的变化较之货币供应的变化对物价又有更快的更为明显的效果,具有更好的时效性。因此,在制定政策稳定物价、抑制和缓解通货膨胀时,应从总体上着眼于货币供应量的调控,同时考虑到时效性,也要关注银行信贷的短期影响,将二者有机结合起来以达到更好的宏观调控效果。  相似文献   

中国房地产企业的银行信贷依赖特征为探索银行监督与企业绩效之间的关系提供了良好的现实背景。论文以企业绩效作为公司治理效率的替代,基于银行监督与企业绩效的研究主线,深入分析了银行监督与企业绩效的关系。研究发现:银行监督对企业绩效产生了负面影响,国有房地产企业和银行的产权同源性特征是导致银行负债的杠杆治理效应被扭曲的重要原因;虽然银行负债的杠杆治理效应被扭曲,但是银行监督作为一种外部治理机制,其与内部治理机制之间存在交互效应,要么表现为替代关系,要么表现为互补关系。在中国当前的制度背景下,要发挥银行监督的功能,提高企业绩效,而且要解决中国银行出现的呆账和坏账问题,其根本出路就是要发挥杠杆治理的作用。  相似文献   

《World development》2002,30(2):319-335
This study examines (a) the rural household participation in the Vietnamese rural credit market, (b) the behavior of a formal lender in response to the credit needs of households, and (c) the impact of credit. The rural credit market in Vietnam is quite segmented. The formal sector specializes in lending for production purposes whereas the informal sector's lending is quite diverse. We show that rural households are rational in deciding which sources to ask for a particular kind of loan. Reputation, the dependency ratio of households, and the amount of credit applied for by the household are identified as the determinants of credit rationing by the bank. Credit is shown to have a significant impact on household production.  相似文献   

We analyze the risk of default and provision of collateral for bank loans made to firms of varied credit qualities using a unique dataset obtained from a major state-owned commercial bank in China. Both high and low quality borrowers provide collateral more often than medium quality debtors do. Using models that explicitly incorporate heterogeneous borrower qualities, we find a positive relation between collateralization and risk of default for loans issued to debtors with low credit ratings. In contrast, collateral provided by debtors with high credit ratings is negatively associated with the risk of default. These results suggest that low quality borrowers may be required to provide collateral at the bank's request to mitigate moral hazard problem. On the other hand, high quality borrowers may provide collateral willingly to signal quality in order to mitigate adverse selection problem when competing for getting access to bank loans. Our findings shed new lights on different information contents of collateral on the bank loans market of China, and have important implications for banks in screening, contracting and monitoring the risk of commercial loans for clients with diverse credit qualities.  相似文献   

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