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In recent years, many business-to-business (B2B) component supplier (CS) firms have added branding to their marketing toolbox. By extending the logic of ingredient branding to B2B components, they aim to create “pull” from B2B end customers by building a strong CS brand image among their customers' customers. In contrast with the established “push” approach of building strong relationships with original equipment manufacturers (OEMs), it is unclear whether and under which conditions CS branding is a worthy strategy. On the one hand, anecdotal evidence suggests that suppliers can leverage strong CS brand image in negotiations with increasingly powerful OEMs to enhance their financial performance. On the other hand, many B2B managers believe that branding does not work in their industry context and erodes profitability. We build a data set consisting of survey measures and archival data across a broad set of industries. Our results indicate that the financial outcomes of CS branding largely depend on the characteristics of the CS and OEM industries. Unlike dyadic OEM–CS relationships, which enhance profitability invariably across industry contexts, CS branding is effective only in well-defined situations. CS branding initiatives can enhance return in CS industries with substantial levels of product differentiation and technology intensity. However, unfavorable results may arise in industry contexts in which OEM–end customer relationships or OEM brands are important.  相似文献   

In recent years, large US law firms have been undergoing significant changes. Most have switched from a professional model (P2 form) to a corporate business model, employing competitive strategies and a profit orientation. As the market for corporate legal services became more competitive, many large US law firms began to diversify the services they offer and expand their operations into new geographic regions of the country and into international markets. They even engaged in acquisitions and learned to manage and leverage their critical resources, human capital and relational capital. As a result, most of these law firms have added more professional management. All in all, the services law firms offer and the rivals with which they must contend have changed substantially over the last 15 years.  相似文献   

This paper analyses the impact of International Standards Certification (ISC) on the export participation and the scale of exports of firms based in 89 developing or transition countries. We conceptualise ISC as an endogenous institutional advantage, which bridges institutional voids in the country and helps firms to export. The empirical results show that certified firms are more likely to export, and to export on a larger scale. The impact of ISC runs through two channels: productivity and transaction cost economies. We show that certification plays an important role in bringing down transaction costs in international markets, while also maintaining and raising efficiency. This finding is reinforced by additional evidence, suggesting that ISC matters more for the export participation of domestic firms than for foreign firms and is of greater importance for firms based in countries characterised by severe institutional voids.  相似文献   

This paper investigates the effects of institutional quality on firms' capital structure for a panel of 3891 firms from 23 developing countries. Our main findings for the full panel show institutional quality has a significantly positive effect on firms' capital structure. At the regional level, based on the panel data for 2187 firms from Asian countries and 1091 firms from Latin American and Eastern European countries, institutional quality has a significantly positive effect on capital structure. However, for the 613 firms from African countries, institutional quality is mostly insignificant. Additional analysis reveals positive effects of legal enforcement on capital structure.  相似文献   

We investigated the impact of employment equity legislation, compliance regulations, and the absence of these requirements on the diversity practices of Canadian firms. A field survey involving CEOs and Human Resource Executives of 286 firms covered under the Legislated Employment Equity Program (LEEP), Federal Contractors Program (FCP), and Financial Post 500 (FP 500) companies was conducted. Results indicate that CEOs of LEEP firms reported a greater commitment to managing diversity. LEEP firms, and to some extent FCP firms, also had adopted more practices (e.g., policies, recruiting, training, and accountability) supportive of employment equity than FP 500 firms. It appears that employment equity remains the most effective tool for promoting equity and diversity in Canadian organizations. Copyright © 2010 ASAC. Published by John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Conducting business in today's rural community environment offers social and economic promise along with uncertainty in facing the phenomenon of having fewer customers, who make fewer visits, and spend less per visit. This research highlights the importance of both community and managerial factors to performance evaluations of small rural retail and service firm owners. Using path analysis, direct and indirect effects on perceptual and financial performance were identified for a national US sample of 275 rural small-sized retail and service businesses. This study provides information from largely successful firms for developing marketing strategies and product/service offerings as a crucial step in assisting businesses in rural communities.  相似文献   

A new field of research centered on the offshoring of white-collar tasks is opening. We analyze the choice of governance mode for international offshoring activities based on a four-fold framework that integrates multiple theoretical perspectives. Firms choose between an internal or external mode based on their institutional environment, the offshoring behavior of similar firms in their reference group, firm-specific characteristics and objectives, and the particular setting of specific implementations. We test our relationships using detailed data on offshoring activities of US and German firms. Based on the outcomes we conclude that each dimension of the chosen framework is needed to explain the governance mode decisions of firms and this overarching framework may also be applicable to other topics in internationalization research.  相似文献   

《Business History》2012,54(7):1152-1177
Economic theories of commercial nonprofits and mutuals usually emphasise the advantages of such organisational forms in reducing agency and monitoring costs in markets that suffer from information asymmetries in exchanges between firms and their customers. This article examines the ability of such transaction cost theories to account for historical variations in the ownership and governance of firms in the US personal finance industry between the early nineteenth century and the Great Depression. It focuses, in particular, on mutual savings banks and their role in the development of the intermediated market for savings accounts. While I find some evidence in support of transaction cost theories of organisational form, I also find that entrepreneurial and socio-political factors played crucial roles in the choice of ownership and governance structures; mutual savings banks predominated in the early years of the industry because the form offered entrepreneurial advantages over investor-owned corporations and because in some states they benefitted from regulatory and political advantages that joint-stock companies lacked. Their relative decline by the early twentieth century was the result of increasing competition in the market for savings deposits, the loosening of regulatory barriers to entry, and changes in public policy that reduced the transaction, innovation and regulatory advantages that the mutual savings bank form had once held. The article draws out the theoretical implications for our understanding of the historical role of nonprofit and mutual firms.  相似文献   

Research on emerging market firms (EMFs) has acknowledged the role of innovation in catching-up with advanced economies. Although we know that EMFs’ innovation increasingly depends on collaborations and cross-border knowledge flows, less has been said about the effectiveness of foreign and domestic knowledge mechanisms adopted to improve EMFs’ innovation performance. We hypothesize that foreign mechanisms rely on diverse knowledge and foster explorative innovation (i.e. innovation that extends the existing local competencies), while domestic mechanisms are more likely to be associated with the exploitation of the local existing competencies. Additionally, we claim that the breadth of EMFs’ absorptive capacity strengthens the impact of foreign knowledge mechanisms on explorative innovation, while depth increases the impact of domestic knowledge mechanisms on EMFs’ exploitative innovation, thus highlighting that the interplay of knowledge resources internal and external to the firm involve different levels of recombination. Our empirical analyses conducted on a sample of 161 Indian bio-pharmaceutical firms observed from 1997 to 2018 confirm our hypotheses, thus contributing to the literature on EMFs’ catching up via internationalization and innovation.  相似文献   

To date, there is ample evidence on the determinants of domestic charitable contributions made by US firms. However, to the best of our knowledge, no one has investigated the determinants of foreign charitable contributions made by US firms. Using the Socrates KLD database and the US M&A data for the 2004–2010 period, we find evidence that foreign giving by US manufacturing firms is linked to certain key variables. Specifically, we find evidence that variables found significant in the domestic giving literature (pre entry return on assets, size, debt to asset ratio, market to book ratio, and research and development expense as a function of sales) are also found significant for foreign giving. However, and notably, cultural distance and foreign sales percentage have been found to be important discriminators between manufacturing firms who give abroad and those who do not. It appears that high international business experience (proxied by the foreign sales ratio) and operations in culturally distant countries motivate foreign giving. Finally, subsample analysis involving developed and developing countries suggests that cultural distance matters for developing countries, but does not for the developed country subsample. Firm level profitability matters for developed countries, but not for developing countries. Future research may be expanded to include the dollar amounts of giving and a bigger sample size. Differences in foreign giving patterns between manufacturing and non-manufacturing firms, and by firms in countries other than the US, may also be explored.  相似文献   

A large scale survey of top US and Japanese executives is conducted in order to assess the power of transaction cost economics (TCE) in explaining a firm's choice of entry mode (e.g., joint venture vs. full ownership) when it enters a foreign market. Results suggest that several TCE tenets are useful in explaining US firms' choice of entry mode. However, TCE predictions were not supported by the entry mode choices of Japanese firms. Implications of these findings for researchers and managers are discussed. © 1998 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.  相似文献   

Objectives Since 1987, the Harstad community in Norway has run an injury prevention program according to the Safe Community approach. The effectiveness of this approach in reducing injury rates is poorly documented. The aim of this study was to evaluate the impact of the Harstad program on the incidence of injuries. Methods We used data from the National Injury register of Norway and compared age-adjusted incidence rates and standardized rate ratios of injuries in Harstad and three control communities for the period 1992-1997. Results Harstad had the second highest rates for both all injuries and fractures. No reduction in the incidence of injuries in Harstad was observed from 1992-1997. The injury rates in 1992-1997 were similar to the rates recorded in 1985/86. Conclusions The injury prevention program in Harstad has not reduced overall injury rates. The Safe Community concept is an organizational strategy, but implementation of proven and targeted risk reduction measures will be needed if community-based programs are to result in risk reductions.  相似文献   

2007年8月,美国次级债危机全面爆发,并迅速波及世界金融市场。研究次级债的概念,并对次级债危机的成因进行分析。对此次次级债危机对我国商业银行的影响进行分析和评价,认为我国商业银行在此次危机中并未受到实质性影响,但其中仍有许多经验值得我国商业银行认真的思考和总结。  相似文献   

美国次贷危机对我国商业银行监管的警示   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
美国次贷危机产生的主要原因是全球性的流动性过剩,对次贷及其相应衍生品的风险认识不足、金融当局监管不力等。我国商业银行监管应从美国次贷危机中得到警示:需进一步完善内部控制和风险管理制度,严格控制创新型业务的投资规模,加强创新型业务的研究,加强海外投资人才的培养。  相似文献   

王子先 《财贸经济》2003,(12):87-91
2003年上半年以来,美国经济复苏势头加强,主要经济指标增长普遍加快.本文从支撑美国经济回升的有利因素及其面临的风险出发,分析了今后一段时期美国经济的发展趋势以及美国经济复苏对我国的影响,并提出了对策建议.  相似文献   

This paper describes a study in which the intelligibility of supplier information was investigated from a consumer viewpoint. A sample of 123 randomly selected subjects were given eight automobile brochures and asked to rate the manufacturer information on four automobile characteristics which are highly important to consumers.In order to measure intelligibility one subjective and one objective indicator were chosen. The subjective rating scores indicate considerable differences among the characteristics. As the ratings of a list of intelligibility items demonstrate, a negative scoring was especially due to a lack of explanation of technical terms and furthermore to the fact that in the subjects' view, much of what was said in the brochures could have been left out. The hit rate, which was taken as an objective indicator of intelligibility, shows that on average for all subjects and topics under consideration nearly half of the information actually given in the brochures was not made use of as it could not be identified as relevant.This unduly high amount of wasted information can be reduced only when the suppliers of information become aware of — and take into account — the readers' dissatisfaction with unnecessary information.
Die Verständlichkeit von Anbieterinformationen
Zusammenfassung Der Erfolg jeder Art von Kommunikation hängt von verschiedenen Faktoren, darunter nicht nur von Inhalt, sondern auch von der Präsentation der ausgesandten Information ab. Der Informationsempfänger kann die an ihn gerichtete Botschaft nur dann entschlüsseln, wenn sie für ihn verständlich abgefaßt ist, umgekehrt muß der Informationssender den Kriterien der Verständlichkeit von vornherein Rechnung tragen, wenn seine Information den gewünschten Zweck überhaupt erreichen soll. Die vorgelegte Studie hat zum Ziel, die Verständlichkeit gegebener Anbieterinformationen aus der Sicht der Konsumenten zu überprüfen und daraus Vorschläge für eine verständlichkeitsfördernde Aufbereitung der Informationen abzuleiten.Im Mittelpunkt des empirischen Vorgehens standen Anbieterinformationen, die in Prospekten enthalten sind. Beispielhaft wurde getestet, ob Herstellerinformationen in Automobilprospekten von den Prospektnutzern herausgefunden und entscheidungsbezogen umgesetzt werden können, und ob diese Informationen von den Konsumenten als verständlich bewertet werden. Im Rahmen einer schriftlichen Befragung wurde 123 zufällig ausgewählten Personen mit Führerschein eine Stichprobe von 8 Automobilprospekten zur Durchsicht nach 4 vorgegebenen Themenbereichen vorgelegt. Bei der Auswertung wurden ein subjektiver und ein objektiver Verständlichkeitsindikator unterschieden.Das subjektive Urteil der Befragten signalisiert erhebliche Unterschiede im Grad der Verständlichkeit der Informationen zwischen den einzelnen Bereichen. Die zusätzliche Bewertung einer Liste von 10 bipolaren Verständlichkeitsmerkmalen zeigte, daß wesentliche Gründe für negative Urteile der Befragten darin liegen, daß einerseits Fachwörter in den Prospekten nicht erklärt, andererseits viel überflüssige Worte gemacht werden. Die Findequote als objektives Maß für Verständlichkeit wies aus, daß im Durchschnitt über alle Befragten und Themenbereiche nahezu 50% der in den Prospekten tatsächlich enthaltenen Informationen von den Befragten nicht herausgefunden werden konnten. Dieses unerwartet hohe Ausmaß an fehlangebotenen, weil nicht genutzten Informationen könnte dann reduziert werden, wenn die Informationsanbieter ihre Botschaften verstärkt anwendungsbezogen, den Kognitionen der Verbraucher entsprechend aufbereiteten und durch Streichung von überflüssigen Zusätzen verdichteten.

Ingrid Gottschalk and Iris Schneider are Research Associates at the University of Hohenheim, Institute 530, P.O. Box 700562, D-7000 Stuttgart 70, FRG.  相似文献   

近两年来美国对中国发起贸易救济调查越发频繁,不仅增加使用双反调查的次数,还重启301调查,表面上是对中美贸易逆差扩大不满,实则为了保护美国本土产业和就业,遏制中国发展。虽然在短期内对中国出口造成一定影响,但从长远来看不会严重影响到中国对美国的出口规模和中国商品在美国的市场占有率,且对扭转中美贸易逆差的作用不明显。面对贸易救济调查,中国还应在WTO框架下积极应诉,争取各国对中国市场经济地位的承认,加快与美国在关税和贸易平衡方面的磋商和谈判。  相似文献   

Initial purchasing decisions such as make-or-buy decisions and supplier selection are decisions of strategic importance to companies. The nature of these decisions usually is complex and unstructured. Management Science techniques might be helpful tools for this kind of decision making problems. So far, however, the application of outranking methods in purchasing decisions has not been suggested in purchasing or operations research literature. In this paper we show by means of a supplier selection example, that an outranking approach may be very well suited as a decision-making tool for initial purchasing decisions.  相似文献   

美在华直接投资对中美贸易不平衡的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文利用美在华直接投资和中美贸易的相关数据通过协整检验并构建误差修正模型,较为清晰地说明中美贸易不平衡问题在很大程度上是由美在华直接投资所引致并扩大,这种引致过程主要通过美在华投资企业加工贸易返销美国造成。实质上体现了国际产业结构演进的必然结果,中美贸易不平衡的局面会作为投资贸易一体化趋势下的全球各国经济关系中的重要现象而长期存在。同时,这种贸易不平衡局面会在中国经济各方面快速发展的一个相对长期的过程中趋于平衡。  相似文献   

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