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Wages growth in Australia has recently been the lowest in two decades. One possible explanation is a decline in the non‐accelerating inflation rate of unemployment (NAIRU). We examine this hypothesis by estimating a wage Phillips curve including a time‐varying NAIRU. Our findings are: (i) the NAIRU has recently been around 5.5 per cent; (ii) our approach increases the precision of the NAIRU estimates; (iii) low inflation expectations have been an important contributing factor; and (iv) the long‐run annual wages growth is nearly 3 per cent. We also find that the underutilisation rate suggests greater slack exists, but is less useful in explaining wage developments.  相似文献   

Based on the increasing size of the service sector, some believe that growth in advanced countries has come without much change in the physical weight of output. To investigate the question, I generate rough estimates of the physical weight of Australian output from 1831 to 2018, using data on the weight of traded goods. These ballpark estimates imply that the weight of annual output increased from around 50,000 tonnes to around 800 million tonnes. Over the long term, a 10 per cent increase in real GDP was associated with a 12 per cent increase in the physical weight of output.  相似文献   

This article examines the sources of economic growth in Australia from 1960 to 2000 by adapting a framework developed in Jones (2002), whereby long‐run growth is driven by the global discovery of new ideas, which in turn is tied to world population growth. We find that, contrary to the conventional view as suggested by sustained growth rates and a stable capital–output ratio over the last several decades, Australia is clearly not on its steady–state balanced growth path. Australia has benefited from increases in educational attainment and research intensity: 42 per cent of Australian growth between 1960 and 2000 is attributable to the rise in educational attainment, about 20 to 40 per cent is attributable to increasing research intensity, while only 10 to 30 per cent is due to long‐run population growth in the idea‐producing countries.  相似文献   

This study reviews the existing evidence on the effects of tax reforms on output levels and growth over the short and long run from different strands of the literature. It develops and applies criteria to evaluate the usefulness of ex‐post estimates to predict the effects of tax reforms ex ante. Based on these criteria, we present detailed tables summarizing and comparing ex‐post estimates of the effects of tax reforms. Overall, our review suggests that at least the direction of the short‐run and long‐run growth effects can be predicted with a reasonable degree of certainty, but there is disagreement with respect to the magnitude. Our review also suggests that depending on the tax change, trade‐offs between short‐run stabilization and long‐run growth may arise and that more research on this question is needed. (JEL E62, H20, O20)  相似文献   

This paper identifies the determinants of costs per pupil in English secondary schools. A distinction is made between the short run and the long run in order to estimate the separate effects on costs per pupil of short‐run variations in school output and school size. A school’s capacity utilization rate is used to indicate short‐run deviations in output from pupil capacity, and pupil capacity is used as an indicator of school size to capture scale effects on costs per pupil. The statistical analysis uses both published and unpublished data for secondary schools in England. Two separate analyses are undertaken, one for grant‐maintained schools alone and the other for all schools. A separate analysis is undertaken for grant‐maintained schools since cost data are available only for schools in this sector. Staff hours per pupil is used as a proxy for costs per pupil for schools as a whole. The main finding is that costs per pupil and staff hours per pupil are both highly significantly negatively related to both school size and the capacity utilization rate of schools. A range of other variables are also estimated to have a significant effect on costs per pupil in secondary schools. The main finding is that there is scope for reducing the costs of schooling in the secondary schools sector in England.  相似文献   

This paper seeks to provide new empirical evidence that demonstrates the importance of digital technologies in promoting economic growth, drawing on the literature on advances in growth and leveraging a broader and more robust country‐level panel dataset. In particular, this paper estimates the long‐run economic impact of digital technologies using mobile phone penetration and internet usage as broad indicators. The empirical results suggest that, between 2004 and 2014, the diffusion of digital technologies significantly improved economic output in Australia and abroad, contributing to steady‐state gross domestic product per capita growth of approximately 5.8 per cent on average. These findings could serve as the starting‐point for predictions about the likely impact of future technologies, providing a better understanding for policy‐makers in prioritising initiatives that will continue to lift living standards in the coming years.  相似文献   

Applying recent estimates of total factor productivity (TFP) growth on Australian sheep farms, we analyse the long‐run effects of TFP growth on the world wool market using a detailed model of the world wool market that treats raw wool, wool textiles and wool garments as heterogeneous commodities. The model divides the world wool market into nine regions and eight major industrial sectors capturing the extreme nature of the multistage production system through which wool passes. We find that regional sheep producer's welfare responds by between ‐0.9 per cent and 0.7 per cent assuming conservative TFP growth over the period 1995/96–2003/04. Sensitivity analysis shows the welfare effects to be robust with respect to all model parameters, but sensitive to the size of the TFP growth and the degree of TFP spill‐over. Our realistic representation of the multistage nature of the wool production system shows that wool inputs steadily decline in importance in moving from early‐ to late‐stage processing. This production structure indicates that the productivity of sheep farmers has little effect on the prices of and demand for wool garments. In contrast, trade in wool inputs is very responsive to the productivity of sheep farmers.  相似文献   

This paper investigates the nature of the output–employment relationship by using the Turkish quarterly data for the period 1988–2008. Even if we fail to find a long‐run relationship between aggregate output and total employment, there are long‐run relationships for the aggregate output with non‐agricultural employment and sectoral employment levels for seven of nine sectors that we consider. However, a further investigation for the output and employment relationship within a short‐run perspective does not reveal statistically significant relationships for either total employment or non‐agriculture employment, or eight of the nine sectors that we consider. Although there are various long‐run relationships between output and employment, the short‐run links between demand and employment are weak. The various implications of this for the economy and the labour market are discussed. As a result, maintaining high levels of output in the long‐run creating demand is essential for employment generation.  相似文献   


Inflation, calculated as year-on-year per cent change in general price level, represents a combined effect of several types of price changes. The monetary authorities primarily focus to track that part of inflation, which can be effectively monitored and controlled using various monetary instruments. This persistent component of inflation is termed as ‘Core Inflation’, which possesses long-run properties as well as predictive power to forecast inflation. This paper makes use of Quah and Vahey’s definition of core inflation as that component of headline inflation, which has no impact on output in medium to long run and estimates it by placing restrictions on vector auto regression system with inflation and output growth. The analysis is based on monthly data from April 1995 to January 2009. Empirical results showed that in India, during 2006 and 2007, the inflation process was stronger than what headline inflation figures actually depicted and in 2008 the inflationary process has tended to be somewhat weaker than what was observed in headline inflation.


我国经济周期波动中实际产出波动性的动态模式与成因分析   总被引:25,自引:4,他引:25  
本文度量了我国经济周期中的条件波动性 ,并检验了导致实际产出波动性降低的主要原因。我们发现 ,我国经济周期波动性与价格和货币等名义经济波动性之间存在密切关系 ;从产出波动性的成分分解来看 ,产出波动性降低的主要原因源于投资波动性、政府支出波动性和净出口波动性的降低 ,而消费波动性继续保持平稳态势。这意味着宏观经济调控在短期内仍然需要采用需求管理的政策工具 ,但长期内应该注重以市场机制为基础的供给管理政策 ,并适当激活名义经济和实际经济活性 ,以保持经济持续、快速和稳定增长。  相似文献   

The length of the transmission lags from monetary pblicy to output has been the subject of much research over the years, but there are serious problems in isolating the lags with any precision. This paper uses a simple model of Australian output to estimate the length of the lags, and then examines how attempts to grapple with the estimation problems might change the results.
We estimate that output growth falls by about one-third of one per cent in both the first and second years after a one percentage point rise in the short-term real interest rate, and by about one-sixth of one per cent in the third year. This implies an average lag of about five or six quarters in monetary policy's impact on output growth. Each of these estimates is, however, subject to considerable uncertainty. We discuss the implications for policy of these relatively long and uncertain lags. Finally, we find no evidence that the average lag from monetary policy to output growth has become any shorter in the 1990s.  相似文献   

In this paper a Keynesian macroeconomic model for a small open economy is used, which describes the functioning of the real part of the economy in the short run when facing a dominant external restriction. The main conclusions of this paper are: (1) In the Chilean case, a devaluation has a contractionary impact in the short run, i.e., a 10% real devaluation produces a 3.4% drop on the level of output. The non-fulfilment of the Marshall-Lerner condition accounts for only 30% of the output contraction, while the remaining 70% corresponds to the decline in consumption that is induced by the reduction in real wages. (2) When the economy has an external deficit, the adequate combination of exchange and fiscal policies to restore the Balance of Payments equilibrium which minimizes the decline of output depends on the magnitude of the devaluation. Thus, an ‘over-shooting’ in the exchange rate, together with a contractionary fiscal policy, would produce an unnecessarily deflationary impact in the short run. (3) The Chilean empirical evidence shows that when there is a dominant external constraint, the magnitude of the short run trade-off between real wages and employment is not very acute. The short-run elasticity of employment with respect to the real wage is 0.34.  相似文献   

Whereas empirical evidence on the effect of higher commodity prices on the long-run growth of commodity exporters is ambiguous, time series analyses using vector autoregressive (VAR) models have found that commodity booms raise income in the short run. In this paper we adopt panel error correction methodology to analyze global data for 1963 to 2008 to disentangle the short and long run effects of international commodity prices on output per capita. Our results show that commodity booms have unconditional positive short-term effects on output, but non-agricultural booms in countries with poor governance have adverse long-term effects which dominate the short-run gains. Our findings have important implications for non-agricultural commodity exporters with poor governance, especially in light of the recent wave of resource discoveries in low-income countries.  相似文献   

The paper studies the conditions for the neutrality of money under flexible exchange rates in an extended real-wage Mundell–Fleming model, with special emphasis on the specification of the behavior functions to correspond to their foundations in closed-economy macrotheory.It is shown that monetary expansion causes output first to decline, to eventually rise above its original level. However, if interest earnings on foreign securities dominate the trade balance in the expression for the exchange rate, monetary expansion leads to an appreciation of the exchange rate, while having an expansionary output effect. Money is neutral in the long run if either the wealth effect or foreign interest payments are abstracted from; if both are abstracted from, it is neutral also in the short run. Short and long-run neutrality results also if wealth consists only of foreign securities. The above responses hold both for net creditors and – with a minor qualification – debtors.  相似文献   

Empirical estimates of long run effects on residential electricity demand from changes in the electricity price are usually estimated by cross-sectional variation in the current stock of electric household appliances across households at a certain point in time. Here, we use a discrete–continuous approach modeling the long run effects by investments in new appliances. We apply the annual Norwegian Survey of Consumer Expenditure for the period 1975 to 1994 to estimate the short and long run own price elasticities in the two approaches. We find the estimated long run elasticity only slightly more price elastic than the short run. We also find that the long run elasticity does not differ significantly between the two approaches. The reason for both results is that, since there is no alternative source of energy for these appliances, there are no substitution effects.  相似文献   

Abstract. The study assesses the level of integration among the three Greater China economies (China, Hong Kong and Taiwan) and examines the suitability of a Greater China currency union. The three economies already have extensive trade and investment linkages. Our analyses show that they share common long‐run and short‐run cyclical variations. We also estimate the output costs of relinquishing policy autonomy to form a currency union. The estimated output losses, which depend on, e.g., the method used to generate shock estimates, seem to be moderate and are likely to be less than the efficient gains derived from a currency union.  相似文献   

Empirical studies of simultaneous rational expectations (RE) models of spot and futures markets for non-storable commodities, such as finished live cattle, are rare. Indeed, only two countries, the US and Australia, have produced data sets for the study of such markets. This paper develops, and presents estimates of a simultaneous RE model of the live cattle market in Australia, the world's leading beef exporting country. The model contains functional relationships for short hedgers and short speculators, long hedgers and long speculators, and consumers, and is completed with a spot price equation and market clearing identity. Augmented Dickey-Fuller and Phillips-Perron tests for unit roots are executed, and Johansen cointegration tests are employed to investigate whether the I(1) variables are cointegrated. Structural equations are estimated by maximum likelihood when ARCH effects are present, by instrumental variables in the absence of serial correlation, and by non-linear least squares when a correction for autocorrelation is required. The estimates of all structural parameters are significant at the five per cent level. Post-sample, the model forecasts spot and futures prices with per cent RMSE's of 4.4 per cent and 2.5 per cent, respectively. In forecasting the spot price, the model outperforms but not significantly, a random walk, an ARIMA model, and a lagged futures price as a predictor of the spot price. The outcome of this last comparison implies that the efficient markets hypothesis cannot be rejected.  相似文献   

本文认为:美国货币政策对我国股票市场真实回报具有显著的溢出效应,即扩张性的货币政策使我国股票市场真实回报下降;在短期,美国货币政策冲击对我国股票市场真实回报波动贡献大,而在中长期美国的通胀、产出冲击贡献大;美国货币政策溢出效应经由美国股票市场价格示范效应传递的机制不显著。  相似文献   

This study considers the effects of financial development on output in a panel cointegration framework, focusing on the implications of trade and financial openness. Our analysis indicates that after controlling for cross‐sectional dependence, the typical relationship between finance and output does not hold in the long run. This relationship, however, is re‐established once we account for economic openness. While trade openness emerges as more important for developing countries, financial openness is more important for advanced economies. In the long run, causality runs from financial development to output in the advanced economies, while in developing economies causality is bidirectional. There is no short‐run causality between financial development and output, however.  相似文献   

This paper investigates the macroeconomic effects of switching the tax burden from direct to indirect taxes in an empirical model based on 22 OECD countries. The Engle-Yoo three step procdure is employed to estimate both the short and long run effects of such a tax switch. The results reveal that a switich from direct to indirect taxes is likely to generate efficiency gans in the short run which lead to higher levels of aggragate output. However, for the majority of countries in the sample the tax changes have no impact on the level of economic activity in the long run.  相似文献   

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