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This paper provides a retrospective summary of the effects of the UK national minimum wage (NMW) on labour market performance since its introduction in 1999. We use an ‘incremental differences‐in‐differences’ (IDiD) estimator to look at the effects of the NMW in each year through its differential impact across local labour markets. We find that the NMW is associated with a significant fall in wage inequality in the bottom half of the distribution. This suggests that geographical areas where the NMW ‘bites’ more have experienced larger declines in wage inequality than elsewhere. While the overall effect of the NMW on employment rates averaged over its existence is neutral, we do find small positive employment effects from 2003 onwards. Likewise, the association of the NMW with unemployment has been negative in recent years. NMW effects on hours have been mixed, but overall there is no compelling evidence to indicate that the NMW upratings have had an adverse effect on full‐time total hours of work. Notwithstanding the clarity of these results, any causal interpretation of them might be compromised by the presence of concomitant policies that might have been correlated with the ‘bite’ of the NMW.  相似文献   

In this paper, we explore how the government can play a role in affecting the compensation policies of private firms in a manner that complements its income tax policies. We illustrate how this role of the government can be served by minimum wage legislation. JEL Code: H2, D6  相似文献   

在美国,最低工资的执行有着特殊的代表性。特别是最低工资的运动轨迹及其不同阶段的水平,反映了背后诸多政治力量的博弈;同时也反映出影响最低工资的各种指标的状况,比如财政承受力,企业承受力等等。在美国,如果年龄与性别分布、地区分布、职业分布、行业分布、教育分布、婚姻分布、就业时间分布不同,最低工资的状况是大不相同的。美国自1997年到2007年间一直未调整过最低工资,就最近一次调整来看,是考虑了最低工资的真实价值、最低工资对平均工资的占比,最低工资与贫困线对比等各种因素后作出的一种选择,对中国的最低工资确定有着较为重要的参考意义。  相似文献   

In this paper, we examine the effect of the minimum wage on restaurant prices. We contribute both to the study of economic impact of the minimum wage and to the study of microeconomic patterns of price stickiness. For this purpose, we use a unique data set of individual price quotes collected to calculate the Consumer Price Index in France and we estimate a price rigidity model based on a flexible rule. We find a positive and significant impact of the minimum wage on prices. The effect of the minimum wage on prices is, however, very protracted. A change in the minimum wage takes more than a year to fully pass through to retail prices.  相似文献   

通过同时引入异质性劳动力供给和工资粘性拓展了包含五类外生冲击的新凯恩斯DSGE模型,在此框架下考察异质性劳动力供给和工资粘性对经济周期的作用及传导机制,并分析两者传播和放大外生冲击作用的异同,研究发现:同时包含异质性劳动力供给和工资粘性的一般均衡模型要明显优于非异质性劳动力供给和无工资粘性模型;异质性劳动力供给和工资粘性均在一定程度上放大了外生冲击对经济波动的影响,在不包含两者的情形下,投资冲击的贡献度变小,技术冲击和政府支出冲击的贡献度变大。  相似文献   

基于CHNS历次调查的数据资料,利用非条件分位数回归与分解方法,实证研究1989-2011年三个时期中国城镇正规就业与非正规就业的工资差异问题.研究表明:(1)两个就业群体间的工资差距在不断扩大,正规就业的个体禀赋优势在工资决定中发挥了关键作用;(2)正规就业与非正规就业的工资差距存在不对称性现象,且在工资分布的末端表现明显,符合"黏地板效应",而造成这一现象的主要原因在于低收入群体存在较为严重的市场分割和就业歧视;(3)由个体禀赋所解释的特征差异呈现上升趋势,而由非市场因素解释的参数差异则在不断下降,反映出我国劳动力市场在整体上趋于公平和完善,工资的决定机制更加以市场为导向.  相似文献   

This article focuses on the effect of financial development on labor participation and employment ratios in China. First, we find that the impacts of financial deepening degree on labor participation are different across regions. The coefficient for financial efficiency degree is statistically significant only in the western region. Second, we find that the coefficient for financial deepening degree is statistically significant only in the western region. Increasing financial efficiency degree decreases employment probability, with the effect being relatively less marked in the central region. However, this probability increases with financial efficiency degree increasing in the western region.  相似文献   

We investigate returns, volatilities, and correlations across mature, dominant regional, and frontier equity markets. Standard & Poor's 500 is chosen as a mature equity market; India is chosen as a dominant regional market; and Bangladesh, Pakistan, and Sri Lanka are chosen as frontier markets. Our empirical tests show that the frontier markets remain fundamentally decoupled from the mature markets during normal market periods. During turbulent times, the contagion effects from the mature to the frontier markets become more pronounced. The results suggest that the dominant regional market plays a key role in disseminating shocks across the frontier markets during normal periods; during the turbulent recent financial crisis period, a similar contagion is not observed.  相似文献   

The paper studies the effects of mortgage choices between fixed‐rate mortgages (FRMs) and adjustable‐rate mortgages (ARMs) on labor market efficiency. FRMs provide insurance for risk‐averse borrowers in the sense that they pay the same rate over time and are not subject to uncertain spot market rates. FRMs, however, discourage borrowers from moving to other regions despite better employment opportunities, as they terminate the FRM contracts in order to move and their new loan interests may be higher. As FRM‐borrowers do not move to other regions due to the interest lock‐ins, entrepreneurs in other regions lose the potential surpluses from productive matches that would have occurred between borrowers‐workers and entrepreneurs. Borrowers ignore this negative externality they impose on the entrepreneurs when choosing their mortgages, and too many borrowers choose FRMs relative to the efficient level. If FRMs are eliminated and ARM‐insurance (that protects ARM‐borrowers against uncertain adjustable interest rates) is created, it will improve efficiency. The paper also assesses quantitatively the welfare effects of eliminating FRMs and providing ARM‐insurance.  相似文献   

We analyze the transmission mechanism of wages to inflation within a New Keynesian business cycle model with wage rigidities and labor market frictions. Our main focus is on the channel of real wage rigidities on inflation persistence for which we find the specification of the wage bargaining process to be of crucial importance. Under the standard efficient Nash bargaining, the feedback of wage rigidities on inflation is ambiguous and depends on other labor market variables. However, under the alternative right‐to‐manage bargaining we find that more rigid wages translate directly into more persistent movements of aggregate inflation.  相似文献   

本首先从对信息披露制度的争论提出问题,然后以新兴古典经济学视角研究证券市场信息披露制度。股东与经理之间的分工导致信息不对称,为消除信息不对称、为减少股东与经理之间交易协调失灵的风险,需要证券市场信息披露制度。章最后从减少内生交易费用和限制外生交易费用的角度,指出我国信息披露制度应该完善的地方。  相似文献   

This article examines the role of the extensive and intensive margins of labor input in the context of a business cycle model with a financial friction. We document significant variation in the hours worked per worker for many emerging-market economies using manufacturing data. Both employment and hours worked per worker are positively correlated with each other and with output. We show that a search-theoretic context in a small open-economy model requires a small wealth effect to explain these regularities at the expense of a smaller wage response. On the other hand, introducing a financial friction in the form of a working capital requirement can explain the observed movements of labor market variables such as employment and hours worked per worker, as well as other distinguishable business cycle characteristics of emerging economies. These include highly volatile and cyclical real wages, labor share, and consumption.  相似文献   

The model presents a general equilibrium dynamic model of an economy consisting of many regions. Capital is perfectly mobile and labor is immobile across regions. Wages are determined by local unions. There is training on the job and strategic complementarity between investment in physical capital by firms and investment in becoming “trainable’’ by workers. Structurally similar regional economies preserve forever their differences in per capita output and employment rate, if the workers’ non-labor income is equalized across regions by interregional income redistribution operated via central budget. Regional decentralization of income redistribution allows convergence in per capita output and employment rate.  相似文献   


Higher education in China plays an important role in promoting labor and human capital mobility. In this paper, I empirically address the issue of regional disparities, college admissions under the National College Entrance Examination (CEE) system, and potential interregional labor and human capital mobility in China. The results show that examinees from western provinces have a strong preference for coastal universities, compared with examinees from central provinces. College admissions in China then seem to have a stronger effect on potential labor and human capital movement from the western to the coastal regions than from the central to the coastal regions.  相似文献   

How does the asymmetry of labor market institutions affect the adjustment of a currency union to shocks? To answer this question, this paper sets up a dynamic currency union model with monopolistic competition and sticky prices, hiring frictions, and real wage rigidities. In our analysis, we focus on the differentials in inflation and unemployment between countries, as they directly reflect how the currency union responds to shocks. We highlight the following three results. First, we show that it is important to distinguish between different labor market rigidities as they have opposite effects on inflation and unemployment differentials. Second, we find that asymmetries in labor market structures tend to increase the volatility of both inflation and unemployment differentials. Finally, we show that it is important to take into account the interaction between different types of labor market rigidities. Overall, our results suggest that asymmetries in labor market structures worsen the adjustment of a currency union to shocks.  相似文献   

This paper describes the historical background and the present structure of Korea's financial markets to provide the basic understanding of issues facing the Korean financial system. The financial system in Korea has been introduced and developed to serve specific political or economic purposes, putting the financial markets in a tight control of government. As a result of the government-controlled financial policies market mechanism has oftentimes been ignored or distorted, making the Korean financial market inefficient and not competitive. To increase the efficiency of the financial system the Korean government plans to launch a Big Bang style financial reform. Attention is paid to the ongoing efforts of the Korean government for financial reforms. As the financial reform takes effect in the near future there will be far fewer regulations and government interventions in financial sector.  相似文献   

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