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雨君 《西部雅安》2003,(11):28-30
在这个秋色渐浓、天高云淡的季节,挣脱都市樊笼的束缚,让我带你走进宝兴扑鸡沟,去领略这儿纤尘不染、恍若隔世的美。  相似文献   

陈会欣 《魅力中国》2011,(3):126-126
创新是一个民族进步的灵魂,是国家兴旺发达的不竭动力。创新也是教育工作的基本主题。创新高中语文教学首先要冲破应试教育的樊笼,培养学生的创新意识,还要用灵活、新颖独特的教学方式培养学生的创新能力。  相似文献   

八大工业国高峰会决议对非洲提供援助。非洲的新兴国家在摆脱掉殖民地时代的樊笼之后,如今它们的一般经济结构也发生基本上的变化。非洲农业在“国民生产总值”中的比重,从41%下降到24%;而工矿业的比重,从4%上升到19%。  相似文献   

张弩 《中国西部》2007,(8):118-125
雪域小镇:肢体与心灵一起漂浮   那座著名的溜溜之城又一次让我体味到了人在旅途的乐趣,在当地朋友的酒吧里,我和同伴们兴奋得如同挣出樊笼的鸡.……  相似文献   

小王 《走向世界》2013,(13):48-51
<正>"久在樊笼里,复得返自然。"用这样的一句话形容走进龙口南山的心情,是再合适不过的了。坐落在渤海湾南岸的龙口南山旅游景区,拥有北纬37度的绝佳纬度和温带季风气候的适宜湿度,有着四季分明的美。背靠山脉,怀拥大海,掩映在翠绿与碧蓝之间的南山气候宜人、植被丰茂、山水秀美,这里不仅是大自然鬼斧神工  相似文献   

在发展第三产业的热浪中,杭州的餐饮业异军突起。杭城的餐馆不仅越开越火爆,而且开向了上海、南京、北京等许多城市。但“杭州餐饮业离现代产业还有相当长的一段距离。要真正成为无愧于杭州这个风景旅游城市的支柱产业,必须从战略上予以调整。”  相似文献   

韩海燕 《走向世界》2013,(29):54-57
<正>中国5000年璀璨的文明以及无与伦比的丰富文字记载都为人们所认可,在博大精深的历史长河中,中国书法艺术以其独特的艺术形式和艺术语言再现了这一历史性的嬗变过程,成为中国优秀文化汇总中又一亮丽的瑰宝。在这里不得不提的是中国清代书法,在近300年的发展历史中,经历了一场艰难的蜕变,它突破了宋、元、明以来"帖学"的樊笼,开创了"碑学",特别是在篆书、隶书和北魏碑体书法  相似文献   

纤笔一枝谁与似,三千毛瑟精兵。阵图开向陇山东,昨天文小姐,今日武将军。73年前,毛泽东为投笔从戎的丁玲写下这样的诗句。近日,国防部征兵办公室颁布《女兵征集工作试行办法》。今冬起,女兵征集办法由过去的推  相似文献   

用友——中国的软件公司,福特——美国的汽车企业。在宣布了自己的“ERP普及计划”之后,王文京将今天的用友比做昨天的福特:100年前,福特通过“T型车”将汽车开向广大家庭,今天,用友想用自己的“U860”使ERP在中国企业中普及应用。7月28日上午,在与记者对话的两个多小时里,王文  相似文献   

窦玉生 《走向世界》2009,(12):23-25
这一天,陶渊明的一句诗总在我脑子里盘旋: "久在樊笼里,复得返自然". 车子刚停稳,宋丰光老师就轻盈地跳下来,拉开柴扉,脱了鞋,奔进土地里,锄草、松土,浇水……呼哧呼哧干起来.松软的泥土被翻开,散发着迷人的芳香.稍顷,夫人和女儿也加入进来,一家三口春耕忙.  相似文献   

We study the effects of the Internet on regional price differences. Comparing two Dutch regions, we find that before the rise of the Internet, price differences of used cars between those regions amounted to some 11–15%, controlling for mileage, age, fuel type and engine volume. These price differences have completely disappeared after the rise of the Internet, in particular a website that allows consumers to make detailed comparisons between almost all used cars for sale in the Netherlands.  相似文献   

<正>1928年,当宁波街头出现第一辆汽车的时候,如同1855年开入三江口的中国第一艘轮船一样,令宁波人感到好奇、不安和羡慕。在板车、马车的队伍中,鹤立鸡群的第一辆汽车,成为三江口岸的骄子,也开启了宁波人一个关于汽车的梦。进入新世纪,"旧时王谢堂前燕,飞入寻常百姓家"。宁波的私家车开始起步,汽车时代的到来,让越来越多的人在时间和空间上突破了原有的生活模式……据交管部门统计,近五年来,在宁波9816平方公里的土地上,日均上牌车辆几乎都在200辆以上……  相似文献   

我国的报废汽车主要用于废钢铁的回收和再次冶炼.但由于车身材料合有重金属原素,在炼钢过程中重金属杂质会对周边环境带来污染,进而影响到人体健康.分析了车身材料中的有色金属组成并探讨了电炉炼钢过程中的重金属污染的产生机理,在分析报废汽车材料造成入炉废钢不清洁的原因基础上,提出了报废汽车炼钢时减少重金属污染的对策及建议.  相似文献   

Over 60 million registered motor vehicles in 20 states are subject to mandatory periodic safety inspection. The effect of safety inspection on roadway casualties has been estimated by several studies, with mixed results. We present a unique test of inspection effectiveness by analyzing the policy's impact on old cars in use and on repair industry revenue. Our results indicate that inspection has no significant impact on old cars or repair industry revenue, which implies that inspection does not improve the mechanical condition of vehicles. Unlike studies that examine casualties, our tests allow us to distinguish between policy ineffectiveness and Peltzman-type offsetting behavior as sources of inspection failure.  相似文献   

We empirically investigate how various economic factors affect the changes in the pricing policies of exporters, in particular changes in the exchange rate pass-through. Assuming exporters set prices following either a high or a low pass-through pricing policy, and assuming that the transition probabilities between these pricing policies depend on market concentration, exporting country??s market share and monetary stability, we estimate a Markov regime-switching model, using data we have collected on imported cars to the United States. Our findings show that the ??low pass-through?? regime is characterized by: lower exchange rate pass-through, low response to misalignments in the firm??s relative price, low volatility of exogenous shocks, and higher duration. When we decompose the changes in the pass-through in our sample, we find that monetary stability has been the most important factor behind the decline in the pass-through. Monetary stability explains more than 50% of the decline in the exchange rate pass-through, while country market share and market concentration explain about 25 and 10%, respectively.  相似文献   

电动车因其行驶时无污染、低噪音、不耗油、低辐射等特点得到了迅速的发展。但在发展过程中却遇到了许多问题和困境。对此,武汉市政府应该出台有关法律法规和措施对电动车进行规范化管理,但在政策的制定时要慎重调研和分析,在考虑各方利益的前提下寻找解决问题的办法和途径。  相似文献   

王琦珀  欧国立 《南方经济》2018,37(11):67-82
通过对行为经济学中"禀赋效应"研究进行归纳拓展,构建了二手车定价模型,将卖方禀赋效应分离出来,并基于二手车交易网站的微观数据,实证检验了二手车定价时的禀赋效应是否存在。得到如下结论:二手车市场中卖方定价时会受到禀赋效应的影响,从而制定一个高于参照点(使用时间、行驶里程和原始价格形成的中立参照价)的价格。通过稳健性检验,认为禀赋效应的存在是普遍且稳定的,但有可能受到驾驶体验、交易物品特征等因素的影响。研究构建的定价模型对行为经济学中禀赋效应和参照点的设定具有理论和实践的参考意义。  相似文献   

This paper incorporates learning and reputation building into a simple dynamic stochastic model with asymmetric information. We use the model to study a bilateral trade flow influenced significantly by learning and reputation, namely U.S. imports of Japanese cars over the period 1961–2004. Numerical simulations replicate the trade flow in a robust fashion. Including the Voluntary Export Restraint in our simulations predicts U.S. imports decreased by 2.46 million cars over the years 1981–1984. Since learning and reputation building require time, predicted short run trade patterns can be quite different than those predicted in the long run. We apply this idea to understand the change in Japanese market share in the U.S. automobile market. We also explore the importance of sectorial differences in the speed of learning and reputation building on predicted trade patterns. Lastly, we examine how the extent of asymmetric information existing between importers and exporters changes under different trade policies.  相似文献   

宋丽  王胜利 《改革与开放》2011,(10):112+114
BOT模式自20世纪80年代引入我国之后,在我国的基础设施建设领域发挥了重大的作用。然而,我国大量的民间资本由于种种原因找不到合适的投资渠道,某些市场领域一旦出现供求矛盾,就会吸引大量的民间资本进行炒作,这就有必要对其进行引导,为其寻求健康的发展环境。而内资BOT模式能够很好的解决这个问题。  相似文献   

It is the basic step to choose an evaluating indicator of operating performance when designing an incentive system. Whether the index is proper or not will have a direct effect on the effectiveness of the incentive system. EVA is a good evaluating indicator that is adopted by many big multinational corporations and that has led the trend of the development in this area. So it will also become our choice in the future. But before introducing EVA into China, we must have an all-round cognition of it. This article carefully analyses the advantages and disadvantages of this evaluating indicator from a unique angle in order to find some enlightenment for our state-owned enterprises.  相似文献   

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