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宋林莉 《中华商标》2009,(11):36-38
近年来,随着市场竞争的加剧,商标抢注行为在我国商标注册领域开始出现,并呈现出多样化、复杂化的趋势,这不仅直接损害了被抢注者和广大消费者的合法利益,而且破坏了公平竞争的市场秩序,危害了社会公共利益,不利于市场经济的健康有序发展。对于商标抢注行为,我们不能简单的停留在对抢注人的道德谴责上,对其进行分析并探寻解决途径是商标保护领域的一个重要研究课题。  相似文献   

驰名商标被他人抢注为域名,这在我国法院已经审理的数十起域名纠纷案件中占相当大的比重。例如,IKEA、SAFEGUARD、DU PONT等一批驰名商标曾被抢注。这些案件中,原告都是以被告实施不正当竞争行为及侵犯商标权为理由起诉的。 不正当竞争? 就不正当竞争责任而言,原告首先要证明被抢注的商标在中国是为公众熟  相似文献   

张晓军 《中华商标》2003,(12):55-57
商标作为经营者参与市场竞争的工具,为使用人占领市场发挥了重要作用,然而在使用人申请商标注册过程中发生的一些抢注与他人正在使用商标相同的商标.特别是欲借此规避法律、法规从中牟利的行为,严重干扰了市场的正常秩序。近来.由于该类案件数量有所增多,并且往往在发生抢注商标侵权纠纷后,商标被抢注人即使向商标评审委员会申请争议裁定也需要经历较长的时间,这使争议裁定前的行为地执法部门在处理侵权案件投诉问题上常处于两难境地,给执法工作带来了一定的影响。因此,为避免在案件查处中出现执法不当,进一步加强行政执法的力度.遏止、杜绝故意抢注商标现象,有必要对抢注商标现象的形式、原因和执法对策予以进一步的分析和探究。因在商标评审程序终结前.当事人的抢注关系尚有待确定,本文中为便于区分双方当事人,暂把提出被抢注的当事人均称作“被抢注人”,已拿到《商标注册证.》的当事人均称作“抢注人”进行探讨。  相似文献   

近一时期以来,国内抢注商标事件屡见不鲜。从去年年初“刘老根”商标被抢注的风波,到“木子美”、“绿茶”被抢注,到央视《同一首歌》被作为酱油、醋等调味品商标被抢注,等等。有关影视剧名被作为商标抢注而引起的纠纷让人们不禁反思:中国人的商标煮识变强了?还是仅  相似文献   

张跃 《中华商标》2010,(7):24-27
近些年,随着中国企业国际竞争力的不断增强,以及中国企业更加深入地融入全球经济,中国企业商标被国外企业或个人抢注的现象层出不穷。如“大宝”在美国、英国、荷兰、比利时和卢森堡被抢注,“全聚德”、“三鞭酒”在韩国被抢注,“红星”二锅头酒在欧盟、英国被抢注,“大白兔”在日本和美国被抢注,“英  相似文献   

王斐 《中华商标》2015,(2):88-92
近年来,随着市场竞争的加剧,商标抢注行为在我国愈演愈烈,并呈现多样化、复杂化的趋势,这不仅侵害了商标权利人的合法利益,而且破坏了公平竞争的市场秩序。对于商标抢注行为,我们不能简单地停留在对抢注人的谴责上,而应该积极地寻找应对途径,并在现行法律的框架内合理适用相关法律,维护真正商标权人的合法权利。尽管中国采取"申请在先原则",但是,现行商标法还是为被抢注的在先权利人提供了一定  相似文献   

在网上走红的乞丐“犀利哥”形象被抢注了.那张标志性的照片已被申请注册为图形商标,申请书已提交给国家商标局。据了解,抢注者为曾策划“舒马赫副驾”拍卖的赵晓凯。赵晓凯表示,在国家商标局正式注册后,将在网上以1元起拍该商标,善款捐赠给“犀利哥”本人。  相似文献   

随着社会主义市场经济的不断深入,特别是我国加入WTO以来,商标作为重要的知识产权,在提升产品附加值、增强企业市场竞争力方面的作用越来越显著,全社会商标意识不断增强、商标注册热情得以较快提升。在这种特殊市场背景下,出现了商标抢注的不和谐现象,仅镇江市近年来就发现多起,应引起我们高度警觉。  相似文献   

@丁世忠:目前中国至少15的企业商标在境外被抢注,我国商标在国外遭抢注的事件,每年超过100起。在境外也曾发现安踏等中国品牌在当地被抢注并推向市场,恶化了竞争环境。@业外在在争  相似文献   

厦门自古商贸繁荣,知名老品牌众多,近年来商标遭恶意抢注的现象时有发生。当地工商部门充分发挥职能优势,积极实施商标反抢注策略,切实保护地方传统特色品牌。"同安封肉"商标的成功注册与发展便是其中最典型的一例。  相似文献   

施工责任索赔是工程项目管理工作中必定要碰到的一项工作。文章对责任索赔进行界定并分析其起因。在工程项目管理工作中应重视责任索赔管理,理清索赔思路,做好责任索赔工作。  相似文献   

This study was inspired by the observation that foreign financial service firms operating in the City of London do not suffer the liability of foreignness to the extent suggested by theory. To examine the reasons for this departure from theory, the study advances a theoretical framework that distinguishes between three types of advantages that together account for the competitive performance of MNEs relative to that of indigenous firms. Empirical analyses of a sample of 296 foreign financial service firms in the City of London show that in this particular context major sources of competitive performance are the firm‐specific advantages and the advantages of multinationality, where British firms may not necessarily possess an advantage over foreign firms. An examination of the validity of the findings, in order to assess the extent to which this situation is unique to the City of London or rather signifies a more general trend that requires theoretical modifications and extensions, is emphasized as a major task for future research. Copyright © 2003 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Most foreign direct investment (FDI) theories assume that foreign subsidiaries are at a disadvantage relative to domestic firms; that is, they suffer a liability of foreignness. Following this reasoning, most FDI research has focused on advantages foreign investors must possess to overcome whatever disadvantages they face. Research directly investigating the sources of foreign subsidiary disadvantages has been notably lacking, despite the fact that understanding disadvantages could uncover ways to reduce exposure to these liabilities of foreignness and improve management of FDI. This study focuses on whether labor lawsuit judgments represent a liability for foreign subsidiaries operating in the United States (U.S.). Specifically, I tested whether 486 British, German, and Japanese subsidiaries operating in the U.S. had more labor lawsuits brought to judgment than a matched sample of U.S.‐owned firms. Results indicate that foreign subsidiaries faced significantly more labor lawsuit judgments in both federal and state jurisdictions. I also investigated several variables hypothesized to be associated with a reduction in labor lawsuit judgments facing foreign subsidiaries. Foreign subsidiaries who used American top officers or whose parent firms had more U.S. operations faced fewer lawsuits, while foreign subsidiaries using human resource professionals actually faced more labor lawsuit judgments. Implications of these findings and avenues for future research are discussed. Copyright © 2002 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

When a company operates outside of its home country, it may suffer a ‘liability of foreignness.’ Does this a priori theoretical expectation hold in the global banking industry? Banks increasingly compete outside of their home countries, and operating environments often differ sharply across countries, both in terms of financial markets and credit risk. In this paper, we report the results of an empirical test of the liability of foreignness in the global banking industry, using Fitch–IBCA BankScope data for the period 1989–96. Our findings strongly support the liability of foreignness hypothesis. Further, the data show some evidence that the X‐efficiency of a foreign‐owned bank is strongly influenced by the competitiveness of its home country and the host country in which it operates. Lastly, we find that in some environments U.S.‐owned banks are more X‐efficient than other foreign‐owned banks in some environments, but less X‐efficient in others. Copyright © 2002 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

监理工程师的责任风险及其规避   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:5  
造成监理工程师责任风险的原因是复杂的、多方面的,有些风险来自社会环境,有些风险来自工作环境,有的风险来自监理工程师本身,因而有必要从理论上进行分析研究,按照其不同的责任属性进行归类,在处理上应该区别对待,作为监理工程师,必须对监理责任风险有一个全面、清晰的认识,从而有效地规避可能面对的责任风险。  相似文献   

室内装修污染是一种新型污染,在最近几年才受到社会重视,但对于这种新型环境污染赔偿案件,现有法律规定存在诸多难题与空白。如何建立一种更为合理的救济机制是需要考虑的问题。本文从侵权法和契约法的基本理论着手,分析室内装修污染应当承担的侵权损害赔偿责任和违约责任,对我国室内装修污染的民事法律救济机制进行系统全面的论述,初步设计了遭受家装污染后的赔偿标准和装修中环境质量合同的条款,旨在建立一个既具有理论价值,又具有实践可操作性的民事救济制度。  相似文献   

This empirical study explores the impact of the liability of foreignness on international venture capital (VC) firms in Singapore as well as the response. In the stage of VC deal assessment, international VC firms are found to originate fewer unsolicited deals from networks compared to domestic ones due to the liability of foreignness. In response to such liability, international VC firms primarily use their homegrown advantages, and originate more solicited deals from networks.  相似文献   

2002年以来的国际原油价格在一系列基本面和非基本面因素作用下持续上涨,虽然到目前为止没有导致全球经济的衰退,但将导致全球经济活动减速,从而影响原油需求的增加。通过对2002—2004年的国际市场油价走势的回顾,并对影响2006年国际油价走势因素分析,预期由于需求增加减慢,供给增加,如果不出现重大突发事件,2006年国际油价将较2005年有所回落。  相似文献   

跨境并购是我国利用外资的新形式   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
20世纪90年代以来,跨境并购在FDI中比重上升,并已成为国际资本流动的重要形式,外资以并购的方式进入中国已成为FDI的重要趋势。尽管外资并购可能对国家产业安全带来一些挑战,但也为我国利用外资提供了良好的机遇。作者认为,目前产生的分歧主要是对跨境并购的认识不全面,跨境并购产生的不利影响可通过完善的法规和有效的监管予以防范,外资并购机遇大于挑战。目前,中国仍然要积极有效地利用外资,跨境并购也是实现提高利用外资水平的新途径,我们应充分利用这一形式。  相似文献   

Financing Choice and Liability Structure of Real Estate Investment Trusts   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3  
We conduct an analysis of public financial offerings of equity Real Estate Investment Trusts (REITs), with a focus on liability structure effects and whether or not firms target longer-run debt ratios. Our major findings are that (1) proceeds from equity offers are more likely to fund investment, whereas public debt offer proceeds are typically used to reconfigure the liability structure of the firm; (2) public debt issuers are often capital constrained and target total leverage ratios to retain an investment grade credit rating; and (3) the preoffer liability structure affects the issuance choice decision, in that firms with higher preoffer levels of secured (unsecured) debt tend to issue equity (public debt). Other notable findings are that the market for public REIT debt is integrated with the broader debt markets and that higher credit quality firms issue longer-maturing bonds.  相似文献   

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