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[目的]了解超市低温肉制品嗜冷微生物污染情况,为食品安全卫生控制提供依据,保护消费者食用安全.[方法]分别于2004年和2006年度对超市中的低温肉制品随机采样,对样品进行嗜冷微生物检测.[结果]在76个样品中有31个被检测出有嗜冷微生物,其中有11个样品的嗜冷微生物数量超过10×104 cfu/g.[结论]部分产品的卫生质量和食用安全性令人担心,应慎食临近保质期的即食性低温肉制品,不食用其过期产品.  相似文献   

本文简要介绍了统计过程控制技术,即SPC技术,并以低温火腿生产中大肠菌群卫生控制为例,详细说明了利用SPC技术对肉及肉制品生产中微生物监测结果进行分析、利用和反馈的方法。  相似文献   

目前,我国低温肉制品加工技术取得了长足的进步,相对于高温肉制品而言,低温肉制品具有更好的风味和更高的营养价值。而低温肉制品对生产技术和卫生条件的要求较高,如稍有不慎,便会引发腐败变质。为了让人放心食用到的低温肉制品,本文就对低温肉制品生产过程中不可忽视的问题进行了阐述,以确保生产出合格的放心的低温肉制品。  相似文献   

危害分析与关键控制体系(HACCP)是确保肉类产品质量安全的基础方法。新形势下,随着我国肉制品消费结构升级,其质量安全备受关注。HACCP是一种预防性质量控制体系,在现代食品工业(尤其是肉制品工业)中的应用不断增多。本文梳理HACCP体系的原理、特点以及HACCP体系在肉制品生产中的应用步骤及方法,旨在提高肉制品的合格率与安全性。  相似文献   

淀粉和变性淀粉常常被肉制品当作增稠剂,加入之后可以提高肉制品的持水性、组织形态。但肉制品中淀粉的含量是需要控制的,只有控制好肉制品中淀粉的含量,加强对产品的监督和管理,才能保证肉制品的质量。本文阐述了淀粉的概念和检测肉制品中淀粉含量的几个方法,通过实验对测定方法进行了对比。  相似文献   

本文就对液相色谱-质谱联用技术展开研究,进一步分析其在低温肉制品检测中的应用。  相似文献   

出口大米加工过程卫生质量关键控制点的确定与控制   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
大米是我国传统的大宗商品.随着我国加入WTO,各大米消费国对大米卫生质量的要求日趋严格及食品安全风险警示通报机制的建立和完善,更要求从事出口大米加工的生产企业按《出口食品生产企业卫生要求》建立健全卫生质量保证体系,从源头抓起,确定大米加工过程卫生质量关键控制点并进行有效控制是确保大米卫生质量的有效手段.我们通过检验检疫工作中的实践,就如何确定大米加工过程卫生质量关键控制点和如何进行有效控制进行以下分析和探讨:  相似文献   

近几年,食品安全问题在我国频频出现,肉制品作为食品中的重要组成部分,其消费量非常大,如何让人们吃到放心的肉制品,这个问题的关键在于食品检验部门。基于此,针对肉制品安全的食品检验进行探讨,寻找科学的提高食品检验质量的办法。  相似文献   

对曲靖市2011—2019年肉及肉制品检验检测数据进行分析,就影响曲靖肉及肉制品质量安全的因素进行分析,并提出相应的建议和措施,为进一步加强曲靖肉及肉制品质量安全管理提供参考。  相似文献   

本文探讨了会计控制在卫生事业单位内部控制建设中的应用。结合《行政事业单位内部控制规范(试行)》的相关内容,对在卫生事业单位开展内部控制的意义、必要性、现存问题进行分析,结合现代化管理思想提出加强卫生事业单位内部会计控制的建议。建立合理的会计控制管理制度,可以有效提高卫生事业单位现代化管理水平,有效发挥内控的监督职能,实现抑制超支、浪费,提高会计工作质量和卫生事业单位的核心竞争力,达到经济与社会效益的最大化。建立健全卫生事业单位内部控制建设体系对提高医院的经营管理水平、实现高效管理、防范经营风险、保证各项资产真实完整,以及促进卫生事业单位的全面、健康、稳定发展意义重大。  相似文献   

The study aims to provide a critical review of the literature on the consumer interest in the UK in organic food, with a particular focus on organic meat. Given that people are more likely to purchase products if they have faith in them, the regulation of organic food standards is reviewed to explore issues affecting consumers. This is followed by a review of the organic meat sector. Aspects of the consumer interest considered in this paper include consumer information, consumer access, consumer safety, consumer choice and consumer representation. As the literature on organic food/meat in the UK is extensive, it was therefore necessary to be selective with regard to the publications suitable for this review. Most of the literature selected for this paper has been drawn from UK publications, although several European and international sources have also been used. The review found that there is a considerable level of interest in the UK organic meat sector. As the regulation of organic food produced is set at varying standards across the European Union, this could lead to consumers being misled regarding the quality of products offered. It was also found that, although consumers perceive organic foods as healthier, more nutritious and tasting better than non‐organic products, the literature shows that this may have only a limited basis on fact. Contamination of organic products with pesticides and even genetically modified ingredients is always possible. Organic farmers are permitted to use other ingredients in organic meat products that may be harmful to health. Escherichia coli and Salmonella risks associated with conventional meat also appear to affect organic meat. Consumers need clear, accurate and reliable information about organic meat. They also need to be provided with safe products, a choice of organic products, access to organic products and to be represented effectively.  相似文献   

This paper addressed consumers’ attitude towards food labels and the influence of different aspects of meat labels on beef, poultry and seafood consumption using data from a national survey in the USA. Approximately 70% of the respondents reported that food labels helped in the purchases of beef and other meat products. While 50% thought that the present level of information on meat labels was about right, about 30% thought that it was insufficient. Similarly, 80, 81, 60, and 80% of the respondents thought that it was very important that meat labels contain information regarding nutrition, ingredients, health claim, and production process respectively. Those respondents who thought that nutrition and ingredient information on food labels were very important also thought that meat labels helped them select beef and other meat products. Consumer preferences for nutrition and ingredient information on food labels were positively related with meat consumption frequency.  相似文献   

Beef and sheep products represent the largest emitters of greenhouse gases within the meat group. One way of encouraging Scottish households to substitute purchasing lower carbon footprint meat products such as chicken is through a carbon consumption tax. In this article, the effects of such a tax were studied using a dynamic per capita error correction version of the almost ideal demand system (AIDS). The data used in the analysis were from a Scottish household panel dataset for the years 2006–2011, which allowed disaggregation by three socioeconomic groups. The results suggest that the net application of meat taxes is likely to reduce demand for beef and sheep products irrespective of socioeconomic group. Application of all meat carbon consumption taxes has the potential to reduce household demand for meat products, resulting in a likely 10.5% reduction in Scottish meat emissions.  相似文献   

The increasing demand for chicken meat has caused producers to increase their productivity through enhanced production techniques. Further increase in demand for quality meat products has been predicted in the country. This study seeks to investigate factors that influence consumer perception toward chicken meat quality. Face-to-face interviews were carried out with 569 consumers at selected shopping malls located in Klang Valley areas. The majority of the respondents perceived quality as an important criterion for buying decisions. The finding revealed that nine factors have influenced consumer perception on meat quality, namely color, size, springiness, chicken aroma, fatty/oily taste, sweetness, visible fat, tenderness, and fibrousness. Among these factors, tenderness was found to be the most important criterion that influenced consumer preference toward chicken meat quality during buying decisions. Good production practices and proper marketing strategies are among recommendations to poultry industry players toward fulfilling consumer demand for good quality chicken meat.  相似文献   

影响肉制品安全的因素与控制措施   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
肉制品是现代人们食品中的重要组成部分,其安全性受到社会各界的广泛关注。肉制品的加工涉及许多环节与工序,任何一个环节出现问题都会对其安全性产生较大的影响。本文就影响肉制品安全的因素和相应的控制措施进行详细的讨论。  相似文献   


People are making food choices based on fat, calories, and cholesterol, while demanding products that are appetizing. Due to such health issues and the convenience of alternative meat products, consumption of beef has declined among American consumers. In this study emu meat and US Select grade beef ribeye steaks were compared for palatability by a 10-member trained sensory panel. Tests for fat (ether) and moisture (vacuum dry) were performed, along with Warner-Bratzler shear tests. Emu meat was rated as more tender, juicier, and more flavorful than the beef ribeye steaks. Wamer-Bratzler shear measurements were consistent with sensory panel findings. Proximate analysis showed the emu steaks contained less fat and more moisture than the beef ribeye steaks. Emu meat is a “red meat” that may ease consumers' concerns about the consumption of red meat. Its potential as a red meat alternative is due to its tender, juicy, flavorful, and lean qualities.  相似文献   

猪肉是我国居民消费的主要肉食品,猪肉质量安全关系百姓健康。大中型屠宰加工企业作为核心企业在安全猪肉供应链上对质量控制起主导作用,安全猪肉供应链质量管理重心在于对养猪户的质量控制,在各自追求利益最大化的动机驱使下,核心企业与养猪户之间展开博弈。本文在运用博弈论方法分析了核心企业与养猪户的博弈过程之后,提出了建立供应链成员之间的战略合作伙伴关系;加强猪肉质量安全可追溯体系建设,实现优质优价;加强质量监管和舆论监督,加大对生产加工不安全猪肉企业的处罚力度;加强对源头生猪的监督检查;扶优扶强,壮大优质屠宰加工企业等政策建议。  相似文献   

随着经济的发展,人们的日常生活质量不断提高,消费者对食品的要求也逐渐严格,特别是对肉制品质量要求也变得严格起来。目前,综合防腐技术的出现对肉制品制作技术得到了提高,同时也对肉制品的防腐能力得到了很大的提高。对肉类产品的观感与新鲜度得到了很大程度上的改善。  相似文献   

The purpose of the study was (1) to define the most important characteristics of functional food affecting purchasing decisions; (2) diagnose the importance of the healthful properties of functional food; (3) identify preferences for carriers (base product) and the importance of the functional components essential in the choice of functional products; and (4) get to know the motives by which consumers are guided when purchasing functional food. The data were collected through direct interview (n = 200). The research tool was a questionnaire divided into four sections. The first one included quality attributes. The second one included healthful properties, functional components and carriers. The third one concerned the motives for purchasing functional food and included the consequences and values. In the fourth section the participants were asked about gender, age and education. The results of this study allowed determining the most important attributes of functional food products. Among quality attributes the most important are safe food, natural product and healthy product. The most important organoleptic attributes include nice taste. Very important attributes of packaging and labelling include expiry date and information on the healthful properties of the product. The most important healthful properties are associated with the attributes (1) strengthens the immune system; (2) reduces the risk of certain cancers; (3) reduces the risk of cardiovascular diseases; (4) helps maintain the correct body weight; (5) strengthens eyesight; (6) improves memory; and (7) improves physical condition. The functional components concern mainly vitamins and minerals, omega‐3 fatty acids and dietary fibre. As the best base products, consideration was given to bread, dairy products, cereal products, mixtures of fruits and vegetables and meat products. In the motivation system there were distinguished functional consequences that included improvement of health, needs of the organism, and healthy eating and psychological consequences such as conscious choice and health promotion. The most important autotelic values include good health and long life, health safety, inner harmony, self‐respect and self‐confidence. The means to achieve these goals are responsibility for health and care for health. The study provides bases for a better understanding of the consumer's needs and optimization of activities related to the development and consumption of functional food. The results of this study may provide valuable support for actions connected with the promotion and marketing of food products.  相似文献   

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