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肉制品在食品市场中占据着极为重要的地位,是人们食用的比较多的一种产品。肉制品安全性问题和人民群众的切身利益之间的关系是比较密切的,市场中出现食品安全问题会对人民的生活造成一定影响。食品检验是发现和改善肉制品安全问题的重要措施。本文将详细阐述食品检验对肉制品安全的重要性,对肉制品的检验现状进行详细分析,并提出有效的改善策略,提高肉制品的安全性,不断创新食品检验方法,实现人们的饮食安全,促进国民经济的不断提升。  相似文献   

危害分析与关键控制体系(HACCP)是确保肉类产品质量安全的基础方法。新形势下,随着我国肉制品消费结构升级,其质量安全备受关注。HACCP是一种预防性质量控制体系,在现代食品工业(尤其是肉制品工业)中的应用不断增多。本文梳理HACCP体系的原理、特点以及HACCP体系在肉制品生产中的应用步骤及方法,旨在提高肉制品的合格率与安全性。  相似文献   

低温肉制品从原料到产出要经过多道程序,需经历一个很长的周期,在这个时间内,很容易出现质量问题,所以对低温肉制品加工过程中的卫生进行质量控制显得至关重要。本文对低温肉制品中的卫生质量控制进行深入分析,以期提升低温肉制品的安全性。  相似文献   

本文综述近两年的肉制品抽检结果,集中分析亚硝酸盐、过氧化值、微生物、防腐剂、药物残留等指标的监测现状与控制技术。通过对这些高风险指标的分析,提出肉制品生产应从养殖、生产加工到储运全过程各环节进行管理控制。  相似文献   

[目的]了解超市低温肉制品嗜冷微生物污染情况,为食品安全卫生控制提供依据,保护消费者食用安全.[方法]分别于2004年和2006年度对超市中的低温肉制品随机采样,对样品进行嗜冷微生物检测.[结果]在76个样品中有31个被检测出有嗜冷微生物,其中有11个样品的嗜冷微生物数量超过10×104 cfu/g.[结论]部分产品的卫生质量和食用安全性令人担心,应慎食临近保质期的即食性低温肉制品,不食用其过期产品.  相似文献   

<正>1背景信息近年来,在食品安全监督抽检中,微生物污染问题较突出,现对食品微生物污染做以简单的解读。2专家解读①肉制品生产、加工或经营环节的卫生状况有待提高。总局2014年两阶段共对3721批次肉及肉制品  相似文献   

复合磷酸盐是一种非常重要的品质改良剂,经常作为肉制品中的添加剂,对以肉类为原料制成的香肠、肉丸等肉制品的保水性和质构具有重要影响。本文主要介绍复合磷酸盐在猪肉、牛肉、鸡肉三大类肉制品加工中的作用及对肉制品的影响。  相似文献   

谷氨酸钠属于氨基酸类产品,俗称味精,是食品工业中用量最大的鲜味剂。它作为一种增加食品风味的食品添加剂,主要用于烹调、调味品、快餐方便食品、肉制品、水产制品和汤料等方面。谷氨酸钠曾一度让世界各国消费者对其食用的安全性产生怀疑,FA O/W H O对其进行了各种毒性试验,试  相似文献   

在人们生活水平不断提高的当下,即食休闲肉制品对满足人们的需求,提升我国食品行业的经济发展具有重要意义。但是这些年我国食品安全问题频发,人们对即食休闲肉制品安全问题的关注度也在不断提高,对即食休闲肉制品行业造成极大影响,这就要求相关部门与即食休闲肉制品厂家不断提升食品安全管理,促进我国即食休闲肉制品行业的可持续发展。  相似文献   

对曲靖市2011—2019年肉及肉制品检验检测数据进行分析,就影响曲靖肉及肉制品质量安全的因素进行分析,并提出相应的建议和措施,为进一步加强曲靖肉及肉制品质量安全管理提供参考。  相似文献   

近年来,随着全球经济朝着一体化方向快速发展,我国经济水平和人们的生活水平较之前有了很大的提高,人们对于食品的要求不仅仅只是停留在数量上,更多的在于食品的质量与安全。肉及肉制品作为人们生活中必不可少的食品之一,在一定程度上可以为人们提供正常生命活动所需要的丰富的维生素、脂肪和蛋白质等。但是,近年来随着社会经济的快速发展,不少肉制品行业受利益的驱使,造假掺假的行为层出不穷,这在一定程度上损害和侵犯了广大消费者的合法权益,并且在社会上产生了非常严重的不良后果。因此,加强肉及肉制品动物源性成分鉴别技术的研究刻不容缓。  相似文献   

The study aims to provide a critical review of the literature on the consumer interest in the UK in organic food, with a particular focus on organic meat. Given that people are more likely to purchase products if they have faith in them, the regulation of organic food standards is reviewed to explore issues affecting consumers. This is followed by a review of the organic meat sector. Aspects of the consumer interest considered in this paper include consumer information, consumer access, consumer safety, consumer choice and consumer representation. As the literature on organic food/meat in the UK is extensive, it was therefore necessary to be selective with regard to the publications suitable for this review. Most of the literature selected for this paper has been drawn from UK publications, although several European and international sources have also been used. The review found that there is a considerable level of interest in the UK organic meat sector. As the regulation of organic food produced is set at varying standards across the European Union, this could lead to consumers being misled regarding the quality of products offered. It was also found that, although consumers perceive organic foods as healthier, more nutritious and tasting better than non‐organic products, the literature shows that this may have only a limited basis on fact. Contamination of organic products with pesticides and even genetically modified ingredients is always possible. Organic farmers are permitted to use other ingredients in organic meat products that may be harmful to health. Escherichia coli and Salmonella risks associated with conventional meat also appear to affect organic meat. Consumers need clear, accurate and reliable information about organic meat. They also need to be provided with safe products, a choice of organic products, access to organic products and to be represented effectively.  相似文献   

Fresh meat product retailing at traditional markets in Taiwan causes concerns over meat safety issues.The agricultural administration has established programmes to raise consumer awareness of potential risks of fresh meat that have remained at room temperature for several hours. Although supermarkets sell chilled and frozen meat products, the majority of grocery shoppers in Taiwan still prefer purchasing fresh meat products at traditional markets where meat is displayed on counters or hung on hooks. This study utilizes survey data to segment meat shoppers in Taiwan. Results indicate the shoppers who purchase meat products at supermarkets tend to continue shopping at that location. Potential shoppers of supermarkets, who may switch from traditional markets to supermarkets for meat products, are identified and the major concerns of this group are the meat safety issues. Factors that influence the possibilities of selecting supermarkets for meat products are examined.  相似文献   

This study attempts to elucidate the characteristics of price premiums for food products from the consumers' viewpoint. After conducting a survey, consumers' willingness to pay (WTP) for 13 important food elements is analyzed for 10 food categories. The main findings were first, the categories that can easiest achieve a price premium are fruit and vegetables and meat and fish with the hardest being snacks and sweets and frozen foods. Second, the food element most related to price premiums is safety while the least related is convenience. Finally, an appropriate level for price premiums for food products is generally about 20%.  相似文献   

One distinct change in Malaysians' food consumption behavior has been the preference toward meat products. Thus it is meaningful to gain insight of meat consumption patterns. As the market becomes increasingly market-led, information on current meat consumption patterns is required to assess how they are likely to change as prices and incomes change. This study attempts to provide a better understanding of demand for meat products in Malaysia. By utilizing data from Household Expenditure Survey 2004/2005, Engel curve analysis was conducted to derive income elasticities of meat products from QUAIDS model. The estimated income elasticities show that current food consumption patterns are showing signs of convergence toward a Western diet, exhibiting tendency for preference toward red meats (mutton and beef) over white meats (poultry and pork). The estimated elastic own-price elasticities indicate that Malaysian consumers are sensitive to the change in prices of the meat products, with other things remain constant.  相似文献   

Traceability systems are becoming an important tool for tracking, monitoring and managing product flows through food supply chains. Traceability can be used as a method of certifying production, processing and nutritional credence attributes of food products. Environmentally sustainable production is a credence attribute that is gaining in importance in the eyes of consumers. In this research, the importance of traceability in verifying environmentally sustainable production practices is examined. The data were collected in online surveys related to consumer's perceptions and concerns about food safety, trust and reported behaviour related to meat consumption in three countries – Canada, the US and Japan. Determinants of traceability in verifying environmentally sustainable production practices include respondents' locus of control about food safety, food purchasing characteristics such as whether they normally buy organic products or shop at supermarkets and general traits such as worry and trust. In comparing across countries, there are significant differences in the interests in traceability to verify environmentally sustainable production practices and in the determinants of level of importance ascribed.  相似文献   

This paper addressed consumers’ attitude towards food labels and the influence of different aspects of meat labels on beef, poultry and seafood consumption using data from a national survey in the USA. Approximately 70% of the respondents reported that food labels helped in the purchases of beef and other meat products. While 50% thought that the present level of information on meat labels was about right, about 30% thought that it was insufficient. Similarly, 80, 81, 60, and 80% of the respondents thought that it was very important that meat labels contain information regarding nutrition, ingredients, health claim, and production process respectively. Those respondents who thought that nutrition and ingredient information on food labels were very important also thought that meat labels helped them select beef and other meat products. Consumer preferences for nutrition and ingredient information on food labels were positively related with meat consumption frequency.  相似文献   


The European meat industry is confronted with substantial changes of consumer preferences in relation to the type and quantity of meat in everyday diet. One of the main reasons behind these changes is the public impression that meat is a “dangerous” to consume food. This feeling is the result of recent food scares where meat played a central role and their effect on consumers' perceptions about meat safety. The research at hand explores the market potential of organic meat in Greece and emphasizes the perceptions about meat consumption held by organic consumers as opposed to those held by non-consumers of organic foods. It is expected that organic consumers will be more interested in a series of quality attributes of meat commonly found in its organic type, in comparison to non-consumers of organic food. However, the main finding of the survey is that consumer demands in relation to meat quality and safety are particularly high, irrespective of meat's production method. The research concludes that the particularly low consumption of organic meat in Greece should be partially attributed to its insufficient differentiation in consumers' minds.  相似文献   

随着经济的发展,人们的日常生活质量不断提高,消费者对食品的要求也逐渐严格,特别是对肉制品质量要求也变得严格起来。目前,综合防腐技术的出现对肉制品制作技术得到了提高,同时也对肉制品的防腐能力得到了很大的提高。对肉类产品的观感与新鲜度得到了很大程度上的改善。  相似文献   

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