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以某储备库发放仓仓壁的设计为例,详细阐述钢筋混凝土矩形筒仓仓壁的内力、裂缝计算,并依据计算结果对仓壁进行配筋设计。  相似文献   

穴囤机械通风系统的设计不同于一般仓房,主要是仓容小,一般只有几百吨,其次是为了能够有效利用仓容,穴囤上部都有圆锥体粮堆,这些增加了机械通风设计的难度。本文作者根据实际情况简单介绍了穴囤机械通风设计时的思路和方法。  相似文献   

针对传统相控阵工作频带窄、圆极化波束扫描角度小的问题,设计了一款宽波束天线单元以及1×6相控线阵。采用叠层贴片技术展宽天线的阻抗带宽,设计新型的三维地结构拓展天线的波束宽度,利用介质匹配层技术改善天线在低仰角区域的阻抗匹配,并通过双点馈电实现圆极化辐射。仿真与实测结果表明,天线单元的3 dB波束宽度在4.3~5.6 GHz的频带内均大于115°。天线阵列在4.5~5.3 GHz的频带内,主波束的最大扫描范围为-57°~58.5°,其3 dB波束覆盖范围达到185°,在主波束的扫描范围内轴比小于6 dB,具有良好的宽频带宽角域的圆极化扫描特性,在卫星通信、移动基站等领域有广阔的应用前景。  相似文献   

The bottom of the pyramid—that is, the world's four billion consumers who live on $5 or less per day—is one of the last untapped markets for multinational companies (MNCs) to drive revenue and profit growth. However, most MNCs have found it difficult to make money “solving the pressing needs of low‐income communities.” We explore why the bottom of the pyramid has become a strategic focal point. We also identify and discuss fundamental differences and trade‐offs MNCs encounter in meeting the demands of the world's lowest‐income consumers. Drawing on the experience of exemplar case studies, we describe how MNCs can leverage resources to build the infrastructures needed to think differently about how to measure financial performance, design products differently to leverage both customization and standardization, and deliver differently to compensate for infrastructural deficiencies. Finally, given much of the product acceptance‐and‐profitability challenge falls under the purview of supply chain decision makers, we call for research in specific operational and relational domains to help companies design supply chain networks and processes for success at the bottom of the pyramid.  相似文献   

面向低收入市场的金字塔底层战略研究述评   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
贫困问题一直是困扰世界经济与社会发展的突出问题,而金字塔底层战略提出企业可通过技术与商业模式创新去开拓低收入市场来缓解与消除贫困,挑战了只有政府、非营利机构或慈善组织才有动机与能力应对贫困问题的传统观点,也体现出创新促进商业与社会包容性发展的最新理念。本文首先区分并比较了把穷人分别视为消费者、生产者与商业合作伙伴的3种金字塔底层战略及其内涵,进而从购买力、消费者行为、生产者行为与制度环境4个方面对低收入市场特质进行梳理与归纳,最后阐述企业实施金字塔底层战略的5种关键策略与方法,并提出未来研究方向。  相似文献   

对新闻工作者来说,“倒金字塔”是最为熟悉与常用的一种消息写作结构,其以事实重要性程度或受众关心程度依次递减的次序,先主后次以及整体前详后略地安排消息中各项事实内容,正犹如倒置的金字塔。不过,借鉴这种逻辑来构建CSR报告框架,将各议题进行一定的归纳与章节重要性排序,进行由详至略地披露,却是一种较为特别的尝试。  相似文献   

运用顾客金字塔模型有效管理顾客   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
毕琳  张逸昕 《商业研究》2005,(5):141-144
我国已有一些企业转变经营思想,以"顾客"为中心,并已取得一定的绩效。然而,目前我国众多企业尚未能做到对顾客实行有效管理。有必要以顾客金字塔模型为指导,提出如何对顾客分类管理的措施,从而对核心顾客和非核心顾客分类进行管理。  相似文献   

扁平化管理与金字塔式管理区别   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
金字塔式管理与篇平化管理,二者的区别主要在于:金字塔式管理模式是绝对集权管理,这使决策和管理效率低下,传递过程时间长,信息容易失真,难以适应市场竞争。扁平化管理模式以分权管理为主、通过计算机管理进行层次逐级传递。缩短了经营管理通道和路径,从而增强组织对环境变化的感应能力和快速反应能力。  相似文献   

金字塔式管理与篇平化管理,二者的区别主要在于:金字塔式管理模式是绝对集权管理,这使决策和管理效率低下,传递过程时间长,信息容易失真,难以适应市场竞争。扁平化管理模式以分权管理为主、通过计算机管理进行层次逐级传递,缩短了经营管理通道和路径,从而增强组织对环境变化的感应能力和快速反应能力。  相似文献   

支持、掏空与家族控制的金字塔结构   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
王明琳 《财经论丛》2007,(1):97-102
单纯的掏空行为无法解释家族控制的金字塔结构的持续存在,除非社会投资者都是“短视”的或者缺乏足够信息。如果社会投资者是理性的,只有控制性家族的掏空行为和支持行为同时发生,并且在法律对社会投资者保护薄弱以及金字塔结构比水平结构更好地实施掏空行为的条件下,金字塔结构才可能长期存在。金字塔结构本质上是一种中性的股权控制方式,既可能侵害外部股东的权益,也可能在特定情况下保护其权益。  相似文献   

Bottom of the Pyramid (BOP) markets provide distinct marketing challenges to firms either serving these markets or intending to enter these markets. BOP markets have often been criticised for having weak supporting infrastructure such as inefficient or non-existence of distribution systems which hinder firms' ability to distribute products to consumers. Franchising is one distribution strategy which firms can use to enhance distribution at the BOP. Using findings from research conducted in Zimbabwe, this article demonstrates how firms can use franchising as a distribution strategy to facilitate distribution of products to those at the BOP. Both consumers and firms derive benefits from the use of franchising. Firms face distinct challenges in using this strategy and need to re-invent the way they do business.  相似文献   

本文以2007-2011年的国有上市公司为研究对象,通过运用博弈论分析和实证研究的方法,考察了预算软约束、金字塔结构与企业投资效率的相互关系.研究发现,在预算软约束下,金字塔持股结构中最终控制人的控制权比例、所有权比例以及控制权和所有权的分离程度均对企业的投资效率产生了重要的影响.依据研究结果,本文从国有资产监管体制、国有资本经营预算等方面提出了相应的政策建议.  相似文献   

This paper builds on London and Hart’s critique that Prahalad’s best-selling book prompted a unilateral effort to find a fortune at the bottom of the pyramid (BoP). Prahalad’s instrumental, firm-centered construction suggests, perhaps unintentionally, a buccaneering style of business enterprise devoted to capturing markets rather than enabling new socially entrepreneurial ventures for those otherwise trapped in conditions of extreme poverty. London and Hart reframe Prahalad’s insight into direct global business enterprise toward “creating a fortune with the base of the pyramid” (p. xi) rather than at the BoP. This shift in language requires a recalibration of strategic focus, we argue, and will necessitate implementation of “moral imagination” to formulate new mental models that can frame the possibility of local entrepreneurs working collaboratively and discursively with development partners drawn from civil society, corporate, and government sectors. Successful partnerships will arise from interactive processes of emergent, co-creative learning within a shared problem domain or “community of practice”. We call attention to three related pluralist framings of situated learning within such communities of practice: (1) decentered stakeholder networks; (2) global action networks; and (3) a focus on “faces and places” as a cognitive lens to humanize and locally situate diverse inhabitants within base of the pyramid partnership projects.  相似文献   

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