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饮料行业有三个营销套路,第一个路子是请大牌青年明星做代言人,第二个是大规模发布各种广告,第三是进行永不停止的促销。无论是碳酸饮料、茶饮料、乳饮料还是果汁饮料都是如此,甚至水饮料也都有向这三方面发展的趋势。在各种饮料类型里,以碳酸饮料的表现最为突出,乳饮料和茶饮料其次.果汁饮料和水饮料再次。  相似文献   

<正>【来源:新华网】可口可乐、百事可乐的"瘦身"术在食品业风行。记者近日从市场了解到,无论是碳酸饮料,还是牛奶、酸奶、饼干、薯片等,都在包装上大做文章,分量普遍缩水。"两乐"的产品中除了600毫升装的部分碳酸饮料改成500毫  相似文献   

食品容器包装材料对食品安全的危害   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
食品在生产加工、储存运输、流通使用过程中,都离不开容器包装材料,而很多容器包装材料都有可能对食品安全造成生物性、化学性污染。目前,食品包装材料已经引起了国内外消费者的高度重视,并提出了更高的食品安全要求,为了确保食品安全,保护消费者健康,对食品容器包装材料的种类来源、性质作用、成分含量及危害程度进行分析十分必要。食品容器包装材料根据卫生学特性可以分成三大类:木、纸、布等传统材质;金属和含有金属盐或金属氧化物的搪瓷、陶瓷等;用高分子化合物制成的包装材料。就上述三大类食品容器包装材料对食品产生的危害分析如下:…  相似文献   

文章从碳酸饮料生产加工监管的视角,分析了碳酸饮料监测中存在的主要问题,并基于HACCP系统探讨了碳酸饮料关键点控制问题,最后给出了完善碳酸饮料质量安全监测的建议。  相似文献   

饮品一年四季都有,市场上常见的饮料有果汁、啤酒、茶类、功能性饮料等。在夏季,很多消费者更倾向于选择冰镇碳酸饮料、凉茶和冰镇啤酒。这些丰富的饮品并不一定给人带来健康。本文从安全和健康的角度,谈谈关于夏日饮品的问题,希望每个人都要学会正确地选择夏日饮品。  相似文献   

【来源:新华网】 可口可乐、百事可乐的"瘦身"术在食品业风行。记者近日从市场了解到,无论是碳酸饮料,还是牛奶、酸奶、饼干、薯片等,都在包装上大做文章,分量普遍缩水。"两乐"的产品中除了600毫升装的部分碳酸饮料改成500毫升装外,其2.5升装的碳酸饮料已经停产,有些超市已换成两升装,并且有些超市的两升装可乐产品,价格还从5.2元涨到了5.4元。另外,“卡夫”果汁也从500毫升变为450毫升。  相似文献   

正25%鉴于消费者现在对健康越来越关注,碳酸饮料需求也在逐渐下降。根据市场调研公司Mintel最近的一项调研发现,25%的消费者碳酸饮料的饮用量比6个月前大幅减少,其中一半是出于健康的考虑。该调研公司预测,消费者对碳酸饮料的这种态度,在未来将体现为碳酸饮料的销量逐渐下降,预计到2014年,总的碳酸饮料的消耗量会从2011年的61.7亿升下降至59.5亿升。碳酸饮料市场的一些领军品牌,例如可口可  相似文献   

1998年某日,中国农业大学研究生课堂上,王群教授请来的美国专家给学生们授课,为表示亲切随和。这位专家的第一句话便是:你们今天早上喝果汁了吗?研究生们面面相觑,不知如何作答。王群教授由此感慨:中国饮料市场的结构和消费观念与发达国家有相当大的差距。果汁,饮品市场新机会目前的饮料市场上,碳酸饮料、天然饮料、功能性饮料呈三足鼎立之势。以可口可乐、雪碧为代表的碳酸饮料以其独特的口味和消暑止渴作用及适中的价格成为大多数消费者的首选饮品,占饮料市场的最大份额。而功能性饮料虽以消除疲劳、恢复体力的独特功效著称,却并未如预料的那样赢得消费者的青睐。在最近的一次调查中发现,被列入销售排行榜前十名的竟有七种为碳酸饮料,而被调查的消费者中的大多数都希望换一换口味,尝一  相似文献   

杜素英 《华糖商情》2001,(19):23-23
浙江、福建两省目前饮料市场整体比较低迷,碳酸饮料、茶饮料、果汁饮料都比较平静.倒是水饮料市场你争我夺乱作一团。  相似文献   

溴甲烷熏蒸杀虫处理技术的改进与应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
应用溴甲烷熏蒸木材、木制品、木质包装材料等能够彻底、有效地毒杀钻蛀性害虫.世界各国都对溴甲烷熏蒸消毒处理效果予以肯定,常用于对木材、木制品、木质包装材料等的除害处理.在我国向美国、加拿大、澳大利亚等国输出木材、木制品、木质包装材料等产品时,这些国家都要求出口前进行杀虫处理.特别是美国发现亚洲光肩星天牛在该国造成森林资源大面积损害,该国以及其他国家对我国出口的木质包装材料采取了严格的检疫措施,强制性地要求用溴甲烷熏蒸杀虫处理或热处理.为促进我国外贸的发展,保证输美、加木质包装材料质量,我们对溴甲烷熏蒸消毒处理技术进行了改进.  相似文献   

In response to concern over the risk of injury from caps missiling from carbonated drinks bottles during opening, a multi-disciplinary study was undertaken to identify the technical and ergonomic factors involved in this potential hazard. The specific conditions causing missiling were identified and an ergonomics approach was used to assess the likelihood of this combination of mainly behavioural factors. It was found that under ‘normal’ conditions, caps are unlikely to missile, suggesting that the risk from this product is low. Strength data collected in this study suggested that caps were applied with too great a torque for some users – particularly children and the elderly – to be able to open carbonated drinks bottles easily. User trials and a field study of naturalistic behaviour suggested that ‘tools’ are used to open bottles and some users may turn the caps the wrong way during opening, which together with an increase in temperature were the main factors likely to cause missiling.  相似文献   

Consumers (n = 750) were surveyed regarding knowledge and behaviour concerning reuse of food packaging materials. Cross-tabulation of completed questionnaires (n = 597) indicated that middle-aged, urban and suburban women engaged in the highest number of correct packaging reuse practices. Nearly 50% of consumers thought egg cartons, plastic syrup bottles, produce bags and microwave meal plates were designed to be reused. Less than 50% thought it was safe to store food in containers formerly used to store non-food items, and that washed bread wrappers (turned inside-out were a safe material in which to store fresh food. Over 50% knew that plastic packaging contains additives that can end up in food, that packaging materials may be sterilized with chemicals or irradiation and that plastic wraps begin to melt at 71° (160°). Point Biserial Correlations indicated that behaviour was not necessarily consistent with knowledge.  相似文献   

The increased usage of questionable environmental marketing claims has become an issue of concern for academics, policy makers and consumers. Much of the research to date, has focused on the accuracy of environmental claims in advertisements, with the information on product packaging being largely ignored. This study uses a content analysis to examine the environmental information on packaging. More specifically it examines the packaging of the population of dishwashing liquid bottles available in grocery stores in a large city in Australia. Evaluation criteria are developed to classify the various types of information and the degree to which the information is "misleading". Seven different informational categories and four accuracy categories are developed. These criteria are developed based on the existing environmental advertising literature and environmental marketing regulations in the U.S. and Australia. It was found that a majority of the packaging information can be classified as being not accurate.  相似文献   

草莓花生乳具有较高的营养价值,主要以草莓、花生为原料,配以一定的添加剂,经混匀、杀菌等工艺调配而成,是一种新型复合饮料。本文介绍了草莓花生乳的生产工艺流程,并通过试验,确定了其最佳生产工艺条件和最佳配方。  相似文献   

Pasteurized milk has been traditionally packaged in returnable glass bottles in New Zealand and most fluid milk has been sold by vendors through the home-delivery scheme. In recent years, there has been a trend by some consumers and milk processing stations to consider and lobby for non-returnable packaging. The main reason has been declining milk sales and the belief that non-returnable packages are both more attractive and convenient for the consumer. The advantages and the disadvantages of non-returnable packaging are presented. Changes to the home delivery system and the introduction of non-returnable packaging present questions that have significant economic, social, environmental and political implications. An analysis of the home milk delivery system has revealed several gaps that may be used to improve its service quality component. Alternatives to formalize the relationship between the vendors and the stations could reduce friction and enhance opportunities for mutual cooperation. A contractual system has the potential to solve many of the daily problems by providing more direct communication at the operational level. Any changes that take place must balance the wishes of a segment that wants convenience, a wider choice of products and increased availability versus some important industry-wide macro-level considerations.  相似文献   

Food packaging defines a product's uniqueness and strengthens consumers' relationship with a brand, in this way offering functional and experiential benefits. Although cold chain food is predicted to become even more important to consumers, consumers' experiences of the packaging of these products have been neglected in the literature. Thus, this exploratory study investigated these experiences of female participants in Potchefstroom, South Africa, using semi‐structured interviews and a projective technique assisted by ambiguous mock packaging. The findings reveal that despite marketers' intention to use packaging to lure consumers to purchase food products, participants also valued functionality and quality in cold chain food packaging. This study also identified a dislike of carton boxes and preference for plastic bottles for this kind of packaging, as well as further negative and positive characteristics for consideration by manufacturers. Although brand loyalty and price sensitivity were stronger considerations for some participants than the packaging, the latter seemed to play a pre‐eminent role in most participants' purchasing decisions. Therefore, it is recommended that when designing packaging for frozen and refrigerated foods, product developers and manufacturers should take into account consumers' experiences, requirements and needs of the packaging specific to cold chain food. Our research offers a starting point for designing cold chain food packaging that complies as closely as possible with consumers' expectations.  相似文献   


This paper examines the behavior of Caribbean importers with respect to the purchase of branded food and beverage products manufactured in the Canadian province of Ontario. The determinants of the import purchase decision are identified, and the import response of buyers to changes in the importance rating of key purchase criteria is quantified. The study is based on personal interviews with forty-eight Caribbean food and beverage purchasing executives. The results indicate that price and requests from local customers are the most important decision criteria used by Caribbean importers. Also, firms with a recent history of importing Ontario food and beverage products place a higher level of importance on brand image and package design. A one-unit decrease in the importance rating of the packaging design variable was found to increase the odds of a firm importing from Ontario by thirty percent.  相似文献   

In many societies, the scale of demographic change associated with increased longevity has the potential to influence the market for consumer goods. As a result, continuous improvement in packaging design that takes into account the needs of older people should become an important challenge for both packaging producers and product manufacturers. Due to the fact that there is limited research concerning the design of food packaging for older people, the aim of the study was to identify the expectations of this group of consumers in this respect. Milk packaging was selected as a model subject of study. Factors influencing older consumers and their buying patterns when purchasing milk have been thoroughly examined. The research was conducted among people over the age of 60 with the use of three methods: a questionnaire (600 subjects), an in‐depth interview (60 subjects) and eye tracking (30 subjects). The results of the study show that older consumers have specific preferences regarding packaging type and design. When considering milk packaging, for example, they prefer glass bottles, simple graphics and font and subdued colours. They most frequently look for information concerning the product's expiration date, its producer's name and its composition. Eye tracking revealed that the older the consumers are, the more problems with finding expiration date they have. The time required to find such information, however, strongly depends on where exactly the expiration date is printed on the packaging. The preferred place in this case is the top of the bottle. Older consumers identify product's brand with the name of the producer. Moreover, the absence of the term ‘ingredients’: on the milk packaging oftentimes causes confusion among older people, who are concerned about potential food additive content.  相似文献   

基于终端策略的饮料企业分销渠道模式探讨   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文认为,在快速消费品流通领域,由于产品依靠消费者高频次和重复的使用与消耗、通过规模的市场销量来获得利润和价值实现的特性,决定了分销渠道成本在营销总成本中占有很高的比例.作为快速消费品的典型代表,饮料行业市场竞争激烈,而分销渠道的拓展是饮料企业保持竞争优势的主要途径之一.饮料企业的渠道特征与产品特点和消费者的购买特征密切相关,其基本特征是:快速消费品多采用中间商的分销模式;快速消费品渠道终端生动化陈列很重要;快速消费品一般是多种渠道并存;渠道调整变化迅速.产品在终端上的可得性对于分销渠道具有重要的战略意义,无论是可口可乐的"买得到"策略、娃哈哈的"联销体"模式,还是百事可乐的"忠诚合作伙伴"、康师傅的"通路精耕"模式,都表明饮料行业竞争制胜的本质是渠道,饮料企业只有牢牢抓住渠道和终端并在分销渠道中具有控制力和话语权,才能在激烈的市场竞争中获得有利地位.  相似文献   

Packaging design as a medium for brand communication has a strong impact on the point-of-purchase decision. Therefore, marketers need a keen understanding of how packaging design influences brand perception. Although many studies have investigated the impact of design elements like color or typeface, few have examined the impact of holistic variables like the degree of elaborateness. This study proposes to fill this gap by investigating the influence of the degree of simplicity/complexity in package design on brand perception. The topic is first investigated through a multidisciplinary approach mobilizing the fields of semiotics, art history and marketing. Then, we conduct an experiment in which three bottles of Champagne operationalizing three levels of simplicity/complexity are tested with a sample of 305 consumers. The results indicate that the simplicity/complexity of a package design has a significant impact on brand perception, with simplicity being associated with modernity, reliability, authenticity, success and sobriety and complexity with seniority, joy, imagination, charm, femininity and sophistication.  相似文献   

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