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关于红楼梦前八十回与后四十回的作者问题,学术界仍有争论。将红楼梦前八十回与后四十回的词语进行比较,发现二者在词语使用习惯上确实存在某些差异,这也为红楼梦前八十回与后四十回出自不同作者之手提供了佐证。  相似文献   

We study to what degree authors who publish in the five most prestigious journals in economics have previously published there and in which world region they are based. Although still high, the concentration of United States‐based and previously published top‐five authors has decreased. This trend is driven by increased co‐authorship between USA and non‐USA scholars and between scholars with and without previous top‐five articles. Only around 5% of all articles each year are written solely by first‐time authors from outside the United States, and this share has not increased since the mid‐1990s. Against this background, we argue that European institutions should be wary of putting too much emphasis on publishing in these five journals. Both the advancement and diversity of the economics discipline may otherwise suffer.  相似文献   

In 1995 and 2000, the authors surveyed academic economists in the United States to establish how economics is taught in four types of undergraduate courses. The authors report overall findings from the 2000 survey and compare these results with the aggregate findings for respondents from all types of colleges and universities in the 1995 survey. The basic finding is that, despite some indications of increased emphasis and interest in teaching over this period, the teaching methods in these courses have changed very little over the past five years and are still dominated by “chalk and talk” classroom presentations.  相似文献   

The United States has led the market liberalisation that has occurred over the past 15 years. Changes in the United States have not been trouble free. However, according to most impartial academic studies, changes in sectors such as aviation have generated net welfare gains. Other countries and industries liable to regulatory reform can learn from the United States. Governments have the scope to develop policies with fewer pitfalls, and industry can adopt strategies for retaining their market power. This paper looks specifically at how the aviation policymakers of the European Union have learned from the U.S. experience and how European airlines have equally adjusted their game.  相似文献   

The brain drain issue used to revolve primarily around migration from developing to developed countries. In recent years, there is an accumulation of evidence that this is an issue that should interest developed countries as well. Recently published numbers by the European Commission and the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development indicate a nonnegligible flow of European academics to American universities. This article provides the first case study conducted on the most massive out-migration of academics on record. At a time when Europe and other developed countries have begun to express concern about the phenomenon, the rate of academic emigration from Israel to the United States is already four to six times the European emigration rate. The particular focus here is on the area of economics, in which the exodus of younger academics from Israel coupled with a heightened retirement rate among the older academics has brought Israel's top economics departments—among the best in the world, until now—to the brink. Countries wanting to create conditions for fostering and nurturing the necessary productivity advances underlying economic growth must become aware of how far and how quickly an academic implosion can occur, if left unchecked. The findings brought forth here should help increase the level of this awareness. ( JEL A11, F22, H52, H83, I23, J31, J61, O15)  相似文献   

Research papers in economics (RePEc) rankings have become a well-established source of information about actual and perceived academic performance of institutions, academic fields and their authors. One essential ingredient is the impact factors calculated in RePEc which differ from the standard ones. RePEc reports the ratio of the cumulative citations of all articles of a journal and the number of listed items. The continuously updated RePEc impact factors account for the whole journal and citation history. This approach gives rise to a potential free-riding of authors who profit from journal ranking established in the past. In this article, we demonstrate how the rankings of economists change if one calculates yearly impact factors. The distribution of gains and losses is most pronounced among middle-field ranked authors while the top group shows relative persistence.  相似文献   

In recent work, the authors have proposed to the United States a model that explains the trend behavior of the rate of profit from share surplus, capital productivity, and the coefficient of financialization. The main results of the explanatory model allow the authors to affirm that with the change of control of Keynesianism to neoliberalism since 1980, there has been a substantial fall in the profit rate to half the values achieved in the years of Keynesian regulation (1945–1973). This significant fall in the level of benefits is due to a substantial fall in capital productivity. The authors are currently working on adapting the explanatory model for the U.S. economy to the main countries of the European Union (Germany, France, Italy, United Kingdom, and Spain). The results show that the pattern of behavior of the variables described in the reference country—the world capitalist economic system, the United States—is repeated more or less precisely in the main countries of the European Union; Germany, France, Italy, United Kingdom, and Spain.  相似文献   

Although entering currency (and customs) unions involve bothcosts and benefits, an increasing body of research is findingthat the benefits—in terms of international trade creation—areremarkably large. Focusing simply on the European Monetary Union(EMU) rather than the broad range of currency unions studiedby other authors, we find that the trade impact of EMU is smaller,but still substantial. Our findings suggest that the Iceland'strade could increase by about 60% and that the trade-to-GDPratio could rise by 12 percentage points should Iceland jointhe European Union and EMU.  相似文献   

通过阐述保证学术期刊质量的因素以及期刊质量监管的途径,可以看出,无论是在保证学术期刊的质量上,还是在对期刊质量的监管上,编辑与作者都是其中最基本的因素。由此,借助博弈理论,构建一个基于编辑和作者间的博弈来对学术期刊质量进行监管的模型,并对模型进行分析得出,编辑对当前屡禁不止的学术不端行为进行有效的监管,是提升学术期刊质量的强有力手段之一。  相似文献   

Environmental and Resource Economics is one of the premier journals in the field of environmental economics. It was established with an aspiration to focus more on applied and policy relevant research compared to other established journals, and to establish better channels of communication and collaboration between researchers from Europe and other parts of the world. We present a text based exploratory analysis of 1630 articles published in the Journal from 1991 to 2015 that suggests the Journal has been somewhat successful in meeting both these aims. Perhaps more importantly, it shows the Journal continues to progress toward these goals. The European authors are the largest contributors to the Journal, which is in contrast to other prominent journals (such as Journal of Environmental Economics and Management and Ecological Economics). And while most of the collaboration has occurred within this geographic region (e.g., European authors collaborated with other European authors more frequently), this trend appears to be changing as the proportion of articles written by international collaborators is gradually increasing. Topic analysis reveals that almost all of the articles could be grouped under applied and/or policy relevant topics, and almost two-thirds of the articles are empirical in nature, which suggest that the journal has been able to fulfil both of its commitments. We also investigate trends in research foci over the last 25 years and what kind of research gaps can be discerned.  相似文献   

The responsiveness of unemployment to growth is an issue of ongoing political and academic interest. Economic growth is supposed to be the key to increase labour demand and reduce unemployment. Departing from Okun's law, most research on the unemployment intensity of growth has focused on national disparities and the role of labour market institutions. Empirical evidence at the regional level is scarce. We investigate differences in regional labour market responsiveness and their potential determinants for a cross section of European regions. The data set covers the NUTS 2 regions in the EU15 for the period 1980 to 2002. Following a spatial modelling approach interaction among neighbouring labour markets is taken into account. Our findings point to substantial differences in labour market effects of output growth among European countries and regions. Both national labour market institutions and regional characteristics, such as structural change explain a significant part of these disparities.  相似文献   

Jouni Häkli 《Geopolitics》2013,18(3):83-103

Regionalisation has recently become a catchword both in political practice and academic discourse. Even if the idea of the ‘Europe of the Regions’ is no longer uncritically accepted, regional imagination still frequently informs the analysis of the European political order. This article seeks to chart alternative ways of understanding political change in Europe. It first outlines the current understanding of the role of regions in Europe, and seeks to put contemporary ideas into historical perspective. The article then examines the standard way of analysing regionalism, the ‘top‐down, bottom‐up’ metaphor. By looking at the scales of politics from a social constructionist perspective the article shows that this widely‐used metaphor does not adequately capture much of the political history of region building, nor is it able to identify the relations of power involved in regionalisation in the era of expanding trans‐boundary linkages and networks across state borders. By illustrating cross‐border regionalisation with examples from Karelia and Catalonia, the article seeks to assess some of the tensions that arise between the new deterritorialised forms of trans‐regional governance and the traditional democratic practice, which is still tightly connected to areal political spaces both institutionally and in terms of the inhabitants’ collective identity. The article argues for a heightened awareness of the relational social power characteristic of network governance and potential leaks in the ‘territorial containers’ of democracy.  相似文献   

Past studies suggest that a majority of economics graduate students engage in teaching-related activities during graduate school and many go on to academic positions afterwards. However, not all graduate students are formally prepared to teach while in graduate school nor are they fully prepared to teach in their first academic position. The authors characterize current teaching experience and training of graduate students from the point of view of directors of graduate studies and of newly minted academic economists. The authors also query department chairs and new faculty about teacher training, support available for new faculty, and the degree to which newly hired Ph.D. economists are prepared to teach. Findings indicate that while some training is available, there is room for enhancing teacher training in economics.  相似文献   

In this paper we present an adaptation of Buchanan and Tullock’s model in order to apply it to the constitutional choices regarding the assigning of powers to a supranational authority. The outcome of the economic-political model developed in this paper demonstrates that there are constraints in the supply of integration, suggesting that the enlargement and deepening of the European Union will have to be based on federalist conceptions. The authors should like to thanks seminar participants at European Public Choice conference (Belgirate 2002) and ECSA-C conference (Toronto 2002) where earlier versions of the paper have benefited from constructive suggestions. The authors assume the sole responsibility for any errors remaining in this version.  相似文献   

It is generally acknowledged that the cuts in government funding for research implemented in several European countries will induce academic researchers to increase their interaction with non academic entities to promote the acquisition of external funding for research. Indirectly this implies that there will be a shift in the focus of academic scientific activity from basic to applied research via private research contracts and consultancy work. The aim of our paper is to assess the extent of the trade-off between basic research and applied activity in academic research departments. We use data for the universe of Italian academic departments over the period 2006–2011 and estimate whether increased applied activity is substituting or complementing basic research activity. We provide empirical evidence of a strong substitution effect for life sciences departments and, to a lesser extent, for engineering and technology departments, while there does not seem to be evidence of a substitution effect for departments whose scientific activity revolves around basic science.  相似文献   

The authors of this article implement a quasi-experimental strategy to estimate peer effects in economic education by exploiting the institutional setting in a large public university in China, where roommates are randomly assigned conditional on a student's major and province of origin. They found significant impacts of peer academic quality, measured as roommates’ average scores on the national College Entrance Exam, on first-year economics students’ scores in first-year microeconomics, macroeconomics, and accounting courses. They also found nonlinearity in peer effects: Roommates’ academic ability has significant effects for academically weak students but not for academically strong students.  相似文献   

王少 《科技进步与对策》2021,38(12):124-129
科研自主权在科研评价中居关键地位,但尚未引起学界足够重视。科研自主权不同于学术自由、学术自主和学术主权,不能仅将其简单理解为学术自由、自主中的一项权利。科研自主权的实质是自由进行科学研究的权利,主体通过自由开展或放弃研究行为的方式行使科研自主权,同时受到相关法律关系的约束。当前,科研评价政策已部分规定了科研自主权,但在同行评议机制、代表作制度、自主获得成果的知识产权、科研经费自主使用、科研自主权限制条件和权利救济途径等方面仍存在问题。改革科研评价应当将科研自主权纳入评价标准,科研评价中行政权力的运行应建立在保护科研人员科研自主权的基础上,而科研人员科研自主权行使准则及其限制条件需要有明确的规定。  相似文献   

赵健 《经济研究导刊》2011,(10):219-221
讨论了学术杂志为实现学术交流功能如何定价和控制文章质量。我们发现学术杂志对作者收费并不会影响文章质量。中国现有学术评价机制是影响学术杂志定价和质量控制的关键,过度关注研究数量的学术评价机制导致追求利润最大化的学术杂志丧失质量控制功能,造成乱收费、文章质量低下和读者流失。  相似文献   

The financial sector has acquired great prominence in most developed economies. Some authors argue that the growth of finance is at the root of the financial and economic difficulties of the past decade. This article aims to analyze this claim by looking at financialization in the European periphery, focusing on the Portuguese case. The emergence of this phenomenon is contextualized from a historical, economic and international perspective. Based on the analysis of several indicators, the article concludes that the Portuguese economy exhibits symptoms of financialization that are typically found in Southern European countries and that these differ significantly from the patterns characterizing financialization processes in more advanced economies. The article discusses how the increasing importance of financial actors and motives in the Portuguese economy played a decisive role in the emergence of the crisis.  相似文献   

基于科学文献计量的知识图谱理论,运用词频分析、共现分析、多维尺度分析、共被引分析等方法,对CSSCI(2000-2013)收录的8种权威期刊中关于组织行为学的779条文献数据进行统计分析,着力描绘21世纪以来我国组织行为学领域的研究进展,并在此基础上,探寻核心作者组成的学术共同体、高被引文献形成的学科基础理论、核心研究机构和核心期刊构成的学术平台对我国组织行为学发展的推动作用。结果表明,我国的组织行为学研究已经形成了包含工作生活质量、绩效、领导力、创新/创造力在内的若干热点前沿领域,涌现出一批有影响力的核心作者、科研机构和核心期刊,突显出多元化基础理论和跨学科整合的态势。通过对我国组织行为学14年来研究成果的深入、可视和全面分析,为我国组织行为学理论乃至管理学未来相关研究提供有益参考和借鉴。  相似文献   

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