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医疗保险是我国社会保障机制中一个非常关键的构成部分,其直接影响着社会的稳定发展以及大众的医疗健康状况。 最近几年,我国医疗保险业务呈快速增长状态,人民群众的基本医疗保险需求也获得了极大程度的满足。 但是在发展的过程当中,难免还是会存在一些问题和不足,这些问题的存在,对医疗保险财务管理中的更好、更快发展产生了一定的阻碍作用。基于此,文章对医疗保险财务管理中存在的问题进行论述,并且提出相应的解决策略。  相似文献   

随着人们生活水平的不断提高,社会对于医疗保险的要求也变得非常高。现阶段,我国政府为了确保人民群众能够看得起病,降低人民群众的医疗负担,在全国范围内都实施了医疗保险制度,为人们的健康提供了一定的保障。然而,当医疗保险在实际实施过程中,定点医院存在一定的财务风险,将严重影响医保制度的推行。基于此,本文就针对定点医院医保财务风险,分析医保财务风险产生的原因,然后提出能够有效避免财务风险出现的有效措施,从而充分发挥医保制度在社会发展中的作用。  相似文献   

医疗保险费用的控制是目前企业和医院所面临的严峻问题。我国的医保参保率在逐年攀升,公众对医疗服务的要求也越来越高,为实现医疗保险制度的稳步、有序、健康发展,保障人民群众享有完善的医疗保障制度,就需要对医疗保险费用予以合理有效的控制。解决企业医疗保险费用的控制问题,对于稳定人心、提升医疗服务质量具有重大意义。  相似文献   

为了让公共财政的阳光更多地普及人民群众,国家不断加强对医疗保险资金的投入。 实践经验表明,我国现行的医疗保险基金会计核算方法在制度上还存在着很多问题,严重制约了我国医疗保险相关部门的管理及医疗保险相关数据的合理性。 所以,进行医保基金核算方式的改革,提高医疗社保财务管理水平,确保社保基金的完整性、安全性和基金运作的规范性是社会保障工作者的职责和使命。 基于此,文章针对医疗保险基金会计核算和财务管理进行分析,首先,分析了医疗保险基金会计核算和财务管理中存在的问题和原因,其次,提出了具体的对策。  相似文献   

当前,医疗保险经办管理能力的提升是一项十分紧迫的社会任务,它不仅关系到我国医改项目的成功实施,同时也事关人民群众对医疗服务的需求满意度。因此,着力提升医保经办管理机构的管理能力,将有着十分重要的社会实践意义。正是基于上述认识,本文分别从我国医保经办管理现状、医保经办管理存在的问题等方面出发,最终给出提升医疗保险经办管理机构能力的种种对策建议。  相似文献   

随着我国医疗保险的全面覆盖以及人民生活水平的不断提高,人民群众的医疗需求也越来越高,这对于医院发展来说既是机遇,也是挑战。随着预算法的实施,对于医院财务管理工作提出了更高的要求,医院的财务工作也越来越规范化。但是在医院财务预算工作的过程中还存在着一些亟待解决的问题,导致医院的资金利用效率低下,严重地影响了医院的管理水平,对医院的发展带来了不利的影响。  相似文献   

随着我国社会经济的不断发展,我国的医疗保险服务中心也在不断发展中完善。但是因为医疗保险服务中心的管理落后,我国的很多医疗保险服务中心的人力资源管理制度不完善,人才队伍建设不科学,员工工作热情不高涨,工作效果不理想,导致医疗保险服务中心的员工素质没有达到单位所需要的水平,影响了医疗保险服务中心的发展。因此,需要健全医疗保险服务中心的人力资源管理制度,提升医疗保险服务中心的人力资源管理水平,来保障医疗保险服务中心的人才队伍建设,提升整个医疗保险服务中心的人才职业素养,提升医疗保险服务中心的发展能力,推动医疗保险服务中心的稳步发展。文章通过分析我国医疗保险服务中心发展以及人力资源管理过程中出现的具体问题,根据我国医疗保险服务中心的基本性质和发展状况,提出针对性的医疗保险服务中心人力资源管理制度建设方法,从而保障医疗保险服务中心的人才队伍建设,提升医疗保险服务中心经营发展的水平,推动我国医疗改革事业水平发展和社会经济水平发展。  相似文献   

随着社会经济的不断发展,医疗保险制度改革受到了基层民众以及专家学者的普遍重视。我国现阶段医疗保险制度对于医疗服务供需双方的医疗费用控制政策体系逐渐形成,本文主要从经济学角度对医疗费用和医疗保险之间的关系进行分析和探讨,结合我国现阶段医疗保险制度以及医疗费用开支的现状提出适合我国医疗费用增长以及医疗保险制度改革需求的相关措施。  相似文献   

医疗保障是我国社会保障体系的重要组成部分,医疗服务的供给与发展状况和每一个公民的切身利益息息相关.由于我国目前医疗费用居高不下,群众普遍反映看病难、看病贵,如何解决这个问题是关注我国民生的重大问题.笔者结合自己的工作经验,谈谈对我国医疗保险制度改革的思考.  相似文献   

城镇职工基本医疗保险制度和医药卫生体制改革的总体目标已定,即用比较低廉的费用提供比较优质的医疗服务,努力满足广大人民群众基本医疗服务需求。在这项有利于国家、社会和人民的城镇职工基本医疗保险制度改革、医疗机构改革和药品、医用耗材流通体制改革同步进行的进程中,探讨新形势下医院如何加强耗材的使用管理,特别是对高值耗材的监管措施取得的成效、存在的不足提出建设性的建议及改进方向。  相似文献   

Recent appropriation of mobile devices to deliver health services is transforming the health care landscape, offering reduced costs and increased access for service providers and consumers. This article examines factors influencing consumers' decisions to adopt mobile health (mHealth) services through a comparison of three behavioral intention models. A national web-based survey of 482 French adults indicates that the model of goal-directed behavior (MGB) more fully, though less parsimoniously, explains consumers' acceptance of mHealth services. This research provides insight into the usefulness of the MGB in improving understanding of the determinants of behavior situated at the intersection of health, service, and technology.  相似文献   

The technology adoption lifecycle model categorizes consumer groups in the new concept products and services market, based on different characteristics and needs, into innovators, early adopters, early majority, late majority, and laggards, in order of adopting new products and services. This study aims to estimate heterogeneous consumer preferences and willingness to pay for a new concept convergence service, the smart car healthcare service, using a choice experiment questionnaire and a hierarchical Bayesian mixed logit. We found that consumers were willing to pay an additional 3000 to 6000 KRW/month (2.65–5.29 USD/month) for a service that measured both physical movement and vital signs compared to either the former or the latter. It was also found that they were willing to pay about 3000 KRW/month (2.65 USD/month) more for a service that provides health condition predictions compared to one that provides only the current health condition. In addition, customers who were young, innovative, and favored the utility of healthcare services showed a lower sensitivity to service fees than those who were not. Thus, they were found to have a greater willingness to pay for advanced smart car healthcare services.  相似文献   

Telehealth is an effective and promising mode of healthcare delivery. It is crucial for society to understand the determinants of user adoption of telehealth to realize its benefits. This research investigates and analyzes the factors that impact the adoption of telehealth services from the users' perspective. The study integrates three theoretical frameworks, namely, Health Belief Model, Perceived Value Theory, and the Self-Determination Theory, to provide a comprehensive understanding of the determinants of telehealth adoption. Using an online survey conducted in Singapore, the study collected 500 responses for data analysis. The findings indicate that perceived threat, cues to action, and perceived relatedness directly affect perceived value, while self-efficacy, perceived relatedness, and perceived autonomy have a significant direct impact on emotion. Additionally, users' perceived value of telehealth services has a direct and indirect positive influence on their intention to adopt telehealth services through emotions. The study offers practical implications for healthcare organizations, policymakers, and media management teams to encourage the adoption of telehealth services by integrating various psychological and health concerns of users that impact their adoption behavior.  相似文献   

关于电子商务服务的探讨   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
电子商务服务正从区域、经济体成员内信息聚合向跨区域、跨境和全球化电子商务交易服务发展。电子商务服务质量将带动全球电子商务发展,成为新时期国际电子商务发展的焦点问题,这预示着全球电子商务进入新一轮增长期。本文从实际出发探讨在电子商务交易过程中应注意的相关问题。  相似文献   

Improving the mental health of the people in Wales lies at the heart of the Welsh Assembly Government's public health agenda and the current reforms of the National Health Service in Wales. However, relative to its importance as a health problem, spending on mental health is disproportionately low. Statutory authorities in Wales highlight the importance of listening to, and learning from, service users and carers. This is seen as a way of improving services within the limited funding that is available. The aims of this study were to describe the ways in which mental health service users and carers are currently involved in mental health services across Wales; and to consider the need for an all‐Wales mental health service user and carer ‘national mechanism’ to promote genuine partnership. Eight focus groups were held across Wales attended by mental health service users and carers. There is a clear picture of the level and nature of participation, evidence of good practice and user and carer based aspirations for future participation. There is an untapped source of energy and experience that could help transform mental health services for the good of all. To ignore this would be to miss an opportunity to improve the quality of care for all those dependent upon these services, both patients and carers.  相似文献   

高鹏龙 《商》2014,(36):74-75
目的了解南宁市流动妇女的卫生服务需要、需求和利用现状。方法采用整群随机抽样的方法,随机抽取南宁市青秀区5个社区,每个社区调查200户共1000例流动妇女,采用问卷调查方法进行入户调查。结果调查的社区流动妇女有48.63%没有做过妇女病普查,181人自报在两周内患有各类疾病,共计201人次,两周患病率为201.9‰;136人自报半年内患有各类慢性病,共计209人次,慢性病患病率为20.9%。54.01%的妇女有病愿意去医院看病,72.7%的妇女就诊时首选社区卫生院,181名两周患病者就诊307人次,两周就诊率为30.7%;46.80%的妇女认为诊治费会对他们的生活有影响,有86.70%的妇女愿意了解和获取卫生科普知识。结论流动人口收入低,负担重,选择医疗服务最重视价格因素,服务便捷性,要优化社区卫生服务,改革社区卫生服务的收费制度,减轻流动人口的就医负担,同时加强对流动人口的健康教育,转变其传统的健康观,提高流动人口妇幼保健服务利用。  相似文献   

基本公共卫生服务是维护人民健康的有力保障,而主动利用基本公共卫生服务则能够更好地发挥基本公共卫生服务的效率。聚焦传递型社会资本、跨越型社会资本与整合型社会资本与老年人主动利用家庭医生签约服务的影响关系,分析了认知能力和学习能力在不同类别社会资本影响老年人主动利用家庭医生签约服务过程中的调节作用。不同类别社会资本对老年人主动利用家庭医生签约服务的影响并不一致:传递型社会资本和跨越型社会资本均对老年人主动利用家庭医生签约服务具有显著的正向影响关系,而整合型社会资本对老年人主动利用家庭医生签约服务呈现"倒U型"影响关系。老年人认知能力在社会资本影响其主动利用家庭医生签约服务过程中具有显著正向调节作用,老年人学习能力在社会资本影响其主动利用家庭医生签约服务过程中起到部分调节作用。  相似文献   


Broadband potentially has strong influence on social issues such as mobility (telework), health, and public and personal safety. To understand and to predict the adoption of broadband services in these domains, it is necessary to ask (potential) users of those services about their actual usage and expectations. Our research is an exploration of these issues. Results show that broadband connections, applications and services do not yet play an important role in the social issues covered in this research. This is understandable, since many real broadband services are not yet offered on a large scale. When looking at the perceived positive aspects of broadband services and applications, especially in telework and health care, it seems socially desirable, for example, government and employers to stimulate telework and the development of broadband health care services. In the public and personal safety domain the role of broadband is not so self-evident for the potential users of broadband services.  相似文献   

Access to high quality health care services plays an important part in the health of rural communities and individuals. This fact is reflected in efforts by governments to improve the quality of such services through better targeting of funds and more efficient management of services. In Australia, the difficulties experienced by rural communities in attracting and retaining doctors has long been recognized as a contributing factor to the relatively higher levels of morbidity and mortality in rural areas. However, this paper, based on a study of two small rural communities in Australia, suggests that resolving the health problems of rural communities will require more than simply increasing the quality and accessibility of health services. Health and well‐being in such communities relates as much to the sense of community cohesion as it does to the direct provision of medical services. Over recent years, that cohesion has diminished, undermined in part by government policies that have fuelled an exodus from small rural communities to urban areas. Until governments begin to take an ‘upside‐down’ perspective, focusing on building healthy communities rather than simply on building hospitals to make communities healthy, the disadvantages faced by rural people will continue to be exacerbated.  相似文献   

略论计划生育服务网络的发展前景   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在市场经济条件下,不能简单地将计划生育服务机构视为医疗卫生条件的重复建设.作为一种特殊的卫生资源,计划生育服务机构应积极、主动适应市场经济体制和新的形势,改革现行管理体制,尽快引入竞争机制,逐步形成计划生育服务机构之间、计划生育服务机构与医疗卫生机构之间、国内机构与国际机构之间在避孕节育、优生优育、妇幼保健等相关领域全方位竞争的格局,进一步落实"控制人口增长,提高人口素质"的基本国策.  相似文献   

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