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保护私有财产写入宪法将极大地推动我国的科技创新和知识产权保护工作。就私有财产入宪的现实意义,以及如何落实宪法对私有财产权的保护进行了研究。  相似文献   

为防止司法权僭越权力边界。普通法系国家及大陆法系国家在处理宪法问题时,都遵循回避宪法原则。在该原则指引之下,不同法系国家在宪政司法实践中形成了各具特色的、使法律解释符合宪法的解释法律的方法。该方法在我国存在较大分歧:部分学者认为对宪法的解释不得主动扩张,解释宪法的活动本身不具有法理上的独立性;部分学者则认为所有司法机关在解释法律时,应当保持与宪法精神的一致,对宪法进行的解释可同文义解释等解释方法一并使用。文章归纳我国学界合宪解释争议,明确合宪解释为宪法解释方法的性质。最后,文章对合宪解释的规则进行探讨。  相似文献   

健康权作为一项重要的权利,已被大多数国家纳入宪法保障的范畴。我国宪法上虽有关于健康权的内容,但相对分散,不能满足健康权入宪的需要。我国健康权应当选择适合国情的方式入宪,明确健康权的概念和内容,并建立违宪审查制度保障健康权的实施。  相似文献   

陈端洪 《开放时代》2010,(3):88-103
制宪权与基础规范是宪法学知识疆域的同一界碑的两面,遮蔽制宪权的那一面,宪法的效力便寄托在基础规范这个纯粹的理智虚拟之上。引进制宪权概念,可以直接论证《共同纲领》作为新中国宪法的正当性,诠释新中国的建国时间。借助于“制宪权——宪定权”的二分法,宪法学可以形成一个清晰的中国政治结构图,辨识中国的立宪时刻,阐释“改革宪法”的内在悖论,同时可以嘹望宪法实施的远景,择选合适的宪法守护者。  相似文献   

环境权是环境法的一个核心问题,是环境立法和执法、环境管理和保护以及环境诉讼的基础。而环境权的概念和属性问题又是环境权的核心问题,因为它直接关系到环境权的实现问题。要在环境法中明确环境权的保护,就应当在环境权的概念和属性这个核心问题上做出比较科学准确的阐释,方能解决环境权中的一系列其他问题。  相似文献   

中国宪法中的不成文宪法——理解中国宪法的新视角   总被引:5,自引:2,他引:3  
强世功 《开放时代》2009,(12):10-39
本文从中国宪法文本与宪政实践之间的背离问题入手,提出了从不成文宪法的角度来理解中国宪政秩序的新思路。基于对英美宪法学说与宪政实践的分析,作者区分了古典的政制与现代的宪法律、政治宪法与法院宪法,进而主张任何国家的宪政运作实际上都依赖不成文宪法,从而奠定不成文宪法的法理学基础。在此基础上,文章选择中国宪法中关于国家建构中四个关键性问题,着重探讨中国不成文宪法的四个主要渊源,即成文宪章、宪法惯例、宪法学说及宪法性法律,并呼吁宪法学应当从中国现实的宪政生活中提炼具有普遍意义的宪政原理和制度。  相似文献   

农村生态环境问题已严重威胁到农村居民的环境权、健康权、生存权、发展权、平等权,其根源是法治建设缺失的结果。宪法法律没有确认环境权,城乡断裂没有平等权,市场经济法治缺失排污肆意,政府法治缺失环保管理无力。必须加强法治建设,从根源上解决农村生态环境问题。  相似文献   

人权入宪,使得我国宪法的人权保障体系更加完善。土地被征收以后,农民面临着许多转变,许多人是失去土地的农民,又是缺乏社会保障的市民。在城市化的进程中,失地农民的人权保障则是建立和谐社会的重要内容。  相似文献   

江平  李芹 《经济师》2010,(5):67-68
知识产权本质上是一种具有垄断性质的权利,是通过法律的手段赋予权利人的一种垄断地位。但是法律离不开伦理的支撑。通过对法律与伦理关系、知识产权法理与伦理的表象的研究,得出知识产权法的法律基础和目的是正确的,但就某些领域以及司法实践的具体方式,还需要将法理和伦理二者统筹兼顾。尤其是在健康权、环境权等领域,知识产权的法律约束不适宜专属约定,而是应该将法理与伦理二者融合,甚至有必要法律为人类基本权利让位。  相似文献   

人权“入宪”具有其独特的价值,根据社会的发展和变化将人权写入宪法,是我国民主发展的必然要求。由于历史等因素我国对人权研究的起步晚,起点低,在理论和实践中都远远落后于国际人权,而市场经济的发展和改革开放的深入更使宪法的人权原则面临理论和实践的双重挑战。为了促进民主建设和保证社会发展,确保宪法人权原则在我国的贯彻落实有着极其重要的现实意义。  相似文献   

池浩 《经济研究导刊》2014,(11):228-229
德沃金的法律解释学说是本世纪重要的法律学说,其宪法的道德解释是不同于司法能动主义支持者解释路径,通过对原意主义批判和宪法道德解释证成两个方面对司法能动主义进行批判。  相似文献   

药品专利链接制度作为专利纠纷的早期解决机制,解决了药品上市行政许可与专利权保护的衔接机制问题,该制度的创设遵循我国私有财产不受侵犯的宪法原则。制度构建应以法益衡平理念为基本指导原则,结合我国药品监管体系、医药产业政策和专利行政、司法保护运行机制设计相关内容,该制度构建涉及行政权、财产权、健康权之间的冲突与协调问题。我国具体制度设计应遵循生命健康权优先保护、合理保护、效率与公平兼顾协调3个原则,重点调和不同利益主体之间的紧张关系。除科学设置药品上市目录集、专利声明、暂缓审批期、首仿药市场独占期外,还应注重药品专利链接制度与药品试验例外、专利诉讼、专利行政处理、强制许可等制度的协调与衔接。  相似文献   

Clean Development Mechanism (CDM) has given birth to an international carbon trading market prosperity, which provides developing countries with valuable opportunity to address climate change issues right along with economic development and environmental improvement to achieve sustainable development. However, most studies of CDM focus on economics, and few on its legal problems. CDM involves too many aspects. And the clear legal attribute of trading object is the basis of progress of the transaction and also the start point of legal protection. Therefore, this paper in accordance with the inherent principle of property rights economics, and environmental economics in CDM, only discusses CDM carbon emission right legal interpretation and its attribution. The paper recommends that in order to ensure and promote the carbon emission right trading, carbon emission right should be attributed into the system of real rights to be regulated by Real Right Law. In this way, carbon emission right can gain exclusive power of possession and use, which can achieve a clear right definition of environmental goods in line with Coase's theory to protect Chinese profit in carbon trading market and promote the development of the carbon trading market further.  相似文献   

作为环境权子权利的养护权是公民参与环境资源保护的重要制度.环境养护权具有促进环境保护、社会进步、经济效益和法制健全的作用.作为"养护者受益"环境资源法基本原则设立的前提,养护权应该为我国的法律所确立.  相似文献   

文章运用演化博弈理论建立了区域知识产权形象形成过程中区域政府和核心企业之间的演化博弈模型,在对模型求解和参数分析的基础之上,指出一个区域的知识产权形象,既与两者之间的初始状态有关,更受演化路径的影响.建设积极健康的区域知识产权形象是一个社会系统工程,各个要素不是独立起作用,而是相互联系、相互作用的.区域政府的激励、保护与服务的社会综合效益及区域内核心企业的创新发展的正收益之间正好构成一个互动的正反馈过程.文章的论述为建设和提升区域知识产权形象提供了理论依据.  相似文献   

Modern struggles to form constitutional orders based on liberal principles are fraught with risk. There may be little in the way of private reward for those who lead the struggle. Such things as free markets, property rights protection amd freedom to contract are public goods. Ideology is apparently important. At the same time, the successful leader must be equipped with a number of scarce skills, including knowledge of markets and how they operate. Lessons learned from England's 17th century constitutional revolution tell us that constitutional entrepreneurs do emerge. Sir Edward Coke, England's most eminent lawyer of that period, was such a person. Over his lifetime, Coke led an intellectual and political struggle based on his belief that fundamental law came from the people, that kings and parliament were subservient to Common Law and the Magna Charta. These were to be the basis of England's constitution. Coke's legal decisions and arguments contain far more than mere assertion. They reflect impressive understanding of the market process, monopoly restrictions, free trade, and the fundamental force of freedom to contract. His leadership, fueled by an ideological commitment, was coupled with extraordinary intellect. The author expresses appreciation for helpful comments and criticisms to William Breit, Robert Ekelund, Roger Meiners, Robert Staaft, Robert Tollison, Richard Wagner and an anonymous referee of this journal.  相似文献   

The paper compares the legal rules for private clubs with the constitutions of representative governments. Though both institutions are designed to provide public goods for their members they are organized quite differently. In clubs the power to grant power must not be delegated to the agents, while in representative governments it usually is. The design of representative governments is shown to be inconsistent with a contractarian view of the constitution. A nearly perfect laboratory case for a club government can be found in the example of Switzerland. In this country citizens are absolute sovereigns over their constitution. The Swiss do not have a constitutional court, but have developed instead a system of popular voting rights serving as a substitute for a judicial review by a constitutional court. Though this system does not work perfectly, it has relative advantages compared to a constitutional court which often tends to become a political decisionmaker. The author is indebted to Pio Baake, Peter Moser, and Richard E. Wagner for helpful comments.  相似文献   

通过揭示环境资源的经济属性,指出其模糊的产权设置是造成"租值耗散"的根本原因,从而提出明晰环境资源的产权归属对于环境保护的重要性,并认为环境会计的核算对象是与环境有关的经济事项,这一点能够为环境资源产权明晰提供有力的技术支持。  相似文献   

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