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“宁做蚂蚁腿,不做麻雀嘴。蚂蚁腿虽小,也是肉。一只蚂蚁谈不上什么力量,但100万只蚂蚁组成的军团却可以横扫亚马逊热带雨林,所向无敌。”  相似文献   

古曰,“凡事预则立,不预则废。”一个规模化的公司应该如此,市场里摆摊的小商户也不例外。这预算的小算盘一旦忘了打,跟着感觉走可能就会吃大亏!  相似文献   

古曰,"凡事预则立,不预则废."一个规模化的公司应该如此,市场里摆摊的小商户也不例外.这预算的小算盘一旦忘了打,跟着感觉走可能就会吃大亏!  相似文献   

近几年来,山东省平度市技术监督局坚持把受理消费者投诉作为党和政府关心群众生活,维护群众利益,密切党群关系,维护社会安定团结的重要工作来抓,不以事小而不为,不因困难而后退,公正无私地处理投诉,为消费者排忧解难,受到了社会各界和广大消费者的广泛赞扬。1998年10月的一天,香店办事处大泥河头村民刘振玉到该局投诉,诉称在市农机公司购买的农用三轮车,因前桥不好,造成吃胎严重,无法正常使用,影响了自己的经济收入。接投诉后,该局一方面派人到现场调查取证,另一方面安排有关人员联系经销单位和生产厂家,向他们讲述《产品…  相似文献   

某包装装璜厂是个不足百人的小厂,设备也不先进,加上市场竞争激烈,大客户一般不上门。他们就盯准小客户,生产包装箱、盒,一些厂家要500个以上才接订单,该厂却是几十个、百来个都乐意干,甚至加工一两个样品箱也不推辞。这么做虽然赚钱不多,有时还会亏一点,可引来了不少回头客。依靠捡“芝麻”,这个企业一年到头没有“断炊”的时候,经济效益稳步增长。  相似文献   

据报载:日本“尼西奇”公司原是一家生产雨衣的小公司,董事长多博川先生偶尔从人口普查资料上获悉,日本每年新生婴儿250万人,他立即意识到尿布这个大企业所不屑一顾的小产品所具有的市场潜力,就算每个婴儿每年最低限度只有2条,一年就是500万条,何况还有广阔的国际市场。于是,该公司立即转产婴儿尿布,结果产品畅销国内、遍及全球。如今,该公司的尿布销量已占世界尿布市场的三分之一,多博川先生也因此成了享誉全球的“尿布大王”。  相似文献   

据报载:日本“尼西奇”公司原是一家生产雨衣的小公司,董事长多博川先生偶尔从人口普查资料上获悉,日本每年新生婴儿250万人,他立即意识到尿布这个大企业所不屑一项的小产品所具有的市场潜力,就算每个婴儿每年最低限度只有2条,一年就是500万条,何况还有广阔的国际市场。于是,该公司立即转产婴儿尿布,结果产品畅销国内、遍及全球。如今,该公司的尿布销量已占世界尿布市场的三分之一,多博川先生也因此成了享誉全球的“尿布大王”。然而,眼下许多工业企业热衷于开发投资几百万、几千万元的大产品,却不重视投资几万元、几十万元的…  相似文献   

勿以利小而不为罗宏伟勿以善小而不为,勿以恶小而为之”是一句名言。在社会主义市场经济条件下,广大农民要发展经济,办企业奔富路,必须坚持“勿以利小而不为”的观念,脚踏实地求发展。以“温州模式”著称的浙江温州地区,立足“小产品、大市场”,从几分钱一个钮扣入...  相似文献   

在市场经济中,不少企业和商家一味追求“大商品”、“大买卖”,认为它可以赚大钱,不屑于生产和经营“小商品”、“小生意”,认为它利小或无利可图而不为,因而也就失去了小商品这个广阔的大节场。 据报载,在美国有两家大公司,其规模相似,同属1992年全美十佳企业,一家是以“抱西瓜”而闻名于世的波音公司,每架飞机售价几千万美元至上亿美元,另一家则是以“捡芝麻”而闻名遐迩的宝洁公司,专门生产尿布、卫生巾、牙膏、香  相似文献   

This article argues that ethnography is inadequately understood and recognized within administration science as a method for studying organizational culture. Ethnographic analyses of organizational cultures are largely absent from the administration science literature, primarily because such work derives from a social constructionist understanding of science. The knowledge of organizations thus provided is interpretive, denying the subject—object dichotomy inherent in mainstream empiricist applications of social analysis. In addition, whereas ethnographic analysis and writing is an appropriate method for studying culture, organizational ethnography is substantially different from ethnographic studies of whole (and largely foreign) societies. Formal organizations are both partial and specialized in comparison to general societal organization. The conceptual and practical toolkit the organizational ethnographer brings to the field and the writing table is thus tailored to this particular research arena, and is outlined here.  相似文献   

Virtually all prior research on small and medium sized enterprise (SME) management has focused on owner managers. This article, however, empirically examines the determinants of managerial remuneration for a sample of 97 UK SME non-owning managerial employees. the empirical analysis, based upon data obtained from interviews with middle (i.e. non-director level) managers and the published financial records of their employing firms lodged at Companies House, first examines the influence of firm size and performance and then augments the empirical model to include pay composition, industrial sector, external labour market and human capital variables. The empirical results indicate that the average profitability of the employing firms is not a significant determinant of managerial remuneration. However, composition of pay appears to have a significant effect upon total remuneration since, even after controlling for other influences, managers in receipt of annual bonuses and/or profit-sharing bonuses are estimated to earn an additional £6,600. the managers’age and qualifications, and the asset size, industry and location of their employing firms are also significant factors and collectively are able to explain a large proportion of the cross-sectional variance in remuneration. Though there is a lack of previous empirical research on SME managerial pay.  相似文献   

The analysis of data from the Kampong Improvement project in the small and medium sized cities of central Java demonstrates that house upgrading is no longer the only measure of improved welfare for Kampong residents. The privatizing of previously public essential services like water supply and those of MCK facilities (bath, laundry, toilet) currently provide evidence of improved living standards. Kampong residents in larger cities did not exhibit more responsible attitudes toward maintenance than smaller-city residents. Kampong location in relation to the city center, the city's economy and the socio-economic characteristics of the population were more influential factors.  相似文献   

This paper is based on detailed study [1], over two years, of sixteen small companies based in the northern region of the U.K. the study was concerned with the way in which the companies pursued different lines of product and market development. the research was characterized by experimental ‘action inputs’ designed to allow observation of the impact of different types of ‘software’(information, counselling, training/education) support on the development process. On the basis of this observation the paper constructs a model of the development process as a basis for evaluation of ‘assistance support’. This model, derived from theoretical concepts, nevertheless has been used in practice by companies for the evaluation of their own specific business development and has also been used for training small firm advisers. Observation of the development process enables a characterization of methods of planning used and evaluation of their influence. This indicates clearly the absence of formal planning models but underlines the importance of the strategic awareness and personal commitment of the owner manager in pursuing particular objectives. Strategic awareness is defined and its relationships with forms of assistance are explored. Implications are then drawn for those who seek to assist small businesses.  相似文献   

We examine the effects of regional inter-firm cooperation on firm growth by estimating the firm growth function, using the data of a questionnaire survey for three major industrial clusters in Japan, namely, Tama, Kinki and Hokkaido. We focus on the specific content of cooperative activities for two aspects: that is, three production stages of R&D, commercialization, and marketing for cooperation and different types of alliance partners. The findings for our study areas demonstrate: i) vertical cooperation, the most prevalent with suppliers and customers, does not contribute to firm growth; ii) the clusters do not enjoy "urbanization economies arising from agglomerating a variety of different industrial sectors"; iii) the alliances with "universities" and "cross-industry exchange organizations" show positive effects on firm growth; and iv) both contributions and limitations are identified for the cluster-promotion policies in Japan.  相似文献   

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