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基于终身现值精算模型,通过分析延迟退休对个人养老金财富的影响,以期为延迟退休和相关配套性政策的制定提供数值依据.研究发现:延迟退休会使得个人养老金净收益呈现下降趋势,甚至低于当前水平.2050年前,相比不延迟退休情景,即时退休和逐步退休分别会使个人养老金净收益平均降低39.07万元和30.86万元.为减少延迟退休对个人养老金财富的负面影响,国家在推行延迟退休方案的同时需要出台配套性政策,把延迟退休对社会福利的增加值用来弥补对个人养老金财富造成的损失. 相似文献
延退应小步慢走渐进式延迟退休是采取比较缓慢而稳妥的方式,逐步延长退休年龄,尽量减小退休政策调整对社会和有关人员带来的影响。这是许多国家在提高法定退休年龄方面通行的做法,也符合我国的实际。退休年龄问题关系到广大人民的切身利益,是牵一发而动全身的大事。如果追求一步到位,比如说采取一下子就将退休年龄提高三到五年的"激 相似文献
Robert L. Brown F.S.A. F.C.I.A. A.C.A.S. Ph.D. Joanne McDaid 《North American actuarial journal : NAAJ》2013,17(2):24-43
Abstract As many countries consider mandatory individual retirement accounts as their answer to a secure social security system, the question arises as to whether all workers can get true “market value” annuities when they retire. It is clear today that private-sector life annuities are priced assuming that the applicant is healthy—very healthy. Very little underwriting or risk classification now exists in the individual annuity marketplace. However, if a large percentage of the population were looking to annuitize their social security accounts upon retirement, there would be strong pressure for more risk classes in the annuity-pricing structure. Even without the advent of individual accounts for social security, the authors of this paper feel there may be real market opportunities for more risk classification in the individual annuity market and the offering of “impaired life annuities.” Given that this pressure does or might soon exist, this paper reviews 45 recent research papers that look at factors that affect mortality after retirement. In particular, factors that seem to be important in predicting retirement mortality include age, gender, race and ethnicity, education, income, occupation, marital status, religion, health behaviors, smoking, alcohol, and obesity. for each factor, this paper gives highlights relative to the named factor of the impact expected from that variable as described in the 45 reviewed research papers. The authors believe there is a wealth of information contained in the summaries that follow, and it is our sincere hope that this paper will cause an increased interest in a more broadly based risk classification structure for individual annuities. Summaries of the 45 papers can be found at www.soa.org/sections/farm/farm.html. 相似文献
Monika Bütler 《International Tax and Public Finance》2002,9(4):349-365
In 1998, the Swiss voters approved of an increase in the female retirement age within the public pension system from 62 to 64. The referendum, being on a single issue only, offers a unique opportunity to explore the political feasibility of pension reforms and to apply theoretical models of life-cycle decision making. Estimates carried out with municipality data suggest that the outcome of the vote conforms well with predictions drawn from a theoretical model. Young agents, elderly and—to a lesser extent—middle-aged men favor an increase in female retirement age, while middle-aged women strongly oppose it. Richer communities and those with a high proportion of self-employed or a low fraction of blue-collar workers are more likely to opt for a higher retirement age. Ideological preferences and regional differences also play a considerable role. 相似文献
延长退休年龄对养老保险制度可持续性的影响分析 总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3
贾智莲 《内蒙古财经学院学报》2005,(5)
"未富先老"的基本国情以及制度本身存在的不完善严重影响到我国养老保险制度的可持续性.退休年龄作为一个极具潜力的内生变量,成为大多数国家缓解养老保险支付压力的共同选择.我国的退休政策经历了50年的风雨已不能适应社会发展的需要.借鉴国外经验,顺应生理寿命延长的需要,提高退休年龄将是一个必然的趋势. 相似文献
当前我国劳动力逐渐短缺,职工退休年龄直接关系到我国劳动力供给的数量和结构。使用2011年在广东省21个地市的问卷调查数据,研究影响职工退休年龄问题的影响因素。实证研究表明,工资、工龄对职工退休年龄的影响显著为正。养老金对男职工退休年龄的影响显著为负。机关事业单位职工的退休年龄更晚。教育年限对女职工的影响显著为正。已婚、... 相似文献
在金融创新日趋活跃的今天,金融业工作者的效率提升为金融业实践及理论界所关注。金融业是知识密集型行业,金融工作者作为典型的知识型员工,是金融业最重要的资本。金融工作是一项无形的、知识性、非规律性、协同性、创新性的智力活动,其过程较难监控,并且结果难以计量,其工作效率的提高会受到工作者自身因素、工作任务因素、组织管理因素和组织环境因素的影响。因此,有效设计工作环境、优化工作流程、引入先进科学技术以及科学的管理方法成为金融工作者效率提升的有效途径,金融实践案例和相应的数据提供了佐证。 相似文献
经济增长的影响因素研究 总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3
经济增长是各国经济政策的核心目标,学者们一直在理论上探寻经济增长的成因以促使目标的实现.本文通过对经济增长的衡量标准入手,评述了衡量经济增长的传统指标的理论,并结合相关的文献从制度变迁及文化角度探讨了经济增长的影响因素,旨在完善经济增长的相关理论体系,为经济政策的制定提供参考. 相似文献
对资本结构财务影响因素的实证研究 总被引:52,自引:0,他引:52
采用上市公司公开的数据对影响资本结构的财务因素进行了实证研究。认为:企业负债率与企业规模和企业成长性正相关,与企业盈利能力、企业资产流动性、企业资产运营能力、企业风险负相关,与企业资产抵押价值、利息保障倍数和企业实际所得税率不相关。 相似文献