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笔者采用Clements和Krolzig参数检验方法,利用我国1979年第1季度~2009年第4季度实际季度GDP增长率数据,对我国经济周期的深度、尖度及陡度型非对称、经济周期的划分以及持续性等特征进行实证分析.结果表明,我国经济周期具有陡度型非对称特征,但并不具备深度型和尖度型非对称特征;我国经济从低速增长状态转移到高速增长状态的可能性较大,远远大于经济从低速增长状态转移到适速增长状态的可能性;经济处于适速增长阶段的持续性最高,处于高速增长阶段的持续性次之,而低速阶段持续性最低,且它具有一定的惰性但又具有较高的概率转向高速增长阶段.  相似文献   

我国经济周期波动的非对称性和持续性研究   总被引:25,自引:1,他引:24  
本文利用1979年至2004年之间中国GDP季度数据,采用三区制马尔可夫均值和方差转移的二阶自回归(MSMV(3)-AR(2))模型和贝叶斯Gibbs抽样非参数估计方法,对我国经济周期波动的非对称性和持续性进行了实证分析。实证结果表明,MSMV(3)-AR(2)模型对我国经济状况提供了很好的拟合,显著支持增长率序列具有三区制状态:低速增长阶段,适速增长阶段和高速增长阶段。我国经济周期的非对称性主要体现在各个增长阶段的均值、方差、阶段性之间的转移概率的不同。我国经济周期的持续性主要体现在各个增长阶段的自维持概率和阶段性之间的转移概率的不同。此外,我国经济"适速增长阶段"的稳定性最高,"高速增长阶段"的平均持续期最长。  相似文献   

经济周期具有非线性的特点,传统的线性模型很难解决经济周期中结构突变导致的参数变性题。为此,本文将Markov机制转换的状态空间模型应用到世界经济周期的非对称研究之中。实证结果表明,Markov机制转换的状态空间模型较好的刻画了世界实际经济增长周期性变化的过程,从中得出以下论:金融危机等虚拟经济因素对世界经济周期的影响加大,使得世界经济周期的非对称性越来越明显。正向的宏观调控政策冲击机制可以使世界经济增长1.0253%,这对于世界经济进入扩张阶段起着极其重要的作用。  相似文献   

中国经济周期的非对称性问题研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
经济周期的非对称性对于经济周期的研究具有非常重要的意义.文章利用HP滤波和时间趋势剔除技术对中国主要宏观经济变量的对数序列(季度)进行了长期趋势的剥离,得到了反映中国经济周期性波动的周期成分;区分了关于经济周期的两种类型的非对称:深度型(DEEP)非对称和陡峭型(STEEP)非对称;利用Sichel(1993)提出的对经济周期非对称性的检验方法,对中国的主要宏观经济变量进行了非对称性的检验,结果发现了实际GDP(对数)等经济变量中周期性非对称的证据.实际GDP(对数)序列出现周期性非对称的原因是多方面的,实证研究表明价格在经济周期的不同阶段表现出了非对称性调整,而价格的非对称性调整会导致对社会资源的非对称配置,进而导致经济周期的非对称性.  相似文献   

蒲艳萍  陈仲常 《经济师》2003,(8):34-34,36
1 997年以来 ,中国经济出现了一般价格水平持续下降的通货紧缩 ,但经济仍保持了较高的增长速度。文章在对西方关于经济周期与经济衰退关系进行理论与实证分析的基础上 ,对中国宏观经济进行实证分析的结果表明 :中国的通货紧缩表现为经济增长率的持续走低及实际增长率小于趋势增长率 ,中国的通货紧缩是一种增长型的经济衰退。  相似文献   

再论中国经济周期的阶段   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
分析经济周期阶段主要立足于潜在经济增长率、总需求分析,同时也进一步分析GDP增长率、失业率、价格指数这些重要宏观经济变量,其中重点是潜在经济增长率的估算和分析.通过对这些变量的综合分析,本文认为当前中国经济位于繁荣阶段.根据当前中国经济周期所处阶段,下一步中国经济的目标和任务是继续保持经济繁荣的大好形势,努力延长扩张阶段,同时防止经济过热和通货膨胀.  相似文献   

<正> 社会主义国家事实上存在经济周期。我国研究经济周期的文章大多把投资看成形成经济周期的原因。我认为这种看法值得进一步研究。所谓经济周期,是指国民经济总量增长呈现周而复始变化的状况。它既可以用国民生产总值、国民收入、主要产业增长率来表示,也可以由投资增长率来表示。投资也是国民经济的总量之一,因而在正常情况下,用它的增长率表示的经济增长周期显然和其它总量增长率表示的周期相一致。因此,投资增长周期不过是经济增长周期的一个侧面而已,它本身就是经济增长周期的内容。如果说投资增长波动决定经济增长波动,那就等于说经济增长波动决定经济增长波动。从经济周期概念和直观的经验来看,我们是不能得出投资增长波动决定经  相似文献   

中国经济周期运行特点分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
研究了1953年以来,中国经济增长率的周期性波动情况,认为中国的经济周期已经从计划经济时期的古典型周期向改革开放以后的增长型周期转变,经济增长率波动呈现高位平稳的特点.同时,经济周期的持续时间在不断延长,波动幅度不断缩小,波峰位置在逐渐下降,波谷位置在逐渐升高.说明中国经济增长的稳定性在逐渐增强,抗衰退能力不断增加,经济增长的质量得到了提高.  相似文献   

沈骥  曹星 《经济与管理》2011,25(12):9-15
美国是世界第一大经济体也是中国的第一大贸易国,其国内的经济波动对中国经济的发展有着重要的影响。通过HP滤波法并使用1978—2009年度数据以及2008—2010年季度数据对中美两国经济周期波动的协动性研究后发现,中美经济周期协动程度随周期变动且呈现出明显的增强趋势,中国经济增长潜力高于美国且经济波动幅度逐渐减小。为此,应加强对美国经济周期波动的预测与中国货币政策制定、施行时机的把握,从而做到提前反周期操作。  相似文献   

FDI流量变化与世界经济周期的相关性分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
经济周期影响一切经济活动,以跨国公司为主体的FDI也必然受经济周期的影响。本文以实证方式利用世界FDI和世界GDP增长率的历史数据分析了FDI与经济周期的相关性,并作了相应解释。  相似文献   

The business cycle characteristics of the legitimate economy have been examined quite extensively. In this paper we extend the standard business cycle analysis to the underground economy and compare it to the legitimate economy. Using National Bureau of Economic Research dating methodologies we find that classical cycles exhibit strong incidence of asymmetry while growth cycles appear relatively symmetric. We find that changes in legitimate activity lead to changes in underground activity but that the underground economy responds more to negative shocks in legitimate activity than to positive shocks. This implies that the underground economy is deepening economic downturns and increasing the volatility of the business cycle in general.  相似文献   

For many years economists have debated the 'causes' of business cycles. Very little of this analysis has been closely matched with business cycle characteristics as measured by NBER-type dating methods. After summarising data on business cycle characteristics for a wide variety of countries, the article shows that an extremely simple statistical model of output growth, viz. that it is uncorrelated from month to month or quarter to quarter, produces business cycles that are close to those seen in practice. The demonstration involves the analysis of data simulated from this simple statistical model as well as some analytical work using a standard definition of a recession as being two quarters of negative growth. As well as explaining the average length of a cycle this model also accounts for the asymmetry between the lengths of expansions and contractions through the relative magnitudes of the trend rate of growth of the economy and the standard deviation of the shocks that impinge upon it.  相似文献   

我国行业周期非同步效应-基于微观视角   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文基于我国上市公司微观数据,同时考虑我国经济周期的非线性和协同变动特征,从而获取了传统经济周期研究中所无法获取的相关信息.研究结果表明:(1)我国行业周期表现出明显非同步效应,其中房地产等行业领先其他行业最先走出衰退;(2)利率政策在经济繁荣状态下较为有效,而信贷政策在经济衰退状态下较为有效.基于上述结果,我们认为我国经济已有复苏迹象,但尚不稳固,同时,目前转入定量宽松货币政策具有其合理性.  相似文献   

Given the Important connections among profitability, investment, and economic activity, a profitability indicator can be used to assess where the economy is in the business cycle. Rising profitability suggests that the economy is on a secular growth path, while a peak or fall in profitability suggests that growth is slowing and the economy is headed for recession. One measure of profitability is to divide total business sector profit by total wages paid to labor. Let this variable be called the PW ratio.This paper's research shows that the PW ratio leads recessions, and that it takes two to six quarters of decline in PW before the onset of recession. PW clearly peaks in stage three of the business cycle. The evidence demonstrates that the PW ratio compares favorably with other indicators used by forecasters. The paper concludes that wages are not responsible for squeezing profits until stage seven on average, and fluctuations in profit over the cycle exceed that of wages and the gap grows in late expansion.  相似文献   


We analyze the cyclical dynamics of the Turkish economy and the stock market as well as their interactions. We use hidden Markov models that are robust to parameter instability arising from major shifts in economic policy, which have been typically observed in the Turkish economy. These models provide estimates of turning points for the growth, business, and stock market cycles. We identify three states of growth cycles and two states of business cycles in Turkey characterized by different mean estimates. We find that the economy went through five recessions since 1987. Crises are characterized by sharp drops in economic activity and are preceded by slowdowns. These crises are typically followed by strong recoveries during which the economy grows above its long-run average rate. We show that the Turkish stock market goes through three regimes having distinct risk-return dynamics. Bear markets associated with negative returns precede every recession with an average lead time of three quarters, suggesting that the stock market may be a useful forward-looking indicator of the Turkish economy.  相似文献   

The Austrian business cycle theory suggests that a monetary shock disturbs relative prices, such as the term structure of interest rates, systematically altering profit rates across economic sectors. Resource use responds to those changes, generating a cyclical pattern of real income. The divergence of the interest rate structure, from the previous and unchanged time preferences, means that the expansion is unsustainable and must end in recession. Quarterly data for eight U.S. business cycles, 1950:1 through 1991:1 are standardized by time period and used to explore business cycle facts and relations between money, interest rates, capacity utilization and income. Results are consistent with the hypotheses of the Austrian theory of a business cycle caused by a monetary shock and propagated by relative price changes.  相似文献   

In most of the major world economies the hesitancy evident toward the end of last year has dissipated and the cyclical upswing in economic activity was well advanced by the middle of 1976, with the recovery showing particular strength in the first half of 1976 inthe United States and in West Germany. Even so industrial production had not yet returned, by the end of June 1976, to the previous cyclical peak in any of the major economies. With the OECD countries in aggregate sure to achieve a real growth rate of 4 per cent in 1976, and quite possibly an appreciably higher rate, the attention of many national and international policy makers is turning to ways of moderating the recovery so that inflationary pressures can be minimised. For in spite of the depth of the 1974/75 world recession the outlook for inflation remains threatening, much more so than at the corresponding stage of the previous cycle in 1972. In the twelve months to May 1976 consumer prices rose by 9.0 per cent in all OECD countries and this figure is disturbingly high for the trough of a serious recession. World commodity prices have risen about 35 per cent in dollar terms in the past year; as in the 1973–74 boom the major economies are now moving into an upswing simultaneously, thus compounding possible demand effects on inflation; business investment has fallen sharply in all countries during the recession, and only in the United States is a strong recovery in investment currently in evidence. The rate of growth of wages has however moderated in most countries, reflecting weak labour market conditions, lower consumer price increases and in countries such as United Kingdom and Canada the successful implementation of incomes policies. With output increasing, the rate of growth of unit wage costs has in most cases dropped sharply.  相似文献   

By mid-2008 the world was witnessing the unfolding of a relatively rare macroeconomic phenomenon, namely, the onset of what one might call a synchronized international – or ‘world’ – recession. But what exactly is a ‘synchronized world recession’? This article proposes a practical definition of a ‘synchronized world recession’ and a putative set of historical post-WWII dates for a ‘world business cycle chronology’. Further, using a constructed ‘world coincident index of economic indicators’ and an associated ‘world leading index of economic indicators’, this article demonstrates that evidence was available from early in the second half of 2007 that the world was indeed sliding inexorably towards its fourth synchronized world recession since WWII (although, interestingly, already its second of the twenty-first century!).  相似文献   


In this paper we investigate whether exchange rate pass-through (ERPT) responds nonlinearly to economic activity along the business cycle. Using quarterly data spanning the period 1975:1 to 2011:1, we explore the existence of nonlinearities in ERPT to CPI inflation for the Finnish economy. Within a logistic smooth transition framework, our investigations reveal a strong regime-dependence of pass-through, depending positively on economic activity. Besides, point estimates indicate that the long-run pass-through coefficient is equal to 0.15 % (weakly significant) when GDP growth is below a threshold of 3 %. However, when the Finnish economy’s growth rate speeds up—above the threshold of 3 %—ERPT elasticity increases to 0.47 %. These results provide some useful guidance on how policymakers should act over different phases of the business cycle. More specifically, monetary policy should factor in the nonlinear mechanism of ERPT over the business cycle in order to prevent exchange rate movements from fueling a continuous inflationary process.


Pian Chen 《Applied economics》2013,45(35):4985-4999
We use nonparametric dimension-reduction methods to extract from a set of 15 macroeconomic variables the risk factors that are priced in the stock market. The dominant factor moves with the business cycle but, because it is a nonlinear function of observed macroeconomic variables, it captures a rich set of interactions. Low-credit risk and low-inflationary expectations have a greater positive effect on stock returns when leading macroeconomic indicators are high relative to current economic activity, i.e. early in the business cycle as the economy emerges from recession. High-stock returns also arise in periods when the economy is booming relative to its leading indicators, but such periods tend to portend crashes.  相似文献   

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