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International joint ventures (IJVs) are an increasingly popular form of voluntary co-operation between organizations of different sizes, sectors and geographical locations to satisfy strategic purposes and manage increasingly complex business environments. However, international joint ventures may fail, and HRM plays an important role in their success or failure. From a systems perspective, IJVs offer several kinds of complexity which may contribute to the generation of conflict and failure. The paper proposes that we explore the role of HRM in IJVs through viable systems theory, especially in relation to knowledge migration and organizational learning. The theory presented distinguishes between the cognitive, organizing and behavioural domains of the IJV as a system in the analysis of the relationship between types of worldview and behaviour in IJVs. It proposes a model of viable knowledge development in IJVs and its relationship to HRM, involving knowledge migration, appreciation and action, leading to organizational learning, and identifies directions for future research.  相似文献   

Previous studies in organizational economics and international business research have not tested a property rights view on the allocation of decision rights (DR) in joint ventures (JVs). The paper offers a test of the property rights explanation by using data from Hungarian JVs. Our analysis derives the following hypothesis: The more important the JV partner's intangible knowledge assets for the generation of residual surplus, the more residual DR are assigned to him. Copyright © 2009 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

In recent years, multinational corporations have become increasingly ascendant in the world economy. The HRM strategies that these corporations adopt may blend global integration with local responsiveness. This paper examines the compatibility between MNC standardization and localization of different HRM practices in a sample of Sino-Western joint ventures. The findings indicate that various HRM practices have different responses to MNC standaridization and localization.  相似文献   

Technology transfer through international joint ventures is considered important to enhance competitiveness, exploit opportunities and boost economic growth. A common observation is, however, that such ventures often fail. Present insights regarding transfer processes, influencing factors, and relationships between technology transfer and venture success — if any — are modest. This paper reports on a failing German–Russian joint venture established to exploit new business opportunities, where transfer of technology was perceived crucial to success. It was observed that the technology transfer as such was successful, even though the transferring firm sustained monetary loss and worsened its competitive situation.  相似文献   

A graphical model of co-operative R & D activity is presented, from which outcomes of R & D joint ventures are posited. The analysis predicts that R & D spending will increase as a result of co-operation and that the increment will tend to be in basic research more than applied or development.  相似文献   

Many international joint ventures (IJVs) fare poorly. An important factor is that members of an IJV top management team (TMT), which generally comprises people from different cultures, often find it difficult to work together. In this paper we argue that social identity theory and organizational identification processes can help us understand why this is so. We propose that factionalism in a TMT is a significant hazard posed by member identification with different parents. In addition, identification with both the IJV and a parent firm can lead to significant role conflict for IJV top managers. Factionalism and role conflict in turn can result in poor intra-TMT communications and inefficient decision making. Literature in social identity theory and organizational identification suggests that the relative status and power of parents as well as successes of IJVs can affect TMT members' identification with the IJV or the parent company. Preliminary field interviews provide general support for these propositions. Our analysis suggests that organizational identity and identification can be a valuable tool to facilitate the understanding of TMT functioning and IJV performance.  相似文献   

We investigate the short- and long-term effects of different types of R&D collaborations on firms, consumers, and the industry. To that end, we consider a differentiated-product market in which firms compete à la Bertrand and invest in process innovation in order to lower the production cost over time. Investments are stochastic and there can be cartelization or competition strategies among firms at the moment of making the decision on the amount to invest in R&D. Our results show that in equilibrium, the long-run welfare is larger under a research joint venture than under other environments. Discounted present value profits increase with the level of the spillover but there are asymmetries that depend on the firms’ asymmetry on marginal costs.  相似文献   

In this paper we extend the existing literature on research and development (R&D) investments and research joint ventures (RJVs) in two important ways. First, we analyze and compare the case where firms collude in the product market to the benchmark case of competition in the output market. Second, we allow firms to form coalitions endogenously as a separate stage in the game. We develop profit functions that depend on the partition of firms into joint ventures and the nature of product competition between venture partners. Our results illustrate the restrictive nature of some assumptions made in the literature. Typically multiple RJVs of different sizes form in equilibrium. In general, RJVs should not be promoted if they entail product market collusion. Given the information available to policy‐makers, it is unlikely that an R&D policy more refined than analyzing and allowing RJVs on a case‐by‐case basis is feasible. Copyright © 1999 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Organizing the productive efforts of firms participating in a joint venture involves assigning firms to tasks according to abilities. A multidimensional incentive problem arises when abilities are private information. In any equilibrium, it is better to be a firm who is a specialist rather than a generalist. However, generalists can expect to receive a larger allocation of revenue. If at least one firm is decisive to the profitability of the joint venture (i.e., if it can make a credible cost announcement that implies the joint venture earns zero profit), then the joint venture will not be able to implement a profit maximizing or cost minimizing production plan.Received: 21 March 2002, Accepted: 26 February 2004, JEL Classification: D82, C78, L23Any views expressed in this paper are not purported to reflect those of the United States Department of Justice. This paper benefited from the helpful comments of a referee and an associated editor.  相似文献   

This article examines HRM in joint ventures (JVs) in Shanghai compared with those in Beijing using a case-study approach. It focuses primarily on issues relating to labour contracts, rewards and benefits, social insurance, trade unions and personnel policies, and describes current developments in China in each of these areas. In order to place these JV human resource practices in context, we also draw on interviews in state-owned enterprises (SOEs) in Shanghai and Beijing. Taking as a starting point a summary of traditional SOE 'iron rice-bowl' ( tie fan wan ) practices in the management of personnel, we ask to what extent HRM in the present JV sample differs from traditional methods and to what extent 'iron rice-bowl' practices continue despite foreign ownership. The extent to which HR practices in JVs are distinct from those in contemporary SOEs is also examined. We conclude that, although, as one would expect, foreign ownership has modified traditional practice, the degree and extent to which this is true varies widely. There is strong evidence of institutional and organizational continuity in 'iron rice-bowl' practices in both JVs and SOEs. Finally we propose a framework for categorizing the companies investigated in terms of their distance from traditional 'iron rice-bowl' HR practices and proximity to 'imported' practices. This consists of two 'pure' and two hybrid categories: pure 'iron rice-bowl'; hybrid I (predominantly local); hybrid II (predominantly imported): and, finally, pure imported. In this schema, the companies examined do not however group neatly according to whether they are JVs or SOEs.  相似文献   

It is often argued that firms' foreign expansion is motivated by economies of scale in information-based intangible assets. Since these assets are combined with local factors in real production, their owner often has to deal with local factor owners' opportunistic behavior such as siphoning of skills which reduces the return on intangibles to the original owner. Local factor owners' agency behavior can also reduce a subsidiary's profit. Maintaining ownership mitigates the former type of opportunistic behavior, while ceding ownership reduces the latter type. Hence there is a non-linear relationship between ownership and the cost of control. In this paper we present a model that incorporates these aspects of a joint venture ownership. In our model the share in a joint venture of a foreign parent firm with a superior technology is determined such that its marginal cost of control is set equal to the marginal benefit it derives from a joint venture. We assume that, because of the uniqueness and mobility of its intangible factor, the foreign partner has more bargaining power than its local counterpart regarding the ownership of their joint venture and that the local partner is less concerned than its foreign counterpart about the problems of agency and property rights protection because of its geographic and cultural proximity to the joint venture. As a consequence, the foreign partner is able to exert its preference for its ownership share in the joint venture. Our theoretical results allow a decomposition of ownership share into components explained by the cost of control and by the profitability of a joint venture. Our empirical results using data on technology-based US firms' subsidiaries in Japan are consistent with our model predictions. In particular, the fraction of ownership share explained by the cost of control relative to the fraction explained by intrinsic profitability is higher for industries that rely more heavily on intangible assets, as expected from the model.  相似文献   

This paper examines whether differences in investment opportunities and corporate ownership structure can explain the disparate findings of other researchers with regard to the market's price reaction to the announcement of international joint ventures. We study a sample of 320 joint ventures announced during the period 1987–92. The sample joint ventures involve at least one US partner and one or more international partners from emerging economies (former communist countries in Eastern Europe and China), as well as industrialized G7 countries. We find that international joint ventures are on average wealth creating when the foreign partner comes from an emerging economy but are wealth neutral when the partner is from an industrialized country. This finding supports the investment opportunity set hypothesis. However, we do not find support for the shareholder-management alignment hypothesis in that higher insider holdings or a greater level of outsiders on the board for the US partner will lead to joint venture investments that are more highly valued by investors, other things remaining the same. © 1998 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Equity joint ventures (EJVs) are a popular governance mode of inter‐firm cooperation that has attracted substantial research attention. The literature, however, still lacks a precise rule for the parents to follow in splitting the equity shares of an EJV, although share distribution is critical to almost all aspects of the co‐ownership relationship. In this study, we fill this literature gap by taking the Bayesian approach to draw a pricing‐error rule on share distribution in EJVs. More specifically, we contend that equity participation by two firms in an EJV allows profit sharing to correct for the errors that they might commit in pricing their inputs to the EJV. For profit sharing to fully nullify such pricing errors, the shares of an EJV must be split between the parent firms in a percentage combination that matches the relative sizes of their pricing errors. Because pricing errors are observable only afterward, share distribution in EJVs resembles a Bayesian process, in which the partners keep updating their estimates on pricing errors to adjust share distribution to a percentage combination that could best nullify their pricing errors. Thus, the eventual outcome of share adjustment is EJV buyout, in that the partner whose pricing errors remain substantial buys out the shares of the other whose pricing errors have become tolerable.  相似文献   

This paper presents a comparative study of the effects of national origin, a company's strategic orientation and its investment profile on preference for the application of human resource management (HRM) practices as conducted in international joint ventures (IJVs). The approach extends understanding by offering a broader exploration of how national differences generate additional barriers that impact on specific HRM practices. The evidence from the study presented suggests that there is little support for national origin being a major independent influence. National distinctiveness does define the types of integration between parent companies and IJVs, but these collaborations do not necessarily reflect any specific national institutional bias. Examination of eighty-seven IJVs suggests that IJV management has a high degree of organizational autonomy in the implementation of a company's task-related inputs regardless of the national background of the foreign partner. The presence of a company's task-related effects on HRM practices plays a significant contextual role where the major attributes are the technology, management development and the compatible use of an IJV's resources. The results confirm that there is little evidence to suggest that partner-related influences derived from the partners' complementary resources and competences in the field of HRM development that are national origin specific have had significant influence over HRM development in the IJVs studied.  相似文献   

Drawing upon a contingency approach, this research based on case studies offers an understanding of the conditions for contrasting growth strategies in emerging business ventures in China. It offers an insight into the interactive effect of organisational processes that are likely to shape their strategic outcomes. Ownership as a key contingency factor influences the objectives of organisations and the formation of their growth models. The empirical evidence collected from key stakeholders in a selected number of company case studies suggests that organisations with “open” structures and processes that encourage the adoption of ideas, policies and methods from both internal and external forces are more likely to adopt more high value-added strategies than “closed” entrepreneurial firms typical of organisations in the conditions of market socialism in China. It demonstrates the critical role of foreign investment in shaping local management practices in the transitional economy. It also implies that irrespective of political ideology, the creation of a market economy imposes ‘standardizing’ global similarities in business structures and processes that cut across national cultures. This is discussed on the basis of empirical data collected from interviews with key stakeholders in a number of company case studies.  相似文献   

Previous research has sought to demonstrate the influence of control of an IJV on achieving the learning objectives of the partners involved. However, the effect that certain types of learning have on the control of the IJV, which are vital for the success of the internationalization of the entrepreneurial firm, has yet to be explored. The results from case studies of six IJVs show that, during the post-formation stage, the configuration of entrepreneurial partner control over the IJV is conditioned by both technology transfer and by learning specific local knowledge by the entrepreneurial partner. The study also shows that the negative relation between trust and control suggested by the literature is limited to cases where trust has broken down. Greater levels of trust are also compatible with greater control with a view to appropriately exploiting when firms see the need to intensify control or need to implement new control mechanisms in order to properly exploit the resources contributed to the IJV.  相似文献   

This study highlights the importance of social capital in international joint ventures (IJVs), and examines human resource practices as a factor shaping such social capital. Comprehensive measures of social capital are developed and tested, which extend prior work on ‘bonding’ and ‘bridging’ social capital. We also link social capital with its anticipated antecedents and consequences. The study's findings are based on data collected from 164 IJVs located in Vietnam. IJV performance was predicted by training and by the level of trust and cooperation between foreign and local personnel. Training (including acquisition of management skills, technology, and cross-cultural understanding) also was predictive of the measures of social capital. A key practical implication arising from this study is that the return on investment from training of joint venture personnel can stem not only from the transfer of technical and management skills needed for developing competitive advantage, but also from the positive impact on social capital, which further contributes to venture success. The establishment of written objectives and plans for the venture, as well as the IJV's level of control regarding its own HR functions also was found to be related to some components of social capital. The findings of this study reinforce the call to build on the contributions of local personnel in joint ventures, and in Vietnam in particular.  相似文献   

In this study, we are concerned with the resources that are brought to joint ventures, and whether or not the way in which those resources are combined can improve parent‐firm performance. We are also interested in whether or not the exposure of valuable resources through the permeable membrane of the joint venture can have an adverse effect on performance. These questions are explored using a sample of 74 domestic, dyadic joint ventures, and our findings suggest that the strategy can have zero‐sum and positive‐sum outcomes. Copyright © 2000 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

This study examines the factors affecting joint venture employees' loyalty to supervisor in the People's Republic of China. The trust framework and justice framework are employed to develop two competing models for studying the antecedents and consequences of loyalty to supervisor in the context of Chinese joint ventures. The direct effect model proposes that there is a direct effect of employees' perception of interactional justice and of trust in supervisor on their loyalty to supervisor, while the mediation model considers trust in supervisor as a mediating variable between interactional justice and loyalty to supervisor. Additionally, the two models suggest that loyalty to supervisor affects the in-role job performance and organizational citizenship behaviour of workers. The results showed that the mediation model was better supported than the direct effect model. It has been found that trust in supervisor mediates the relationships between interactional justice and loyalty to supervisor. In addition, loyalty to supervisor has significant effects on both employees' performance and organizational citizenship behaviour. Practically, the findings of the present study provide considerable implications for managing Chinese workers in joint ventures.  相似文献   

近年来较有影响的国际视角的管理会计实践研究成果表明,各国管理会计实践的比较研究主要有三种类型;从总体上看各国的管理会计实践呈现趋同性,但对管理会计实践演变的解释(即创新扩散)却存在权变观、社会影响观和需求供给观等不同观点。国家视角的管理会计实践研究虽有意义,但相对粗略,若要深入开展研究,则需融合各种理论,采用更为科学的研究方法,深化微观层面的管理会计实践研究。  相似文献   

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