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今年上半年81亿美元涌入中国VC“资金池” 清科研究中心7月6日发布报告称,2011年上半年,共有81.03亿美元巨额资本涌人中国创投市场,再创历史高点;上半年的投资金额已超过2010年全年总世。 腾讯9亿港元战略投资金山软件获15.68%股权 7月6日晚间消息,  相似文献   

11月2日,手机语音短信软件神聊宣布,获得3000万美元风险投资。该笔融资的规模再次刷新了中国移动互联网产业的融资记录。  相似文献   

130余家中国概念股公司被列入美国券商黑名单美国券商盈透证券6月8日宣布,由于担心一些中国公司可能存在会计违规行为,从6日开始已经禁止客户以保证金的方式买进部分中国公司股票。被列入“黑名单”的中国公司超过130家,其中包括麦考林、新浪、当当网、搜狐等知名企业。  相似文献   

Organizational capital is a specific form of capital that firms accumulate. It relates to the development of codes, technical languages, practical arrangements about how the work is done and to the creation of an organizational culture. The distinctive feature of this form of capital is the fact that it does not contribute directly to an output result. Instead, it can be thought as creating the correct environment for the human factor to maximize its capability of generating value, that is, organizational capital works as an external effect on the accumulation of the human capital input. Nevertheless, organizational capital is a form of capital and therefore it has an investment process associated with it. The paper considers the process of investment in this form of capital and recognizes that it introduces important changes over the firm's profit maximization problem. The problem gains new features relating to its dynamic nature and a condition that guarantees saddle‐path stability can be derived. Copyright © 2007 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

与数月前相比,人们对于经济危机的态度显示出乐观迹象--至少在中国是这样的. 一项针对中国未来经济走向的调查显示,大部分基金投资经理认为,中国经济增长率在未来12个月急剧下滑的幅度将会缩小.比如,摩根大通中国证券市场部主席李晶指出:"对中国努力抵御经济衰退的立场看起来已经变得更加积极了."  相似文献   

中共十六届三中全会作出的《关于完善社会主义市场经济体制若干问题的决定》是一项极具理论性、长期性、方针性的指导文件。文件中以下政策思想对我们进一步改善北京投资环境,更好地发挥外资作用,具有特别重要的意义。(1)我们一定要“进一步改善投资环境,拓宽投资领域,吸引外资加快向有条件的地区和符合国家产业政策的领域扩展,力  相似文献   

毛灿贞 《价值工程》2013,(17):125-126
随着我国市场经济的进一步发展,民间投资在社会经济中所占的比重也越来越大。在当前,为民间投资营造良好的投资环境,改善投资结构,扩大民间投资的规模,是影响经济发展的关键因素。因此,积极探求政府投资对民间投资的影响具有很重要的现实意义。  相似文献   

投资后续管理是产业投资的重要环节,主要包括监控管理和增值服务两方面内容。国有产业投资基金大部分为政府主导,投资后续管理存在着代理风险、增值服务欠缺、政府干预较多、管理人才缺失、管理水平较低等问题。建议设置特殊股权安排等激励和约束机制,降低代理风险;引入和充分调动社会资源为企业提供增值服务;加速推广有限合伙制,设立专门委员会等降低政府干预;与外资投资基金合作,加强内部学习,提高投资后续管理水平。  相似文献   

文章研究了价值投资持股期限问题,并得出结论:对价值型股票,投资者不应长期持股;对无长期竞争优势的成长型股票,长期持股绩效不佳;对有长期竞争优势的成长型股票,应坚持长期持有。  相似文献   

喻刚 《价值工程》2013,(12):324-325
随着配电网投资的增加,配电网投资效果越来越受到各级决策和管理人员关注,然而目前配网后评价方法尤其是配网投资效果后评价方法还不成熟。鉴此,本文提出了配电网建设改造项目投资效果后评价方法,实证结果表明本文提出的方法科学可靠,而且操作起来也比较容易,对配电网建设改造项目后评价实践工作具有重要的指导意义。  相似文献   

2008年以来,虽然全球投资的发展和变化是一个疲软艰难低速的恢复过程,经济全球化遇到了一些曲折,但还是会继续往前发展。推动经济全球化最重要的力量是跨国公司和他们的投资。中国在促进企业跨国投资上做了很大的努力,对世界投资做出了突出贡献。中国应该积极推进多双边的投资保护协定,给投资者创造一个良好的依法依规的政策环境。与此同时,到境外投资的企业一定要了解当地的法律法规、政策和文化背景,要循序渐进,不要急于求成。中国企业"走出去"是有许多机遇的。人民币的稳定,国际市场的开拓,全球化的不可逆转,还有中国经济技术实力的提高,都将有助力于中国企业海外投资的成功。  相似文献   

文章研究了价值投资持股期限问题,并得出结论:对价值型股票,投资者不应长期持股;对无长期竞争优势的成长型股票,长期持股绩效不佳;对有长期竞争优势的成长型股票,应坚持长期持有.  相似文献   

This paper studies the value and optimal timing for investment in finite-lived monopolies, extending the literature on real option games by considering the cases of random and certain-lived monopolies. Under these settings, firms face the risk of demonopolization, that can occur as a random or a certain event. We show that these new settings produce significantly different results when compared to the canonical monopolistic and duopolistic models. In a certain-lived monopoly, the leader invests sooner than in a duopoly if there is a risk of being preempted, and later than in a monopoly if the leader role is pre-assigned. In a random-lived monopoly, entry occurs somewhere between the duopoly and monopoly cases. Higher uncertainty delays investment in all cases.  相似文献   

2010年,世界面临的主要问题是,原有的以美元为主导体系的货币发行机制已越来越难以适应新的社会与经济格局,而各种新的国际秩序仍在探索之中。  相似文献   

本文针对投资中国市场的外国超市在中国市场可能面临的主要财务风险结合中国的宏观经济环境进行了分析,着重分析了除所有投资都要面临的一般财务风险外,作为进入中国市场的外国超市,还将面临的由于不同的经济环境而产生的汇率风险、利率风险、价格制定风险和通货膨胀风险,并针对这四种风险提出了相应的解决措施。  相似文献   

In the present study I identify an inherent characteristic of health care markets that may lead to excessive investment by hospitals even when compensated according to a prospective reimbursement rule. It is demonstrated that the stochastic nature of the demand for medical services combined with the lumpiness of investment decisions may give rise to excessive investment when multiple hospitals select independently their levels of capacities. The source for the excessive incentives to invest is the difficulty of one hospital to internalize properly the externality generated by its investment decisions. Such an externality arises because when one hospital expands its capacity, it is more likely to be able to serve not only patients residing in its region but patients residing in neighboring regions as well.  相似文献   

投资与经济增长是经济学的老话题,但不同的解说却使其理论不断更新,提出一种投资的路径分析思路,试图探索不同时代投资的路径选择及其对经济增长的关系。  相似文献   

Industry continues to look for methods of gaining competitive advantage through manufacturing techniques. These techniques, however, can be matched by competitors if used without the guidance of a strategic framework. Similarly, structural capacity choices can be matched by competitors without the infrastructural benefits of a well defined operations strategy. In this study, multiattribute utility (MAU) theory analysis was used in an experiment to quantify the contribution of various structural and infrastructural strategic factors toward sustaining competitive advantage within the context of a capital equipment selection decision. The experimental respondents were manufacturing managers and professionals from the plastics industry. This research provides groundwork for understanding the role of strategic infrastructural factors in sustaining competitive advantage within the structural capacity decision of selecting capital equipment in the plastics industry.  相似文献   

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