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西门子集团于6月6日发布消息称,意大利Cantieri Navali Megaride 船厂为该国海岸警卫建造的1艘65米长近海供应船,将采用其Siship EcoProp混合燃料动力系统.根据这笔订单,西门子将提供的整套Siship EcoProD混合燃料动力系统为柴一电推进系统,该系统由两套主传动装置、电力推进电机以及推进控制系统等组成,具有可靠性高、结构紧凑、占用空间小、节省燃油、可减少噪音及废气排放等特点.据介绍,西门子将于2012年初交付该系统,并将为用户提供项目管理、系统安装及试车等服务.  相似文献   

西门子集团8月15日宣布.位于美国威斯康星州的海湾造船有限公司(Bay Shipbuilding Company)已与西门子工业解决方案部门签订了金额达数百万美元的合同,由西门子为该公司建造的2艘深水平台供应船(deepwater platform supply vessel)提供柴一电动力系统.  相似文献   

西门子集团8月15日宣布.位于美国威斯康星州的海湾造船有限公司(Bay Shipbuilding Company)已与西门子工业解决方案部门签订了金额达数百万美元的合同,由西门子为该公司建造的2艘深水平台供应船(deepwater platform supply vessel)提供柴一电动力系统.  相似文献   

瓦锡兰集团10月7日发布消息称.该集团在本月获得订单.为2艘先进的平台供应船(PSV)提供集成的液化天然气(LNG)推进系统。  相似文献   

瓦锡兰集团10月7日发布消息称.该集团在本月获得订单.为2艘先进的平台供应船(PSV)提供集成的液化天然气(LNG)推进系统。  相似文献   

西门子集团7月20日发布消息称.该集团海事部门已获得金额达数百万欧元的订单,为德国J.J.SietasKG公司(J.J.SietasKGSchiffswerftGmbHU.Co.)建造的1艘风电安装船提供的柴一电推进系统、自动化系统及中压发电、配电系统。  相似文献   

西门子集团近期宣布,在2010年汉堡海事展上,采用西门子柴一电推进系统的挪威海洋工程服务船“Skandi Aker”号,荣获了由《Skipsrevyen》海事杂志评选的“2010年年度船舶”(Ship of the Year 2010)称号。该杂志评委会表示,该船获得这一称号的主要原因是:作为目前最大的单体海底修井船,该船采用了先进的技术,拥有独特的性能。  相似文献   

MTU日前获得订单.为SeacorMarine公司的两艘快速供应船“SEA—COR Lynx”号和“SEACOR Leopard”号每船提供4台MTU16V4000M73L发动机。该型发动机在转速为2050转/分时,输HI功率为3860马力。  相似文献   

美国通用电气(GE)8月26日宦布获得订单,南其电能转换事业部为巴西DetroitBrasilLtda.船厂建造的4艘平台供应船(PSV)提供电力推进和动力定位系统。  相似文献   

美国卡特彼勒公司船用动力部门日前发布消息称.今年1月份已交付美圉海军的导弹跟踪舰“Howard O.Lorenzen”号.安装了由该公司MaK及Cat柴油机组成的动力系统.  相似文献   

The paper examines causes and effects of ownership concentration among the largest companies in 12 European countries. As a reference point the paper takes a seminal empirical study on US data and examines to what extent the model is applicable in European countries. The findings indicate that both general economic effects and system effects are significant. Ownership concentration is found to decrease with firm size and to increase with earnings volatility. But in support of the system theories advocated nationality is also found to have a significant effect which is partly attributable to institutional differences between nations such as stock market size and the frequency of large banks. Finally ownership concentration is found to have an insignificant effect on accounting profitability (return on equity)  相似文献   

The Ministry of Education said June 2 that 18 universities and colleges, 12 from the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region (SAR) and six from the Macao SAR —— are authorized to enroll new students from the mainland this year.  相似文献   

试论开放经济中的政府职能   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
在加入世贸组织问题上,人们以往谈论较多的是各类产业如何应对挑战,并提出了不少的对策建议。但实际上“入世”对政府经济管理职能的挑战可能更大,而且较难在短时期内完全适应。从对WTO相关规则和主要条款的分析中不难发现,WTO在更大的程度上是“管”政府的,即制定出具有约束力的条款,由各成员国政府遵照执行,因此政府经济职能的转变就变得极为迫切。  相似文献   

The purpose of this article is to demonstrate, based on an extensive study of the Shell-led Camisea gas project in Peru, how what we believe to be a new approach to dealing with stakeholders, focusing on sense-making and combining industry dynamics and stakeholder empowerment, was developed. The project’s success was measured by the fact that, unlike similar projects around the world, it did not meet with major opposition during its 4-year life span. Those involved in the Camisea project succeeded in creating an open approach to building stakeholder relationships, allowing them to navigate through a number of diverse and challenging socio-political and ecological issues. An integral part of Shell’s approach was acting upon its commitment to high standards of operation and values. The insights from this case clearly indicate that stakeholder management and theorizing can profit from a less controlled, open and sense-making oriented strategizing with stakeholders.  相似文献   

开发性政策性金融的理论与实践探析   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
开发性金融按其性质应包括开发性政策性金融和开发性商业性金融.由于中长期开发性投融资业务的特点是风险高、额度大、周期长、收益不确定,商业性金融或私人资本通常既不愿也无力或肯于先导涉足其中,所以,开发性金融一般是由政府主责,主要是指开发性政策性金融或政府开发性金融,即专门为经济、社会和区域开发或发展(development)(特别是基础设施)提供具有创造性超前供给诱导功能的中长期批发投融资业务(wholesale financing)的政策性金融.开发性金融机构可分为国际性开发金融机构和国家性开发金融机构两种类型,前者又分为全球性开发金融机构和区域性开发金融机构,后者又分为全国性开发金融机构和地方性开发金融机构.  相似文献   

Finland, Rotating Chair of the EU, has played an important role in the Partenariat event. H.E.Mr. Antti Kuosmanen,Ambassador of Finland attended the opening ceremony of the event and gave the first speech. On the eve of the event, China's Foreign Trade interviewed Mr, Antti Kuosmanen.  相似文献   

The aim of the article is to theoretically investigate if a pay‐as‐you‐go (PAYG) pension system is sustainable in the presence of a declining population and increasing longevity of the retired generation. For this purpose, we use an overlapping generation model with endogenous fertility, endogenous longevity and human capital accumulation in a small open economy. We find that pensions will always increase as long as it is beneficial for parents to invest in human capital. Furthermore, we get the result that the ratio between pension benefits and the consumption of the young generation will strive to a positive limit value, and that a pure PAYG pension system will not run into any solvency problem due to a decreasing fertility rate or ageing.  相似文献   

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