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西门子集团于6月6日发布消息称.意大利Cantieri Navali Megaride船厂为该国海岸警卫建造的1艘65米长近海供应船,将采用其Siship E-coProp混合燃料动力系统。  相似文献   

西门子集团8月15日宣布.位于美国威斯康星州的海湾造船有限公司(Bay Shipbuilding Company)已与西门子工业解决方案部门签订了金额达数百万美元的合同,由西门子为该公司建造的2艘深水平台供应船(deepwater platform supply vessel)提供柴一电动力系统.  相似文献   

西门子集团8月15日宣布.位于美国威斯康星州的海湾造船有限公司(Bay Shipbuilding Company)已与西门子工业解决方案部门签订了金额达数百万美元的合同,由西门子为该公司建造的2艘深水平台供应船(deepwater platform supply vessel)提供柴一电动力系统.  相似文献   

瓦锡兰集团10月7日发布消息称.该集团在本月获得订单.为2艘先进的平台供应船(PSV)提供集成的液化天然气(LNG)推进系统。  相似文献   

瓦锡兰集团10月7日发布消息称.该集团在本月获得订单.为2艘先进的平台供应船(PSV)提供集成的液化天然气(LNG)推进系统。  相似文献   

美国通用电气(GE)8月26日宦布获得订单,南其电能转换事业部为巴西DetroitBrasilLtda.船厂建造的4艘平台供应船(PSV)提供电力推进和动力定位系统。  相似文献   

西门子集团7月20日发布消息称.该集团海事部门已获得金额达数百万欧元的订单,为德国J.J.SietasKG公司(J.J.SietasKGSchiffswerftGmbHU.Co.)建造的1艘风电安装船提供的柴一电推进系统、自动化系统及中压发电、配电系统。  相似文献   

MTU日前获得订单.为SeacorMarine公司的两艘快速供应船“SEA—COR Lynx”号和“SEACOR Leopard”号每船提供4台MTU16V4000M73L发动机。该型发动机在转速为2050转/分时,输HI功率为3860马力。  相似文献   

曼恩柴油机与透平(MANDiesel&Turbo)公司早在1995年就推出了32/40型发电机组,并于2002年得到IMOTierI的认可;而后于2004年又推出了32/40CD型发电机组,并于2011年得到IMOTierII的认可。为了进一步满足近海工程船舶在深海作业需求的大功率柴电推进装置,曼恩公司将开发出一款32/44K型发电机组。这款下一代纯粹的发电机组,是由已被完全证实的32/40型发电机组与最新的32/40型共轨发电机组组成,因此是一款相当优秀机型的混合体。  相似文献   

美国卡特彼勒公司船用动力部门日前发布消息称.今年1月份已交付美圉海军的导弹跟踪舰“Howard O.Lorenzen”号.安装了由该公司MaK及Cat柴油机组成的动力系统.  相似文献   

西门子(中国)有限公司4月6日发布消息称.西门子船舶事业部受南通中远船务工程有限公司(中国南通)委托.将为1艘新建的风电安装船配套柴电推进系统、电力设备和全集成自动化系统。据悉.这是西门子首次为风电安装船提供柴油电力推进系统和自动化系统。合同金额约为500万欧元。  相似文献   

瓦锡兰集团5月5日宣布获得挪威Kleven Maritime订单.为该国运营商Rem Offshore订购的1艘平台供应船(PSV)提供船型设计方案.并为该船配备包括液化天然气(LNG)动力系统在内的推进设备、自动化设备。  相似文献   

This paper deals with the economics of a closed-loop supply chain and the decision-making in a hybrid manufacturing system. We develop analytic models and quantify the potential profits gain generated by such a hybrid system that collects, remanufactures, and remarkets the end-of-use products as perfect substitutes of brand-new products while facing a price-dependent demand function. The research objective behind developing analytic models is to investigate the following research questions: Can the hybrid system incorporating reverse logistics operate cost-effectively? Can it outperform the manufacturing-only system without reverse logistics? If not, does it persist in certain decision bias that leads to a lower profit and inefficiency? If yes, to what extent and under which conditions—lower remanufacturing cost or higher price sensitivity coefficients? We model the decision-making of the system as an appropriate optimization problem. Our analysis shows that the hybrid system does not outperform the manufacturing-only counterpart under generic settings; it only performs better under the condition with a higher price sensitivity coefficient and/or a lower remanufacturing cost. In addition, the pricing decisions for the brand-new and remanufactured products differ significantly, which is consistent with the industrial practice. In addition, numerical results suggest that it may be worth adopting such a hybrid strategy when the remanufacturing cost is low, in comparison with that of the new product manufacturing. Another favorable factor to adopt the hybrid strategy is higher completion intensity between the two versions of the same product. In such scenarios, participating in remanufacturing operations is not only an issue of being environmentally conscious but a profit-improving opportunity.  相似文献   

One of the UN Millennium Development Goals (MDG’s) is to ensure environmental sustainability. This has led international agencies to regulate the generation of waste, specifically solid waste, which is an issue of international significance. This research is an analytical, statistical, historical and deductive investigation that focuses on the management of municipal solid waste and special handling waste (SHW), specifically, the one generated in the construction of offshore platforms in Mexico. A comparative analysis of the waste generated domestically and in the construction of offshore platforms is done. This work proposes the introduction of a third party operator that, through reverse logistics, would develop strategies to recover, reuse or recycle SHW. The level of compliance of the Waste Management Plans of platform construction companies in Mexico is also analyzed. Currently, nine construction companies distributed in the states of Tabasco, Tamaulipas and Veracruz are building offshore platforms in Mexico. Particularly, the south zone of Tamaulipas has become, since the seventies, the largest provider of offshore platforms. These companies are required by law to report the amount of municipal solid waste and SHW that they generate. However, when analyzing the data provided, results show a great area of opportunity. With a proper management of waste, its recovery and/or disposal would be much more efficient. Data collected in the yards of construction is presented, as well as the current situation of the waste in the offshore platform construction industry and possible methods to strengthen environmental policy in solid waste in Mexico.  相似文献   

This study assesses the need for local support services for the families of expatriate employees working in foreign countries. One major finding is that the spouses of expatriate employees have significantly different attitudes toward the need for local services than do company management. Second, our results indicate that the country of origin has a significant effect on the spouses' assessment of the need for local support and assistance. As a result of these findings, we conclude that the existence of local support services may have a significant impact on the location decisions, success, and retention of international firms. © 1995 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.  相似文献   

Individuals living in poverty remain a critical issue. This special issue focuses on how entrepreneurship can help to solve such poverty. Rather than viewing those in poverty as a market for goods, the solution lies in understanding how to help those living in poverty create their own businesses. Ultimately, entrepreneurship among those in poverty will create a long lasting solution to their poverty. Herein, we initially examine the extant knowledge about entrepreneurship. We then examine where future research on this important topic should move. Finally, we introduce the five articles that make up this special issue. These five articles came from the initial 71 submissions and enhance our knowledge about entrepreneurship as a pathway to reducing poverty.  相似文献   

Higher education institutions face demands to develop and deliver course content through alternate modes of delivery. A variety of course designs have emerged in recent years. One of these is the hybrid or blended course design model where face-to-face instruction is combined with online instruction. Researchers have found negligible differences in student performance between this model and traditional instruction. While performance outcomes are similar, this study shows a clear preference for the hybrid course design.  相似文献   

《Business Horizons》2020,63(3):377-390
While entrepreneurship in developing economies at the base of the pyramid is receiving growing attention, scholars have devoted less effort to exploring entrepreneurship as a solution to poverty in advanced economies. Yet, poverty rates have not meaningfully changed in most developed economies in 50 years, and the income gap between rich and poor continues to widen. In this article, we examine entrepreneurship as a source of empowerment for the economically disadvantaged. We explore the nature of poverty and its implications for various aspects of entrepreneurship, identify problematic aspects of the typical low-income startup, and present the SPODER conceptual framework for fostering entrepreneurial development among the poor: (S) supportive infrastructure, (P) preparation of the entrepreneur; (O) expanded opportunity horizons; (D) finding sources of differentiation; (E) a well-designed economic model; and (R) leveraging community resources. We conclude by drawing from the framework implications for those involved in breaking the cycle of poverty.  相似文献   

As the supply chain discipline matures, opportunities emerge to develop or define theories that are specific to supply chain phenomenon. The current research specifies characteristics that we offer which comprise the building blocks of supply chain theory. These characteristics include the flows of material through a supply chain network, the temporal management of these material flows, the dyadic and triadic interactions of firms within the supply chain network, and the outward focus on supply chain management (SCM), in other words a supply chain orientation, of firms in a supply chain. Further, recognizing that supply chain theories must contain the previously identified characteristics, we offer Factor Market Rivalry (FMR) as a theory of SCM. FMR refers to intense battles for resource positions that are needed to manufacture, provide, or deliver firm products or services. We argue that FMR only occurs within supply chain phenomena. The piece concludes with a future research agenda based upon the practical implications of further developing FMR as a theory of SCM.  相似文献   

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