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当前我国正值金融改革时期,利率市场化改革顺应渐进式发展的趋势呈现出新的发展局面.基于利率在货币政策传导机制中的影响作用,构建时间序列数据模型来测定利率市场化与货币政策有效性之间的关联性.回归结果显示,从长期来看不完全的利率市场化将阻碍货币政策有效性地发挥,由此提出推进我国利率市场化的进程的相关政策建议.  相似文献   

提升货币政策效果是近年来我国宏观经济调控改革中的重要任务,而如何正确评价货币政策有效性则是这一任务的前提条件。基于此,结合我国经济新变化,文章在经典的CC-LM模型中纳入了新型货币政策工具,从理论上分析了新型货币政策工具对信贷利率与实际产出的传导机制,并应用具有时变参数的TVP-SV-VAR模型进一步检验了理论分析的结论。理论研究与实证检验一致得出:第一,从对实际产出的影响来看,中期借贷便利为代表的新型货币投放方式是有效的;第二,中期借贷便利仅能降低短期信贷利率,而长期将提升信贷利率;第三,中期借贷便利与LPR报价市场的市场化程度提升可强化货币政策有效性。此外,实证研究还表明,依靠中期借贷便利方式投放基础货币会造成吉布逊谜团的现象,因此能否降低融资成本并不能作为评价货币政策有效性的指标。籍此,文章对如何优化新型货币政策有效性提出了富有建设性的政策建议。  相似文献   

文章探讨了我国利率市场化改革推进过程对于货币政策调控方式由数量型向价格型转变的影响。基于一般均衡模型的理论分析发现,利率市场化水平越高,货币需求的波动性越大,利率传导渠道的障碍越少,从而货币当局选择价格型调控方式的条件也就越成熟。采用季度宏观经济数据,构建四变量SVAR模型,通过脉冲响应分析和方差分解考察在利率市场化改革不断推进的过程中,数量型和价格型货币政策调控方式对于实现货币政策最终目标的相对作用。实证结果表明:数量型调控方式在我国货币政策调控体系中仍然处于主导地位;价格型调控相对数量型调控具有时滞短与力度温和等优点;随着我国利率市场化水平不断提高,价格型调控方式的优势将表现得更加突出。  相似文献   

文章探讨了我国利率市场化改革推进过程对于货币政策调控方式由数量型向价格型转变的影响。基于一般均衡模型的理论分析发现,利率市场化水平越高,货币需求的波动性越大,利率传导渠道的障碍越少,从而货币当局选择价格型调控方式的条件也就越成熟。采用季度宏观经济数据,构建四变量SVAR模型,通过脉冲响应分析和方差分解考察在利率市场化改革不断推进的过程中,数量型和价格型货币政策调控方式对于实现货币政策最终目标的相对作用。实证结果表明:数量型调控方式在我国货币政策调控体系中仍然处于主导地位;价格型调控相对数量型调控具有时滞短与力度温和等优点;随着我国利率市场化水平不断提高,价格型调控方式的优势将表现得更加突出。  相似文献   

资本项目自由化的一个重要前提是国内形式市场化的利率,因为市场化的利率对资本跨国流动、汇率波动、金融市场效率以及货币政策的有效性都有重大影响.在利率市场化这一过程中各国要考虑实际情况,采用适宜的改革模式,降低改革风险.  相似文献   

王冰冰 《南方经济》2020,39(12):74-89
文章首先构建新凯恩斯DSGE模型从理论上模拟了我国政策利率传导的基准效应,然后构建SV-TVP-VAR模型实证研究了利率市场化进程中传导的时变效应并根据基准效应计算了传导效率。DSGE理论模拟结果显示,在理想的情况下政策利率可以传导至产出、价格、消费、投资等变量以及影响劳动力市场和工资水平,同时理想的政策利率传导没有时滞效应。从持续期来看,政策利率冲击对产出、价格、消费、投资、劳动力需求等变量的调控效果在中长期趋于收敛,但对工资的影响并没有表现出收敛趋势。基于SV-TVP-VAR模型的实证结果表明,我国政策利率对产出、通货膨胀率、消费、投资变量均产生了良好的逆周期调控效果,对通货膨胀率、消费和投资的调控存在一定的时滞效应。综合两个模型结果的进一步分析表明,随着利率市场化的推进,政策利率对产出、通货膨胀率、消费、投资的传导效率不断提升,1996-2019年对四个变量的传导效率分别由43%、27%、18%、52%上升至86%、36%、54%、95%。文章推断,所有制差异和利率双轨制可能是现阶段制约传导效率提升的两大问题,应以破解利率双轨制逐步取消存贷款基准利率为抓手推进利率市场化,形成政策利率向市场基准利率再到货币市场、债券市场、信贷市场利率的联动传导机制,同时通过国有企业改革打破预算软约束,弱化信贷方面隐性担保的体制优势,使得所有市场主体真正对利率变动敏感,政策调控可以更加顺畅地传导至实体经济。文章的边际贡献在于综合理论模拟和实证研究为利率传导效率和利率市场化分析提供了一个新的思路。  相似文献   

文章利用2006~2014年相关的经济金融季度数据,建立VAR模型对我国货币政策利率传导途径的运作机制和传导效果进行实证研究。结果认为:在我国存贷款利率尚未完全市场化的前提下,Shibor是很好的货币政策指标,有望成为我国的基准利率。Shibor与CPI存在长期均衡关系,并且存在双向的因果关系,市场化的利率可以有效稳定物价。  相似文献   

2012年7月13日,中国人民银行发布《2012年中国金融稳定报告》称,将进一步探索推进利率市场化的有效途径.利率市场化是打破金融垄断的关键,打破银行垄断并实行利率市场化是经济发展的迫切需要,应在确保中央对货币形势控制力的前提下,从提高货币政策传导效率出发,结合当前的货币形势,稳步推进利率市场化.  相似文献   

利率市场化进程中,数量型还是价格型货币政策合适?文章考虑金融市场上的金融加速器特征,将其引入DSGE模型,通过校准、模拟,从宏观经济波动幅度、不同货币政策下冲击效应以及福利损失函数三方面综合分析了利率市场化过程中数量型和价格型货币政策有效性问题。研究结果显示,随着存款利率的上升,在熨平经济波动方面,价格型货币政策更有优势;在促进经济增长方面,数量型货币政策更有优势;对央行损失而言,价格型货币政策的损失更小。因此,中央银行应根据需要灵活的运用数量型和货币型搭配使用,做好数量型向价格型转变。  相似文献   

近年来,随着利率市场化程度的加深,国内社区银行处于一个充满机遇和挑战的时期,文章基于SWOT模型剖析了社区银行在利率市场化中的信息成本、传导机制和监督环境等三方面优势;在利差收入、揽储能力等两方面劣势;面临市场定位、业务转型、经营特点等三方面机会以及来自负债类产品、资产类产品、互联网金融等三方面威胁,并对社区银行如何更好在利率市场化环境下开展业务建言献策。  相似文献   

The control-track interest rate and the market-track interest rate constitute China's dual-track interest rates. A theoretical model of dual-track interest rates and financial frictions is studied. In the model, bank loans are provided to state-owned enterprises with the control-track interest rate, private enterprises resort to shadow banking with the market-track interest rate. The interest rate wedge between these two interest rates distorts capital allocation, even driving a sector out of production. Full interest rate liberalization which eliminates the interest rate wedge alleviates cross-sector capital misallocation. However, the net effect on aggregate TFP is ambiguous due to the within-sector effect. Under calibrated parameters, full interest rate liberalization improves aggregate TFP moderately, unless the financial reform aimed to have SOEs and POEs face the same degree of financial frictions is also implemented.  相似文献   

China has a dual-track interest-rate system: bank deposit and lending rates are regulated while money and bond rates are market-determined. The central bank also imposes an indicative target, which may not be binding at all times, for total credit in the banking system. We develop and calibrate a theoretical model to illustrate the conduct of monetary policy within the framework of dual-track interest rates and a juxtaposition of price- and quantity-based policy instruments. We show the transmission of monetary policy instruments to market interest rates, which, together with the indicative credit target in the banking system, ultimately are the means by which monetary policy affects the real economy. The model shows that market interest rates are most sensitive to changes in the benchmark deposit interest rates, significantly responsive to changes in the reserve requirements, but not particularly reactive to open market operations. These theoretical results are verified and supported by both linear and GARCH models using daily money and bond market data. Overall, the findings of this study help us to understand why the central bank conducts monetary policy in China the way it does, using a combination of price and quantitative instruments with differing degrees of potency in terms of their influence on the cost of credit.  相似文献   

China's recent removal of the last ceiling restriction on deposit rates in October 2015 is a milestone in interest rate liberalization, but not the end of it. International experience suggests that, without structural and quantitative reforms, simply freeing interest rates can result in major financial stress. Before China's central bank can completely relinquish implicit or explicit guidance for commercial banks' interest rate determination, it needs to accomplish two tasks: improvement of commercial banks' pricing capability as well as the monetary policy transmission mechanism. Both tasks require significant reform measures to be initiated, such as enforcing market discipline, forming a new monetary policy framework, developing money and capital markets, abandoning quantitative restrictions on credit and reforming the financial regulatory system.  相似文献   

当前人民币国际化具有外汇储备的扩大、币值的稳定、金融市场的完善等许多有利的条件,同时也存在经济发展方式粗放、资本管制、美元惯性等诸多不利的条件。人民币国际化对货币政策可能会产生多方面的影响。由于货币政策具有溢出效应,同时考虑到利率市场化的影响,人民币国际化后货币政策的独立性将受到较大的冲击。人民币国际化对传导机制的影响表现在:由传统的信贷传导机制逐步转换为汇率传导机制,同时传导途径将进一步灵活化。由于存在货币替代,货币需求函数将变复杂且货币流量将更难以监控。在政策传导工具方面,准备金政策和再贴现政策效果将被削弱,而公开市场业务效果将增强。为了应对人民币国际化可能产生的影响,应当从加强对人民币的监督、完善利率与汇率机制、推进资本项目开放和合理搭配政策等方面采取对策来加以解决。  相似文献   

郑冰 《特区经济》2011,(2):93-94
本文选取2000~2009年数据,运用基于向量自回归模型的协整检验,格兰杰因果检验,脉冲响应函数和方差分解等计量方法,对我国货币政策利率传导渠道进行实证分析。研究结果表明我我国货币政策利率传导渠道存在一定的梗阻。本文在此基础上提出通过进一步推进利率市场化、加快企业与金融机构改革来完善货币政策利率传导渠道。  相似文献   

从美日经验分析利率市场化对金融运行的影响   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
美国和日本的利率市场化对金融运行产生不同的影响,其经验教训为我国利率市场化改革提供了借鉴。十二五时期,我国利率市场化进程将加快,放开存贷款利率成为我国利率市场化改革的攻艰任务。在此过程中,需要认真分析和研究利率市场化对经济和金融运行的影响,明确改革重点,完善配套措施,有序向前推进。  相似文献   

This study analyses the impact of direct inflation targeting (DIT) on monetary policy credibility in the Czech Republic, as evidenced by asset prices. It examines the effect of changes in the two-week repo rate (the official interest rate) on short and long–term market interest rates. It assumes the asymmetry of information and the existence of a stationary stochastic equilibrium with full knowledge of authorities reaction function. We find that at short maturities, the coefficients for changes in the official repo rate are lower in the DIT period than in the pre-crisis period. This implies that the hypothesis of no increase in the transparency of monetary policy with the introduction of DIT can be rejected. We find that bond yields and interest rate swap rates with maturities of 5 years and longer did not react significantly to official interest rate decisions in the DIT period. This is consistent with the hypothesis that monetary policy was credible both before and after introduction of DIT.  相似文献   

This paper investigates the strength of the bank lending channel in the transmission of monetary policy in Thailand. Bank behavior is captured by quarterly balance sheet data for ten commercial banks of diverse size for the period 2007-2016. Based on a flexible form profit function, bank supply and demand equations are estimated that capture lending and funding choices. The estimation results are used to derive time-dependent supply and demand elasticities which are then combined with estimates of pass-through from the policy rate to retail rates to simulate the dynamic impact of a monetary tightening on bank portfolio allocations. Due to pass-through differentials among retail interest rates, an increase in the policy rate is shown to raise the cost of loan-production relative to the return on loans, thereby motivating banks to contract their lending. Small banks show a greater degree of loan contraction than large banks because large banks are better able to fund continued lending through debt issuance. Because the Thai economy relies heavily on bank loans, these findings suggest that the bank lending channel is an important conduit for the transmission of monetary policy in Thailand.  相似文献   

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