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互动性是互联网非常重要的概念和特征。与现实世界中的面对面交流不同,在线交流很大程度上依赖于网络互动的效率。与实体店购物相比,网络购物具有其独特的虚拟性和远距离性,这使得互动不可或缺。本文通过分析“网络互动-信任-消费者购买意愿”这一影响路径,结合网络互动三个维度,即消费者-平台互动、消费者-卖家互动和消费者-消费者互动,深入探讨了网络互动对消费者购买意愿的影响。研究表明:消费者-平台、消费者-卖家、消费者-消费者的网络互动水平越高,消费者对平台、卖家的认知信任和情感信任程度越高,消费者购买意愿越强。在此研究结论的基础上,针对平台和商家,提出利用网络互动提升消费者购买意愿的营销启示。  相似文献   

随着互联网经济的快速发展,网络购物作为一种新的商业模式,受到越来越多的商家和消费者的青睐,然而在给人带来快捷方便和高效的同时,也带来了商业诚信、交易安全等方面的问题。如果不及时对面临的问题作出明确的法律规定,营造一个良好的法律大环境,将不利于网络购物的良性发展,不能给网络购物带来真正的生命力,而本文则在此基础上对网络购物平台下的法律保护作出一番探讨。  相似文献   

本文通过分析企业和消费者双方在网络购物活动中所面临的信任问题,提出了在网络购物中建立信任的策略和建议。  相似文献   

叶媚  徐杰 《电子商务》2010,(9):23-25
网络购物已经日益被广大网民所接受,在网络购物中,第三方物流服务提供商、网络购物平台、网络购物上游(卖方)、网络购物下游(买方)家已经形成了一个复杂的关系链,如果可以将网络购物物流部分独立出来,形成一个完善的物流选择、查询、评价系统,对于网络购物上下游客户在选择和评价物流服务时有了一个公共信息平台,同时对于提供物流服务管理、同行服务水平、客户需求方也有了直观的绩效考核评价依据。因此,建立一个基于互联网的物流服务公共信息平台来整合现有的物流资源、互通有无,可大力促进网络购物物流服务提供商或者网络购物平台与网络购物上下游(卖方和买方)的对接联动,更好地服务于电子商务网络购物。基于此提出:在互联网上构建一个服务于网络购物的物流公共信息平台。  相似文献   

我国电子商务事业经过长时间发展,已被群众广泛接受,现阶段在网络上购物已然成为我国人民主要购物方式之一。 可在此背景下,消费者在网络购物时经常在退换货、货款理赔等事项上面临较大困境,网络购物平台(以下简称“网购平台”)各项管理问题也日益凸显。 在相关法律之中明确规定了网购纠纷处理原则和制度,可部分层面依旧存在较大法律缺口。文章从法学角度出发,对目前网购平台管理过程中相关问题开展探究,并提出相应对策,以供参考。  相似文献   

近年来,互联网和电子商务的极速发展为网络购物提供了更多更大的操作平台,现代人们网络购物的趋势迅猛发展,而大学生作为网络购物群体中的主体,其在网络购物平台的消费额与消费的商品种类和数量上影响着网购平台的销售走向,即大学生的网络消费行为会预示着未来几年的网络消费趋势以及昭示着网络购物的发展前景。据此,以大学生网络消费视角,基于大学生网络购物现状,以大学生网络购物为基点,分析网络购物给人们生活和社会经济发展带来的影响,进而深入分析我国未来消费需求变化和网络购物的发展前景,并探寻网络购物的发展存在的不足和遇到的问题,提出相应解决方案,为网购服务平台等和有关部门提供参考。  相似文献   

随着网络购物的飞速发展,网络购物中的诚信问题也越发明显,主要表现在网络商家的不诚信,客户隐私遭到侵害,物流配送机制不健全。其原因是信息的不对称性,缺乏诚信意识,社会约束机制不健全。在网络购物活动中,应加强诚信建设,建立健全法律制度,加强物流企业的管理,建立科学的服务标准和服务质量体系,使网络购物诚信健康发展。  相似文献   

日益壮大的网络购物市场在给消费者提供了一种新的消费模式的同时也带来了更大的交易风险和不确定性。为了规避交易风险,电子商务平台建立了一种信誉反馈机制,为消费者作出购买决策提供参考。回顾了国内外有关在线环境下商家信誉对消费者溢价支付意愿的研究,以期为未来的研究提供帮助和借鉴。  相似文献   

随着我国经济的高速发展,网络购物慢慢地成为人们讨论的热点话题。而当今的大学生作为一个特殊的消费群体受到越来越多的关注。通过探究校园网购对大学生消费行为的影响,发现大学生在校园网购中存在的问题主要是大学生存在不理性消费,具有一定的盲目性,网上购物平台存在一定的风险性等等。大学生要学会理性购物,养成正确的消费习惯,培养正常的消费方式;学校方面可进行关于网购的讲座,提倡同学们理性网购;网上购物平台管理方也应该加强对网络购物环境的整理,营造一个安全可靠的购物环境;社会方面可加强对网购的监督,使网购逐渐透明化,保护大学生的合法权益。  相似文献   

李瑛 《商场现代化》2007,(34):57-58
随着互联网技术的快速发展,网络消费正作为一种新的消费方式进入了寻常百姓家。方便、快捷、实惠的网络消费,刚好迎合了现代人快节奏的生活,被越来越多的人所青睐。然而,在我国internet发展的时间较短,网络消费刚刚兴起,在发展过程中还存在着消费者购物观念陈旧;网上购物知识缺乏;网上商店售后服务不完善等诸多问题。因此,为了促进网络消费健康、快速发展,应该从加强主力网民的网络消费观念;加强对网商的信誉管理;完善物流配送系统;建立网络支付平台等方面采取营销对策。  相似文献   

近年来,越来越多的个体、商家加入移动社交网络平台开展电子商务活动,对网络零售产生了重要影响。但由于缺乏监管和行业规范的引导,消费者感知风险存在,影响消费者交易行为,且理论研究较少,也不能为此类电子商务模式的发展提供理论指导。信任是电子商务活动的基础,信任对消费者购买意愿产生直接影响,平台可用性、消费者内在特征和行为以及商家会直接或间接影响非移动社交电子商务模式消费者的购买意愿。而在移动社交电子商务中,由于其模式的独特性,以往影响消费者信任的因素已难以有效反映移动社交电子商务消费者的购买意愿。此外,商家通过社群与若干消费者建立不同程度的连接,需要研究连接中强弱关系对消费者购买意愿的影响程度。因此,基于移动社交电子商务的特点假设影响消费者信任和购买意愿的因素,即除系统质量、信息质量、产品质量、服务质量四个影响非移动社交电子商务消费者信任的因素外,还包括社群关系和网购认知这两个影响移动社交电子商务消费者信任的新因素,接下来假设上述因素对消费者感知信任和感知风险两个中介变量存在影响,并进一步影响消费者购买意愿,继而再通过构建结构方程模型进行实证分析。实证结果显示,系统质量、信息质量、产品质量、服务质量均不同程度正向影响消费者感知信任,负向影响感知风险,而社群强弱关系对购买意愿的影响与弱关系理论结论相反,网购认知对增强消费者感知信任作用明显,消除消费者感知风险是增强消费者信任的重要途径。  相似文献   

The Internet has made it possible for consumers to share reviews, opinions, and thoughts about products and services on online shopping websites. This user-generated content (UGC), which can be considered to be part of social commerce, is likely to influence other consumers’ attitudes toward a product and subsequent purchase intentions. The purpose of this study was to investigate two major uses of UGC: hedonic and utilitarian, and how they impact purchase intentions, along with users’ trust for different types of comments and reviews. Also investigated are associations between hedonic use, utilitarian use, and trust, with purchase behavior at online shopping websites. Results of this study will add to the domain knowledge related to marketing and how it impacts consumer psychology and behavior. From a practitioner perspective, marketers need to understand the impact of UGC so they can monitor this method of marketing communication as it can impact trust and purchase intentions.  相似文献   

We explore the impact of privacy disclosures on online shoppers’ trust in an e-tailer through a two-phase study. In the first study, we use a between-subjects factorial design to test whether the presence of an online privacy policy influences consumer trust and find that consumers are likely to respond more favorably to a shopping site with a clearly stated privacy message than to one without it, especially when privacy risk is high. In our second experiment, we examine the effects of different forms of privacy disclosures. The results suggest that online shoppers find a short, straightforward privacy statement more comprehensible than a lengthy, legalistic one. However, how a privacy policy is presented (in terms of wording) does not affect a shopper's trust in the store to any significant degree.  相似文献   

在对336份调研问卷实证分析基础上,从在线信任理论、制度信任理论及社会渗透理论出发,对我国共享经济下消费者信任的前因和后果及其作用机制进行研究,认为制度机制有效性感知是能代表审核与认证机制有效性感知、隐私保证机制有效性感知和安全保障机制有效性感知的形成性二阶变量,对消费者信任有显著正向影响;与供方互动有效性感知对消费者信任的正向影响不显著,与其他消费者互动有效性感知对消费者信任的正向影响显著;消费者信任对持续共享意愿有显著正向影响,并对感知风险有显著负向影响;制度机制有效性和社会互动有效性对消费者信任的影响存在显著的性别差异,即性别对这两条路径具有调节效应。因此,共享经济平台企业应建立健全管理制度,构建安全、信赖、可靠的在线交易环境,提高消费者的信任和信心,以实现共享平台的可持续发展;共享平台应优化平台网站界面,充分利用社交媒体和社交网络,构建线上和线下平台共享社区,释放共享平台在基层民主治理创新方面的活力;政府主管部门应牢牢把握消费者安全至上的发展理念,加强与平台企业之间的数据共享,建立和完善共享平台与政府部门联动的应急处置机制和风险防范化解机制,形成多元主体协同治理新格局;基于消费数据,共享平台应对市场进行有效细分,制定有针对性的差异化运营策略和营销策略,最大化满足消费者个性需求。  相似文献   

This study examines the influence of retail brand trust, off‐line patronage, clothing involvement, and website quality on online apparel shopping intention for young female US consumers. Data for this study were collected from 200 young female consumers who completed an online survey. Participants were asked to select one of three pre‐determined apparel retail brands that they have either had experience with or were familiar with. Respondents were then asked to keep their selected retailer in mind when completing the questionnaire and were also asked to briefly visit the retailer's website shopping for a shirt or blouse. Factor, correlation and multiple regression analyses were conducted to test our hypotheses. Retail brand trust, off‐line patronage, clothing involvement and two factors of website quality (usability and information quality, visual appeal and image) were found to significantly influence online apparel shopping intention. Off‐line patronage was the strongest predictor of online shopping intention. Implications for multi‐channel apparel retailers were discussed based on these findings.  相似文献   

Trustmarks: Strategies for exploiting their full potential in e-commerce   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Internet-based commerce has undergone explosive growth over the past decade and is expected to keep growing. With the increasing popularity of online marketplaces, trust is seen as a key foundation for consumers’ willingness to purchase, in particular, from unknown sellers. While trust has been examined in various contexts, limited focus has been placed on the importance of displaying institutional trust assurances such as trustmarks on retailers’ websites. We conducted two studies into how the use of trustmarks impacts consumer trust, consumer risk perceptions, and, consequently, influences consumer purchase intentions. The results of the two studies suggest that the use of trustmarks increases consumer online trust and purchase intentions, as well as reducing their perceived risk. We use these results to inform managerial decision making in e-commerce, particularly for marketers and e-retailers. We provide three important managerial lessons to be learned from our insights. Our implications are important not only for mature e-commerce markets to create a competitive advantage but also for growing and emerging e-commerce markets, where new retailers are trying to establish trust among their consumers to increase market share.  相似文献   

While online return policies are a guarantee of consumer rights that strengthens competitiveness, how to avoid unethical returns by consumers is a vital issue. This study examines the influences of e-retailers’ ethical efforts and consumer personalities on fraudulent returns through relationship building and maintenance. We found that commitment effectively reduces unethical returns. E-retailer's transaction ethics and consumer shopping orientation and relationship proneness can improve consumer trust in and commitment to the retailer, and prevent fraudulent returns. Scholarly and management implications are presented based on our findings.  相似文献   

While previous studies indicate that female consumers display less trust for online shopping than males do, there is little research to addresses the reasons behind this difference. Our study applies a combination of both self‐report and the Implicit Association Test (IAT) to compare the cognitive and affective components of attitudes in men and women toward online shopping in China. Although female participants showed no significant difference from male participants in affective attitudes toward online shopping in the self‐report condition, females associated online shopping more frequently with unpleasant adjectives and off‐line shopping with pleasant adjectives in the indirect IAT condition. The opposite pattern was found for the male group. This finding indicates a wanting but disliking attitude toward online shopping among the female consumers in China, which provides a unique theoretical contribution to consumer behavior theory and helps to enhance e‐marketers’ market targeting and segmentation effectiveness in China.  相似文献   

Online shopping has become increasingly popular in business development and the number of new online stores is ever increasing. Many of these online stores, however, fail. Research has indicated that one of the biggest reasons why these online stores fail is because of consumers׳ lack of trust. One solution that has been proposed is for online retailers to increase their level of social presence.This study investigates the impact of social presence, in its extreme form of online chat boxes, on initial trust formation for an online retailer. An experimental design was used and a structural equation model is tested using PLS-SEM (partial least square based structural equation modeling). Social presence was found to not only influence initial trust in the website, but also participants׳ enjoyment and perceived usefulness of the site. Therefore even though managers might think that there is no ROI in their investment in social presence, it still has a notable impact on consumers׳ perception of an online retailer they have not seen or used before. This is especially relevant to new online stores.  相似文献   

With the combination of social media and e-commerce, consumers usually gather all kind of available information for making their final purchase decisions online. From the perspective of interpersonal interaction, we proposed similarity (including external similarity and internal similarity) is an important peripheral informational processing route for consumers to make decisions. Built on the theories of similarity extrapolation, trust transfer and parasocial interaction (PSI), we examined whether similarity could enhance PSI relationship between consumers and the intention to do the social shopping and social sharing. The findings of PLS analysis in this study demonstrated that both external similarity and internal similarity significantly affected consumers’ PSI relationship forming and trust transfer, which in turn exerted profound impacts on consumers’ social commerce behaviors.  相似文献   

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