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This paper reviews assessments of environmental impacts arising from consumption, taking into account the production and disposal of goods consumed. Assessments have mostly focused on understanding household consumption, but there is an increasing interest in understanding government consumption, as well as in the treatment of gross capital formation and trade. National economic and environmental accounts are the most frequently used data source for such studies and input–output techniques are usually applied. For many OECD countries and a few developing countries, assessments address only energy or greenhouse gas emissions. Few studies address a broader range of emissions-related environmental impacts. There is a lack of consideration for important pressures on ecosystems such as habitat change and overexploitation of fisheries and forests. In all countries, housing and food are important. In poor countries, public services can contribute substantially, while in rich countries, mobility and the consumption of manufactured goods is important. In rapidly developing economies, investments, especially in infrastructure and buildings, are important causes of environmental pressure as well. Differences in production conditions and pollution intensities across countries are substantial, so explicitly modelling the production of internationally traded goods using multi-regional input–output analysis is necessary to account correctly for the environmental impacts arising from the consumption of imported goods.  相似文献   

This paper focuses on the vertical integration of knowledge-intensive business services (KIBS) into manufacturing sectors, using a subsystem approach to input–output analysis. It aims at correctly assessing the process of structural change that has occurred in the four main European countries (France, Germany, Italy and the UK) over time (1995–2005). It does not focus on KIBS sectors per se, but on their function as carriers and sources of knowledge which influences the performance of sectors, value chains and clusters across industries and within countries. The analysis shows that KIBS’ contribution to satisfying the final demand of manufacturing is in general largely underestimated; that KIBS vertical integration into manufacturing has increased over time in all the countries investigated except the UK; and that the extent to which manufacturing sectors outsource to KIBS is significantly affected by their technological intensity.  相似文献   

Analysts carrying out input–output analyses of environmental issues are often plagued by environmental and input–output data existing in different classifications, with environmentally sensitive sectors sometimes being aggregated in the economic input–output database. In principle there are two alternatives for dealing with such misalignment: either environmental data have to be aggregated into the input–output classification, which entails an undesirable loss of information, or input–output data have to be disaggregated based on fragmentary information. In this article, I show that disaggregation of input–output data, even if based on few real data points, is superior to aggregating environmental data in determining input–output multipliers. This is especially true if the disaggregated sectors are heterogeneous with respect to their economic and environmental characteristics. The results of this work may help analysts in understanding that disaggregation based on even a small amount of proxy information can improve the accuracy of input–output multipliers significantly. Perhaps, these results will also provide encouragement for preferring model disaggregation to aggregation in future work.  相似文献   

This paper refines, develops and applies input–output (IO) decomposition analysis: by providing it with a unique intercountry perspective, by concentrating on explaining income growth, and by systematically separating the effects of trade structure changes from the effects of technology and preference changes. The resulting matrix formula distinguishes six components and is applied to a set of European Community (EC) intercountry IO tables for 1975 and 1985 with 25 sectors and eight EC countries. Because GDP growth is analyzed in nominal terms, macro-economic demand growth is found to be the most important component. The other five components relate to the effects of coefficient changes. Their sizes are smaller, but significant and widely different between sectors and countries, which shows that there is clear potential for effective sector policies.  相似文献   

National income is generated through national production in the form of ‘value added’; it is expended on goods and services in the form of ‘disposable’ or ‘net’ income. In this paper, I investigate what happens in between. The circuit of income flows generated in this way is comparable to the circuit of product flows, in its complexity. It can be analysed, so the tenet of the paper, in a similar way, by means of well-known tools of input–output (IO) analysis; this on the pre-condition, however, that you draw out the institutional framework of an economy in similar detail as is now customarily done for production units in IO analysis. Existing data do not suffice for the purpose, at present; this paper shows, by way of some exemplary calculations, what insight into the mechanism of national income distribution is gained if the necessary data, normally in the form of a large social accounting matrix, are provided.  相似文献   

This paper provides the latest Social Accounting Matrix (SAM) of the year 2003–2004 for the Indian economy with a wide variety of disaggregation for the Energy sector and the sectors that are relevant for environmental and climate policy evaluation. This SAM shows the interaction between production, income, consumption and capital accumulation. It can be used to provide an analysis of the interrelationship between the production structure of an economy and the distribution of incomes and expenditures of different household groups. In addition, it can be used for multiplier analysis to capture direct, indirect and induced impact on input use due to any exogenous changes in the economy. This SAM consists of 85 sectors of the economy, three factors of production and nine categories of occupational households. The Indian economy is becoming structurally biased towards capital intensive sectors, such as service and energy production. The energy production sector itself is the most energy intensive sector as of 2003–2004.  相似文献   

The goal of this paper is to check if different theoretical approaches to price formation can be verified in the structure of empirical input–output tables. From a propositive point of view, the hypothesis is made of two different markets (the ‘industrial’ market of intermediate and investment goods; and the ‘commercial’ market of final consumption goods), with two different mechanisms of price formation. The consequences of this hypothesis are outlined as regards deflation procedures. An empirical test of the theories about price formation and of the method of deflation suggested by the two-market hypothesis is made using 1985 Italian input–output tables at 1980 prices.  相似文献   

Based on an Input–Output framework, the first part of the paper presents methodological problems of quantifying non-market services. Considering the static Input–Output table we extended the matrix of technological coefficients by some sectors of unpaid public goods. With the aid of a new intepretation of intersectoral flows measured by single elements of input and by quantifying structural effects of non-market services in interrelations with market goods and services an assessment of the output of non-market services can be given. Using the dynamic Leontief model for analysing non-market services in macroeconomics our model turned out to be Ljapunov-stable. But in spite of this general stability the system covering an economically suitable period was practically unstable. In the second part structural effects of non-market services according to both static and dynamic Input–Output models with an estimated data basis of the GDR economy are discussed.  相似文献   

Missing process detail of sectors in Input–Output (I–O) tables has been pointed out as a limitation of I–O analysis in environmental-economic life cycle assessment. Aggregation of resource-intensive sectors decreases the accuracy of the results. Often, economic sectors are compiled in a more aggregated form than environmental satellite accounts, and as [Lenzen, M. (2011) Aggregation Versus Disaggregation in Input–Output Analysis of the Environment. Economic Systems Research, 23, 73–89] asserts, it is superior for environmental analysis to disaggregate the I–O table, even if only partial information exists for the disaggregation. In this paper we present a methodology to disaggregate the electricity sector of the Chinese national I–O table by using regional information and cost data for operation and maintenance of power plants. The electricity sector is disaggregated into a transmission and distribution sector as well as eight sub-sectors representing different types of technology in power plants (subcritical coal, hydro, etc.). The electricity consumption mix of each industry is determined by using regional industry presence and regional electricity power mixes. The disaggregated I–O table offers refined results for calculating emissions embodied in international exports from China, a valuable contribution for estimating national greenhouse gases emissions inventories under the consumption-based approach for countries that rely heavily on imports of goods from China.  相似文献   

The Global Resource Accounting Model (GRAM) is an environmentally-extended multi-regional input–output model, covering 48 sectors in 53 countries and two regions. Next to CO2 emissions, GRAM also includes different resource categories. Using GRAM, we are able to estimate the amount of carbon emissions embodied in international trade for each year between 1995 and 2005. These results include all origins and destinations of emissions, so that emissions can be allocated to countries consuming the products that embody these emissions. Net-CO2 imports of OECD countries increased by 80% between 1995 and 2005. These findings become particularly relevant, as the externalisation of environmental burden through international trade might be an effective strategy for industrialised countries to maintain high environmental quality within their own borders, while externalising the negative environmental consequences of their consumption processes to other parts of the world. This paper focuses on the methodological aspects and data requirements of the model, and shows results for selected countries and aggregated regions.  相似文献   

R&D spillovers are unanimously considered as one of the main driving forces of technical change, innovation and economic growth. This paper aims at measuring interindustry R&D spillovers. We apply an ‘uncertainty-sensitivity analysis’ to the Italian input–output table of intermediate goods split into 31 economic sectors for the year 2000. The value added of using this methodology is the opportunity of distinguishing between spillover effects induced by productive linkages (the Leontief forward multipliers) and those activated by R&D investments, capturing the uncertain and non-linear nature of the relations between spillovers and factors affecting them.  相似文献   

When adjustments in the foreign exchange market involve changes in the production of marginally traded goods, the traditional formula for calculating the accounting (shadow) price of foreign exchange assumes that domestic prices and marginal costs at efficiency prices for those goods are equal. In this paper, a method is proposed for estimating an accounting price ratio of foreign exchange in a partial equilibrium framework, abandoning that assumption. For that purpose, input–output techniques are used, to take into account the effets of changes in the production of traded goods.  相似文献   

The rapidly growing theories of networks and complex systems have been recently adopted to interpret the efficiency and robustness of various economic markets. Based on these theoretical underpinnings, the present paper describes a structural input–output analysis of the inter-sectoral linkages and main activity clusters of the Greek economy, which is modeled as a complex network. Such an analysis employs suitable network metrics to measure the centrality and influence of each sector-agent on the other ones, and the possibilities for clustering of related (groups of) activities. Key sectors related to the production of tradable goods and services are identified, in terms of their marginal ability to pull the total economic activity. Critical sectors are also determined in terms of their ability to retain the interconnectivity and strengthen the stability of the whole economic system. It is argued that more synergies within and among the activity clusters, through the creation of integrated value chains, would allow better coordination of policies, more efficient allocation of resources and enhanced diffusion of knowledge.  相似文献   

A Fuzzy clustering approach to the key sectors of the Spanish economy   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The search for key sectors in an economy has been and still is one of the more recurrent themes in input–output analysis. When using clustering techniques, sectors can only belong to a group, having a particular performance. But, actually, the same sector could be important from different perspectives at the same time, to a different degree. So, a fuzzy clustering approach is needed. In this work we propose a multidimensional approach to classify the productive sectors of the Spanish input–output table for 1995, based on three groups of variables: those related to their productive integration, others measuring their specific weight in the economy and finally some showing their economic dynamic. We also incorporate into the analysis the technological level, which being a categorical variable presents special methodological problems. All these questions are tackled applying a robust and fuzzy clustering analysis, which gives as a result a classification of sectors illustrating the role that each one plays in the Spanish economy.  相似文献   

The conceptual reach of the basic input–output modeling framework is substantially extended by new models that incorporate the economic logic of comparative advantage as the basis for the endogenous choice among alternative production technologies. This paper establishes procedures that define the conditions under which the database used for scenario analysis in this extended framework assures the existence of an economically feasible solution. We provide a criterion for structural feasibility, the property established by the Hawkins–Simon condition for the basic input–output model, and introduce a criterion for scale feasibility. The logic underlying the tests is illustrated by numerical examples based on the Rectangular Choice-of-Technology model and database. These procedures can be particularly useful for incorporating engineering and other technical sources of information into multi-regional input–output databases; they can also provide substantial underlying detail about individual technologies, sectors, and factors of production for both feasible and infeasible scenarios.  相似文献   

This paper investigates the impact of direct and indirect R&D on the productivity growth of 30 French industries during the period 1978–92. The main aim of this paper is to assess the appropriateness of the Yale Technology Concordance (YTC) as a proxy for indirect R&D flows. We compare the effect on productivity growth of the Yale proxy with the traditional proxy based on goods input–output flows, and assess their suitability for different groups of industries. Results indicate that the indirect YTC proxy performs slightly better than the traditional proxy, as a result of superior performance in the high-tech and service sectors in particular.  相似文献   

The impact of the exchange rate on price formation is often debated through a mechanism called the exchange-rate pass-through. Studies of the pass-through generally rely on econometric analysis implemented on time series data. This study examines pass-through to the domestic price level through an input–output model. The proposed model is implemented on a sample of countries, and a number of different variables connected to the pass-through are examined. A comparison across countries and sectors highlights the importance of the construction sector in price formation. National income is negatively related to the pass-through. A high dependence on intermediate imports implies higher pass-through. Price level volatility and pass-through are positively related; whereas a country’s monetary policy stance has no apparent effect. The effect of exchange-rate volatility is unclear; it is negative for the real effective exchange rate, the connection is very weak in the case of the nominal exchange rate.  相似文献   

In industry sectors where market prices for goods and services are unavailable, it is common to use estimated output and input distance functions to estimate rates of productivity change. It is also possible, but less common, to use estimated distance functions to estimate the normalised support (or efficient) prices of individual inputs and outputs. A problem that arises in the econometric estimation of these functions is that more than one variable in the estimating equation may be endogenous. In such cases, maximum likelihood estimation can lead to biased and inconsistent parameter estimates. To solve the problem, we use linear programming to construct a quantity index. The distance function is then written in the form of a conventional stochastic frontier model where the explanatory variables are unambiguously exogenous. We use this approach to estimate productivity indexes, measures of environmental change, levels of efficiency, and support prices for a sample of Australian public hospitals.  相似文献   

The past few years have seen the emergence of several global multiregional input–output (MRIO) databases. Due to the cost and complexity of developing such extensive tables, industry sectors are generally represented at a rather aggregate level. Currently, one of the most important applications of input–output analysis is environmental assessments, for which highly aggregate sectors may not be sufficient to yield accurate results. We experiment with four of the most important global MRIO systems available, analyzing the sensitivity of a set of aggregate CO2 multipliers to aggregations in the MRIO tables used to calculate them. Across databases, we find (a) significant sensitivity to background system detail and (b) that sub-sectors contained within the same aggregate MRIO sector may exhibit highly different carbon multipliers. We conclude that the additional information provided by the extra sector detail may warrant the additional costs of compilation, due to the heterogeneous nature of economic sectors in terms of their environmental characteristics.  相似文献   


As a large archipelago with significant geographical variation and economic diversity, Indonesia requires detailed regional information when subjected to economic modelling. While such information is available, it however has not been integrated and harmonised into a comprehensive input–output database, thus preventing economic, social, and environmental modelling for investigating sub-national regional policy questions. We present the new IndoLab, a collaborative research platform for Indonesia, enabling input–output modelling of economic, social, and environmental issues in a cloud-computing environment. Within the IndoLab researchers are for the first time able to generate a time series of regionally and sectorally detailed and comprehensive, sub-national multi-region input–output (MRIO) tables for Indonesia. By integrating a multitude of economic, social, and environmental data into a single standardised processing pipeline and harmonised data repository, the IndoLab is able to generate MRIO tables capturing up to 1148 sectors, and 495 cities and regencies. Researchers can freely choose from this detail to construct tables with customised classifications that suit their own research questions. First results from the IndoLab clearly demonstrate the unique characteristics of regions in terms of their sectors’ employment intensity. Thus, the IndoLab has great potential for investigating policy questions that cannot be comprehensively addressed using a single national database.  相似文献   

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