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The development and use of information and communication technologies is one of the key drivers of the ‘knowledge economy.’ In this paper, we investigate the impact of information technology on the output growth of the Singapore economy using the input–output framework. The input–output framework allows us to understand the impact of information sector in an integrated framework in terms of its linkages to the manufacturing and service sectors. In particular, we adopt the input–output approach to shed light on both production and diffusion activities of the information sector on the Singapore economy. The results indicate that the ICT sector provided the key linkages for the expansion of high-value added manufacturing activities and electronics export for the Singapore economy.  相似文献   

Bródy's conjecture regarding the instability of economies is submitted to an empirical test using input–output flow tables of varying size for the US economy, for the benchmark years 1997 and 2002, as well as for the period 1998–2011. The results obtained using input–output tables of various dimensions lend support to the view of increasing instability (in the sense of Bródy) of the US economy over the period considered. Furthermore, our analysis shows that only a few vertically integrated industries are enough to shape the behaviour of the entire economy in the case of a disturbance. These results may usefully be contrasted with those derived in a parallel literature on aggregate fluctuations from microeconomic ‘idiosyncratic’ shocks.  相似文献   

Extended input–output models require careful estimation of disaggregated consumption by households and comparable sources of labor income by sector. The latter components most often have to be estimated. The primary focus of this paper is to produce labor demand disaggregated by workers’ age. The results are evaluated through considerations of its consistency with a static labor demand model restricted with theoretical requirements. A Bayesian approach is used for more straightforward imposition of regularity conditions. The Bayesian model confirms elastic labor demand for youth workers, which is consistent with what past studies find. Additionally, to explore the effects of changes in age structure on a regional economy, the estimated age-group-specific labor demand model is integrated into a regional input–output model. The integrated model suggests that ceteris paribus ageing population contributes to lowering aggregate economic multipliers due to the rapidly growing number of elderly workers who earn less than younger workers.  相似文献   

The interface between household income and expenditure has always been considered to be a key component in the construction of input–output models. However, it can be argued that households are too often treated as if they were just another in dustry in the input–output table. In this paper, we seek to address this problem by developing a new modelling framework in which a micro demand system is used to estim ate the relationship between income and expenditure. This demand system is conjoined with an input–output table for the UK economy, and the system as a whole is solved as a computable general equilibrium model. Comparisons are made between the Jacobian multipliers generated by this model and those derived from a more traditional input–output model in which the income-expenditure linkage is estimated using static coefficients.  相似文献   

This paper examines the nature of uncertainty in integrated econometric+input–output (ECIO) regional models. We focus on three sources of uncertainty: (a) econometric model parameter uncertainty; (b) econometric disturbance term uncertainty; and (c) input–output coefficient uncertainty. Through a series of Monte Carlo simulations we analyse the relative importance of each component as well as the question of how their interaction may propagate through the integrated model to affect the distributions of the endogenous variables. Our results suggest that there is no simple answer to the question of which source of uncertainty is most important in an integrated model. Instead, that answer is conditioned upon the focus of the analysis and whether the industry specific or macro level variables are of central concerns.  相似文献   

We estimate productivity growth without recourse to data on factor input shares or prices. In the proposed model, the economy is represented by the Leontief input–output model, which is extended by the constraints of primary inputs. A Luenberger productivity indicator is proposed to estimate productivity change; this is then decomposed in a way that enables us to examine the contributions of individual production factors and individual commodities to productivity change. The results allow for the identification of inputs or outputs that are the drivers of the overall productivity change. Their contributions are then decomposed into efficiency change and technical change components. Using input–output tables of the US economy for the period 1977–2006, we show that technical progress has been the main source of productivity change. Technical progress was mostly driven by capital, whereas low-skilled labour contributed negatively.  相似文献   

In this paper, we introduce scarcity into a conventional demand-driven input–output system to produce a ‘flex-price’ Leontief model. We retain the fixed technical coefficients but allow changes in relative prices to reflect variations in the real wage. Because the consumption coefficients increase with the real wage, the aggregate labour demand curve is found to be upward sloping. This produces conventional results, as long as the labour supply curve is perfectly elastic (horizontal). However, once we introduce labour scarcity, in the form of an upward sloping labour supply function, we derive the seemingly paradoxical result that the output and employment effects of a demand expansion are greater here than in conventional input–output. Through simulation, this result is found to be strongly dependent on the assumption of export exogeneity.  相似文献   

The input–output framework has evolved dramatically since its initial formulation. New analytical techniques and extensions have allowed a more comprehensive assessment of the economy and expanded its applicability. Nonetheless, the core of the framework has remained unchanged: an annually compiled input–output table, which conveys monetary flows between sectors in a region in a particular year. Hence, the technical coefficients derived from it are ‘average’ input compositions, neglecting fluctuations in production capacity, seasonality and temporal shocks within that period. This paper develops a consistent methodology to disaggregate the annual input–output table in its time dimension in order to estimate intra-year input–output matrices with distinct technical structures for a particular year. The main advantages in relation to the annual model are to allow seasonal effects to be studied within the input–output framework, to better understand the process of coefficient change and to offer a more comprehensive dynamic view of production.  相似文献   

Despite theoretical advances, non-linear input–output models have been empirically applied only to a limited extent. This is mainly due to the fact that the number of parameters to be estimated is much higher than the number of available data points. Taking advantage of the recent proliferation of input–output databases and by applying an estimation strategy that relies on entropy econometrics, this paper suggests a way to estimate the parameters that characterize non-linear relationships between inputs and output. This non-linear modelling allows for considering time-specific input coefficients, instead of fixed ones. Several types of multipliers can be derived from this non-linear model, and the proposed generalized maximum entropy (GME) estimator allows estimating them from time series or cross-sectional datasets of input–output tables. The proposed GME technique is illustrated by means of an empirical application that estimates the parameters that characterize a non-linear input–output model for the Spanish economy over the period 1995–2011.  相似文献   

This paper explores the relationship between labour values, prices of production and changes in income distribution in an actual economy. For this purpose we use a linear model of production with circulating capital and homogeneous labour, assuming that wages are paid ex ante. On the basis of this model and data from input–output tables of the Greek economy for the period 1988–1997 we estimate the labour values and prices of production, which are normalized with the use of the Sraffian standard commodity and the actual output vector. Furthermore, we extend Steedman's polynomial approximation of prices of production to include the case where wages are paid ex ante and the accuracy of this approximation is tested with actual input–output data. Finally, we find that prices of production change as a result of hypothetical changes in income distribution more often than not in a monotonic way and in a few cases display curvatures that reverse the order between prices of production and values.  相似文献   

Analysts carrying out input–output analyses of environmental issues are often plagued by environmental and input–output data existing in different classifications, with environmentally sensitive sectors sometimes being aggregated in the economic input–output database. In principle there are two alternatives for dealing with such misalignment: either environmental data have to be aggregated into the input–output classification, which entails an undesirable loss of information, or input–output data have to be disaggregated based on fragmentary information. In this article, I show that disaggregation of input–output data, even if based on few real data points, is superior to aggregating environmental data in determining input–output multipliers. This is especially true if the disaggregated sectors are heterogeneous with respect to their economic and environmental characteristics. The results of this work may help analysts in understanding that disaggregation based on even a small amount of proxy information can improve the accuracy of input–output multipliers significantly. Perhaps, these results will also provide encouragement for preferring model disaggregation to aggregation in future work.  相似文献   

There has been unrest in the research community investigating the inoperability of an economic system under disaster situations. The inoperability input–output model (IIM), which is very popular in the risk management field, has become a center of argument, particularly from the input–output researchers, that IIM is a straightforward application of the standard Leontief input–output model. This paper revisits the concept of inoperability, rather than IIM, and proposes its new role in disaster impact analysis using a conventional tool, i.e. the RAS method, for illustrating how the inoperability of an economic system in the aftermath of disaster can be evaluated. The proposed framework is employed to examine the inoperability of industries resulting from the 1995 Kobe earthquake. The findings of the analysis reveal the usefulness of inoperability concept that can even incorporate resilience (gained operability) using the proposed framework of this paper.  相似文献   

A linked econometric input–output (IO) model of the Austrian economy with an energy block is used in this study to assess the sectoral effects of carbon dioxide emissions reduction. The energy block and the other commodities are linked by a partitioned IO model. Energy demand is described using aggregate energy demand equations, by activities and subdemand systems of the translog type for different fuel types. The conversion of energy is modelled using an IO model of the energy sector. Measures for carbon dioxide reduction from detailed expert studies are introduced in the energy model and in the econometric model. The primary impacts are on energy demand, fuel shares and investment in new energy technologies. The simulation results of the partitioned IO model show different impacts on gross output, GDP and employment.  相似文献   

The framework and results of an international multi-region input–output (MRIO) model for the UK are presented. A time series of balanced input–output tables for the UK was constructed for the period 1992 to 2004 by using a matrix balancing procedure that is able to handle conflicting external data and inconsistent constraints. Detailed sectoral and country-specific trade data for the UK were compiled and reconciled with the UK input–output data, and economic and environmental accounts for three world regions were integrated in a UK-specific MRIO model. This was subsequently used to calculate a time series of national carbon footprints for the UK from 1992 to 2004. Greenhouse gas emissions embedded in UK trade are distinguished by destination of imports to intermediate and final demand. Most greenhouse gases show a significant increase over time in consumer emissions and a widening gap between producer and consumer emissions. Net CO2 emissions embedded in UK imports increased from 4.3% of producer emissions in 1992 to a maximum of 20% in 2002. The total estimated UK carbon footprint in 2004 was 730 Mt for CO2 and 934 Mt CO2 equivalents for all greenhouse gases.  相似文献   

Cluster evolution and urban industrial dynamics in the transition from a planned to a socialist market economy: the case of Beijing. Spatial Economic Analysis. The transformation of the industrial structure of Beijing in the transition from a planned to a socialist market economy integrated into global markets is examined through the lens of cluster evolutions and life cycles in 1987–2007. Cluster emergence, decomposition, stabilization, upgrading, restructuring and disappearance are identified using exploratory factor analysis of input–output tables. These evolutions are interpreted in the light of the way in which backward and forward linkages provide channels of communication, new intermediate goods, new divisions of labour and new patterns of co-location, and are related to the changing industrial geography of Beijing.  相似文献   

Many efforts have recently been devoted to developing global multi-region input–output (GMRIO) models. Unfortunately, the scales of GMRIO models do not allow them to capture the heterogeneity of regions within a single country. Multi-scale models can provide more comprehensive analyses capable of capturing the interdependencies of the global economy while preserving regional differences. The primary objective of this research is to develop methods for integrating multi-region input–output data sets from multiple spatial scales into multi-scale multi-region input–output (MSMRIO) models. These methods result in models that may have unusual features such as non-square trade coefficient matrices and a mix of industry-by-industry and commodity-by-commodity technical coefficients. To demonstrate the feasibility of MSMRIO modelling, a Canada-centric model was developed. This model includes 47 countries and Canada's 13 subnational regions. A MSMRIO model provides a tool to analyse global issues with a more spatially detailed focus.  相似文献   

This paper examines the structural changes and identifies sources of sectoral growth in Taiwan, which is an open but rapidly developing economy. A multiplicative version of a decomposition based on the Leontief input–output model is proposed. Empirical results based on deflated data using the shifting base technique show that average changes in final demand coefficients, mainly in household consumption and exports, account for a large portion of sectoral change in most industries. Extensive variations in industrial structure are detected in various developmental stages.  相似文献   

Using a translog cost functional form, a formal operational model with an adjustment process according to a first-order autoregressive scheme is presented, that allows the simultaneous determination of factor demands and of technological change in an input–output system. The analysis is carried out for sectors of the Dutch economy over the period 1954–83 and it reveals evidence of the dependence of factor demands on relative prices and on technological change.  相似文献   

This paper analyses the service intensities for production of different industries in the Indian economy during the period 1968–69 to 1993–94 with an input–output approach. Two different methodologies—(1) direct service intensities and (2) direct plus indirect service intensities—have been used to calculate the service intensity of different industries using six input–output tables. It is found from the exercise that service intensities have increased in the Indian economy over 25 years. To reflect the performance and trend of service intensity of each industry over the study period, the mean and coefficient of variation of the service intensities have been calculated. The empirical part of this study shows that Metal products, Machineries, Trade, and Banking have a high mean and a low coefficient of variation. According to their service intensities they were the key sectors, with consistently the largest consumption of the output of the service sector as an input for their production.  相似文献   

A multi-modal, multi-output, multiregional variable input-output (MMMVIO) model is introduced to evaluate the economic impact of a transportation system. The MMVIO model differs from the conventional input-output models by being price and cost sensitive. The regional technical coefficients, trade coefficients, modal choice of shipment, input mix and output composition are determined by the price and cost variables, a property not shared by the conventional input-output models.The transportation system reduces shipping cost of delivering commodities between regions, thereby stimulating economy of trading regions. The MMMVIO model captures the development impact incident to the transportation system.  相似文献   

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