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人们利用对生物的观察与模仿,在自然界中寻求和激发创作灵感,于是仿生设计在各个领域广泛应用。本文在阐明仿生设计基本概念的基础上,探讨了服装设计中仿生设计的应用,并提炼了服装仿生设计的流程。  相似文献   

严晓鹏 《汽车与社会》2013,(25):108-111
高驻地师一辈子最大的梦是-灵感抛弃了你!很少有设计师会告诉你什么样的设计 才是好设计,因为创意思考没能标准答案。但是当你精心感受每一件设计作品时,你会意外的发现,每位设计师的灵感来源竟然与生活如此息息相关,哪怕是一些我们经常 看漏的微小细节,  相似文献   

田山淳朗2007春夏系列灵感来源于20世纪50年代的经典款式,加上60年代生动而引人注目的图案设计。  相似文献   

本文从宁夏回族的传统服饰设计发展现状入手,力求在传统民族与现代服装设计手法之间碰撞出更具价值的火花,通过对宁夏回族服饰主要特征的分析与归纳,依托现有论著资料,挖掘宁夏回族服饰设计的潜在价值并提出创新设计思路,重视大众消费者个性化风格化的着装心理,拓展宁夏回族服饰设计的新思路,为当代服装设计师多元化、个性化设计提供更多的灵感。  相似文献   

灵感,一种很玄妙的东西,一触即发,不可收拾,尤其对于那些走在时尚前沿的设计师们来说。时装大师伊夫·圣·洛朗(Yves Saint Iaurent)通过研究工艺美术获取设计灵感,让“YSL圣罗兰”大放光彩。时尚界鬼才伦佐·罗索(Re’nzo Rosso),靠驾驶的时候在音乐、汽油味、引擎和马路杂音之间进发灵感,成就DIESEL品牌。今天,当代的设计师们转了方向,开始研究电影了,灵感,就在那些光影中跳跃着。  相似文献   

三宅一生的"一块布"设计给许多服装设计师以灵感,但这种概念设计也只能应用于极小部分服装的设计,并且没有将这种原始服装设计方法的精髓展现出来。本文将对于切割手法在"一块布"服装造型设计中的具体应用手法进行研究,探寻一种新的服装设计切入点。  相似文献   

本文通过对服装灵感来源过程进行分析,通过一种全新的思维转换方式去探究灵感来源与服装之间的关系。  相似文献   

着重揭示光色的内在规律,以及来自于自然的色彩内在结构,传递着形成色彩关系的基本规律和调和规律,为人们提供色彩设计的语素,启示着色彩设计构思的灵感,是设计师进行色彩设计的有力工具,因而成为我们自觉地认识色彩和创造色彩的有效手段。  相似文献   

近世纪欧洲宫廷服装在复古风盛行的当今给了设计师们源源不断的灵感。这一时期打破礼教束缚、崇尚新奇的审美标准,形成了新的服饰文化。本文通过对欧洲宫廷元素的解析,通过实践创作把欧洲宫廷元素和现代毛衫设计相结合,以期找到他们碰撞点,为现代毛衫设计提供一定的设计思路。  相似文献   

中国家用纺织品行业拥有巨大的发展空间和市场容量,面临着良好的发展机遇,也面临着挑战。面料再造与家纺设计的契合为家纺事业的发展带来新的生命力。面料再造的手法多种多样,面料再造运用于家纺设计中使设计多元化,可丰富与拓展设计思路,启发设计灵感;面料再造使家纺产品个性化,符合人们的消费心理;有利于产品创造更多的附加值;使家纺产品差异化、风格化,有利于家纺品牌的提升。  相似文献   

体验经济下的体验式服装设计   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
随着体验经济的到来,消费者的需求也在不断地升级,越来越关注体验的消费倾向促使产品设计要加入体验的元素。体验式服装设计作为一种更加关注人类情感和体验的设计方法,将为服装设计注入新的活力,对我们未来的生活产生积极而深远的影响。  相似文献   

体验经济的到来,预示着消费者对于产品的需求不再停留在功能,服务也退居其次,感性时代的来临,产品所被赋予的情感价值受到重视。在体验经济的冲击下,当代国内外设计界对体验式设计的关注度不断提高,服装设计的创新趋势越来越强调体验的价值。本文意在通过对体验经济及体验式设计的相关理论的探讨,借鉴相关的产品开发设计模式提出具体的服装设计创新方法和步骤。适应当今消费者对于服装这一消费品内心真正的需求,充分挖掘潜在需求,为服装企业设计产品、打造品牌、塑造核心竞争力提供新的方法。  相似文献   

本文将创造顾客体验作为品牌服装卖场设计的目的,分别从品牌服装卖场设计理念、设计程序及设计元素进行分析,探索品牌服装卖场体验化设计的思路。  相似文献   

Building on suggestions from the work of Martin Heidegger, a distinction is made between two ways of being in the world. One is associated with the unplanned particularity and care of Dasein, another with the planning and thinking-out of design; the former is characteristic of a more traditional way of life, the latter of contemporary life. Included are brief etymologies of `Dasein' and `design', along with some reflections on the two-fold history of design of internal structure and surface appearance (that is, of engineering and aesthetic design, respectively). The conclusion sketches out a problematics of engineering design as involving a disengagement from fundamental human experience, and suggests the need to discriminate between authenticity and inauthenticity in the world of design.  相似文献   

The aim of the study was to investigate the relationship between such factors as learning style, gender, prior experience, and successful achievement in contrasting modules taken by a cohort of thirty design and technology trainee teachers during their degree programme at a University in the North East of England. Achievement data were collected from three design and three electronic modules at levels 1, 2 and 3. Data concerning appropriate, previous experience before starting the course was obtained through a short questionnaire. The learning style of each member of the sample was ascertained using the Cognitive Style Analysis test. The findings from the study indicated that the learning style groupings were not as expected. A positive relationship between achievement and past experience in both electronics and design activity was found, although improvement for those with no prior experience in comparison to those with previous experience was only evident in electronics. A concern arising out of the data was the differences in terms of achievement between male and female students and also the difference in achievement when learning style and gender were scrutinised. The implications of the findings in relation to the success of the trainees as impending teachers of design and technology were discussed. The problems associated with the small cell size caused by splitting the sample by the three variables was acknowledged and a suggestion was made that further study would be required to ascertain whether the gender and learning style differences witnessed in this study would be replicated in a larger sample.  相似文献   

本文介绍作者多年来结合机械设计教学开展计算机辅助设计几种行之有效的形式。  相似文献   

本文介绍了一种结构复杂的炉喉钢砖的铸造工艺设计,详细阐述了设计的指导思想和浇冒系统的确定方法,为生产提供了实践经验。  相似文献   

本研究主要是针对在高科技及市场经济时代传统服装设计教学中存在的问题进行理论性论述,并且通过系统地调研及自身体会,对其中存在的问题提出引导性建议,为我国高校服装设计教学新模式的实现注入新鲜养分。  相似文献   

The various modes in which individuals relate to the collectivity of a group have been fruitfully explored in research on group dynamics. The present paper applies a phenomenological interview approach to understand how this dynamic relationship plays out among design students in a collaborative design situation. Through deep-interviews with the members of a temporary design group, a number of dimensions for this relationship were uncovered. These individual-group characteristics related to instrumentality of engagement, experience of ambivalence and threat and finally to the process of individualization in which the group enabled an individual “design self”. After having presented the theoretical underpinnings and the empirical results of this study, the paper ends with suggesting a synthesis perspective of the individual-group relation in collaborative design.  相似文献   

怀旧是人类一种情感体验,把怀旧情感融入玩具创新设计,使得玩具被赋予了情感理念。基于怀旧理念的玩具设计在材质、技术、功能上均有所创新。怀旧或创新是玩具设计的两种方法,不能忽略玩具本身。  相似文献   

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