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独立审计执业责任保险的问题和对策   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
独立审计实质上是委托人、受托人和注册会计师协会之间的一组契约的集合,经济活动的不确定性和复杂性,信息的不完全和不对称以及签约双方的有限理性等因素决定了契约总是不完备的,几乎在所有契约的签订和履行中,都不同程度地存在逆向选择和道德风险 问题,独立审计的职业特点,决定了注册会计师执业责任保险中逆向选择和道德风险问题的严重性;我国国有企业“公有产权”和“公共契约”特性,决定了我国独立审计执业责任保险中逆向选择和道德风险问题的特殊性。  相似文献   

我国推出注册会计师职业责任保险后,运行效果并不理想.本文在分析我国注册会计师职业责任保险属性的基础上,提出了构建我国注册会计师职业责任保险制度的几点建议.  相似文献   

2002年1月15日,随着最高人民法院《关于受理证券市场因虚假陈述引发的民事侵权纠纷案件有关问题的通知》的颁布,中国证券民事赔偿制度得到正式确立,投资者可以依法对实施侵权行为的机构和个人提起民事赔偿诉讼。同年2月至8月,上海二中院先后受理嘉宝实业虚假陈述案25起,原告为25名股民,被告则为嘉宝实业集团股份有限公司、嘉宝实业现任董事长、董事、原任董事长、董事及注册会计师等15人,11月11日,上海投资者彭淼秋女士投诉嘉宝实  相似文献   

注册会计师职业责任保险把集中于单个会计师事务所的民事赔偿风险分散于社会大众,强化了会计师事务所民事责任的赔偿功能,不仅分散了会计师事务所的执业风险,也有利于促进民事法律制度的完善和社会的稳定,应该说这是个“利圉利民”的好险种。  相似文献   

我国推出注册会计师职业责任保险后,运行效果并不理想。本文在分析我国注册会计师职业责任保险属性的基础上,提出了构建我国注册会计师职业责任保险制度的几点建议。  相似文献   

注册会计师投保执业保险是其规避民事责任的有效手段本文以现有法律、法规和规章为依据,就注册会计师在为上市公司提供审计服务时,如何完善执业责任保险进行探讨。  相似文献   

In order to protect consumers many governments have introduced strict legislation on product liability. Manufacturers can then either establish a strict system of quality control, or try to have their liability covered by insurance. Statistical quality control will give information about the probability that a consumer shall buy a defective product, and be entitled to claim compensation. This probability is relevant to both the manufacturer seeking the optimal control plan and the insurer who will quote a premium for an insurance contract covering the risk. Some simple models are studied, and it is shown that decentralized decision making will not in general lead to a Pareto optimal arrangement.
Riassunto Le legislazioni che molti governi hanno introdotto a difesa del consumatore, hanno posto i fabbricanti nelle condizioni di scegliere tra la individuazione di un più rigoroso sistema di controllo della qualità dei prodotti e il ricorso a qualche forma di assicurazione di responsabilità civile. Il controllo statistico di qualità è, com’è noto, in grado di fornire informazioni sulla probabilità che il consumatore acquisti un prodotto difettoso ed acquisisca quindi titolo a richiedere qualche forma di risarcimento. La valutazione di tale probabilità interessa tanto il produttore, che è alla ricerca di un piano di controllo statistico efficace, quanto l’assicuratore che deve fissare l’entità dei premi corrispondenti ai contratti di assicurazione che coprono i rischi suddetti. In questo lavoro vengono presi in considerazione alcuni semplici modelli che vengono analizzati nell’ambito della teoria dei giochi.

薛冷 《企业技术开发》2009,28(12):81-81,83
工伤保险属于社会保险,是法定保险范畴;雇主责任险属于商业保险,确切的说属于财产保险中的责任险类别。结合案例,探讨工伤保险与雇主责任险的异同,以便更好的理解两者。  相似文献   

本文分析了日本保险业危机前监管中存在的问题:政府主导型监管体制存在弊端,投资监管不力,事后安全网建设缺乏,信息公开受到限制,市场集中度高.然后从监管体制、市场集中度、外部监督、监管力度、退出机制等方面揭示了我国保险监管的存在问题并做了相应的对策分析.  相似文献   

陈飞 《财会月刊》2006,(11):79-80
本文对我国环境责任保险的现状进行了分析,指出了建立环境责任保险制度的意义,并提出了完善我国环境责任保险制度的对策.  相似文献   

加强社会养老保险基金审计是保证养老保险基金安全、健全社会养老保险制度的重要手段。在本文中,笔者提出,在我国社会养老保险基金的审计中,应重点把握对养老保险基金隐性债务、全国社会保障基金、社会保障预算等几个重点环节的审计,并注重多种审计方式的综合运用,以建立一套运转有效的社会养老保险基金审计机制。  相似文献   

This paper examines auditor liability rules under imperfect information, costly litigation and risk-averse auditors. A negligence rule fails in such a setting, because in equilibrium auditors will deviate with positive probability from any given standard. It is shown that strict liability outperforms negligence with respect to risk allocation and the probability that a desired level of care is met by the auditor if competitive liability insurance markets exist. Furthermore, our model explains the existence of insurance contracts containing obligations a type of contract often observed in liability insurance markets.  相似文献   

中国保险业:记取AIG的教训   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
美国次贷危机犹如一根导火索,引发了国际金融市场的剧烈动荡,同时也给国际保险业带来了严重的损失,就连全球保险巨头--美国国际集团(简称AIG)也未能摆脱濒临破产而被美国政府变相接管的噩运.其背后显现出来的问题,值得人们深思.借鉴AIG的教训,防患于未然,对于我国保险业来说是十分必要的.  相似文献   

在比例责任制体系下,每一个被告人应负担的责任范围在于他所造成的损害部分。在连带责任制下,每一个被告人要对原告的所有损失负责,比例责任制是根据每个被告人不同的过错程度分摊责任。这样,一个被告人只需要对法院判定下其应该承担的责任部分进行赔偿。本文对比例责任制降低与连带责任制有关的欺诈和审计风险的效力进行了研究。  相似文献   

如何判定CPA的审计法律责任,CPA职业界与法律界一直存在着不同的认识。主要分歧有:CPA过失及其程度的判断标准,“相对保证”与“绝对保证”之争。本文在分析CPA职业界与法律界分歧的基础上,对CPA审计法律责任的判定提出了看法,认为应综合考虑审计过程和审计结果判定CPA的法律责任。  相似文献   

In the case of incomplete environmental liability insurance, enterprises are likely to go bankrupt. Rational enterprises generally do not want to insure the environmental loss liability in case of bankruptcy even if they are compensated by insurance companies. This means that the premium calculated now is high, which may be the main reason for the current enterprises to cherish insurance. Based on this, a basic model of environmental liability insurance contract considering bankruptcy under ex ante asymmetric information is established. The model is improved by using the information screening combination tool, which further improves the efficiency of information screening.  相似文献   

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